Oh crap! Sorry, I’m the girl who’s 5”1 and socially awkward. Can you do a Detroit match up? So sorry for the inconvenience.
I searched for your request and I don’t think we have it? There is no one in our inbox with a 5′1 height. Send it again, please? - Jana
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Hey! We’re really sorry for the wait but as it seems now, it won’t be continued for a while as we’re currently having some problems. We’re deeply sorry for anyone who actually likes our own story and we hope to be back with the next part some day. - Jana
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How Markus would be with his daughter
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Heya, thank you for requesting! This may be short, but we hope that you will enjoy it anyway. :)
If Markus had a daughter, he would probably be very protective over her. Though he'd never stop her from making her own life decisions and experiences, because he knows how important it is to be able live your own life freely and the way you want to. But watch him go off when his daughter tells him that someone hurt her. You probably wouldn't want to mess with Markus' daughter.
Markus despises fighting with his daughter. When she had reached those awkward teenaged years, he would be devastated after every argument they had. Markus doesn't like going to sleep with still unresolved problems, so he would always try to sit down with his daughter so they could talk about their issues.
Because of Carl's strong influence on him, Markus would make sure that his daughter gets piano lessons from day one. He's also very supportive of his child learning to draw and trying to help her develop all kinds of creative skills. Markus wants to cherish and remember Carl, and tries to, somehow, make him live on inside of his child.
Markus would never miss out on reading his child a bedtime story, even if he had the most stressful day. Family is very important to him, and he tries to spend as much time with his daughter as possible, even though his time consuming task to bring equality to the androids.
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@everyone who reads a multichapter fic and comments on each individual chapter (rather than commenting just once at the end) so the author can see you read through to individual events with changing thoughts and reactions: i would kill a man for you.
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Blue is a happy color [5]
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The mayor‘s house was gigantic and honestly, utterly impressive. At least 100 feet high, consisting out of some kind of white stone, - probably marble as Ophelia figured –  and with wide, white doors, the female detective looked up at it for a while with pure awe.
When Gavin had slapped her shoulder and made a mocking noise with his mouth, the woman got a hold of herself again as her partner rang the doorbell.
The mayor had opened the door and quickly let them in, as soon after Valerie‘s name came over Gavin‘s lips.
„Mr. Lovich, is your wife home? We‘d like to talk to her too, if that‘s possible.“, the male detective said.
The father of the shortly deceased girl huffed, rolling his eyes. He had a stoic face, a long, sharp nose with thin lips, which looked like they’d be frowning on every day of the year.
The mayor swallowed hard before tightening his tie and turning towards Gavin. „No, that's not possible. She may be at home, but she's in bed ... and she isn’t feeling well."
Ophelia raised an eyebrow in face of his coldness but still nodded slowly.
„We're very sorry for what has happened, Mr. Lovich. You have my deepest condolences.“, Ophelia said and the three of them took a seat on the two very expensive looking sofas, standing in the middle of the living room.
Arthur Lovich only nodded slowly, still keeping his cold expression and not allowing himself to show any kind of emotion. He couldn't possibly be this controlled after his child just died, but Ophelia figured that acting experience probably came with the job.
Gavin cleared his throat before leaning forward a little bit and starting to talk. „We’d like to know what kind of relationship you had to your daughter?“
„A wonderful one“, Lovich responded. „Valerie was very well-behaved, polite and intelligent. She just got A‘s in school and was never rebellious or defiant. I … I loved her more than anything.“
For a short moment, the mayor‘s disguise seemed to crumble, his voice breaking at the end of his last sentence. But he quickly got a hold of himself again, after closing his eyes for a few seconds.
„And how was your wife’s relationship to Valerie?“, Gavin continued.
„Very good as well. Like I said, Valerie was the perfect child and basically an angel.“, the mayor explained.
Ophelia and Gavin shot each other a look. The perfect child? Both of them knew that this didn‘t exist, excluding android children, of course.
The woman bit the dry skin of her upper lip as she asked. „Did she go out often? Or did she have a boyfriend, a girlfriend maybe?“
Mr. Lovich laughed in a bitter, clangorous way. „No, she didn't, she knew that I wouldn't allow something like that. Whatever happened, I'm sure it had something to do with the influence of her so called ‘best friend‘.“
Once again, the two detectives shot each other a look and Ophelia tilted her head to the side. „You didn‘t approve of Alyssa‘s and Valerie‘s friendship?“
„I despised it, to be honest with you. Alyssa wasn't any good for my sweet girl.“, the mayor explained while standing up and walking over to the bar standing next to them. As he poured himself a drink, he continued talking. „It‘s not even like it‘s her own fault, she’s only a foster child, so she couldn’t know any better. But she is skipping school, she has a criminal record and she always smells like pot.“
Noticing the tension in her partner because of the things the mayor had said, Ophelia put a hand on his knee and giving him a little squeeze, only slightly too hard. She already knew Gavin well enough to know that he might say something stupid or tactless, and she really couldn’t have that now. It was still the mayor who they were talking to, even if he seemed to be a prick.
