silkyvamp · 4 years
Being drunk with a cute girl
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silkyvamp · 4 years
Curse of Strahd 2: Sessions 1 and 2
Mika's diary
-Strahd asked me and Lars, the captain of Krezk's borders, to go and fetch Bardyn and Syde and bring them to Ismark in the black carriage. Bardyn came as planned, but Syde's daughter, Nami, was there instead of him.
-Rainy night. Was having dinner as Ismark described how he needed help for enforcing these new borders since the mists have expanded the lands. Emalia seems to be the ruler of the land East of Barovia.
-Suddenly, a knock. Gertruda went to answer it...I should have come with her. Maybe then, I could have possibly saved her.
-A huge monster with large claws, 8ft tall zombie looking creature with metal armor and a fox mask killed her. It latches onto you with it's claws and moves with incredible speed. It teleported me to the roof and said that "he still has more to lose" before dropping me. Thankfully, I survived.
-It climbed to the second story, but as we defeated it, it was too late. Ismark's offspring were kidnapped. A young son named Alexei and daughter named Ireena, after his sister. However, his oldest, Ismark the III, was found safe nearby at the church.
-Luckily, Nami captured one of the kidnappers: one that calls himself "Gutshot" and is part of a group called the Corsair's Collective. We threatened him to draw us a map on getting to where the offspring were taken. I don't trust it. Unfortunately, he was let go, but not before I got a nice drink from him and placed a Mark of Castigation on him. I can at least know the direction he is in to see if he will regroup with the others. He seemed spineless enough not to.
-He mentioned that he reports to a Captain Steelheart and that the kids are likely in one of the docks in Vixenport, Emalia's main city. He also mentioned that the Iron Fox will be there again. I'm assuming that is the name of the creature we have just fought.
-I spoke with Strahd telepathically using my ring to inform him of the attack and kidnapping. He suggested we leave at once to find them.
-Upon examining the creature more carefully, the Dreamer called it a Boneclaw. A failed lich that regenerates by it's master. I assume the only way to permanently kill it is to kill it's master, who is probably Emalia.
-Ismark helped us gather the supplies we need for our journey and made sure the Boneclaw's body will be transported to Strahd for investigation.
-I'm ready to kill Emalia with my bare hands. She will face my wrath for what she has done to Gertruda and Ismark's offspring.
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silkyvamp · 4 years
Curse of Strahd 2 Session 3
Mika's diary
-We left right away as soon as we got all the supplies needed. I'm reminded how much less I need as a vampire. I merely have some blood vials, spare clothes, and this diary to carry, along with my weapons, of course.
-I took first shift to drive the wagon, but as I was finishing, I noticed the sunlight was burning my skin. I no longer have the protection as I had in Barovia.
-Sleep was mildly uneventful. The Dreamer likes to fill my head with random dreams usually, but I could not remember anything this time.
-Upon Bardyn's shift, we ran into an undead Ooze. It engulfed our horse, melting it into bones by the time we could attack. Upon fighting the Ooze, some black skeletons rose from it and attacked us as well. The black skeletons were especially dangerous, as they could instantly sap your Strength.
-Suddenly, a wave of bright colors flashed before my eyes and I blacked out. When I came to, all of the skeletons and the Ooze were defeated. If only I got to properly fight them.
-Without a horse, Bardyn turned Nami and Lars into horses to take us to the closest stop. After a long day, we finally made it to a large inn: The Screaming Kit-Inn.
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silkyvamp · 4 years
Curse of strahd 2 session 4
Mika's diary
-Stayed at an inn that offers blood. Only alcoholic though. Disappointing.
-Shoved lars into bathtub because he refused to bathe. Night started out well.
-Tried to use necklace to contact Strahd. Instead, Emalia interfered and cut me off before making contact. She really needs to die.
-Some degenerate slapped my buttocks and asked to have my room. He was trying to persuade me to sleep with him but I know he just wanted the delux room.
-I later threatened him to tell me more about Vixenport. Apparently there are 3 guilds: cortisans, poisoner's, and the one we need to find...the corsairs guild. I hope to find Ismark's offspring soon.
-Companions got captured by a fox demon(?) that was harvesting inn patrons' organs. Turns people into zombies.
