sibatrash · 5 years
I was lucky enough to be paired with Muchy and write something based on their art! I present (with much helpt!) Chapter one of the fic ‘Welcome to My World’ https://archiveofourown.org/works/19949017/chapters/47237659
PS. Follow me on twitter @sibatrash where I post more often! 
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For the Reaper76 Reverse Bang! I signed up as both writer and artist and had a great time ;) I’ll update here with links to the two fics written in relation to this fake Facebook post! 
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sibatrash · 6 years
My gender (or being the token trans*)
"My vagina is not the center
Of my gender
What you call a lily
I call an old friend
A once upon a time
Partner in crime
you loved them once
It’s good to see them
But you just
Don’t know what to say
Sometimes it’s
A simple
‘What’s up
But we both know
What’s going on
A breakup
I didn’t mean it to end like that
My screams ring in her ears
Their ears
‘I don’t love you’
‘I don’t want you’
Go away.
My vagina isn’t the center
Of my gender
It isn’t my central identity
My natural habitat
My national tongue
My motherland
Or my final destination
Whatever I give you
Is never enough
I’m never enough
All that I am
My words
My being
Is not enough
Because of my vagina
I change my hair
‘Are you sure this is what you want, sweetie?’
Inject poison in my veins
Every Friday
Breathe in your toxic
That smells like corona
Stale, bitter
From generations of excuses
Neither side wants me
Because of my vagina
My vagina isn’t the center
Of my identity
My eyes are up here
My vagina is down there
And sometimes I’m so afraid
I don’t know which way
Is right side up.
Because of my vagina
I am not a man
Pussy hats
Pussy cats
What does your feminism
Say about a woman
Trying to escape himself?
No one wants me.
But I am more than my vagina
I am a brother
I am an uncle
I am a son
And I will not let
My identity ride on the shoulders of toxic constructions
Put in place
To construct a society
As unstable
As it says I am
I refuse to have the foundation
Of my validation
In your satisfaction
Watching me bleed
And blue
So here I am
Hoping that maybe
Someday you’ll
Give a shit
To look"
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sibatrash · 6 years
Some wounds never heal like you want them to
"I find my emancipation
In the form of encapsulation
It's hard to describe how a body part can be taboo
In all spaces,
Hurriedly dressing in the men's room,
In the hopes I won't be raped by greedy eyes
Or hands
Who knew that a raised eyebrow was a shot
Blood flowing from between my legs
From a wound I've carried since birth
A hole in me
That no number of late night stands can fill
A shot of liquor
Burning my stomach
At least then I don't have to focus on the burning hatred in my heart
For myself
For god- who gave me this gift and curse
Shame has replaced pride
In the spaces that say
Reclaim your vagina!”
Who said I wanted it in the first place?"
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sibatrash · 6 years
"Maybe the world ended when I was born
That was it
The weight of the world was placed upon my shoulders
Like atlas I've been fighting
To keep everything afloat
Dragging it all forward
It's hard
When it gets heavier as you get older
Everytime I stumble
I can feel buildings  tottering
Teeming with people, responsibilities, lives and hopes
Threatening to fall over
Even the slightest misstep
And my world comes crashing down
Their worlds come crashing down
From the shoulders of mistake
I could pray for salvation
But God damned me when they threw this on me
They dammed my life to be so much harder from day one
They knew what they were doing
With these
Steel beams and glass hearts
So fragile and so enduring
But at some point they have to break
Sometimes I wish they'd break
That way I could be weightless
If only for once"
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sibatrash · 6 years
hugs & kisses sentence starters.
“ come here and give me a hug. ” “ can i have a hug? ” “ hug me. ” “ does someone need a hug? ” “ give me one of your big bear hugs. ” “ i really need you to hug me right now. ” “ we can still hug. ” “ i love hugging you so much. ” “ i need another hug. ” “ i love being in your arms. ” “ your hugs are the best. ” “ hug me and don’t let me go. ” “ i could just hug you forever. ” “ so where’s my hug? ” “ just one more hug before i go? ” “ you look like you need a hug. ” “ come wrap your arms around me. ” “ i don’t want you hugging anyone else. ” “ please just hold me forever. ” “ sending you lots of hugs and kisses. ” “ shut up and kiss me already. ” “ i want give you a kiss so bad. ” “ i love it when we kiss. ” “ you are the best kisser i’ve ever known. ” “ just give me a kiss. ” “ come here and kiss me. ” “ kiss me. ” “ you’re a damn good kisser. ” “ you want to give me a kiss? ” “ are we going to kiss now? ” “ this is the part where i kiss you. ” “ so if i kissed you, would you kiss back? ” “ i just wanted to give you a kiss. ” “ i’ll kiss it and make it better. ” “ give me a kiss goodnight first? ” “ i can kiss you anytime i want. ” “ do you want to kiss? ” “ shut me up with a kiss. ” “ i love it when we kiss. ” “ i don’t want to miss this kiss. ” “ have you ever kissed someone before? ” “ i’m going to give you a kiss now, okay? ”
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sibatrash · 6 years
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October approaches! 