Suppressing the sharp comment that waited on her own tongue, Ophelia cleared her throat before speaking. „Of course, we‘ll look into it, Mr. Lovich. We already have two Detectives at her home. If she had anything to do with Valerie’s death, we'll find out.“
No matter what else the two detectives had asked him, he always insisted that his daughter was a good girl, never did anything wrong and after all, it was all Alyssa‘s fault, anyway.
After a few minutes, it was Gavin who pinched Ophelia in her lower back, as she almost let a sharp comment slip out of her mouth. The young woman bit her own lip hard, to keep herself from saying anything disrespectful. But to her, that man was no father, he was a politician with every inch of his tall and thin body.
„Would you mind letting us search her room?“, Gavin finally asked.
After having taken the last sip of his drink, the mayor shrugged his shoulders and answered. „Sure, go ahead, Detectives. We have nothing to hide.“
Both of them made their way up the stairs, - which were unnecessarily long and wide, - before heading to the dead girl‘s room at the end of the hallway.
After Ophelia had opened the door, they shot each other another look. The room didn't exactly look like the one of a fifteen-year-old girl would. It seemed almost sterile, with most of her belongings or furniture being white and without color.
Ophelia remembered how her room had looked when she had been fifteen. Her walls, full with pictures of her friends, the pets she owned or of her family, some dumb quotes she thought were absolutely genius or edgy. There had been bright colors everywhere, and it definetly had never been this clean.
„Alright, I'm gonna take a look at the drawers and her clothes. Gavin, would you mind looking under the bed, maybe?“, the young woman offered with a cheeky smile.
The man rolled his eyes, but crouched down to get under the bed. In the meanwhile, she opened the first, few drawers, but to only find some tops, shorts and underwear, nothing else.
The last drawer though, contained a small, golden book with Valerie‘s initials on it, as well as two black boxes.
„I think I’ve found something.“, Ophelia stated and turned around to look at her partner.
Gavin’s head popped out beneath the bed before he crawled out of it again, his dark clothes being almost completely covered in dust bunnies.
He looked grumpy as he joined her. „You made me crawl under that fucking bed for nothing, woman. You better found something.“
She chuckled a bit before handing him one of the boxes, opening the other herself.
„Wow, that‘s like … a shitload of condoms in here.“, the female detective exclaimed surprised before looking back at Gavin.
He grinned cockily as he turned the box inside of his hand so she could see inside. „Well, I won, because I've found better. Weed, cigs, small liquor bottles, whatever, you name it. Shit, I think there’s even some cocaine?“
„We'll take that with us. The book too, I guess it's her dairy. Could help us, maybe.“, Ophelia decided and Gavin nodded with acceptance. „Sounds like something.“
Ophelia stuffed the dairy in one of the boxes and gave them to Gavin so he could carry them. Together, they went down to talk to to the mayor again.
„We have everything that we need, I guess.“, Ophelia started and gave him a smile. „Thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr. Lovich.“
The mayor looked at them out of squinted his eyes. „What do we have here?“, he asked and raised both of his eyebrows.
„Some of Valerie‘s belongings, of which we think that they could help us find the murderer.“, Ophelia replied, not allowing her smile to break for a second.
Mr. Lovich glared at them for a while, before lifting his head and making a few steps towards her. When he was so close that the young woman could feel his breath on her Face, he whispered in a raw voice.
„If the news hear anything about this - “, he started, but Ophelia interrupted him quickly, still smiling. „Of course, sir, don't worry. I wish you a good evening, Mr. Lovich.“
As soon as the door of the mansion had shut behind them, Ophelia let out a deep sigh, while Gavin only grunted. „Fucking prick“
   When Hank and Connor had arrived at the home of the Hawking family, the android had rang the bell twice before a tiny girl with messy, brunette hair opened the door for them.
„Can I help you?“, she asked, her face was flushed and her eyes were red from crying.
„Yes, I think so. My name is Lieutenant Hank Anderson, I‘m from the Detroit Police Department. This is Connor, my partner. Are you Alyssa Hawking?“, Hank introduced himself.
The tiny girl nodded and a quick analyzation of her face confirmed this to Connor. After Alyssa had let them into her home, he looked around the room quickly.
„Are your parents home?“, he asked the girl, who responded with a shake of her head.
Connor shot Hank a knowing look, who returned it. Her parents left her home alone the day after her best friend died?
Alyssa let herself fall on the yellow couch in the middle of the room, nodding to the free space next to her. „Take a seat.“
„Thank you, Alyssa“, Hank said while he and the android did what they had been told to. „I assume that you know why we're here?“
Once again, the young girl only nodded, tears forming inside of her eyes again.
Connor suddenly felt the strong urge to swallow down the unusual lump that was forming inside of his throat.
