simplygreenwind · 3 years
Can you make toilet paper from bamboo?
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Bamboo is one of the most eco-friendly materials that can be used in the making of different materials. Bamboo is incredibly soft plus strong and it is highly renewable as well which makes it one of the premium materials for making various products such as toiler paper. Bamboo can located in various places and it is a highly renewable resource. Bamboo is fastest growing plant across the world and it grows about 35 inches each day. Since it grows incredibly quickly, bamboo gets replenished instantly after it is used. Hence population of the bamboo is easily and there is no scarcity of the plant in the manufacturing of different materials and products. Bamboo is increasingly utilized for making toilet paper and these days a lot of the people prefer using the bamboo toilet papers in their daily use.
How is bamboo toilet paper made?
The process involved in the manufacturing of the bamboo toilet paper is considerably straightforward and simple. It doesn't involve any complex process. The making of bamboo toilet paper undergoes a similar process as that of regular toilet paper and the only difference is bamboo paper makes use of bamboo. The process of making bamboo toiler paper is as follows. The bamboo grows naturally in the mountains and once it is matured, it becomes ready for the harvesting process. The harvesting process is usually carried out before the sunrise when the majority of starch is still on the roots. This bamboo tends to be less attractive for the insects and it is less heavier for transport plus it dries faster. The bamboo is cut at the ground level using a sharp knife. The farming group then collects this bamboo to start the process of turning bamboo into the  toilet paper.
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The bamboo pieces are left to ferment for a period of 2 months. This enables the bamboo to become soft so that it can be broken down for the proceeding steps. The fermented bamboo is then subjected to shredding and boiling which turns the bamboo into the pulp. After that it is pressed into the larger paper wheels made of bamboo sheets. These paper wheels of bamboo are transported to the different paper factories where the big 1-ply wheels are loaded into the machines and these wheels get bound together for producing the 3-ply toilet paper. This process makes the bamboo toiler paper soft and strong at the same time. After the bamboo paper wheels are bound together they get tightly wounded around the recycled core rolls. These rolls are then put through the cutting process which then transforms them into appropriate, smaller sized Bazoo rolls. These rolls are then packaged into 100% recyclable free packaging. These bamboo toilet paper rolls are now ready to be shipped to the different distributors and consumers in the market.
Does bamboo paper block toilets?
One of the common perceptions that people tend to have it that the disintegration of  bamboo toilet paper takes place differently in the household drains and that can potentially lead to blockages. This misconception may force people to be reluctant when switching from regular toilet paper to the bamboo toilet paper. However the fact is that the bamboo paper doesn't block the toilets and the drainage. The bamboo toilet paper is usually compatible with different types of drainage treatment systems and sewage including cesspit tanks, sewage systems/drainage, cesspools, septic tanks, package treatment units etc. There are various reasons why the bamboo toilet paper is generally safe for the drains. As is the case with the regular toilet paper, the bamboo is completely bio-degradable. This means that it is fully capable of getting decomposed by different living organisms, which helps in avoiding pollution.
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The bamboo toilet paper naturally starts decomposing the moment you flush it across and down the toilet. So it doesn't block the drains or cause any type of blockage. The bamboo toilet paper gets broken down completely and it is biodegraded as it reaches the waste treatment plant. This is beneficial for the planet since bamboo toilet paper doesn't release any harmful pollution which can adversely impact the oceans and waterways of the planet. One of the other misconceptions that people have regarding the bamboo paper is that is incredibly tough and hence it is harder to break down. While bamboo might be amongst the toughest grasses in the natural form, but after 2 months fermentation bamboo fibers become incredibly soft and this is one of the reasons why it is pleasantly soft on the skin. However here it is worth noting that it does retain its strong properties which means that is soft and strong at the same time. Thus it provides an ideal combination for a perfect toilet paper.
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As the bamboo toilet paper starts dissolving immediately once it is flushed, the water force from the flushing of the toilet helps in moving the bamboo toilet paper around and breaking bamboo fibers. Since the bamboo fibers are naturally soft, they break up easily and filter through the sewage system in a normal way along the water. This means that you won't have clogged toilets and you wouldn't need to call the plumber for solving the blocked drainage problem. So as long as you are responsible and make judicious use of the bamboo toilet paper you will be fine and won't face any issues of the drain or toilet blockage.
Is bamboo toilet paper septic safe?
 The bamboo toilet paper is by and large septic safe since doesn't clog the drains or the septic tanks. For the toilet paper that dissolves rapidly to be efficient, it must be biodegradable. The biodegradable paper is specifically designed for deconstructing quickly once it gets exposed to the water. The technical reason behind that is the bonds that hold the paper together tend to be looser which leads to faster breakdown after the flushing is done. The toilet paper that dissolves quickly is eventually cost effective for use in the home since it minimizes the need for calling septic companies.
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If you need to test whether the toilet paper that you are using is septic safe or not then you must place about 4 to 5 squares into the big mason jar or any other transparent container. The first jar must be filled with water to about 3/4th capacity. Then the lid must be replaced after which you must shake the jar in a vigorous manner for approximately 10 seconds. This will create an illustration of what happens to the toilet paper once it gets flushed and travels via the pipes into the septic tank. Now you must observe. If the toilet paper has broken into tiny pieces then it's good news for you since it is the right choice for the septic tank.  You can do the comparison test for other brands and then based on the results of the test you can make a decision.
Is bamboo toilet paper better?
There are various factors to consider when deciding which is the better toilet paper for you. Some of the things that you need to factor in includes eco-friendly, good drainage properties, biodegradable, soft feel, and price amongst other things. If a toilet paper is eco-friendly and break down easily once it is flushed to prevent clogging of the drains or septic tanks then it is a good start. An efficient toilet paper should be easily broken down and must be septic safe. These are the fundamental requirements for a good toilet paper. The bamboo toilet paper ticks these boxes and which is why it is one of the preferred toilet papers by the consumers. In comparison to some of the other toilet papers such as those made from virgin pulp and recycled pulp, the bamboo toilet paper performs much better. When it comes to the property of softness, the recycled paper is amongst the least soft whereas the bamboo toilet paper and the virgin toilet paper are very close in terms of softness. The bamboo toilet paper has the combination of thick and soft, which provides you with the ultimate comfort plus the necessary absorbent properties that you need.
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In terms of the eco-friendly aspect of the toilet paper, the 100% recycled paper and the bamboo toilet paper come out on top as the most eco-friendly papers. The virgin toilet paper is not as eco-friendly and thus doesn't score highly on this chart. One of the things that gives bamboo the specific edge when it comes to eco-friendliness is the nature of the plant itself. As we know, bamboo is one of the highly renewable resources which grows rapidly, uses no pesticides or fertilizers and takes up considerably less space. One of the most important factors that determine the suitability of toilet paper for the consumers is the price. The virgin toilet paper might be the cheapest but the bamboo toilet paper is also available at competitive prices. So considering all factors it can be said that the bamboo toilet paper is fairly better than a lot of the other options that are available in the market.
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
Organic Cotton-Myths and Realities
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Robin Maynard (Soil Association), Simon Ferrigno (Director Organic Exchange Farm Development Programme) Damien Sanfilippo (Pesticide Action Network) presented with passion and detail at the Cotton On Conference, held on World Fair Trade Day, 9th May 2009. So what are the points under discussion and what did the experts have to say?  It is estimated that in 2008 sales of organic clothing and textiles topped £100 million in the UK for s the market grows in size, more than ever before consumers tempted to choose organic fibres need to be able to distinguish rhetoric from reality. Our experts unravelled fact from fiction and leave us better informed when it comes to making the choice between organic and non-organic fibres. Organic yields are a popular area of contention. Figures for yields of organic cotton can look very poor compared with yields quoted for conventional cotton, but do the figures for organic take all the benefits in account? Organic cotton production comprises less than 0.1 percent of all global organic cotton production in 2005. Perhaps organic cotton is not the world-wide solution to sustainability some suggest? Is this drop in the ocean, too insignificant to have any beneficial impact, or is that missing the point? Water usage is another hot topic. The conventional lobby agrees that cotton does not necessarily require excessive amounts of water, pointing out that cotton uses less water than many other major crops produced in the US. So why do we hear that cotton is unacceptably thirsty, organic cotton more so?
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Branch of ripe cotton on the cotton field Higher costs are often associated with organic production, some claiming this can translate into premiums of 50% to 100% in raw fibre prices alone. We are told that premiums need only be a few percent, as the cost of the fibre is diluted by additional value added through the manufacturing supply chain. What should we really be paying for organic textiles? Pesticide residue statisitics often look shocking, with one website for a major US retailer stating that 200,000 garments made from organic cotton saved enough pesticide to fill two jumbo jets. Can this really be true or can consumers relax about residues? Genetically engineered crops are claimed to increase yields and reduce dependence on agrochemical inputs. Many NGO’s suggest that they do not increase yields, but rather, result in a tremendous increase in pesticide use, pose potential health threats to consumers as well as serious environmental impacts and only serve to significantly consolidate corporate control. Can GM really be this bad, or is this just and anti-corporate, anti-technology stance from a misinformed minority? Robin introduced the workshop by discussing the perception of Organic and Fairtrade goods in general, citing that whilst the concept of Fairtrade is broadly understood, perceptions of Organic, particularly fibre production are less well understood. The media reports at the moment that peoples commitment to organic values are not great enough to continue buying in times of recession, where as in fact while some areas of organic sales have dropped others (such as box schemes and farmers markets have seen a continued growth). • Pesticide and fertiliser uses on conventionally grown cotton. 25% and 10% of the world use of pesticide and fertilisers respectively is solely on cotton • In the 1990’s approximately 50% of cotton workers showed adverse symptoms relating to pesticide exposure • In the 1970’s a Swiss pesticide company was actively exposing cotton workers in Egypt to excessive spraying with pesticide to measure retention times in the human body. At the same time the same pesticide was banned in Europe.
Simon Ferigno of the Organic Exchange
Although around only 1% of global cotton production, organic cotton is now accepted as a part of the cotton industry. Simon explained that the role of Organic Exchange is to catalyse growth in sustainable organic cotton production, growth that is based on economic fairness and returns, transparency in the supply chain, promotion of the best practice business models, ensuring ethical conduct and good relations between farmers and the value chain - as well as environmental sustainability. Simon then went on to discuss some of the negative aspects of conventional cotton farming, particularly the ‘pesticide treadmill’ which is a model to show how increased demand for cheap products, dependency on pesticides and seed technology can result in negative impacts on worker welfare.