In celebration of our cozy online community, I present to you WHUMPTOBER - 31 Days of deliciously painful prompts for your creative pleasure. Visual art, writing, editing - post whatever inspires you!
Treat (or rather, torture) your whumpees to some tantalizing tropes and tag your work with “whumptober“ so others can enjoy your stuff!
(The challenge kicks off on October 1st, feel free to participate as much or as little as you like. DM me if you have Qs. This post will circulate my blog a few times as we near the end of September. Good Luck and Happy Whumping!)
[Edit] To answer some questions: -Moodboards, aesthetics, video/gif edits, etc are welcome! -Fanfiction is welcome! -Do NOT use the whumptober tag for NSFW (create what you like, but the tag itself needs to be sfw) -Interpretation of the tropes is up to you (free free to deviate if you get inspired) -Yes, collabs/exchanges are allowed! -Yes, you can repost your work to other sites (ao3, twitter, etc etc etc). It’s your work after all!
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sibatrash · 6 years
Espirito Santo Co
Hi! My name is Adrian and I am a Pansexual (or Queer), Trans, Latino Man living in Chicago with my Fiancee Max, our cat Toast, and our Chihuahua Zeus! Together, with the encouragement of our friends, are officially starting a self care products shop!  
Now what is SELF CARE?????
Self Care is very hard to describe sometimes because it looks different for everyone! (For Max, it is baking copious amounts of breads and trying to feed them to Zeus). For me self care looks like taking a nap, drinking some tea, and watching youtube- and for you it can be different as well! But we here at ES have come to the consensus that self care is taking the time to care for your wellbeing, whether that be mentally, physically, or emotionally in a way that is conducive to peace if only for a moment and overall improvement of health. For you- that can be playing video games, relaxing, hanging out with your pets, or scrolling through Tumblr. But we also realize that sometimes you want to take a nice bath after a long day-  and that’s why we are here!
Why the HELL are you doing this?? In this economy??
Truly, yes- in this economy. Ultimately it was something that Max and I (Adrian) had talked about for some time with a close friend of ours because of how expensive this Sh*T is. Have you seen Lushs’ Bathbombs?? 10 dollars??? We get it, sometimes that 10 dollars needs to go to paying rent, getting food, surviving in a capitalist world that hates POC LGBTQIA folx!! Living is expensive, but we don’t think that taking care of yourself should be. We do this because we want to remind people to take care of themselves- if not for resilience, then for resistance! We strive to make quality Self-care products that are accessible to everyone irregardless of economic standing, class, race, sex, gender, sexual/romantic orientation, nationality or any other identity! 
Our end goal? To make sure you are taking care of yourself- whether or not be with our products. 
What do you even do??? What do you even make?? What is this scam??
We make lots of stuff actually! We make bath bombs, bath salts, Mini Bath bombs (or pearls), Epsom salt, Face scrubs, toners, lotion, lotion bars, hand soap, face oils, candles, incense, face wash, Incense cones, laundry crystals, laundry detergent, crystals, Herb smudges/cleansing bunches and also give Tarot readings when in person! We even also do commission self care products that you can specialty order to your own favorite scent, color, and other details! As you can see we make a lot- on top of our full time jobs and schooling! By supporting us- you are helping pay for the supplies to make all of these wonderful things (and to keep prices down for ya’ll). As of right now we are keeping most of the profits to pay for supplies, but once we become stable and lucrative (not in the red basically) we will be donating our proceeds to LGBTQIA and POC oriented social programs in both Chicago and nationally!
This sounds OK I guess- what can I do?