Hank took a deep breath and looked at the young girl with eyes that almost looked sweet. „I'm very sorry for your loss, Alyssa. It must be terrible to lose a friend at such a young age.“
Alyssa only nodded absently, biting her lip while single tears ran down her cheeks. She tried not to look at one of them directly.
„But if we want to find the one who did this to your friend, we need your help.“, Hank said.
Alyssa snorted loud with her nose, still not looking at the men once. „And what would that change? She'd still be dead.“
„You're right, Valerie won‘t come back. That's simply a fact and, trust me, I know that hurts.“, Hank responded, bracing his upper body on his tighs and leaning forward a bit. „But the guy who did that to her is still out there, and he already raped three other girls. And he will hurt other people too if we don't find him.“
As the lieutenant spoke, Alyssa had started to cry freely, and bitter sobs were leaving her mouth. Connor grabbed his knees hard with his hands.
The girl swallowed her tears down and answered when she could speak again. „There's nothing I could tell you.“
„Valerie's parents told us that she wanted to stay with you last night. Did she arrive here?“, Connor insisted.
„No, she didn't.“, Alyssa replied and the android noticed how the expression on her face twisted, her heartbeat rising slightly.
„I don't think you're telling us the truth, Alyssa.“, he said.
For the first time since they had entered her house, Alyssa looked directly at one of them, glaring at Connor with reproachfully, taunting eyes. „She's dead. Nothing I could say would help her. It would only be bad for me.“
Hank shot his partner a look, frowning.
„Why would that be bad for you?“, Hank asked carefully. „Do you know what happened?“
„No!“, Alyssa almost screamed at them, tears spreading all over her face.
She sobbed once, then twice, and when she was calmed down again she added. „You don't know my parents.“
Suddenly, the front door of the flat opened with a loud swing and a tall, young woman with short, black hair entered the living room.
„What the fuck are these guys doing here?“, the woman spat at Alyssa after she had noticed Hank and Connor sitting on the couch next to her.
The two policemen shot each other a confused look, and the android’s LED flickered yellow once.
„They are from the DPD. Because of ... Valerie, you know.“, Alyssa responded to the older girl and before turning towards the two men again. „That's my foster sister, Isabelle, we call her Izzy. We're seven children.  She's the oldest.“
Before one of them had gotten any chance to reply to Alyssa, Isabelle had walked up to them and put her hands on her hips. „Yeah yeah yeah, whatever, what the fuck, I don't care. You two, fuck off.“
For a moment, both of them were completely agape. It was Connor who got a hold of himself first.
„Excuse me, Miss Hawking, but we're trying to investigate a murder case here, and your sister could be the only one having valuable information –“, he started, but Isabelle interrupted him quickly and rolled her eyes.
„I don't give a fuck. Get up and get the fuck outta here.“, the woman said and pulled Connor out of his seat by his hand, before turning to her foster sister. „What the hell are you thinking? You know what mom and dad will do when they see the fucking cops around here!“
Connor desperately turned to Hank in search of any kind of help. But the lieutenant only grunted before standing up and walking towards the front door of the house. When he had reached the door, he stopped and turned around again, holding a little card out for Alyssa.
„That's my number. Actually, it's Connor's number, but whatever. If there's anything you wanna talk about, call.“, Hank said, before putting it inside of her hand and instructing Connor to follow him with a motion of his hand, finally leaving the girl and her sister alone again.
  As they arrived at the station again, Ophelia and Gavin were already there, sitting at her desk.
Hank walked over to the two of them, while sighing deeply and pulling up Connor‘s chair to sit on it.  The android followed him with quick steps, hopping on the corner of his desk and waiting for the lieutenant to start speaking.
„So, did you children find something?“, he finally asked.
While Gavin frowned, - probably over Hank‘s use of the phrase ’children‘, - Ophelia looked up to him and responded. „Yes, we did. A very mean asshole, which is actually the mayor.“, she turned around to look at the lieutenant, wearing such an overly wide smile that the irony in it was even obvious to Connor.
Gavin pushed the two boxes with the diary towards the two others. „We also found Valerie‘s diary. And in there are condoms, weed, cigarettes, coke, I think.“
He made a short pause while Connor and Hank examined the content of the box. „Her father said it‘s the fault of Alyssa, says that she‘s a bad influence. Is she?“
„I don‘t know if she’s exactly a bad influence, but she’s hiding something. Maybe she had something to do with Valerie‘s death.“, Hank shrugged his shoulders. „All I know is that she‘s completely terrified, I think of her parents, but I have no idea why.“
„Alyssa said that Valerie never arrived at her place. But I don‘t believe her.“, Connor added.
Ophelia bit her own lip again and sighed. Her headache had started to come back and she tried to massage her temples. „Who knows, maybe she did die before arriving?“
The young woman sighed another time and leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes and muttering. „I'll read her diary this evening, I guess. Maybe there’s something interesting inside, I dunno …“
„I'd strongly advise that you let me read it instead, Ophelia.“, Connor suddenly started and the woman jumped once again.