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Source: https://www.researchgate.net/ In contrast organic cotton farming brings enormous benefits to the workers involved. Organic cotton farming involves about 177,000 farmers over an area of 160,000 hectares. Due to support of projects like Organic Exchange a yield/hectare at least as high as the conventional methods has been achieved. Organic growing has been seen to work best with marginal farmers who may not be able to afford the inputs and technology associated with conventional farms. Grown as part of a rotation with food crops and livestock to provide manure the reliance on these inputs is reduced. However in order to build a successful rural economy based on organic cotton farmers need access to services such as primary processing, logistics, landscape management etc. Simon outlined the 4 core aspects for a sustainable system; Social, environmental / ecosystem, economic and technology / policy. • Social aspects - organisation and involvement of farmers; support structures; Internal control; training and extension; capacity building; farmer involvement in markets and value addition • Environmental and ecosystem aspects - agricultural environment and suitability; climate; rainfall; soil; biodiversity; livestock; seed availability; on-farm resources; water access and management • Economic aspects - prices; credit and finance; trading and intermediaries; buyers; access to tools and equipment and livestock; farmer socio-economic profiles; secure markets and diverse markets; resilience against external shocks. • Technology and policy aspects - research, seed breeding, infrastructure, regulatory systems, policy in favour or hindering organic, information access and management, visibility and transparency tools ; full cost system; access to resources of and knowledge of general research sector In regard to pricing of organic cotton the 3 primary considerations are • Cost of production • Cost of basic needs • Cost of development/maintenance of a healthy rural economy and landscape. Organic Exchange are trying to ensure correct values and maintained within the organic cotton industry, this is likely to result eventually in a Guidance Code for Responsible Fibre Production and Trade to maintain the balance between social and developmental goals, environmental responses and the market. With the right tools and planning, organic cotton production can be sustainable and productive and deliver real benefits. During a brief question and answer session at the end of Simon’s presentation the fact that no research evidence has been presented that suggests that water use on organic cotton farms is any higher than that of conventional farms. Largely organic farms are rain water fed, and where artificial irrigation is used efficient technologies are in place. It was also emphasised that the organic systems create more paid labour in communities, reducing the dependence on family labour and allowing more opportunity for education. Damien Sanfilippo, an environmental scientist from the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) then gave a presentation regarding their work related to organic cotton. PAN’s primary objectives are to; • Eliminate the hazards of pesticides • Reduce dependence on pesticides and to • Promote the sustainable and ecological alternatives to chemical pest control
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Damien explained how PAN’s work puts the fashion industry in direct contact with the farmers providing them cotton in order to demonstrate the adverse conditions cotton growing creates for them. Many cotton farmers equate pesticides with medicine; leading them into the misapprehension that if a pesticide isn’t making them ill, it isn’t working. Due to the high cost of pesticides they are often the farmer’s most valuable possession, leading them to store them in their homes where they can directly contaminate members of the family and food. As well as a dangers bought about by a very high usage per hectare, pesticides intended for cotton crops often end up being applied to food crops. The consumption of the resulting food, treated with substances never meant to be ingested can cause serious health problems. Of the pesticides used on cotton; • 30% contain suspected or proven carcinogens • 43% contain endocrine disruptors and • 35% are banned from use in the EU There is currently no global monitoring of pesticide poisoning incidences. As well as the health risks there are economic disadvantages conventional cotton farming brings to developing countries. For example the US conventional cotton industry is subsidised at $4 billion dollars. Whilst the US also provides aid to Mali (one of the major cotton growing countries of Africa) to the amount of $37 million dollars, it’s estimated that because Mali is unable to compete with the subsidised cotton grown in the US, they lose $43 million worth of trade. Up to 60% of production costs associated with cotton farming are agro chemicals, any reduction in the dependency on these will increase the profitability for the farmers, and break the dependency on aid. A significant social benefit Damien outlined is the empowerment of women through organic cotton farming. In many developing countries the majority of farmers rely on loans to purchase chemicals, equipment etc. in order to farm conventionally. These loans are almost exclusively available only to men. By allowing women to farm organically the reliance on theses loans is greatly, if not completely removed enabling women to farm independently and support their communities by paying schooling for their children.
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farmer working with bull at his cotton field Before summing up Damien described the growth of organic cotton farming over the last 20 years As Simon had earlier pointed out organic cotton is a complex system that is still being analysed, understood and codified following the past two decades of experimentation and development. However the signs are promising, consumer awareness and demand for ethical fashion has increased triggering a 50% growth since 2002. It’s still felt however that much more of the fashion industry needs to be made aware of the averse effects conventional cotton farming has, and by contrast the benefits organic brings. Damien concluded by summarizing the benefits of organic cotton; • Similar yields and quantity • Ensures food securiy (through both profit and food crops grown in rotation with cotton) • Breaks aid dependency and debt cycle • Protects farmers’ health • Empowers women • Improves farmers’ income and livelihood • Offers a new model for the industry Read the full article
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
How Green are your children’s books?
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Mark Waterfield from Moss Green Childrens Books wrote to us recently and we were inspired by his new business featuring green books for children. Mark tells his story… We set up Moss Green Children’s Books because we want to help the environment and raise more funds for children’s charities. In our online bookshop you can see which stories can help your child become more aware of the natural world. And every time you make a purchase, even more money will go to children’s charities. We’re donating 66% of our total profits, every year. You can get involved too – you and your children can vote for a charity and award a green rating to the stories you know. So how does this green rating system work we asked? Our green rating system helps you work out  which books to buy for your children by asking the question, how green is this book?  Without reading a story, you’ll get an idea of what is NOT green or whether it has a strong green theme or just helps to develop a love of nature – or anything in between.
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As well as voting for which children’s charity you think deserves the profits, you can also get involved by helping us rate our books. A huge thanks must go to the team of Sixth Formers at Reading Girls School who developed the ranking system, and their mentors at Reading University. These socially responsible future business leaders devised it in their spare time! Many brilliant classic stories were written and published before the environmental crisis. Our rating system helps you evaluate these stories, too. So how does our system work? There are Six levels, starting with “NOT Green” through to “All Green.” Some examples of our Book Ratings include: A Touch of Green: Winnie the Pooh A classic story with a touch of green. Nature plays a role in the story but as the background to the plot. In a wood, different animals and Christopher Robin look after each other in their own caring and thoughtful way. A Splash of Green: Wind in the Willows Nature plays a stronger role in this classic children’s story about the lives of animals who live beside the river or in the woods. Each animal’s endearing characteristic comes alive in the reader’s imagination. Toad’s car is unpopular but not to the extent that the book merits a higher green ranking. Light Green: Watership Down Another classic children’s book, rated ‘almost green’ because the destruction of the rabbits’ warren is the focus of the story. Because of one rabbit’s premonition, five rabbit characters abandon their warren and go on an adventure, full of close scrapes and excitement. Almost Green: The very hungry caterpillar This book is all nature , describing the caterpillar’s fascinating full life cycle in an engaging manner, from an egg to a beautiful butterfly. It encourages a child’s love for nature. This book is not All Green as Green concepts of today are not discussed.
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All Green; Carbon Diaries 2015, Look after your Planet and Planet in Peril These books are as Green as it gets. The content of these books lives up to their respective titles. So why buy from us? - Help your children love our amazing planet - Teach your children about green issues - 66% of profits go direct to children’s charities - You can vote for or nominate your favourite charity - You’ll make the sixth formers at Reading Girl’s School very happy, who devised the green rating system. Moss Green was created by Mark Waterfield. When Mark’s not busy reading more wonderful books, he likes wandering around the edge of beautiful Blackwater Estuary in Essex, spotting wildlife. He planted a wild flower meadow and has just built two compost bins out of recycled wooden pallets. Do take a look at the Moss Green Book selection and free colouring materials offering your child the chance to colour vegetables and fruit in season. www.mossgreenchildrensbooks.co.uk Read the full article
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
Here are the top 8 surprising spring allergies triggers
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Do you happen to have spring allergies? It is totally understandable if you cannot stand certain specific things of the springs, and we totally get you when you declare that you want to stay away of any tree or flower that is blooming in the spring. After all, it’s not our will to have spring allergies and they are definitely not at all pleasant and chill. If you are scared of the sniff triggered by the pollen or the swallowing of the antihistamines, you placed your fears all wrong, because these can only make you sniff and that’s it. Instead, there are other surprising triggers that can launch and entire spring allergy that you didn’t even know you had it. The first and the major one is the spring cleaning. Nasty or not? It doesn’t matter what’s your answer, it matters to know that it might get overwhelming for you to know that in the spring, you have to cleanse and purge all the house. In this scenario, you might discover a lot of dust mites, dust, animal pollen or mold that have been hibernating and resting inside your house all this time, especially in the cracks, the vents, the drapes and so on. If you know this thing, then you can prevent your allergyfrom triggering if you consider, for instance, wearing a dust mask while you are doing all the cleaning and also use a vacuum cleaner that has a very high efficiency in the particulate of the air in order to filter and suck up all the potential allergens. The anxiety is another surprising spring allergy trigger that we bet you didn’t expect. It was discovered by the Ohio State University Medical Center the fact that the stress doesn’t cause the allergies, no matter how much we used to blame it, but it can definitely exacerbate its symptoms. This fact is due to the increasing of the cortisol level. The cortisol is the stress hormone, right. These increased levels of cortisol are circulating through all of your body and what they do is to weaken the immune system’s ability to eliminate or push aside the allergy triggering proteins.
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The ceiling fans can be another type of spring allergy trigger. So, practically, no matter how hard you want to lock yourself inside the house and away from the pollen and blooms and buds that the spring brings, if you have a ceiling fan inside, you will only manage to spread the dust and all the pollen particles that are currently inside your house. If you want to avoid having any of these in the house, just wipe the dust and grime from the ceiling fan blades and do this before you turn them back on. The fruit pollen is another trigger that gets you an allergy spring. You know you care too little about all the spring allergies you may have when you see the first signs of seasonal fruits in the grocery shops or at the farmer’s market. But still, you have to be cautious about this particular fact: when the pollen, weed, the grass and the trees counts are higher, that’s when your immune system starts to attack any trace of pollen that gets inside your body. Specialists claim that the people who are suffering from a spring allergy that is triggered by pollen are susceptible of also reacting to fruit pollen. If you want to lessen or even better, to prevent the allergies that are triggered by the fruit pollen, make sure to peel or to cook the fruits before eating them.
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Your pet or pets can trigger a spring allergy just as like the rest. How? Well, when the spring arrives, all the cats or dogs make friends with the pollen and smells it and take it inside your house on their coat. So happens with all the dust they play in, or the mold. And since we know that you definitely don’t want this in your house, we suggest to regularly bathe or wipe the dog’s or the cat’s coat with a damp cloth whenever they come inside the house.
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What do you think of the hair sprays, the gels and the mousses that you’re using? All the hair sprays, the gels, the pomades, the serums and the mousses that you use on your hair to keep it fresh and curly or straight in the spring can create a hotbed that is able to trap the pollen. If you want to make sure your hair doesn’t retain any pollen or dust, it is best to wash it daily and also to avoid all the hair products that you use in order to reduce the allergens that can get trapped in your hair strands.
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Another reason and trigger of a spring allergy can be the fact that you are already sleeping with the dust and the pollen in the same bed. All the dust and pollen that gathers on your hair and clothes remains on the bed, so, if you don’t want to take them to your bed, make sure to shower and wash the hair before you tuck into bed, in order to reduce or eliminate the pollen and dust that can lay on your bed with you. Advice: do not, under any circumstance, wear the shirt you’ve spent your day in when it’s time for you to go to bed.
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The wine is a spring allergy trigger as well. Yes, you didn’t see that coming, we know. Well, according to specialists, if you combine a few glasses of wine with your already asthma symptoms, the hay fever or the symptoms of a chronic bronchitis, you may get a dilatation of the blood vessels in your nose and the sinuses, which means more sneezing for you, along with post-nasal drip and the constriction of the lower airways. Not pleasant, we know.
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All things considered, it is important to watch out for your health when the spring kicks in, especially if you know that you are susceptible of developing a spring allergyout of practically nothing. Spring allergies are not the worst thing that can happen to you, but they are sure as hell not pleasant. In fact, you may not have a spring allergy at all, but if you are exposed to any of these 8 spring allergies triggers, you can get acquainted with one in the blink of an eye. As you can see, hygiene of the hair and the body (and the pets, yes, the pets!) is very important in combating or preventing the spring allergies, especially when it comes to dust and pollen. After all, you definitely don’t want to miss the spring’s beauty by locking yourself inside the house and washing everything you wear or after everything you touch for the fear of triggering a spring allergy! With a little caution and extra care for the clothes you’re wearing, spring allergies can be totally gone from your life. Also, take precaution measures when you do the cleaning up of your entire house and do not forget to wipe the dust and grime from the ceiling fans as well. Good luck in the next spring! Read the full article
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
Every Toxic Agent In Your Home Has A Healthier Substitute!