-Well- you could support us via Patreon! As right now all supplies come out of our paycheck and we’re broke 20-somes ourselves trying to pay rent! That way you will also be able to contribute to new ideas, products, and receive some tester/final products!
-You can Follow us on Instagram! (@EspiritoSantoCo) where we will post our schedule as to when we are going to Anime Conventions in the chicago area!
-You can take part in our polls that we have often to gauge what it is you want to see as products!
-You can be on the lookout for when we officially launch our Etsy shop!!
- You can wish us luck!!
-You can spread the word and reblog in the hopes of getting more attention before we go live for sure!
-If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas don’t hesitate to reach out to our email!! [email protected]!
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sibatrash · 6 years
Espirito Santo Co
Hi! My name is Adrian and I am a Pansexual (or Queer), Trans, Latino Man living in Chicago with my Fiancee Max, our cat Toast, and our Chihuahua Zeus! Together, with the encouragement of our friends, are officially starting a self care products shop!  
Now what is SELF CARE?????
Self Care is very hard to describe sometimes because it looks different for everyone! (For Max, it is baking copious amounts of breads and trying to feed them to Zeus). For me self care looks like taking a nap, drinking some tea, and watching youtube- and for you it can be different as well! But we here at ES have come to the consensus that self care is taking the time to care for your wellbeing, whether that be mentally, physically, or emotionally in a way that is conducive to peace if only for a moment and overall improvement of health. For you- that can be playing video games, relaxing, hanging out with your pets, or scrolling through Tumblr. But we also realize that sometimes you want to take a nice bath after a long day-  and that’s why we are here!
Why the HELL are you doing this?? In this economy??
Truly, yes- in this economy. Ultimately it was something that Max and I (Adrian) had talked about for some time with a close friend of ours because of how expensive this Sh*T is. Have you seen Lushs’ Bathbombs?? 10 dollars??? We get it, sometimes that 10 dollars needs to go to paying rent, getting food, surviving in a capitalist world that hates POC LGBTQIA folx!! Living is expensive, but we don’t think that taking care of yourself should be. We do this because we want to remind people to take care of themselves- if not for resilience, then for resistance! We strive to make quality Self-care products that are accessible to everyone irregardless of economic standing, class, race, sex, gender, sexual/romantic orientation, nationality or any other identity! 
Our end goal? To make sure you are taking care of yourself- whether or not be with our products. 
What do you even do??? What do you even make?? What is this scam??
We make lots of stuff actually! We make bath bombs, bath salts, Mini Bath bombs (or pearls), Epsom salt, Face scrubs, toners, lotion, lotion bars, hand soap, face oils, candles, incense, face wash, Incense cones, laundry crystals, laundry detergent, crystals, Herb smudges/cleansing bunches and also give Tarot readings when in person! We even also do commission self care products that you can specialty order to your own favorite scent, color, and other details! As you can see we make a lot- on top of our full time jobs and schooling! By supporting us- you are helping pay for the supplies to make all of these wonderful things (and to keep prices down for ya’ll). As of right now we are keeping most of the profits to pay for supplies, but once we become stable and lucrative (not in the red basically) we will be donating our proceeds to LGBTQIA and POC oriented social programs in both Chicago and nationally!
This sounds OK I guess- what can I do?
-Well- you could support us via Patreon! As right now all supplies come out of our paycheck and we’re broke 20-somes ourselves trying to pay rent! That way you will also be able to contribute to new ideas, products, and receive some tester/final products!
-You can Follow us on Instagram! (@EspiritoSantoCo) where we will post our schedule as to when we are going to Anime Conventions in the chicago area!
-You can take part in our polls that we have often to gauge what it is you want to see as products!
-You can be on the lookout for when we officially launch our Etsy shop!!
- You can wish us luck!!
-You can spread the word and reblog in the hopes of getting more attention before we go live for sure!
-If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas don’t hesitate to reach out to our email!! [email protected]!
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sibatrash · 6 years
Espirito Santo Co
Hi! My name is Adrian and I am a Pansexual (or Queer), Trans, Latino Man living in Chicago with my Fiancee Max, our cat Toast, and our Chihuahua Zeus! Together, with the encouragement of our friends, are officially starting a self care products shop!  
Now what is SELF CARE?????