She had completely forgotten that he was there. But realizing that now made her face go blank again, while she starred at him with a dumbfounded expression.
After she hadn‘t answered him for about a minute, he added carefully. „I‘m not trying to insult you, so please excuse me if I did. It‘s just that I’d need about, five minutes to read that book and …. you seem … rather exhausted.“
„No, yeah, … sure, I mean, I guess. Thank you, Connor.“, she stuttered and turned away from him quickly after handing him the diary, seeing his LED flicker yellow in the corner of her eye.
Hank watched them and pulled one of his eyebrows up in confusion, but chose not to question it any further.
„Anyway, I think she knows something, too.“, the lieutenant said. „We almost got her to talk, but then her sister got home and literally told us to fuck off. She lives in a foster home, has six siblings.“
„Her sister, Isabelle, she said something about their parents disapproving of the police.“, Connor added again.
„Well, maybe she did get the drugs with Alyssa. Maybe her parents are involved. I don't think she's the main influence, though … I guess Mr. Lovich ruined his daughter all by himself.“, Ophelia said with shrug, while sighing deeply once again. „However, my shift is over since half an hour, so I think I'll go home now. Maybe I'll even get some sleep, who knows.“
The young detective bend down and lifted her bag up, putting her stuff inside and shouldering it, before saying goodbye to her colleagues and walking towards the exit.
„Yeah, just leave me here with all of those files and these reports to make ... bitch!",  Gavin called after her, but Ophelia was already on her way out of the station.
Connor looked after her for a moment, before he decided to follow her.
She was already standing in front of her car, fumbling with keys so she could open the door.
„Ophelia?“, he began after he had reached her. „Do you have a moment, please?“
For the third time of that day, Ophelia jumped when she heard Connor‘s voice.
„I, uh, I – uh, yeah, sure“, she mumbled, looking at the ground because she could feel her cheeks burn again. The young woman felt anxiety creep through her body.
The android took a deep breath he didn’t need and started. „I wanted to talk to you about the happenings of last night, if that's alright with you.“
It seemed like he waited for a response, but when he didn’t get one, he simply continued.
„I noticed that you get tense when you look at me. You‘re avoiding eye contact, your heart rate increases whenever I'm near you, and you're blushing.“, he made another pause and his LED turned in four yellow circles. „Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you?“
Ophelia pressed her lips together and leaned against her car, dropping her bag on the ground. She still felt her cheeks burning.
„No, you didn‘t, I did. I shouldn't have done what I did last night, I’m ... I don't want you to think I used you, or anything … it was highly inappropriate of me. I took advantage of you and I‘m sorry.“, she explained with a low voice.
Now, Connor seemed to be utterly confused and his voice got two octaves higher as he repeated. „Took Advantage of me? You?“
When she only nodded in response, he settled for shaking his head.
„Ophelia, you didn't take advantage of me. I may be only alive for one year, but I'm an adult.“, he said with an unusual confident voice. „I‘m a grown man and I know what I want, and I know what I don’t want, and I‘m able to phrase that out.“
It took the young woman a moment to take in what he had said.
„So, you’re not angry?“, she asked, relief starting to fill her stomach.
„Why should I be angry?“, Connor replied, brows furrowed in confusion. His LED made another yellow twist. „You were intoxicated. If anyone was taking advantage, it was me. I was worried that you might be angry.“
Ophelia took a deep breath and looked at him, a slight blush still spreading over her face. „I wanted to have sex with you, Connor … even though I knew that you don't experience it like I do.“
„I wanted to, too. Or else I wouldn't have done it.“, the android tried to reassure her. „You may have pushed my hand inside of your underwear, put I pushed my fingers inside of you.“
Her face turned bright red when he said that, pushing the memories that started to light up in her mind back into her back of her head. „Yes, you did.“
The pair went quiet for a while, Ophelia twisting nervously under his gaze while Connor was almost starring her down.
Without looking at him, she cleared her throat an asked, so quietly it wouldn’t have been audible to him if he was a human. „Would you … like to eat dinner with me, sometime, maybe?“
His LED kept it‘s cool, blue color as he responded. „As like friends or, as a date?“
„As … a date?“, she offered, still not returning his look.
 Connor thought about that for a moment before concluding. „I‘d like that, I guess.“
The young Detective made a relieved sound. „Oh fuck, thank god“, finally, she lifted her head again and looked back at the android. „When?“
„Today?“, he replied. „I‘m done with work in exactly two hours, nineteen minutes and thirty-seven seconds. I could come over after then?“
Instead of answering, Ophelia only nodded and smiled at him warmly, opening the door to her car and getting inside.
After she had started the motor, she turned down the window and spoke to the android for a last time before driving away. „I‘ll see you then, Connor.“
The RK-800 smiled to himself as he walked back into the station.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Tagged (Ask to be tagged!)  @mikithekiki
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Do you have any times you upload stuff? Espeacially that blue series
Hello :)
Normally, we try to post a new chapter of ‘Blue is a happy color’ twice a week, one on monday and one on thursday.