A toxic agent is a chemical that may cause death in lab rats that receive high doses of it. Isn’t is disturbing to know that many “innocent” household products contain toxic chemicals? You may be surprised at the quantity of toxic household products that you use in your home on a regular basis, unaware of their potential harmful health effects. Common toxic household products
Toxic cleaning products
Most household cleaners contain toxic substances, used to enhance the performance of the product. These substances can act as neurotoxins, respiratory irritants, mucosal irritants, endocrine disruptors, and even carcinogens. Many cleaning products are toxic! Some substances have flammable or explosive properties as well. This is why you should NEVER MIX PRODUCTS unless the directions indicate that you can safely do so! Mixing products might produce explosive or toxic chemical reactions! For example, a mixture of household ammonia and bleach might produce chloramine compounds that are very toxic to the lungs if inhaled.
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Widespread toxic cleaning products include: - Dishwashing liquids may contain petroleum solvents, fragrances, dyes and other respiratory and skin irritants. For example: the neurotoxins Acetone, Benzyl Acetate, Ethyl Acetate and Ethanol; or the skin and mucosal irritants Limonene and Linalool. Remember: each time you wash your dishes – some chemical residue is left on them. - Laundry detergents usually contain solvents, enzymes, whitening agents, colorants, Oxygen bleach, fragrances, Ammonia and many other chemicals that are skin, eyes and respiratory irritants. For example: the skin and mucosal irritants Sodium hypochlorite and Linear alkyl benzene; the endocrine disruptors Nonylphenol Ethoxylate and EDTA, the neurotoxin chlorine; and the carcinogen 1,4-dioxane and phosphorus that might harm the kidneys and liver.
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- Fabric softeners and dryer sheetsusually contain irritants of the eyes, skin and upper respiratory tract, such as Benzyl acetate, Benzyl Alcohol, Limonene and Linalool; and neurotoxins, such as Chloroform, A-Terpineol, Ethyl Acetate and Ethanol. The chemical residue on your clothes, towels, bed sheets, etc. is absorbed through your skin and might cause allergies, skin irritations and other harmful health effects. Moreover, the toxic substances impregnated in dryer sheets pollute your home air as well! Safer cleaning products: - A homemade dishwashing detergent recipe: add one tablespoon of Super Washing Soda and 1 tablespoon of 20 Mule Team Borax to the dishwasher dispenser – instead of the dishwashing liquid. You can replace the baking soda with Super Washing Soda for enhanced effect (or for extra-dirty dishes). Instead of the anti-spotting rinse agent you can use undiluted white vinegar. It will help removing the hard water deposits from the dishes, with not even one toxic agent involved! There are many brands of natural, non-toxic household cleaning products. Additionally, there are lots of recipes for homemade detergents. For example: 1. A homemade all-purpose cleaner (for windows, counters and other surfaces): mix white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and you’re done. Like vinegar, baking soda has many practical uses in the home. For example, it is great for cleaning sinks, tubs and toilets. Just sprinkle some in your sink or bathtub and scrub away the dirt deposits with a wet cleaning cloth. Rinse the residue with water.
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2. Use chemical-free detergents for your laundry and you will not need fabric softeners or dryer sheets! If you must, you may use a chemical-free fabric softener or try the natural, home-made substitute: Adding a quarter cup of baking soda to the wash cycle – along with your regular laundry detergent – will give you whiter, softer and odor-free clothing. Adding a quarter cup of white vinegar – instead of the softener – will reduce static cling and help to dissolve detergent residue in your washing machine (don’t worry, the vinegar odor disappears once the clothes are dry). And finally, a few drops of essential oil on a cloth will provide you with a natural, home-made, reusable dryer sheet.
Spray cleaners and Air fresheners
A toxic agent is even more dangerous when it is used in a spray form! Inhaling the fumes of cleaners and air fresheners may directly irritate the throat, eyes, lungs and mouth. Common toxic agents in spray cleaners are glycol ethers, which are hazardous air pollutants. For example, the compound 2-butoxyethanol, a highly toxic glycol ether used in popular spray cleaners – has been linked to low sperm counts in men, learning disorders in children, autoimmune diseases, and respiratory and mucosal irritation. Other harmful compounds in spray cleaners and air fresheners are Terpene hydrocarbons, Terpene alcohols and other scenting agents (frequently derived from plant oils…). These chemicals react rapidly with ozone, thus producing dangerous secondary pollutants, such as Formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide and other upper airway and eye irritants. There are many more hazardous substances in air fresheners and room deodorizers, such as: acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, Acetone, styrene, toluene, chlorbenzene and phthalates.
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Do we really need to breath in all these harmful substances? Safer alternatives: Air fresheners are not vital and it is best not to use them at all! Simply keeping your house clean and well ventilated solves most odor problems. Allowing outside air into your home will also help remove any toxic air that might have been building up in there. Another alternative is using natural air deodorizers, such as Potpourri, natural essential oils, herbs and spices. To absorb pet odors – sprinkle baking soda on carpets and rugs. Let the baking soda sit for a few hours or overnight, and then vacuum for a fresher smelling room.
Organochlorine Insecticides became environmental contaminants because of their persistence in the environment, and bioaccumulation through the food chain. Uses of DDT and PCBs were banned in many countries in the 1970s. However, other Organochlorines remain the active ingredients of various home and garden pest-control products (such as: Lindane, endosulfan, dicofol, methoxychlor and pentachlorophenol). Many of them are known or suspected endocrine disruptors.
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Farmer spraying vegetables in the garden with herbicides. Man in a black apron. Exposure to Organochlorine insecticides in animal and human models has been associated with a wide spectrum of health effects including reproductive, developmental, immunologic, carcinogenic, and neurotoxic effects. Even low levels of prenatal exposure may damage fetal development.These chemicals persist indoors in carpets and house dust, where they are protected from degradation by sunlight, moisture, and microorganisms. Organophosphates Insecticides in Flea Powders / Collars / Sprays: Flea control chemicals are designed to poison insects, but they can also harm pets and the people who touch them. Collars, sprays or powders containing Dichlorvos (DDVP), Phosmet, Naled, Chlorpyrifos, or Tetrachlorvinphos expose the pet and its owner (especially children) to 2-20 times the safe level of each toxic agent, thus exposing them to a greater risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Safer Pesticides: - For house pets: a healthier alternative would be to use only natural/organic insecticides, combined with effective physical measures, such as: washing and brushing the pet, and vacuuming carpets and furniture on a regular basis. - For home/garden plants: there are great organic plant-based insecticides, including tea-tree, garlic, rosemary, cloves, neem oil and many more.
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Additionally, a simple homemade insecticide spray can be made by mixing one teaspoon of cooking oil and a squirt of organic liquid dish soap (not detergent) in a quart of water. (Don’t forget to shake well before spraying the plant).
Furniture Polish
Furniture polish or spray may contain petroleum distillates (which are highly flammable and can irritate the skin, eyes and lungs), surfactants and solvents (that usually increase the flammability and toxicity of the product). A safer Furniture Polish: It is best to use natural furniture polishes that are based on vegetable or animal waxes, such as beeswax, sugar cane wax, orange oil, soy oil, and many others.
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. Here is a popular recipe for a homemade furniture cleaner and polish: Mix 1/4 a cup white vinegar with a few drops of oil or liquid wax. You can either spray it on the furniture (after shaking) and wipe with a soft cloth, or dip the cloth with the mixture and wipe the furniture. Other toxic agents may be found in:  Paints and solvents (e.g., turpentine, rust remover, paint stripper, mineral spirits), glues, moth balls, shoe polish, and other cleaning / aerosol products.
The 3 Most Important Tips to avoid household toxic agents:
1. Use natural, plant-based products around the house. 2. Prefer liquid or solid substances over spays and aerosolized chemicals. 3. Minimize inhalation of contaminated house-dust by vacuum cleaning the house on a regular basis. … And a final word of advice: the ingredients of each product should be listed CLEARLY on the label. Be suspicious of products that don’t offer full disclosure of all the ingredients they contain. References BC Singer, H Destaillat, AT Hodgson, and WW Nazaroff.Cleaning products and air fresheners: emissions and resulting concentrations of glycol ethers and terpenoids. Indoor Air. 2006 Jun;16(3):179-91. Poisons on Pets: Health Hazards from Flea and Tick Products. Natural Resources Defense Council. http://www.nrdc.org/health/effects/pets/execsum.asp. Retrieved 12-Jan-2010. Read the full article
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
How Can Women Save the World With Reusable Pads? And how can you make them in 2021?
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The number of times women shop for pads during their period should not be watered down the drain. The reality here is that women must shop monthly for toiletries in bulk to last them the whole menstrual period However, the perplexing issue about how harmful these menstrual cycle toiletries are to the atmosphere persists. Some argue that they are biodegradable because they are made of cotton. And if it isn't that bad, what about the long-term consequences? Women will use menstrual pads for the rest of their lives starting at adolescence. Disposable pads, on the other hand, are only used once and then discarded. A lifetime's worth of pads and tampons adds up quickly. As history has demonstrated, they do not end up where they should, but rather in landfills, destroying environmental channels and paths. This is also another example of why women should use reusable pads.
Reusable Pads
I was quickly drawn to reusable pads after seeing them advertised in a focused ad. They looked aesthetically millennial, eco-friendly, and came in a variety of pretty designs which attracted them to me. I choose pads over tampons unless I'm busy so I can wear them outside and my menstrual is not heavy enough to saturate a whole tampon. The thought of washable cotton pads that I could reuse made the bargain even sweeter.
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There are a large number of women out there who are hoping for a better option than disposable menstrual pads. Many women have already begun to use tampons, while others have dared to use menstrual cups. If none of these options appeal to you, the safest choice for me is to use menstrual reusable cotton pads. For those that are accustomed to disposable sanitary napkins, it can seem difficult. Your tastes will shift after reading this article on menstrual reusable pads.
What is a Menstrual Reusable Pad?
Menstrual pads that can be used multiple times are known as reusable menstrual pads. They collect menstrual fluid and depending on your menstrual flow, the pad can last for around 4-5 hours. Since using the pad, wash it thoroughly and clear any bloodstains before reusing it. These fabric pads are normally made up of several layers of cotton or hemp, but not plastic. It can seem intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be using reusable pads in no time. It also saves you money so you don't have to throw out this pad to buy new ones.
How to Make Reusable Pads?