Self Care is very hard to describe sometimes because it looks different for everyone! (For Max, it is baking copious amounts of breads and trying to feed them to Zeus). For me self care looks like taking a nap, drinking some tea, and watching youtube- and for you it can be different as well! But we here at ES have come to the consensus that self care is taking the time to care for your wellbeing, whether that be mentally, physically, or emotionally in a way that is conducive to peace if only for a moment and overall improvement of health. For you- that can be playing video games, relaxing, hanging out with your pets, or scrolling through Tumblr. But we also realize that sometimes you want to take a nice bath after a long day-  and that’s why we are here!
Why the HELL are you doing this?? In this economy??
Truly, yes- in this economy. Ultimately it was something that Max and I (Adrian) had talked about for some time with a close friend of ours because of how expensive this Sh*T is. Have you seen Lushs’ Bathbombs?? 10 dollars??? We get it, sometimes that 10 dollars needs to go to paying rent, getting food, surviving in a capitalist world that hates POC LGBTQIA folx!! Living is expensive, but we don’t think that taking care of yourself should be. We do this because we want to remind people to take care of themselves- if not for resilience, then for resistance! We strive to make quality Self-care products that are accessible to everyone irregardless of economic standing, class, race, sex, gender, sexual/romantic orientation, nationality or any other identity! 
Our end goal? To make sure you are taking care of yourself- whether or not be with our products. 
What do you even do??? What do you even make?? What is this scam??
We make lots of stuff actually! We make bath bombs, bath salts, Mini Bath bombs (or pearls), Epsom salt, Face scrubs, toners, lotion, lotion bars, hand soap, face oils, candles, incense, face wash, Incense cones, laundry crystals, laundry detergent, crystals, Herb smudges/cleansing bunches and also give Tarot readings when in person! We even also do commission self care products that you can specialty order to your own favorite scent, color, and other details! As you can see we make a lot- on top of our full time jobs and schooling! By supporting us- you are helping pay for the supplies to make all of these wonderful things (and to keep prices down for ya’ll). As of right now we are keeping most of the profits to pay for supplies, but once we become stable and lucrative (not in the red basically) we will be donating our proceeds to LGBTQIA and POC oriented social programs in both Chicago and nationally!
This sounds OK I guess- what can I do?
-Well- you could support us via Patreon! As right now all supplies come out of our paycheck and we’re broke 20-somes ourselves trying to pay rent! That way you will also be able to contribute to new ideas, products, and receive some tester/final products!
-You can Follow us on Instagram! (@EspiritoSantoCo) where we will post our schedule as to when we are going to Anime Conventions in the chicago area!
-You can take part in our polls that we have often to gauge what it is you want to see as products!
-You can be on the lookout for when we officially launch our Etsy shop!!
- You can wish us luck!!
-You can spread the word and reblog in the hopes of getting more attention before we go live for sure!
-If you have any questions, suggestions, or 
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sibatrash · 6 years
My Gender (an open poem about the shit between my legs)
My vagina is not the center
Of my gender
What you call a lily
I call an old friend
A once upon a time
Partner in crime
you loved them once
It’s good to see them
But you just
Don’t know what to say
Sometimes it’s
A simple
‘What’s up
But we both know
What’s going on
A breakup
I didn’t mean it to end like that
My screams ring in her ears
Their ears
‘I don’t love you’
‘I don’t want you’
Go away.
My vagina isn’t the center
Of my gender
It isn’t my central identity
My natural habitat
My national tongue
My motherland
Or my final destination
Whatever I give you
Is never enough
I’m never enough
All that I am
My words
My being
Is not enough
Because of my vagina
I change my hair
‘Are you sure this is what you want, sweetie?’
Inject poison in my veins
Every Friday
Breathe in your toxic
That smells like corona
Stale, bitter
From generations of excuses
Neither side wants me
Because of my vagina
My vagina isn’t the center
Of my identity
My eyes are up here
My vagina is down there
And sometimes I’m so afraid
I don’t know which way
Is right side up.
Because of my vagina
I am not a man
Pussy hats
Pussy cats
What does your feminism
Say about a woman
Trying to escape himself?
No one wants me.