But we accidently forgot to post last thursday and only updated our story on sunday, so we decided to skip the monday of that week and continue to post on the next thursday. So that means that we’ll add a new chapter today!
Regarding to the other stuff we make, we write requests or match up whenever we find the time and energy, but have no set posting times.
- Sara
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What fandoms do you do match-ups for? I'd really love to send one in but I don't want to give you something you can't do, heh. :)
You can find our fandoms here. You can also always ask us if we do different fandoms. :)
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Can I request a match up? I'm a pan girl with short dark brown curly/wavy hair (which I shaved off for charity and now I'm growing it out). I'm 5'5 and I have dark brown eyes. I'm a bit shy but once you get to know me I'm a huge dork. I can be v sarcastic. The most happiness brings me helping people and learning new things. I love reading and napping. I also love joking around but I can be serious when it's necessary. I'm bilingual and I learn another language. I also like criminal stuff
Please add the fandom you want your match-up for! :) 
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Blue is a happy color [4]
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About fifteen minutes later, Connor had shoved Ophelia inside of the self driving cab. It took the android another five minutes until he got the woman to enter her address into the interface and the car finally started to drive.
Ophelia leaned back in her seat, her violet hair falling into her face while she wore a pleased smile on her lips.
„You know, you‘re so pretty …“, she mumbled, holding his hand in hers and wielding it around in a sloppy manner. „I don't think you see it, but you are the prettiest android I've ever known. Oh, but you‘re also the only android I've ever known … You have very beautiful eyes.“
„Thank you, Ophelia“, Connor said, making the woman giggle in response.
He watched her close her eyes and noticed how she went silent suddenly, figuring that she had probably fallen asleep, but then her mouth twisted and she started to monologue about lizards once again.
„Would you buy me a pet, Connor?“, she then asked.
„A lizard?“, he inquired.
Ophelia only nodded instead of answering, slowly opening one of her eyes to look at him.
„Of course“, the RK-800 replied. „What would you call it?“
Her eyes fluttered close again, the smile on her face growing wider until it looked slightly dumbfounded.
„Gilbert“, she said, another low giggle leaving her lips.
Suddenly, she opened both of her eyes and took a long, deep breath. She turned towards the android, the expression on her face twisting in thought as she asked. „Who named you ‘Connor‘, Connor?“
That question was utterly unexpected to him, and he was taken back for a moment with surprise. The RK-800 could feel how his LED flickered yellow involuntary, while he was looking through his archive in search for an answer.
„I … don‘t know.“, Connor finally replied truthfully. Who did name him? Had it been Amanda, or Kamski maybe?
Ophelia made a surprised noise in the back of her throat at first, but quickly settled for giggling instead. „But you do look like a Connor. Like a very pretty Connor.“
„Thank you“, the android repeated himself once again, even though he wasn’t entirely sure if that had been a compliment. „What does a Connor look like?“
„Like you, dummy!“, the young woman laughed before letting her head rest against his shoulder, looking up at him innocently. „Did you ever have a girlfriend? … Or a boyfriend?“
When Connor shook his head, she started to pout. „Why not?“
„I don‘t know.“, he answered once again. „There‘s no one with whom the possibility would have occurred.“
But that answer seemed to somehow displease her. Connor could almost see her brain working, regarding to the thoughtful look on her face.
„Do you have a preference?“, she asked after looking at him in silence for a while.
„I‘m an android. We don’t experience love or sexuality like you humans do. You want to participate in sexual intercourse because your hormones tell you to. You feel love because evolution has taught you that a monogamous relationship can secure your surviving in the best way possible.“, the RK-800 explained. „It‘s different for us. There’s nothing inside of us that makes us want to reproduce. We don‘t feel sexual attraction … I don’t know, Ophelia, it‘s hard to explain. Androids fall in love with ideas, as Markus described it.“
Ophelia still looked at Connor, her head still resting on his shoulder. Her eyes had been half closed, but still she somehow looked concentrated to him. „I understand, I guess.“
She lifted her head a bit to look him in the eyes and smiled, quickly and sweet. He tried his best to return it, thinking that he probably looked creepy again.
Suddenly, the car stopped and Ophelia jumped away from the android. „We‘re there!“, she squealed.
Connor got out of the car first, so he could help the woman and keep her drunken self from falling on the hard ground of the street.
After he had lead her to the front door, he turned around to look at her. „Keys?“
She blinked once and starred at him for a second, before suddenly shaking her head and trying to hand him her purse.
„Somewhere in there …“, Ophelia mumbled while pulling the bag off her shoulder, but suddenly tripped over her own feet.
The RK-800 had gotten a hold of her shoulders within mere seconds, preventing her from falling and pulling her body against his closely in reaction.