Step 1: Create the Pad BaseCreate a template - Start with creating a diamond shape with rounded corners. It should be about 9 inches tall (22.86 centimeters) and 8 inches deep (20.32 centimeters). When you're done, cut out the template. Increase the width of the top and bottom corners. They can have a width of around 2.5 inches (6.35 centimeters). Make use of the template to cut out two pieces from your cotton flannel - This is going to be the outside of your fabric pad, so choose anything you want. You may use a patterned or solid color fabric. You may also do one hand with a pattern and the other with a solid hue. Instead of flannel, you should use cotton thread. Lots of fun options can be found in the quilting and calico sections of the favorite fabric shop. Sew the two pieces together - Starting with the right sides facing in, pin the two bits together. Sew a 0.64-centimeter seam allowance around the piece. Since you'll be carving a slit through it, there's no reason to leave a void for turnover.  Cut a vertical slit in the middle of the piece - Be sure you're just cutting one sheet of cloth at a time, not both. Place the slit exactly in the center. It just has to be a few inches/centimeters tall to be effective. Turn the piece right-side out through the slit - Push the pad's corners into the slit you made with your fingertips. If the edges/corners aren't coming out well, use a pencil or a knitting needle to force them out. Then make use of hot iron to press the pad base. Step 2: Create the Pad LinerCreate a template - Begin by drawing a vertical rectangle with rounded top and bottom edges. Make sure the rectangle has a height of 8 inches (20.32 centimeters) and a width of 2.5 inches (6.5 centimeters). When you're done, cut out the template. Use the template to trace the liner pieces - 3–4 pieces of soft toweling are needed. Trace two more pieces from the flannel using the pattern, adding a 0.64-centimeter seam allowance. The toweling would be used to build the liner. The flannel would be used to protect the liner. The flannel should be the same color as the base pad. Stack and sew the toweling pieces together - Use a seam allowance of 0.32 to 0.64 centimeters. Using a zigzag stitch, go around the edge of the piece. When you're done, set the stack aside. This stack does not contain the two flannel bits. It makes no difference what color the thread is. This will be placed inside the liner shell. Sew the flannel pieces together to make the liner cover - This is where you get to join the flannel pieces together using a pin with the right sides facing in. Sew a 0.64-centimeter seam allowance through them. Leave no room for turning around. Instead, prepare to cut a slit into the object. Cut a vertical slit into the liner cover, then turn it right-side-out - Use the same method you used to make the pad base. Make the slit about 4 inches (10.16 centimeters) tall this time. So you'll have ample space to tuck the towel covering. Cut notches into the pad's angled corners. This will aid in the reduction of bulk. Tuck the towel liner into the flannel liner - Simply insert the towel liner into the flannel cover through the slit. Any spikes or buckles should be smoothed out. Step 3: Join the Pad Base and Liner TogetherPin the pad liner on top of the pad base - Turn the pad base until the longer axis is vertical and the slit-facing side is facing up. With the slit facing down, place the pad liner on top. Make sure it's balanced and visually focused. When you're done, pin altogether. Topstitch around the liner to secure it to the pad base - Sew a 0.32 to 0.64-centimeter seam allowance across the pad liner. Backstitch at the beginning and end of each stitch, then snip the thread as close to the fabric as possible. When you sew, remove the buttons. This can be done with a similar or contrasting thread tone. Sew another 0.5 inch (1.27 centimeters) inside the liner - Be sure you're stitching 0.5 inches (1.27 centimeters) away from the topstitch rather than the liner's side. Use the same color of thread as before. This would assist in securing the liner to the foundation and preventing buckling. Add some snaps or Velcro to the wings - You may use sew-on snaps or snaps that require a tool to set. Velcro may also be used instead. However, self-adhesive Velcro can be avoided. While it is simple to submit, it does not last long and will inevitably fall off. Plan ahead of time so the wings will close on the outside of your panties. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZtPLyj_EiA
How to Use Reusable Menstrual Pads?
A reusable cotton pad works in the same way as a single-use plastic pad. They're made to fit inside your underwear, snap shut, and capture your menstrual cycle. Reusable pads nowadays have a coating that prevents the clothes from staining. It also has a holder that allows you to securely put your pad on your panties. There is an added provision where you wrap an elastic belt around the waist to keep the pad in place for longer periods.
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However, a reusable pad is both cost-effective and environmentally safe. It's easy to use and comes with a band and lining which is just everything you need to make it awesome. A single pad will last nearly 12 hours. It varies depending on the individual's menstrual cycle. All you have to do is put it on your underwear and wrap the band around it. It's that easy.
How to Clean Reusable Period Pads
1. Rinse and soak After removing your pad, rinse it and place it in a wet bag before you're ready to do the laundry. You may even soak the pads in water until you're able to wash them to help prevent staining. Put them in a leak-proof garbage can or bucket with some water, Castile soap, and antibacterial essential oils like peppermint or tea tree oil. 2. Wash We recommend using a simple, environmentally friendly detergent that is free of chemicals and fragrances. To avoid staining, wash with cold water. If your pads have been immersed in sweat, first run them through a rinse and spin cycle in the washer. Then, along with your pads, you can add towels or something else you like to wash. Fabric softeners can never be used on recycled menstrual pads since the conditioners will grease the tissues and minimize absorbency. If your pads get less absorbent with time, you may need to "strip" them of any detergent residue. 3. Dry To avoid shrinkage, we firmly advise hanging to dry. You can tumble dry them in a low-heat environment if you're short on time. That concludes it! Your pads will be ready to use after they have dried.
How Many Reusable Pads Do You Need?
The length of a woman's menstrual cycle varies greatly among individuals. You'll need to consider how much you refresh your period utilities during the day to estimate how often you'll need to span your cycle. We recommend using 6 to 12-day pads, 1 to 3-night pads and 3 to 6 pantyliners in total, but it all depends on your flow and how often you do laundry.
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How Do I get Reusable Pads?
Well, there are several choices to pick from, but they can be costly and something you must continually replenish at the supermarket. Most reusable menstrual products, on the other hand, will not only save you money but also benefit the environment. If you like to use pads, adding reusable pads to your period arsenal will change the game. You can always check for reusable menstrual pads online. Amazon is a fantastic place to purchase them. Finally, I believe it has reached a point where every woman needs to consider switching to reusable pads. Nondisposable is usually a safer option when you consider helping yourself and keeping the world safe. Also, since reusable pads save you money, you can begin purchasing them for your flows. Reusable pads will last for years, and assuming most women menstruate for around 40 years and spend $8 every other month on single-use pads, she would have spent $1,920 in her lifetime. If she uses one pack every month, the total is $3,840. Consider what you could do for that sum of money.
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
Natural Remedies For Acne, Pimples And Oily Skin
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It is quite common for teenagers to develop acne. Women develop acne during their menstrual cycle, pregnancy or when they are on birth control pills. Most of us had this problem during our younger days. Many of those suffering from acne are not aware that there are natural remedies for acne treatment. You don’t need to depend on any other lotion or cream to treat acne. The actual cause of this problem is the fluctuation in hormone levels that enlarges the oil glands and releases more oil to the skin surface. Eventually, the tiny oil ducts on the face get plugged due to dead skin cells, bacteria, and sebum. These 3 elements become nutrients for the bacteria to grow rapidly. As the bacteria grows, you will find more pimples appearing on your face. So try not to touch your face with your hands. No pressing, popping, peeling or rubbing your face skin. Acne problems will become worse if you were to do that. Always use water based makeup instead of oil based because water-based makeup is natural. Oil-based makeup helps to collect dirt’s and block the open pores. Well, it is quite easy to know the difference between water based and oil based. Water and other ingredients will easily get separated once you leave the bottle on a flat surface. Acne and pimples normally will disappear once you reach 20 years old. Maybe, it might appear again during your adulthood. Don’t worry, apply natural remedies for acne that is natural, safe and inexpensive. There are a number of solutions to overcome this problem.
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8 Natural Remedies For Acne Cure
Diet Just continue to enjoy your favorite food but make sure you are having a healthy diet. Your skin, eyes, teeth and hair will tell the kind of diet you are taking. Having poor diet will definitely reflect on your physical appearance. Continuing to consume acne triggering foods can increase acne frequency and severity. Milk has the hormone that can help to produce more skin oils. Chocolate can increase inflammation and bacteria infection. Greasy food can increase sebum.
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Snackers and high-glycemic foods can - trigger insulin spike - increase blood sugar levels - cause inflammation Certain diet makes your acne worst. For healthy and clear skin, you have to make sure that you are eating the right food and staying hydrated. Eat balanced diet that consists of - whole grains - fish, shellfish, poultry without skin - trimmed lean meat - vegetables - fruits Drinking 8 glasses of water daily can help to flush out internal toxins and waste from your body. Sufficient water in your body keeps the skin self-moisturized. Papaya Papain or papaya proteinase is an enzyme found in the papaya fruits and papaya tree leaves. Papain enzyme is one of the effective natural remedies for acne because it helps to - prevent pus - reduce inflammation - eliminates skin debris - unclog pores Widely used as an ingredient in beauty products because it has the ability to get rid of acne and scars. At the same time, it makes your face skin smoother.
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papaya slice How to apply papaya paste on your face? - Peel off the papaya skin and remove the seeds. - Cut into cubes and place in the blender. - Blend until it becomes smooth and consistent. - Wash you face and dry with paper towel. - Apply the creamy papaya on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. - Use clean warm water to rinse you face and dry with paper towel. Do this twice daily, morning and evening for better results. Add ripe papaya in your diet for better improvement. Lightly apply moisturizer on your face if it gets dry. Aloe Vera Another remarkable plant used as natural remedies for acne is aloe vera. Many people who are suffering from this diseases using aloe vera for treatment. Moreover this amazing plant is getting popular nowadays because the gel is used in many skin care and beauty products. The aloe vera gel gives you a soothing sensation effect when applying on your face. Aloe vera has antibacterial properties that can reduce redness, prevent bacteria growth and swell on your face. Aloe vera juice is promoted as a product that can help to reduce wrinkles.
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How to use aloe vera gel? Clean the aloe vera leaves, remove the outer green skin and scoop out the gel. Collect the fresh gel and apply a layer on your face and rest for 2 hours. Transfer the balancing gel into a container and store in the refrigerator. Rinse your face with warm water to remove the gel. Dry with paper towel and don’t touch your face. Repeat these steps twice daily. Mix some cinnamon powder with the gel to increase the effectiveness. Lemon Lemon citrus fruits have natural antiseptic which destroys harmful microbes and also clear the pore clogging dirt. Other benefits of lemon juice are - reduce inflammation - clears the oil - remove dark spot and scars from your face - whiten and tighten the face skin
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half of juicy lemon Applying directly to your face can make face skin dry. So you need to dilute the citrus extract with warm water first before doing that. Apply 1 to 2 ratios when diluting the juice. - Wash your face with mild soap and wipe dry with a clean towel - Cut the lemon in half, squeeze and collect the juice. - Transfer 3 tablespoon of the juice to a small container and store the balance in a bottle. Keep in the refrigerator. - Mix 6 tablespoon of warm water with the juice and soak cotton swab lightly. - Apply the juice directly to the affected area and wait for the lemon to do its job. - Rinse your face with clean water after 10 minutes and wipe dry with a clean towel. Scrubbing using the inner part of the lemon skin can remove dead skin cells from your face. Therefore continue applying this remedy can heal acne and make your face skin smoother and fairer. During the recovering process, the new skin may be sensitive to direct sunlight. Avoid your face from exposing to sunlight. Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil is one of the best natural remedies for acne cure. Simply because tea tree oil can get rid of pimples efficiently by unblocking the pores. Furthermore, it has powerful natural antibacterial properties that can destroy bacteria and remove damage skin cells.
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To get the best results, you need to follow the right method to treat acne. - Clean your face with mild soap and wipe dry with paper towel. - Dilute the tea tree oil. - Place few drops of tea tree oil on a cotton bud. - Dab on the affected area and leave it for a couple of hours. - Remove the oil by rinsing with warm water and dry with paper towel. Repeating twice daily should produce positive results, once in the morning and once in the evening. Natural moisturizer can help to solve your dry skin problems, if it happens after the washing your face. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is also one of the popular natural remedies for acne treatment. It is very effective because it has the anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that can control bacteria growth. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar also can balance the pH of your face and create a surface where bacteria difficult to divide and multiply. Furthermore, it can remove pimples and reduce wrinkles from your place. Its astringent properties can remove oil from your face.
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Those who are having oily face skin should clean their face according to the steps below. - Clean your face with warm water and dry with paper towel - Dilute 1 part vinegar to 2 parts of warm water. - Soak lightly a cotton ball into the solution. - Apply directly to the affected area. - After applying just leave it for at least 10 minutes. - Rinse your face with warm water again to remove the vinegar. Repeat these steps at least 3 times a day. Use natural moisturizer such as coconut oil or olive oil for your dry skin. Wash Your Face Make it a habit of washing and cleaning your face with clean warm water regularly. Moreover, it helps to remove oil, dirt and dead skin cells from your face. Here are some simple steps to follow when you clean your face.