But I am more than my vagina
I am a brother
I am an uncle
I am a son
And I will not let
My identity ride on the shoulders of toxic constructions
Put in place
To construct a society
As unstable
As it says I am
I refuse to have the foundation
Of my validation
In your satisfaction
Watching me bleed
And blue
So here I am
Hoping that maybe
Someday you’ll
Give a shit
To look
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sibatrash · 6 years
important ship tropes:
fake dating
SECRET dating
being locked in a room or trapped in a small space
finishing each other’s sentences, KNOWING WHAT THE OTHER IS ABOUT TO SAY
tou chi NG!!!! FOr eheA DS!!!!!!11!!
wearing each other’s clothes
doing that thing where they accidentally get real close and, like, stare meaningfully at each other for a few seconds too long
channeling the inner romcom and having an epiphany about how much they care about each other and RACING TO CONFESS THEIR LOVE
fucking. Now or Never Kiss
defending each other to scathing tertiary or otherwise minor characters but ONLY WHEN THE OTHER ISN’T AROUND
reincarnation or time loop or OOOOH TIME TRAVEL SCENARIOS
dramatically saving each other from certain death or barely surviving something that almost makes the other break down and just smirking wearily and mumbling flippant smartass remarks to HIDE THE DEPTH OF THEIR FEELINGS
undercover as lovers, the classic
ALMOST KISSING. like getting so close that they start to close their eyes and hold their breath and then SOMETHING HAPPENS and they jump apart, that is MORE VALUABLE THAN ANY ACTUAL KISSING
casually sitting on each other’s laps during ensemble cast conversations or scenes
did i mention F AKE DATinG
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sibatrash · 6 years
Sweet Affectionate Moments Meme
Decided to create my own prompt meme of affectionate moments as I can never seem to find a good list that has all the sweet moments that I love.
Send me a NUMBER & PAIRING and I’ll write a little something.
1. A Sweet Kiss 2. A Hot Kiss 3. A Tired Kiss 4. A Drunken Kiss 5. A Reunion Kiss 6. A Kiss of Relief 7. A Scared Kiss 8. A First Kiss 9. An Awkward Kiss 10. A Shy Kiss 11. A Morning Kiss 12. A Night Kiss 13. A Sorry Kiss 14. A Sad Kiss 15. A Hope We Don’t Get Caught Kiss 16. A Naughty Kiss
17. A Love Bite 18. Holding Hands 19. Cuddling 20. A Massage 21. A Promise 22. Caught in a Storm 23. Seeking Shelter 24. Slow Dancing 25. Exchanging Letters 26.Tending an injury 27. Accidentally Sleeping In 28.Teaching the other something new 29. Cooking Together 30. Sharing A Bath/Swim 31. Catching the other before they fall 32. Getting Caught in the Act
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sibatrash · 6 years
Another Kiss Meme
// new & improved kiss meme with extra feels courtesy of a planning session with @spiritmark! 
Send a number + a pairing = get a kiss!
First kiss
Painful kiss
Sad kiss
Desperate kiss
Comfortable kiss
Tipsy kiss
Laughing kiss
In the dark kiss
‘We might die tomorrow’ kiss
‘You nearly died’ kiss
‘We’re actually being kind of silly for once’ kiss
A kiss that shouldn’t have happened
A kiss we had to wait for
‘I don’t have the words right now so here’s a kiss’
A kiss because I have literally been watching you all night and I can’t take anymore
Teasing kisses on every bit of visible skin
Hungry kisses on every bit of newly visible skin as clothing is slowly peeled away
Kisses because I missed you and you really shouldn’t stay away so long
Kisses because I don’t want you to go and maybe I can convince you to stay just a few minutes longer
Kisses because everything hurts right now including being loved by you but you’re also the only thing that makes it feel better
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sibatrash · 6 years
Academic AUs
- you wrote an article and I didn’t agree with it so I wrote one in response. But then you wrote one in response to my response. So I wrote another one. And now we’ve both been invited to a conference to have a debate and oh no, you actually are as good looking as the photo on your university profile - I’m new to the university and you’re this fabled lecturer in a different faculty who does weird stuff (like never wear shoes) and I’ve been trying to just SEE you to find out if my students have been lying and I get too excited when I see you - We met at a conference when I have a standing ovation to your presentation when everyone else just politely clapped - We’re enemies for funding in the department - You’re in the chemical engineering faculty and I’m the in the school of historical and philosophical inquiry. We only met when you tried to take the last donut at the pop up donut shop on campus
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sibatrash · 6 years
Dialogue Prompts
“Surprise, I have feelings and you just hurt them.”
“In the least creepy way possible, I know where you live.”