When he spoke for the next time, his voice sounded so unusual quiet that it even surprised himself. Somehow, he was overly aware of the warm, human body in front of him, and for a reason he didn't know, his thirium pump had started to beat unusual fast.
„Are you alright, Ophelia?“, his voice went slightly static with the sound of her name.
Ophelia looked at Connor, something glistening inside of her eye that was entirely new to him while she nodded.
He had only noticed how the corners of her mouth had started to twist before she pressed her mouth on his.
20th December 2039
 When Ophelia woke up the next morning, it was with a pounding headache. She groaned and pulled her blanket over her head, pushing it back into the pillows.
The last night was mostly nothing but a blur to her. Somewhere in the back of her head, the young woman remembered that she had went to the station‘s Christmas party. She remembered that she had danced with Gavin, and that she had drunk quiet a lot, – so there was the solution to the question of where her headache was coming from,  - and she remembered that she had talked to Connor, but she didn‘t know about what anymore.
Something about lizards?
Ophelia groaned out another time, the pain inside of her head making it almost impossible for her to think, while throwing her hands on her face.
She felt the skin of her lips with her fingertips. Dry and burst open, probably because of the water she was missing because of all the alcohol she had consumed. But then, out of all sudden, a small, but really important piece of information found it‘s way back into her head.
The sudden realization that Connor had kissed her, – or that she had kissed Connor, to be more precise, - made the woman swiftly pull the blanket off her body in shock.
A quick glance on the clock wasn’t any help in calming her nerves, because it made Ophelia instantly realize, that she had slept through her alarm and was already way too late for work.
Suppressing the cry of frustration that started to build up inside of her throat, she shoved herself out of the bed and put on her clothes, trying to ignore the stinging pain inside of her head.
The only good thing was that Gavin had been as drunk as her the last night, so he probably wouldn't be totally mad at her for missing the first few hours of work. But Captain Fowler may have a different opinion on that matter.
But when she finally arrived at the office, her partner was nowhere in sight. Was he late as well?
„Eh, look who showed up.“, Ben suddenly mocked after creeping up on her from behind.
Ophelia only responded by rolling her eyes.
„Anyway, you're supposed to be in the captain‘s office. It's urgent.“, he added, his voice merging into mockery again as he pronounced the last word of his sentence.
Ophelia raised her eyebrows, feeling her eyes widening in shock but nodding, leaving her jacket at her desk before heading to the captain's office. Because the day hadn't already started bad enough…
Captain Fowler had told her to come inside after she had knocked, and the young woman started to speak fast and rushed as soon as she had entered. „I'm so sorry I'm late, sir.“
When she turned to look through the room, she noticed Gavin and Connor sitting on chairs in front of the captain’s desk and felt her face go blank. Oh Jesus, Connor...
Retching noises coming from the other side of the room ripped her attention away from the android, turning it to Lieutenant Anderson instead, who was bracing himself against the wall, coughing loudly and heavily sweating. He was probably badly hungover.
„I swear to god Hank, if you vomit inside of my office, I'll stuff your balls up your throat.“, the captain spat towards the lieutenant, before turning around to look at Ophelia.
„Good morning, Detective Flores. I'm delighted that you honor us with your presence, too.“, Captain Fowler told the woman with a sharp tone, his tightened eyes glaring at her angrily as she took a seat.
Ophelia felt her cheeks burn up with shame but still nodded slightly, trying not to look at her boss directly.
„What's going on?“, she finally managed to ask with a quiet voice.
„Valerie Lovich, fifteen years old, that's what's going on. Does that name remind you of someone?", Fowler explained while still glaring at Ophelia, and continued to speak before giving her a chance to answer. „That's right, Arthur Lovich, the mayor of Detroit. She's his daughter.“
The captain took a file from his desk and handed it to her. „It seems like she was raped and strangled. We think it was the same guy you and Reed are looking for. And now he killed someone.“
„He ... He never killed before.“, the young detective mumbled and looked at he partner. She felt guilty.
„Any evidence found?“
The captain shook his head. „No, not yet, but we only found the body one hour ago. We should get more information later today.“
Ophelia squinted her eyes shut when a sudden wave of pain flooded her head again. „Alright. I'd like to see for myself, sir, if that's possible. There's no way he could just vanish this time. He killed.“
„Maybe something brought him to finally kill that girl.“, the lieutenant suddenly said, after he had gotten a hold of himself again and walked back to his colleagues.
„What do you mean?“, Fowler responded.
„Maybe the girl did something different than the other girls. Fought back more, or insulted him. Maybe he didn't get it up?“, Hank offered.
Even Gavin seemed to agree with that. „We're guessing that it's all about dominance, anyway. So if she wasn't respectful enough, didn't play along like he wanted ... He might've snapped.“
Ophelia still held the opened file inside of her hand, gaze fixated on the picture of the girl’s body, laying lonely in a dirty alley, when she jumped back in surprise as Connor suddenly touched her hand to take the file away from her.