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Wash your face with clean warm water. With some soap, scrub slowly by using face scrubber pad. Rinse with clean warm water again to remove the soap. Repeat these steps at least 3 times a day. Well, this method can help to remove sebum, dead cells and dirt build up from your face. Keep your hands off and try not to press or pop the pimples. Failing to follow these steps will only leave scars and spread bacteria to another part of your face. Sleep Does lack of quality sleep contribute to acne? Lack of quality sleep can cause stress will increase the oil production make face more oily. While oily face will increase sebum and promotes other skin problems. Here are some tips on how to get proper sleep. - Get at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep daily. - Make sure you have a comfortable place to sleep. - Don’t sleep with the lights on. - Sleep and rise at the same time daily including weekends. - Avoid caffeine and big meals before going to bed. Getting enough quality sleep helps to minimize your acne problems, improve mental alertness and increase productivity. In addition to healthy diet and some form of exercise, you can get rid of acne.
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
10 Awesome Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Sciatic Nerve Discomfort Fast!
Sciatica is an extreme pain brought on by the discomfort or constraints of your sciatic nerve. It really is debilitating as well as severe and generally affects 1 side of the body, through the lower back, with the buttocks, directly to the backside of one lower leg. In spite of the discomfort, it also leads to weakness as well as numbness within the leg as well as toes, burning up sensation within the leg, tingling, as well as issues both, standing up as well as sit down. The most common trigger is herniated as well as the slipped disc. However, sciatica could also originate from spine injury or even infection, pathological disc illness, carrying a child, piriformis syndrome, spinal stenosis, as well as isthmic spondylolisthesis. There are several diverse treatments for this painful problem, however, in a lot of cases, the soreness is actually relieved just temporarily. Additionally, the anabolic steroid injections which are generally used trigger severe negative effects. Alternatively, the actual pressure, as well as inflammation brought on by the annoyed sciatic nerve, may likewise be soothed applying organic homemade remedies. Generally, their software, mixed with suitable rest, provides effects within 6 weeks.
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These are the actual 10 greatest home treatments for sciatica:
Turmeric Turmeric is very effective in the therapy of sciatica pain since it has powerful anti-inflammatory attributes. Its active component, curcumin decreases the pain as well as soothes the actual inflammation. You need to boil one glass of milk, put in a tsp of turmeric, plus if you like, additionally you can add a little cinnamon as well as honey for flavor. Drink it a few times every day.
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Turmeric rhizome and powder You could also get turmeric dietary supplements, up to 300 mg Three times every day for a few weeks. However, remember that you must not utilize turmeric if you take diabetes drugs, bloodstream thinners, or even gallstones. Acupuncture therapy Acupuncture effectively relaxes your muscles as well as treats your pain. This stimulates specific points of your body and thus activates the nervous system, that produces compounds which speed up the recovery as well as change the notion of discomfort.
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Based on a 2009 research, warmed acupuncture therapy with warmed needles efficiently alleviates sciatica pain. This research involved thirty participants, as well as 17 of these, were totally healed of sciatica discomfort after the therapy. Massage therapy The actual massage therapy may effectively deal with sciatica discomfort and also facilitates the recovery of the entire body, especially if the trigger is a muscle mass spasm. It is going to release the strain, improve the mobility, and promote blood circulation. You may use St John’s Wort’s essential oil which has effective anti-inflammatory attributes and eases sciatica swelling and discomfort. Massage the actual painful places up to 3 times every day.
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Since the pain begins in the back and extends along your thighs and butt, it is frequently associated with the cause points within the gluteus minimus as well as medius muscles, therefore a trigger-point rub one or more times a day will give you great alleviation. Furthermore, you are able to mix the glass of sesame essential oil and three tbsp of nutmeg natural powder, heat up the mixture, let it stay to cool down, as well as apply it for massaging. Repeat up to 3 times a week. Cold or Hot Compresses The actual treatments along with hot as well as cold compresses offer excellent relief in this instance since the cold numbs your pain and decreases the inflammation around the sciatic nerve, as the heat calms the muscle mass which may trigger the stress on your nerve. You may also mix the two and begin with a cold and end with a hot therapy.
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. For greatest effects, work with a steamed hand towel for your hot compress. Use it in the region and let it stay to act up to twenty minutes. Repeat upon 2 hrs for a fast pain relief. Still, you should not do this treatment for those who have circulatory problems. Capsaicin Lotion The active component in pepper, capsaicin, normally relieves discomfort as it assists deplete the actual substance P amounts. Make a lotion with 0. 075% capsaicin as well as apply to the affected region up to 4 times every day for any week.
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Make sure to avoid the application of the broken pores and skin, as it might create a burning feeling. Fenugreek Seeds These have powerful anti-inflammatory attributes which could be used in the event of sciatica, as well as rheumatoid arthritis. This is the way to prepare the actual useful fenugreek seeds: Grind these seeds by adding them to the glass of milk. After that, boil this blend until it finally gets soft.
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Fenugreek seeds in wooden spoon After that, use it on the distressing area as well as leave it for a few hrs. Repeat each day. White Willow The white willow bark has powerful pain-calming, analgesic, as well as anti-inflammatory attributes, because of the sennosides. You need to take a hundred and twenty mg of white willow health supplement or even 240 mg of salicin every day up to 3 weeks.
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willow tree branches Valerian Root This root eases the chronic neural pain as well as cures sciatica pain as a result of muscle spasm. It includes volatile oils that lower the strain and rest the muscles. Because of its favorable results, it may be utilized as a testing aid. You could make this plant as dietary supplements, 150 mg 3 times every day for 2 – 3 weeks, or even drink this tea.
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Medicinal tincture from the roots and rhizomes of valerian Simply add a tsp of valerian root in some hot water, let it stay for 5 to 10 minutes, and consume it repeatedly. Workouts Sciatica discomfort can be considerably reduced along with regular exercise as well as physical activity. You need to exercise regularly to be able to strengthen your stomach muscles and the back again, in order to speed up the recuperation process. The next exercise “knee to upper body stretch’ will certainly soothe the actual irritation of the sciatic nerve as well as boost the flexibility of your lower back. Begin in a lying down position, using the legs stretched as well as hip-width separate hip and legs. Relax top part of the body, and flex the leg upwards whilst inhaling.
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Gymnastics Handstand. After that, move the actual thigh towards your chest whilst keeping the fingers clasped behind it. Make sure to keep the hip and legs flat on the floor. Hold within this position for up to 20 secs and inhale deeply. After that, lower the actual legs very carefully. Repeat exactly the same with the opposite leg up to 5 times. Ensure you do it for around 5 minutes on both sides. You may also profit a great deal from yoga exercise stretches such as the cat-cow position as well as the pigeon position. Additionally, try vertebral decompression workouts. Spinal Adjustment The chiropractic treatment is among the most effective methods to treat this on your back. A variety of techniques consist of short as well as quick thrusts in your chiropractic spinal in order to reduce the discomfort of the neural which causes another symptom and also the inflammation.
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Woman having chiropractic back adjustment. Extra Tips: Stop smoking as it encourages disc deterioration Your bed mattress should be not too fluffy nor too hard Refrain from making unexpected movements You need to take supplement C, magnesium, as well as calcium After a discussion with your physician, try some other herbal treatments, like the alcohol-based draw out produced from the actual parijat leaves; up to 2.000 milligrams twice each day of devil’s claw. Apply correct lifting methods with a directly back and curved knees Correct body position will help with the pressure within the lower back Routine workouts may be helpful, however, do not carry out any extreme exercises. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDkw-Zi5MBg Read the full article
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
How Long Do Bamboo Toothbrushes Last? - Is it matter?
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How Long do Bamboo toothbrushes last?
When I saw the new Bamboo toothbrushes on the Rack for the first time at the Grocery store, this was my first question. Lord Buddha chewed Neem sticks. Similarly, we grew up in a village where we chewed Neem sticks to clean our teeth. We used it once and threw it. Very frankly speaking, we never had dental problems till we switched to our fancy pastes and toothbrushes. When I saw Bamboo toothbrushes, I was happy that the world is going back to our ancestral uses. The American Dental Association advises replacing our bamboo toothbrush every three months or when the bristles break. Let's deep dive into the history of Bamboo toothbrushes and their pros and cons.
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History of Toothbrushes
Roman author Pliny, the Elder explored that picking teeth with quills made them 'firm.' We humans have used toothbrushes for hundreds of years. A toothbrush style was used from the 1400s onwards, with a thick pack of pig hair bristles placed in a bone or wood handle — by those who could afford it, for the rest it was chewing rocks, scraping clothes, or brushing with their fingertips. As late as the early 1920s, one in four individuals in the U.S. possessed a toothbrush. Soon after, after the development of plastic toothbrushes, a Japanese laboratory found a fine material they thought would make a decent replacement for silk—now known as nylon. So the toothbrush we know today was born.
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Are bamboo toothbrushes environmentally friendly?
Bamboo comes directly from the bamboo farm. It's fast-growing, plant-based, and 100% biodegradable. And now, it has been the material of choice—for toothbrushes and much more. But is swapping your plastic toothbrush with one made of bamboo still the right way to reduce the environmental impact? Bamboo is a natural material.  Harvesting of Bamboo can be done within 3-5 years as the bamboo plant is fast-growing and harvests within 3–5 years. It hardly requires water or pesticides. It often expands in diverse ecosystems. As a substance, it has a far smaller carbon footprint than plastic does.
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Can you compost bamboo toothbrushes?
As a natural material, bamboo is often fully biodegradable, breaking down in compost within six months. Ensure you place a bamboo toothbrush handle in your compost when you're done or in your backyard. However, no material or substance can ever be flawless when it comes to sustainability, and bamboo toothbrushes are no different. Although bamboo is more environmentally sustainable than plastic, there are some problems. Most bamboo is cultivated and processed in China, but if you live outside Asia, there would be carbon pollution correlated with transportation to weigh in your toothbrush purchase. The strong demand for bamboo as a material has indicated that China is re-planting a lot of land as bamboo, suggesting that forests are changing, which is still a dangerous business. The bristles in the average bamboo toothbrush won't break down. Before composting, you ought to pluck the bristles out of the toothbrush, which is almost as tiresome as it seems. Another concern with bamboo toothbrushes is that although the material is more sustainable, it remains a disposable object and thereby perpetuates the throwaway culture at the root of these problems. Most dentists consider swapping after three months. That's also a lot of unused money.
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Are bamboo toothbrushes better? 
If we look at plastic toothbrushes vs. bamboo toothbrushes, it's a brainer. Yes, you can swap to a bamboo toothbrush to reduce the environmental effects. It's a super-simple swap that most of us will render quickly without inconvenience. It's also great when people start thinking consciously about the effects of everyday things like toothbrushes and where they wind up in our toilets at the end of their lives. It's a perfect place to start worrying about our broader environmental effects as humans. A safer choice would be to look for toothbrushes with a reusable handle, ensuring that you change the head, not the whole toothbrush, mitigating waste when moving your toothbrush to a different one. You can get Sustainable Living bamboo toothbrushes with a replaceable head.
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
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Not a few would agree that yoga offers incredible benefits. However, many are still clueless on certain props, such as yoga blocks that can make the experience more satisfying. A few weeks ago, I was clueless about how yoga blocks work. But I dare to say now that I am pretty familiar with it and can share some of the wonders it does with you and hopefully convince you to give it a try. These yoga blocks could be made of cork, foam, or wood, but I consider Cork yoga blocks the most magical ones. Why? You'll read all about that in this article. 
What Are Yoga Blocks For?
I'm aware you have certain questions, and yes, you should. I mean, you cannot just start using yoga blocks overnight because someone asked you to. I didn't, and you shouldn't either.  A yoga block is a rectangular block of cork, wood, or foam. Yoga blocks are used as a prop or support system during yoga exercises.  Of all the props available in yoga, blocks are the most common. Other than their function as an extension of the arm, they are also used to provide support to your waist, back and hips, especially when you intend to perform a complicated pose.