-Fox demon was all about illusions and mind games. Once defeated, I ripped off her tails for Bardyn to fashion me a nice collar. She will be a good road snack.
-Lars and a tiefling whore ransacked the inn before we left. Apparently the whore is coming with us. Must keep an eye on her for anything suspicious. Hope the innkeeper can recover from this mess.
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silkyvamp · 4 years
"You've spent lifetimes chasing after a cursed love and wooing temporary lovers to fill the pain. Now you can finally move past those sorrows and truly start to live again. Won't you begin this new chapter. . . with me?"
A long silence. The younger vampire was about to accept rejection and retire to his bedchambers when Strahd finally spoke. His tone was just as stoic as ever, but Mika could sense the toll these fifteen years have had on him.
"Return to me in one piece, and then we shall see."
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silkyvamp · 4 years
"Wait, my dear. Before you go..."
Mika was about to turn back to face his master, but suddenly felt his presence looming behind him. A pendant of a black ring embedded with a dark ruby was carefully fastened around his neck. Mika wasn't one for jewelry, and the sudden intimacy made his cheeks glow faintly.
"Master...what is this?" Mika whispered while grasping the ring and turning to face Strahd.
"A symbol of our love, my pet. Be my bride and my knight. Use this to contact me when we are apart. Although it can only be used once per night."
Mika clutched the ring tighter after hearing his words. "Thank you, my lord. I will cherish it with all my being."
Strahd ran his fingers through Mika's hair before planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Good. Now go."
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silkyvamp · 4 years
Mika full body sketch.
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I will do anything to protect our future!
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silkyvamp · 4 years
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Redesigned Mika and updated his bio for CoS Part 2:
“I shall overcome fate itself and change our hopeless future!”
Originally a human from the Village of Barovia, Mika sought training from Strahd in order to be able to hunt down rogue creatures that may threaten the land. After many years of living at the castle and training, Mika decided to devote eternal life to his master by requesting he turn him into a vampire. Strahd was more than happy to oblige, and they enjoyed their time together closer than ever. However, Mika noticed Strahd would occasionally become obsessed with a particular woman for awhile, only to lose her and become mad with loss. Once, when prying him for details, Strahd decided he was finished with Mika and locked him in one of his many crypts.
When trying to escape, the young vampire felt a strange power before eventually breaking free. Deciding to leave his master be for awhile, he honed his training and formulated a plan to try to relieve his master of his suffering. He teamed up with many outsiders dragged in by Strahd, trying to gain any insight of the outside world and how to connect with it, but to no avail. He regrettably decided that killing Strahd was the only option.
Through meeting with certain adventurers, Ismark, Bardyn, Syde, and Marco, he was able to learn more about Strahd’s curse and make a deal with a rogue dark power that calls itself “The Dreamer”. It was through this power that he was able to help the party supposedly kill Strahd.
During the 15 years of Strahd’s absence, Mika was able to leave Barovia and explore the lands beyond. He devoted those years to researching anything he could find about the dark powers. After 15 years exactly of his master’s death day, The Dreamer began to utter words expressing revival and rebirth. Soon after, Mika received a cordial invite back to Ravenloft, seemingly from Strahd himself.
With apprehension and excitement, the vampire returns home.
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silkyvamp · 4 years
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Happy Spring! Just finished banana fish and had to doodle my faves
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silkyvamp · 5 years
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Being diagnosed with DID helped me put a name to a face. A face I wear in my dreams. Meet Chase.
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silkyvamp · 5 years
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Cupid is now an official adventurer! He got 3 out of 6 goblin kills!
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silkyvamp · 5 years
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With higher contrast to see text better
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Quick doodle of my tiefling bard for upcoming campaign. His stage name is Cupid and he loves to dance.
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silkyvamp · 5 years
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Quick doodle of my tiefling bard for upcoming campaign. His stage name is Cupid and he loves to dance.
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silkyvamp · 5 years
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My monster of the week character: a snake demon boy named Andy.
I like him a lot and think about making him a hazbin oc.
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silkyvamp · 5 years
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silkyvamp · 5 years
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silkyvamp · 5 years
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One year ago, I lost my bird…So I cried hard when watching the last episode of Pokemon Sun & Moon today. Rowlet reminds me of my baby. I love you Melano forever and ever. Fly free…
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