Suddenly, she could hear her own moans echoing in the back of her head, felt one of the android‘s hands ghosting over the exposed skin of her thigh just as if it was real.
The young woman could feel her mouth hanging open while she starred at him completely stunned, the memory of the last night slowly coming back to her.
She didn‘t know how they had ended up here.
But somehow, Ophelia found herself sprawled out on the silken sheets of her bed, Connor leaning on top of her, his tie hanging half opened around his throat. She had been left only in her underwear, while the android was still completely dressed, even wearing his shoes.
His hand stroked over the skin of her collarbone, slowly sliding down, over her chest and her stomach, finally coming to rest on her lower abdomen. He drew circles on her pale skin with the tips of his fingers, leaving goosebumps beneath them.
It seemed like he was waiting – for what, he didn't know, - and it took her to grab his wrist and push his hand inside of the fabric still covering her.
  „Ophelia, are you alright?“, Gavin asked with furrowed brows, making the woman come back to reality.
She shook her head and pinched her eyed shut once again. „Yeah yeah, sure. Just a headache.“
Connor still looked the at the file closely, studying and analyzing the pictures when he concluded. His LED was glowing in a bright yellow color. „These look pretty strong for a human‘s.“
„Yeah, well“, Gavin rolled his eyes and turned towards him. „I’ve never heard of a raping android. Have you?“
„No“, Connor mumbled, the LED on his head flickering while he continued to look at the pictures with a mixed expression on his face.
„Androids wouldn't rape.“, the female detective agreed and rubbed her forehead. „We should go there, see for ourselves, I guess. Maybe we‘ll find something there this time.“
„Do whatever you have to do. As long as it's quick and gives me some good results.“, the Captain finished then and allowed them to leave the room with a wave of his hand.
The crime scene had been located in a small alley, almost completely hidden between the many streets of Detroit. And the corpse had been found next to a shabby, little bar, called Riley‘s.
Riley Simpson was a tall, chubby woman with blonde curls around forty, and she had a flat nose that sniffed every time when she spoke.
„I just don't get why you are still talking to me. I already said everything that I know to that police woman an hour ago.“, she told Hank and Connor, doing that annoying sniff with her nose that Hank already despised.
Hank sighed. „Mrs. Simpson, like I already told you, we're detectives of the homicide force from the DPD, and we need to get some information on what happened here.“, he responded with crossed arms. „The girl who died here was the mayor‘s daughter, in case you haven‘t heard.“
Ophelia and Gavin arrived shortly after them, walking up to the bar as the two others were interrogating the owner.
„Did you hear screaming or arguing?“, Hank asked the woman, while Ophelia walked over and stood next to him.
Mrs. Simpson shook her head. „No, I didn’t hear anything.“
„So, maybe she didn't hear screaming because there wasn't any. He doesn't seem to be suspicious looking.“, Ophelia told the lieutenant.
He only nodded absently. „Maybe“
While Hank continued to talk to Mrs. Simpson, the female detective continued to discover the crime scene and went to the place where the body was found.
Between containers filled with trash there was Connor, kneeling on the ground next to the white barrier tape that had been attached to mark the position of the corpse.
Ophelia watched how he dipped two of his fingers inside of the small pool of blood that had been forming on the ground, before putting them into his mouth to analyze it.
His hand moved against her skin, while her low, throaty moans cut through the silence around them. She still gripped the wrist of his hand, clinging onto it like her life depended on it.
She kept her eyes closed, but she knew that he was watching her. Could feel him take in the breath which he didn’t need against her face, when he wasn‘t leaving open mouthed kisses on her body every now and then.
  Ophelia shook her head and when she had realized that Connor had noticed her starring, she felt herself blush in a bright pink color before walking back to the lieutenant with quick steps.
Hank seemed completely annoyed by Mrs. Simpson, frowning and massaging his temples.
„Alright, okay, let's start again with the beginning. You found the corpse, am I right?", he asked.
Mrs. Simpsons nodded. „Yes, I guess it was about 6:30 AM. But I already told that – “
„I know! But please, just tell me again, would you?“, Hank interrupted her. „Was the girl naked?“
„No, she was wearing all of her clothes.“, the woman replied.
„How was she dressed?“, Hank wanted to know now.
„She wore a light grey top, tight black jeans shorts with fishnet stockings and red high heels. That's why I was so confused when I heard that she was only fifteen. But I already told that –“, the look which the lieutenant had given her this time was enough to silence her.
„Did she wear make-up?“
„Yes, lots of it, actually. Dark eyeshadow and bright red lipstick.“
„And when did you close the bar yesterday?“
„It wasn’t me, it was my husband. But around three AM I guess, we always close around that time.“
„Okay, then please give your husband our number so he can talk to us, too.“, Hank finally finished before turning to his co-workers again. „If that's all true, we can assume Valerie’s body was brought here somewhere between 3 and 6:30 AM. Connor, call back in the station please and ask them to look through the cameras on the streets.“
„I don't think he would show up on cameras.“ Ophelia said and looked at the lieutenant. „He's basically a phantom. Good at staying hidden, you know?“
„But you never know, maybe there‘s someone on there who saw something?“, he responded.