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wooden Yoga blocks There are different yoga blocks that are perfectly suited to various yoga poses. Hence, you are required to identify which of the blocks fits your yoga poses.  Also, certain poses require the use of single blocks, while some need you to stack up many blocks together.  And just in case you think that yoga blocks are used by beginners alone, I'd have to disagree with you on that. I mean, they are used by both beginners and pro yogi. Your ability to use yoga blocks properly distinguishes you as an advanced yogi.
Why Use A Yoga Block?
This was the same question I put to a friend who wouldn't stop talking about how incredibly a yoga block works. I had heard her talk about it so much that I couldn't wait to see for myself what difference the use of a yoga block would make. The truth is there are many benefits you will enjoy simply from using a yoga block. Let's get right to it. First, the yoga block will bring the ground closer to you as it will serve as an extension of your arm. Think about it as having long hands that afford you the ability to act like the comic character, stretchy. Well, maybe not stretchy, but I'm sure you get what I mean. 
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Certain yoga poses require you to touch the ground. Sometimes, it gets uncomfortable when you cannot or when you have to force it and distort the posture. This is precisely where yoga blocks come in. They make sure that whatever pose you intend to perform, irrespective of how complicated it appears, is achievable. Amazing feat if you ask me. Still, this does not in any way imply that you wouldn't be doing the pose. You would, but you wouldn't have to strain your hands like you'd have to without the blocks.  Whenever a pose requires you to touch the ground, using a block is what you need to give you a perfect alignment, which ensures you don't miss out on the benefits of that pose. It will help if you don't hesitate to use a yoga block because it allows you to build strength. Yes! With yoga blocks, you are on a journey to strengthening your body in unbelievable ways. You can achieve this by putting a block between your legs and holding one in your hands for some time. In cases like this, blocks made of corks are preferable to those made of foam because foam is quite light and might not serve the purpose you want it to.  Still, on the reasons you should use yoga blocks, how would you like to practice your yoga poses without losing your balance? Yeah, I thought as much. It'd be great to show off all your yoga skills without any fear of losing your balance. Imagine standing poses like half moon poses known to test one's balance without yoga blocks. Yes, I know. The outcome would be disastrous. I believe you now understand why a yoga block is essential for your yoga practices.
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salabhasana yoga pose with blocks
Cork vs. Foam Yoga Block
Remember I mentioned different kinds of yoga blocks like cork and foam. What if I told you that the cork yoga block is better in many ways than the foam yoga block? How so, right? Well, for starters, cork yoga blocks are stronger and harder than foam blocks, making them a better choice in many ways.  Not only will a cork yoga block provide you with all the stability you need, but it would also ensure great strength throughout your yoga practice. It does this by improving your body's alignment, thereby preventing injury, alleviating strength, and making it possible to get the best out of every posture. The same cannot be said about a foam yoga block. Although it also aids yoga practices, its softness does not allow the stability you'd get while using a classic cork option. 
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How To Use A Yoga Block For Back
Wondering how a yoga block works for different poses? Well, there are several ways you can use it. For your back, you can use it in a bridge pose. You can use this pose for both your upper and lower back. For your upper back, you'll have to place one block horizontally beneath the shoulder blades and one block underneath the head to undo the effects of sitting at a desk during the day. For the lower back, you'll have to place one block beneath your sacrum and another under the lumbar spine so you can comfortably rest your body weight.  Another pose that works perfectly for your back with yoga blocks is the ViparitaKarani Variation. To achieve this, you'll have to place your block next to you while lying down flat on your back with your knees bent and feet apart. You have to take a few deep breaths while lifting your hips. Now, you'll have to keep your arms on the floor alongside you, inhale and as you exhale, and bring your right knee in towards your belly and then your left knee – this makes you balance your hips on the yoga block. Ensure you stay in this position for a few breaths, and then flatten your right leg in the direction of the ceiling and then your left.  The next step is to bring your legs together, stretch your heels above your hips and bend your feet. Ensure you leave your arms the way they’re with your palms face down, or interlock your hands around the back edge of the yoga block. Maintain pressing your upper arms on the floor as you raise your chest. You'd have to maintain this pose for 1-2 minutes.  Bring your knees back into your belly to come out of the pose. One at a time, let go each foot to the ground. Fix your feet into the mat; push down as you raise your hips away and up from the yoga block. Slide the block out from underneath you and slowly roll down one vertebra at a time. Rest here for a few breaths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjGNgpK38T8
How to use yoga blocks for splits 
Just like yoga blocks can be used for the back, you can also use them for splits. You have to take your lunge to the floor, stretch both left and right inner thighs. Bend your back and press into both your back and front legs as you descend.  When pressing your body weight into your back, press back on your calf, by extending the leg in your front straight. You must do this for both legs, by trying to touch each knee with your nose on every occasion. When you’re on your knees, ensure to extend each leg directly as you keep the other at a 90-degree position to the floor. Still on your knees, press your hands into the blocks as you lift your feet just like you're doing a push-up but, in this case, a modified one. Now, you want to stretch both legs out into your current split and hold your body weight up using the blocks. Bounce deep into the holes to loosen up your thigh muscles. You should avoid overdoing it, though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q_n7sFKLkQ
 How To Use Yoga Blocks To increase flexibility 
Curious about how to use yoga blocks to increase your flexibility? You're right on time to find out. I understand how everyone desires to become flexible and start doing complicated yoga poses. I also do, and I am improving my flexibility using yoga blocks. You can too with these few poses: - Lizard pose: This can be pretty tough for people with tight hips. However, this is where a yoga block comes in and makes all the difference. You can place the block in the best position for you and bring your forearms down to your block. Remain this way for few minutes while taking deep, relaxing breaths. - Forward fold: It would be great to place your yoga block on your leg here since this pose focuses on giving your hamstrings flexibility. Ensure you rest your head on the block with each exhale. - JanuSirsasana A - This is also a forward fold but with one leg bent, and it requires working on the hamstrings and the inner thigh and hips as well. So, all you have to do is place the yoga block on the floor this time, any way that works for you, and rest the head. With each exhale, envision your stomach coming towards your thighs; imagine the hips and shoulders even. Breathe fully at this point for 5-7 breaths or more. - Wide leg forward fold – It’s a good pose for the hamstrings, too. It goes a long way in increasing your flexibility. All you need do is bring your head down and rest here, breathing into the backs of the legs. Picture the hip joints aligned with the ankles and hold in this position for 5-7 breaths or more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGRAwNB5BXk
How many cork yoga blocks do you need?
The truth is, if you're practicing on your own, you shouldn't need more than two. However, if you own a studio or love to practice with others, you will need a lot more. Nevertheless, the number of cork yoga blocks you'll need is dependent on particular yoga poses.
How to clean cork yoga blocks? 
Because cork yoga blocks are made up of natural and sustainable materials, cleaning them is pretty easy. You only need to remove stains with a wet cloth. However, in cases whereby there are more stubborn stains, make sure to use a gentle, organic cleanser.
Are our yoga blocks worth it?
I know you could still be unconvinced with all the fuss about yoga blocks and wonder if they are worth it. I have this to say: Yoga blocks are used to make your yoga experience less complicated. And if something makes things easier for me, then I'm all in.
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Green Yoga mat and yoga blocks for Yoga FINAL WORDS Yoga continues to warm its way into the hearts of young and old alike. The first try at yoga leaves almost all beginners glued to it. Why won't it? It is a great way to relax while at the same time stay in shape.  Yoga blocks make the experience less difficult; hence, it should be embraced by everyone who wants to enjoy a fulfilling yoga experience.  The use of yoga blocks does not make you appear less professional. Instead, it shows that you are ready to reach your yoga goals irrespective of what it takes. Read the full article
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
How Many Earths Do We Need To Sustain Our Lifestyle? - Why Is Sustainability Important?
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There were programs in my middle school that helped educate us on what we can do to make the world a better place. We looked at how long we could survive on Earth if we didn’t change anything about the way we were living. We researched to see how many Earths it would take to keep up. There was one word that was always thrown in our faces. Sustainability. As a child, I didn’t understand what that meant. All I could gather was that it related to the forests, oceans, and something about a carbon footprint. It was abstract and intangible as a child. They always asked us: Why Is Sustainability Important?  I can’t say I had an answer back then. It was a confusing topic that I struggled to navigate. As an adult, I have been able to reflect on those experiences and now I would like to share them with you.
Why is Sustainability Important?
The concept of sustainability needs to be broken down into a context that we can understand. It’s about how clean our air is. It’s about making sure that the water we have left on the planet is drinkable. It’s about our ability to keep the planet habitable. This concept is the only way that we can make sure that the Earth will endure for years to come.
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Red Flags: What Happens When We Ignore Sustainability?
Ignorance is not our friend when it comes to ways to help the planet. We have to look at the resources we are using and find better solutions. When we ignore what we need to make sure that the planet can sustain human life, we do a lot of damage. We create problems for future generations. We are also creating cycles that will become harder and harder to fix. Many companies continue to use fossil fuels to aid in their work and performance. The problem with fossil fuels is it creates a reliance on a resource that’s finite. There is only so much oil that will be accessible. Coal that can be dug out. We cut down trees for fuel which means that wildlife will no longer have homes. In the end, it makes it hard to create life on the planet that can maintain our life habits. We are shortening the resources and the length of time humans will be able to survive on Earth. How can we change this?
How to Live a Sustainable Life?
Living a life considered sustainable is not an easy feat. We have to look at something called our carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is the individual impact we have on the environment based on the things that we do. Activities that would impact your footprint are transportation, foods that we eat, et cetera. We also have to be mindful that all parts of life are interrelated. Here are things you can do today to help you live a more balanced life:
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Smoke from the car exhaust on the road is a global problem 1. Transportation The ways we get around have a huge impact on the planet. Depending on how we travel, we can be doing more harm than good. How do you get to work? If you drive alone in your car every day -that is a LOT of air pollution going on. Instead, take the bus, take the train, carpool with a buddy. These things will help lessen how much carbon emissions are entering the atmosphere. 2. Foods we eat We are what we eat, or so the saying goes. Being aware of the foods we consume can help us understand where these foods come from. The best way to lower your carbon footprint is to eat foods that are  lower on the food chain. Oftentimes, this means fruits, vegetables and grains. By doing this, we are cutting out transportation and production costs. On top of that - we also need to work on eating foods that are locally produced. Local foods are foods that are easily produced around the areas you live. Foods that don’t follow these conditions end up being more expensive and create more waste. What are foods that you eat? Make a list and see if you can find some local alternatives at places like your local farmer’s market.
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Happy child points fingers at recycle sign on his t-shirt. He knows the point. 3. Avoid waste! Recycling and composting are the most popular ways we can reuse our waste. Recycling is making old, used things into new ones. Batteries, cardboard boxes, glass and even some plastics are examples of reusable material. Recycled items made into new couches, tables, and even paper! Composting is taking food waste and other organic matter to repurpose for fertilizer. This can help with fertilizing our gardens and farms that produce our foods. It starts with your own homes. Look at how you handle waste. Does a lot of it end up in the landfill? Think about purchasing a small trash can and put in a compost bag.                                                             
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4. Shopping Shopping is a popular pastime. It does create opportunities for waste. We often buy items that we don’t actually need. Companies push for new electronics such as phones and laptops every year. They do this even though the phones we have are capable of doing the job. How often do you go shopping? How often do you buy items that you don’t need? When was your last phone upgrade? Take some time to check needs vs wants before making purchases.