“A onesie is not an appropriate gift for my mothers birthday!”
“Why would you even suggest that?”
“Emotions are a luxury I don’t have time for.”
“Can I borrow your pencil, and your homework.”
“I just want to start over.”
“I’m sorry, can we just pretend I never said that.”
“You hurt her, I stab you, okay?”
“I would kill for a slice of cake right now…literally”
“Well this got incredibly awkward incredibly quickly.”
“Woah, hold the fuck up, you did what now?”
“I love you, I always have.”
“Take a deep breath and please calm the fuck down.”
“I miss you, but then i remember what an asshole you are and the feeling fades.”
“Tell me everything.”
“What happened to you?”
“Hey honey…did you seriously adopt another kitten?”
“How many times do I have to tell you, we are not getting a bouncy castle for my dad’s 60th.”
“I know it’s hard, but get over it.”
“I am not dramatic, it was a very big spider.”
“How to kill the mood 101.”
“You left me with no one, sorry doesn’t change that.
“This is a joke right?”
“Clearly I did not drink enough for this.”
“I’m not quite sure how it happened, but it did.”
“You only want to go because there’s free food.”
“This song is so us.”
“It’s too early for this, just go back to sleep.”
“If I tell you I love you will you make me pancakes?”
“If you sing that song one more time I will kill you.”
“Honestly, I don’t want to know.”
“Hold up, she said what?”
“You are so sweet, and I am so sorry.”
“You don’t deserve this.”
“Poke me once more and see what happens.”
“Ghosts aren’t real for God’s sake.”
“I need to punch something, preferably their face.”
“You are so extra.”
“Why did you think that was okay?”
“When did you become my mother?”
“New drinking game, drink overtime you’re a dickhead. Oh wait I already have alcohol poisoning.”
“I trusted you.”
“Don’t talk to me, I need my coffee first.”
“Remember that time I thought you were stalking me?”
“I hate that I still love you.”
“Of course it’s not your fault, it never is.”
“I am this close to calling my ex.”
“Maybe this really was a bad idea.”
“Jesus Christ I forgot how much I hate exercise.”
“Baby, please tell me you can explain why there is a hole through the window.”
“Wow I can’t believe he said you were ugly, hun he is clearly blind.”
“Sorry I’m late.”
“I don’t know why I bother.”
“I’d rather do a lot of things than eat my vegetables but you gotta do it.”
“That was so romantic.”
“Out of all the things you could have said, and you went with that.”
“I can’t wait to see you.”
“I don’t want you, I need you.”
“Stop laughing this isn’t funny!”
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sibatrash · 6 years
RP friends!!
As per usual, this is the time of year where my work schedule slows down and I’d like to get back into RPs! I have 4+ years experience
I’m looking for someone who:
-is 18+!
-is open to NSFW (if comfy!)
-is willing to work on various platforms (like kik, WhatsApp, tumblr, email, etc)
-RPs in paragraphs or something similar!
-is a kind person!
If you’re interested, please message me! I’ll get back to you soon :)
I RP in Attack on titan, Voltron, Devilman Crybaby, one punch man, hetalia, overwatch, south park, persona 3. Persona 4, persona 5 and a few others. I’ll have ships listed in tags! If you have any questions about a specific ship/ if there’s another ship I’d be willing to RP let me know!
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sibatrash · 6 years
30 day otp challenge
On the following days, draw/write your OTP:
01 - Holding hands 02 - Cuddling somewhere 03 - Gaming/watching a movie 04 - On a date 05 - Kissing 06 - Wearing eachothers’ clothes 07 - Cosplaying 08 - Shopping 09 - Hanging out with friends 10 - With animal ears 11 - Wearing kigurumis 12 - Making out 13 - Eating icecream 14 - Genderswapped 15 - In a different clothing style (Visual Kei, gyaru, lolita, ect. ) 16 - During their morning ritual(s) 17 - Spooning 18 - Doing something together (this can be anything from watching tv to having sex. Just remember to tag appropriately.) 19 - In formal wear 20 - Dancing 21 - Cooking/baking 22 - In battle, side-by-side 23 - Arguing 24 - Making up afterwards 25 - Gazing into eachothers’ eyes 26 - Getting married 27 - On one of their birthdays 28 - Doing something ridiculous 29 - Doing something sweet 30 - Doing something hot (once again, be sure to tag if you make it extremely NSFW!)
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