Connor did what he was told to, anyway.
„Anyway, she doesn't look like she had a nice evening in her home, so maybe she wasn't all alone? We should question her friends and parents.“, the female detective concluded.
„Her parents said she spent the night at her best friend's place. Alyssa Hawking, sixteen years old. But I guess she never ended up there.“, Hank explained while turning around to look for his partner. „Connor and me are going to speak to her. You two can pay a visit to the parents.“
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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May I have a match-up for DBH? I'm 5'2", lil bit cubby and curvy. I've green eyes and medium brown hair. I like to read and watch TV shows. I'm quite insecure and anxious when around new people, but I start to become loud and laugh a lot when around my friends and I make a lot of jokes. I'm easily scared and it's quite easy to make me cry. I don't like big changes and need my time to process things. I love dogs. I love to sleep and take naps. I like fantasy books and shows. Thanks a lot :)
Hello :) In the end, it was a tie between Kara and Connor. We think that Kara would be absolutely good to you. She would calm you down whenever you would get scared or anxious, and she loves to see it when you open yourself up to others, making her incredibly proud of you. She'd also always try to get you to smile whenever you're crying, not being able to handle seeing you sad. Connor on the other hand would instantly get a dog with you so you could both love it and take it on walks, so you'd never feel alone again. We think he'd adore the sight of you being asleep, and he would like it for you to rest next to him.But anyway, we think both would be very protective over you and just enjoy to be there for you, so we think you'd fit very good with both of them.
0 notes
Can I get a match up? That’d be awesome! I’m a short straight girl, my height being 5”1, and I’m kind of scrawny as well (but I am a fast sprinter). I have dark brown hair and brown eyes. I’m really into logic games, like Ace Attorney and stuff, and I’m just a huge animal person too. I can be kind of socially awkward, but I do tend to talk really energetically. I’m pretty honest with people, and apparently sometimes to brutally honest, but others tell me I’m also kind so :)
Sure, but we need you to add a fandom! :) - Sara
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Are u guys doing nsfw things??
Generally yes, but it depends on the request or idea. :)
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When is the next blue is a happy color coming out i love it
Thank you so much!! We both love that story and we are very happy some people actually like it as much as we do.It's coming out today or tomorrow!
0 notes
are u guys a couple
No, we’re best friends. :)
- Sara
She’s fucking lying, we totally are a couple- Jana
- Sara
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Hello, I'm new here and I'd like to send in a match up, but would you tell me what should I include? And what fandoms you write for? Thank you ❤️
Hi :) We need you to include your gender, your sexual orientation and a discription of your physical appearance, as well as your personality. And here is a link for you, in which we listed our fandoms: https://skedaddledwritingposts.tumblr.com/post/174862757334/requests-open
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can I have a detroit: become human match up please? my name is charlie, I'm a gay man, I'm 5'7", naturally ginger but the ends of my hair is blond bc it was previously dyed, I have greyish blue eyes that a lot of ppl surprisingly mistake for green. personality wise, I'm loud, a bit cheeky but in a lighthearted way and I tend to get away with it, I'm full of beans most of the time and I'm not able to sit still, tend to call ppl out on their bs, and I like to help out whenever and wherever I can.
Hey :) So, first of all, I (Sara) freaked out for a moment because I wanted to ship you with myself. Well, but then we both settled for Markus pretty quickly.To us, you seem to be just the right guy for him. For once we can clearly see that you two would match on a personal level, but both of you would also be pretty different in some aspects. Like you being the louder part of the relationship, but we guess that this is something that Markus would find adorable and like very much about you.Second, you seem to be kinda righteous (in a good way) and that reminds us of Markus, too. Also, I could totally see how you and Markus would tease each other all day long. (In what kind of way depends on what you wanna imagine, hehe...)I'm spooked by myself right now, because I'm really feeling this. We really ship you guys.- Jana & Sara
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Hello, may I request a male Detroit Become Human match up, please & thank you. I hope the length is alright, if not send me a message & let me know. I’m putting it in a link to the tumblr blog with my personality description, hope it works . LINK - The first part is shortintrovertships(.) tumblr(.) (com) (without the parentheses). You can take your time, I don’t mind being patient&waiting. Appearance: I’m 5’7, dark brown shoulder length thick, curly/wavy hair, dark brown eyes, pear body shape.
Hey :) So, we guess we'd either ship you with Simon or Josh. Both are really kind and sweet guys, and we think you would match pretty good with both of them. Also, we've always seen the two as one of the more or less quiet kind, so we think that would fit pretty good, too. Simon for once because you told us how important family is to you, and Josh because of your tendency to honesty, and because we think you and him would be kind of similar on how you see the world.We hope that you are happy with our answer! - Jana & Sara
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