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Heating season. Choose the temperature wisely. 5. Items in Our Homes Examining the type of items we use in the home can help us understand our impact on the world. Electricity and water usage are easy ways to see how you are contributing. The best way to incorporate balance in your home is to change your light bulbs to high efficiency ones. You can also change the type of showerhead to lower the amount of water you use on a daily basis. Here are other items in your home that can be more efficient: - Washer and Dryers - Dishwasher - Stove and Oven - Refrigerator - Thermostats Of course, these are ways we, as individuals, can have an impact now. We need to also include the community in these efforts to be successful. One place that can focus on this is the educational system.
How to improve sustainability in our schools?
Children are the future and we should include them in the future we are creating. By starting at a young age, we are proactive. When we allow opportunities for children to make this a routine, it becomes less daunting. To improve sustainability in our schools, we have to start with what they have access to. 1. Lessons Teachers are expected to have lessons about math, reading, writing, et cetera. Why not include sustainability? These lessons can be hands-on and provide the children with real action. An idea for a lesson is learning about where food comes from. Educators can even start with having a community garden. The children can also learn more about the local fauna and flora through this context. Starting a recycling program is another way to build community. The children can sort through waste containers in their classrooms. This will give them practice and real world context. Encouraging outside time is another way to allow for children to enjoy the planet they live on! Spend some time on the grass or breathing in the fresh air.
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2. Field Trips Another way to help children learn more about their impact on the world is to make it interactive. Not only are field trips a great break from the classroom, they also provide real world context. Go to the source. Visit the local watershed and see how the systems work.  Visit the farmer’s markets to see what local farmers and crafters are making. Giving children a real world experience will help them understand the big picture.
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3. Sustainable Arts and Craft Reusing materials found at school and at home. Toilet paper rolls, jar lids, glass bottles, etc are all things we often throw away. By showing the children how to use what they have - they are learning how items have many purposes. This also allows for families to become involved by bringing in items they have at home. When it becomes a family affair, it enhances what a child learns at school.
Next Steps
With all this information, the natural question is - what do we do now? How can we change the trajectory of the planet? understanding of sustainability for generations to come? We have to start small. If we take on too much, it will be hard to maintain. Think about what you have in your homes and what you do on a daily basis. From there, start with one thing you can do to improve your carbon footprint. Revisit the list above on ways you can change things at home and with your family. Tomorrow's Earth starts with today’s choices. Read the full article
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
Do I Need Flood Insurance In Southwest Florida? In short, if flood insurance is not required, you may want to consider it anyway. A typical home insurance policy doesn’t cover it. #swflorida
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
How a Wind Mitigation Inspection can Save you Money. Wind mitigation inspections almost always save you money on your home insurance pricing. Why do we even need one? What are they? #swfl
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
Benefits of a Vacation Rental while waiting for your DREAM Home. Vacation rentals are often overlooked as a short term rental solution while awaiting the build of your dream home. #realestate
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
Here Are The ingredients to avoid in skincare or any Personal Care products
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Using personal care products? If so, you must read this: Why we are not protected by the FDA regulations from exposure to harmful ingredients in our personal care products. Learn how to read the product labels, and how to disqualify harmful products!  You’d be amazed at the harmful chemicals you might find in “hypoallergenic” or “for sensitive skin” or “for babies” products. But first, a few words about the regulation of personal care products: Skin care and other everyday personal care products are regulated by the FDA differently than drugs! The FDA cannot require manufacturers to perform safety testing of their products. The only personal care ingredients that require FDA approval prior to their use are color additives. Since it is illegal to distribute personal care products that might contain harmful ingredients, many cosmetic companies routinely test the safety of the substances in their products. However, it is mostly in their hands to decide what is considered TOO HARNFUL TO USE… So, how can you find the best body lotion or face cream? Luckily, cosmetics labels must list ingredients in descending order of predominance. That’s why you should know what to look for, BEFORE buying the product! p.s. Don’t judge by brand names, since many prestigious companies fill their products with harmful ingredients…
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Detergents and surfactants
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) are detergents added to most shampoos, soaps, shaving foams, toothpastes and bubble bath products to help create foam. SLS is also present in other types of personal care products, including baby products that claim to be “sensitive” or “gentle”. Thanks to its effectiveness in removing oil and soil residues from every surface, SLS is used – in higher concentrations – in industrial products including engine degreasers, floor cleaners and car wash soaps… Apparently, SLS is not the best substance to use in skincare formulations designed for continuous, everyday use. It might irritate the skin, eyes, and hair follicles – especially in cases of skin hypersensitivity, prolonged exposure, or high concentrations. In products intended for prolonged contact with skin or hair, SLS concentrations should not exceed 1-2%.  Even though, some personal hygiene products still have up to 10% SLS!
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                                                Another common foaming agent is 1,4-Dioxane, which is a known eye and respiratory tract irritant! Dioxane is also suspected of causing damage to the central nervous system, liver and kidneys. Worst of all, it is a known carcinogen in animals and therefore possibly carcinogenic to humans as well. Cocamide MEA (cocamide monoethanolamine) Cocamide DEA (cocamide diethanolamide), and cocamide TEA (cocamide triethanolamine) are widely used in personal care products as thickeners and foam boosters. They are also used in metalworking fluids as corrosion inhibitors… In laboratory studies, DEA was associated with miscarriages, inhibition of fetal brain development, and cancer. MEA was shown to be toxic to humans when inhaled (and therefore should not be used as an ingredient in formulations that might be aerosolized). Animal studies on TEA showed that even low concentrations induced skin erosions, local inflammation and an increase in the incidence of renal and liver cancers. Since these lubricating substances do not add any real value to cosmetic products, nor do they help the skin’s health – why should we use them at all?                                                 Mineral Oil makes the skin feel soft and smooth, but don’t let the word “Mineral ” fool you! Mineral oil, a petroleum derivative – suffocates the skin, clogs pores and locks in toxins and waste. Since it inhibits the natural body oils, it causes the skin to dry out. It is mainly found in body lotions, skin creams and baby oils.
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Methyl, ethyl, propyl, isobutyl and butyl parabens are the most widely used preservatives in personal care and cosmetic products. In most cases, they are used in combinations of two or more, and might come into daily contact with skin, hair, nails, lips or eyes. Parabens can penetrate the skin after application, enter the blood stream and affect different tissues. Chronic topical application of parabens may cause skin irritation and even weak estrogenic effects. However, in combination with natural essential oils that have antimicrobial properties (such as lavender, tea tree and lemon) – it is possible to markedly reduce the usage level of these synthetic preservatives! Since the preservative agent Formaldehyde is known to cause skin irritation and contact allergies, it is rarely used in cosmetics. However, there are many types of Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives that are being used in everyday personal care products, such as: Quaternium-15, DMDM hydantoin, Germall, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1, and 3-diol (Bronopol). Methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone, a common non-formaldehyde preservative. It is widely used in shampoos and other personal care products. Due to its irritant and allergic potential, it is mainly used in wash-off products (how comforting…) Triclosan is an antibacterial agent, that can be found mainly in soaps, deodorants, toothpastes, shaving creams and mouth washes. It acts as an endocrine disruptor, even in low doses, and it can also combine with chlorine in tap water to form dioxins (known human carcinogens) or achloroform gas (a probable human carcinogen).
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Penetration Enhancers
Due to its function as a moisturizing agent, surfactant and solvent, propylene glycol is a common ingredient in cosmetics, soaps, shampoos and even pharmaceuticals or food. It can alter the skin structure, making it more penetrable to other chemicals. It may irritate skin and eyes, elicit contact hypersensitivity, and even cause neurotoxicity and hormonal disruption.
Fragrances are aromatic compounds that impart odor. Fragrance mixtures are one of the leading causes of contact allergy to cosmetics. Phthalates are used in a large variety of products, including personal care products, plastic products, food packaging, detergents, toys and much more. Phthalates are considered to be in a class of endocrine disruptors known as “xenoestrogens”, for their ability to mimic the effect of estrogen on the body. Different studies have linked phthalate exposure in men to a decrease in testosterone levels and sperm quality. You can identify phthalates in some products by their chemical names, e.g., di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), diethyl phthalate (DEP), benzylbutyl phthalate (BzBP), etc. However, personal care ingredients are not always that clear. For example, be aware of the term “fragrance”, which is used to indicate a combination of compounds, possibly including phthalates…
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Color Additives
Coloring additives in personal care products (e.g., hair dyes, shampoos, toothpastes, bubble bath) are referred to as “D&C” colors, indicating usage in Drugs and Cosmetics, and are carefully monitored by the FDA. D&C pigments that have been reported to be sensitizers include D&C red 7, D&&C red 21, D&C red 36, D&C yellow 11 and Iron oxides. Severe allergic reactions may be caused by Coal Tar Dyes, especially D&C Blue 1, D&C Yellow 5 (Tartrazine), D&C yellow 6 (Sunset yellow) and Phenylenediamine, which are strong allergens and possible carcinogens.
Dioxin (not to be confused with Dioxane) is a dangerous chemical, with highly toxic potential to human organs as well as to the environment. It is a known human carcinogen, and it has the ability to damage the immune system and interfere with hormonal systems. The chemical name for dioxin is: 2,3,7,8 – tetrachlorodibenzo para dioxin (TCDD). The name ‘dioxins’ is often used for the family of structurally and chemically related polychlorinated substances. Once dioxins have entered the body, they are stored there for years, thanks to their chemical stability and their ability to be absorbed by fat tissues. In the environment, dioxins tend to accumulate in the food chain. The higher in the animal food chain one goes, the higher is the concentration of dioxins. Tampons, used by millions of women in the United Stated, are usually made of cotton and rayon. Rayon is a synthetic fiber made from wood pulp. During that process, Dioxin is created as a byproduct and is present in small amounts in rayon fibers. In addition, Dioxin is sometimes detected even in tampons made of 100% cotton. Since the water and ground are polluted with Dioxin, its traces may be present in the cotton or wood pulp raw materials used to make tampons. Therefore, it is best to use tampons from organic cotton which is grown without the use of pesticides and processed fibers.
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The Lipstick is one of the most commonly used cosmetic products among women. Several chemicals commonly contained in the lipstick have been associated with autoimmune processes, such as: Eosin (a red dye), 2-Octynoic acid (a chemical xenobiotic) and Phthalates. Lipsticks may also contain other harmful agents, including coal, lead, synthetic oils, pigments and dyes. Moreover, the application of products to the lips may potentially increase the amount of chemical exposure, through oral ingestion. It is highly recommended to choose natural, organic lipsticks, with a comprehensible list of ingredients. So, if you’re looking for the best body lotion or other personal care products – read the ingredients list first, because you know what are the ingredients to avoid in skincare . If only a trained chemist would be able to figure it out – better think twice before buying it… More Sources: Corazza M, and colleagues: Surfactants, skin cleansing protagonists. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2009 Castanedo-Tardan MP,and colleagues: Patterns of cosmetic contact allergy. Dermatologic Clinics. 2009;27(3):265-80. Wang J, and colleagues: Is lipstick associated with the development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)? Clinical Rheumatology. 2008;27(9):1183-7. Prusakiewicz JJ, and colleagues: Parabens inhibit human skin estrogen sulfotransferase activity: possible link to paraben estrogenic effects. Toxicology. 2007; 11: 248-56. Lee E, and colleagues: Comparison of objective and sensory skin irritations of several cosmetic preservatives. Contact Dermatitis. 2007;56(3):131-6. Dioxins and their effects on human health. World Health Organization Media centre> Fact sheets. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs225/en/index.html Read the full article
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
The 20 Best Essential Oils for Emergency Preparedness
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Emergency preparedness and essential oils go hand in hand.  After learning all the amazing things the oils can do and the fact that they had a sustainable shelf life, I knew I needed to stock up.  I have been pretty creative in obtaining extra oils and have been able to teach others to do the same thing.  The most important thing I can tell you is use oils now.  Use them every day for everything.  Then when the emergency comes you will have the confidence you need to use them for yourself and help others. I am going to share several oils I have an extra bottle or two of with you.  However, if push comes to shove and you can only store a few, store an extra Family Essential Kit.  That will give you the basics of what you need.  There is nothing worse than getting to the end of your bottle, being in the middle of an emergency and not having a spare.
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Oils for Emergency Preparedness
Lemon – cleanses and purifies the air and surfaces, cleanses the body and aids in digestion, supports respiratory function, and promotes a positive mood. I have several bottles of this oil for cleaning my drinking water. Lavender – great for calming and relaxing, soothes skin irritations, a natural antihistamine to use for bug bites or seasonal allergies, can help reduce anxious feelings.  This oil is a go to and can be applied to any bump, burn, cut or bruise. Peppermint – supports tummy troubles, promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing, boosts energy, and can be used as a cooling oil in times of heat or distress. Peppermint is one of my favorite oils I love to add it with a drop of Lime for an energy boost and emotional balance. Oregano – helps maintain healthy immune system, supports healthy respiratory function, healthy digestion and is a powerful cleansing and purifying agent.  Oregano would be my go to for helping any type  of infection. Melaleuca – use for all things skin related, promotes healthy immune function, and protects against environmental and seasonal threats. A Milder form of Oregano but very powerful!
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On Guard – protects against environmental threats, cleanses the air, supports body’s natural antioxidant defense, add to water for an effective all-purpose cleaner. I have the foaming hand soap and cleaning concentrate in On Guard also.  I use this protective blend daily and would up that with any type of emergency. Deep Blue – rub on lower back muscles after a day of heavy lifting, when there is an emergency clean-up is usually required.  Deep Blue can bring comfort and relaxation to over worked, over tired muscles.  Those who are helping with the emergency will need some type of comfort and relief. Digestzen –  helps maintain a healthy intestinal tract, soothing to stomach discomfort, and promotes digestion. You may have food spoilage you are dealing with.  Digestzen can help with that. Breathe – maintains feelings of clear airways and natural breathing, minimize the effects of seasonal threats, inhale directly from palms or rub on the chest when environmental risks are high and helps promote a restful night’s sleep. Breathe can help with feelings of anxiousness.  When we are dealing with emergencies, there will be the uncertainty of the unknown. Frankincense – supports healthy cellular function, helpful for relaxation and to balance mood, supports healthy skin recovery, supports all other oils and facilitates clarity and focus of the mind.
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Clove – very high in antioxidants, supports the cardiovascular system, naturally repels insects, use for mouth and gums to provide relief of discomfort.  This oil is a must! Lime – supports healthy immune function, smells good and you will need something to elevate mood during an emergency, great internal cleanser, promotes emotional balance and well-being, cleanses air, flavor water and antioxidant support.  I love to mix Lime with Peppermint or Frankincense.  It has an uplifting smell and makes for an amazing cleaning oil. Myrrh – powerful cleansing properties, especially for the mouth and throat, soothing to the skin (think liquid band aid) eases stomach discomfort, decreases feeling of tension, and promotes emotional balance and well-being Purify – eradicates unpleasant odors and clears the air, protects against environmental threats, add to laundry to help eliminate odor, soothe away skin irritations from bug bites.  When my basement flooded, I had endless smelly towels to wash!  Purify was my go to oil. Basil – promotes mental alertness and lessens anxious feelings, helps ease monthly feminine discomfort, helps ease ear discomfort.  When feeling overwhelmed which I would be in an emergency Basil can calm me.
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Lemongrass – use with Melaleuca for toe and fingernail support, combine with Peppermint to support healthy gastrointestinal function and maintain healthy digestion, and naturally repels insects. Plus it smells great!  You can add Lemongrass to any of your cleaning or injury oils. White Fir- evokes feelings of stability, supports bones, muscles, cartilage, and cleanses and purifies the air.  Besides smelling the oil, I would add it to other oils I would be layering for an injury. Aromatouch – eases feelings of tension and promotes relaxation, promotes circulation, and can ease the tension when muscle fatigue is present.  Aromatouch has become one of my favorite oils with the combination of Lavender, Marjoram, Cypress, Grapefruit, Peppermint, and Basil there are many benefits including increased circulation. Terrashield – chances are in your emergency you have no power, windows are open, and the bugs are plenty.  Terrashield can be your friend to help keep them at bay. Balance – whenever an emergency arises Balance can help keep you grounded.  Always use it on yourself first then pass the bottle around. As you can see the Essential Oils for Emergency Preparedness can benefit you every day as well as during an emergency.  I hope you take the opportunity to learn more about them and use them.  If you are ready to purchase start here.  If you need more information reach out to me and I can help you find the best place to start.  Happy oiling! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSn1trYeNbg Read the full article
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simplygreenwind · 3 years
Find Out What This Amazing Miraculous Frankincense Oil Can Do For You!
Essential oils have for ages been utilized because of their healing properties included in aromatherapy. Additionally, essential natural oils are produced from stems, roots, and leaves of a variety of health-promoting plants. Particularly, Frankincense oil is a common type of essential oil utilized in aromatherapy. It provides numerous health advantages, such as building up the immune system, assisting reduce chronic stress and anxiety, as well as decreasing swelling and discomfort. This oil may also help avoid or deal with cancer. It really is derived from the actual resin of the Boswellia carterii or Boswellia sacara tree that develops in Somalia. This oil works extremely well by absorbing this via the skin (often coupled with carrier essential oil, such as jojoba oil or even an unscented lotion) or perhaps inhaling the item. Frankincense might transmit msgs to the limbic system of your mind, therefore having a beneficial impact on the nervous system. It’s very important to know that a person shouldn’t consume a large amount of the actual oil since it could be poisonous.
Eight Fantastic Methods to Use Frankincense Essential Oil:
Assists fight lines and wrinkles as well as slow the actual signs of aging The powerful astringent attributes of the essential oil make it an excellent natural treatment to help you protect your own skin tissues. You can use this to help avoid wrinkles, minimize the appearance of enormous pores, reduce acne scars, and lift and tighten the skin, thus which are slowing the signs of aging. Moreover, the good thing is that you can use this anywhere wherever your skin gets saggy, such as under your own eyes, stomach, or jowls. Simply mix Six drops along with one ounce. of unscented oil after which apply it on the damaged skin spot. Naturally, you need to do a small patch region check first to be able to test for just about any allergic reactions. Assists heal acne breakouts, wounds, stretch marks and scars It could assist minimize the physical appearance of scars as well as support injury healing. Moreover, it could additionally help reduce the look of dark spots associated with eczema, acne scars, and stretch marks. It could additionally help speed up the recovery process of medical wounds. The one thing you need to do is actually combine a few drops using an unscented cream or base oil and after that apply it on the damaged skin area. Although it is beneficial for your skin which is in the process of recovery, prevent applying it on broken skin area. Eases indigestion Whenever you experience digestive system distress, such as stomach pains, cramps, constipation, gases, ibs or PMS, think about using the frankincense essential oil because it could help relieve literally any kind of gastrointestinal pain. The essential oil could help increase digestion of food in the in an identical way like digestive enzymes. So, all you should do is actually put 1 or 2 drops to one tablespoon associated with natural and organic honey or to eight ounces of drinking water to ease the gastrointestinal pain. It’s advised to work with 100% natural oil to get maximum advantages.
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Helps relieve stress Frankincense essential oil assists stimulate the sensation of fulfillment, peace, as well as relaxation. To be able to alleviate tension, you should put a few drops into your warm bath. That is not all, you may also add this to your essential oil vaporizer or even diffuser to assist relieve anxiousness and offer you relaxation. The scent of frankincense oil can also raise your spiritual link and instinct.
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Can help to decrease discomfort and inflammation Diffuse the actual oil in your house or rub it on the painful spot in order to increase circulation as well as ease the indicators of muscles and joints pain related to arthritis, asthma, as well as digestive problems. Basically, diffuse a couple of drops at your residence, or even mix several drops along with carrier essential oil to rub down into your ft, neck, muscles and joints. In addition, you may even add one drop to steaming drinking water and then dip a hand towel in it. After that, you should put the hand towel over your face or even on your entire body to inhale it to assist relieve muscles aches.
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Acts as the nontoxic home cleaner The actual antiseptic attributes of frankincense make it a great virus as well as a bacteria killer. This means that the actual oil can help clean interior spaces as well as remove infections and germs from your home. You may use it within your oil diffuser to help minimize indoor air pollution as well as safely disinfect any areas and bedrooms in your house.
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Assists fight flu as well as colds In case you suffer from the respiratory infections related to a cold or the flu, think about using frankincense oil to assist ease the coughing. The essential oil may help eliminate phlegm within your lungs. In addition, it also possesses anti-inflammatory attributes, which make this beneficial for doing breathing less difficult, even if you are afflicted by asthma or even allergies. Just use it within your oil diffuser or put a few drops on a towel and after that inhale it to assist fight any respiratory system infection.
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Serves as the chemical-free personal hygiene product The actual antiseptic attributes of the essential oil make it an excellent addition towards oral personal hygiene regimen. Purchase natural dental care products that contain frankincense essential oil, particularly if you prefer the fragrance because it aids in preventing dental health issues, including dental infections, teeth decay, tooth cavities and smelly breath. What’s more, you may also make homemade toothpaste simply by mixing some frankincense oil with baking soda.
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Listed below are 2 quality recipes to enjoy the advantages of the essential oil:
You can combine frankincense oil with some carrier oils for example jojoba essential oil, coconut oil or shea butter. You may also mix this with different essential oils. Which kind of essential oil you actually mix with frankincense will depend on the advantages you are seeking. Particularly, you can combine it along with citrus natural oils to improve your energy or combine it along with lavender essential oil to offer relaxation. Homemade body butter to assist reduce the physical appearance of scars Serves: 4 Items You’ll Need: -Ten drops of frankincense oil -Ten drops of jasmine oil -Two ounces of natural, raw coconut oil or shea butter -Small container   Prep:   1. Put the shea butter within a dual boiler, and after that melt it till you have the liquid. 2. The essential oil shouldn’t end up being very hot. Next, combine it together with the other natural oils. The shea butter ought to be at room temp or even a bit warmer. 3. Moreover, you are able to smear this on the scar tissue immediately. Additionally, you might like to make it into a cream consistency simply by placing this in the refrigerator until it is actually cool. Mix for a few minutes and whipping the natural oils into a white-colored cream using a hand-mixer on high-speed. 4. Move the mix into storage containers or a glass jar, and also store this at room temp.
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DIY sleep-promoting body scrub or face care cream: You should use this particular cream to assist you to fall as well as stay asleep. That’s not everything, it can also help you to get rid of acne breakouts and spots. Things You will require: -Five drops of lavender oil -Half a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil -Five drops of frankincense oil -1/5 tablespoon of organic, raw coconut oil -Small container   Prep:   Make sure the actual coconut essential oil is smooth. In case it is far from soft, you could heat this in a dual boiler. Later on, mix this with the additional oils and after that apply it to the body or even face.      You should pat your self off right after to prevent the actual oil from dripping into the bed sheets. Additionally, you could store it to be able to use it some other time.Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing your block.
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The negative effects of frankincense oil:
The good thing is that frankincense oil is well-tolerated, particularly when compared with prescription medications. Until now, there are not any documented adverse negative effects of utilizing the oil. However, in case you consume a large amount of this, it can be poisonous. In rare situations, people may experience small skin rashes and some digestive problems; such as stomach discomfort or nausea and vomiting. Furthermore, because frankincense oil has blood-thinning attributes; if you have problems with any blood clotting issues, avoid using this essential oil. Or else, it might interfere with several anticoagulant medications. Read the full article
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