skullsmithy · 10 months
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bg3 is actually a dating sim 💘
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skullsmithy · 1 year
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Vintage poster created by me.
Got inspired by @shmaba's interpretation of critical role land, and with permission created this with it as the basis. The style/format comes from the 1950 Disneyland grand opening poster
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skullsmithy · 1 year
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This is a map produced by the Salarian Order of Information, featured in the Book "Histories of the Crucible Vol. II" By Veetor Nar Zorah. A series of books describing the politics, cultures and histories of the people directly involved in the decades surrounding the Leviathan Golem invasion. Commonly referred to as 'The Crucible'. This map depicts the Batarian Hegemony before the invasion.
Batarians were originally a series of warring clans that did not advance past Bronze age technology before the Turian Imperium invaded in 580 BCE. The Turians were still functioning under an imperial government, and were expanding south. The Batarian clans were subjugated and integrated as second class citizens or slaves. During this time, slavery was still legal in the Imperium, and many Batarians were fed into this class structure.
With them the Turians brought the advancements of technology and magecraft inspired by the Fadegates. The ancient Leviathan structures that most civilizations were based around.
Eventually the Imperium met it’s end after conquering most of the Terminus Frontier, overextending and collapsing in on itself. Batarians gained their independence, and using the imperial administration format, continued a caste-based society, with slaves at the bottom. Soon after gaining and consolidating itself, the Hegemony became a belligerent force in Herah.
Batarian aggression provoked several crises in the surrounding lands. Historical enemies of the Turians in the north, near constant skirmishes and slaving raids occurred up until the Turian Unification wars in 300 BCE. The newly established Turian Hierarchy razed the Batarian city of Ka'hairal in response, ending any further direct attacks against them. This began the tradition of Batarians funding of pirate and bandit groups. The nation itself did not enter an open conflict again, instead waging proxy wars, benefiting from their success, while denying involvement after failure.
Batarian backed organizations raided and burned the Salarian colony of Erinle 1785 CE, destroyed the Asari colony of Tevia, and is credited with the slaughter of the Quarian 4th Great Caravan. That would spell the doom for Batarian power in the Perseus Sea. As the Massacre would instigate the forming of the Triumverate. Alarmed by this growing might on their boarder, the Hegemony sank immense wealth in coordinating all the different Pirate bands in the south seas to set the Triumverate coasts on fire.
The main thrust of the onslaught would be the invasions of the Triumverate city of Adas, which would act as a base of operations for the rest of the assault. It failed spectacularly, and ultimately ended with the destruction of the pirate fortress of Torfan. This in turn broke Batarian power in the Perseus sea.
Their influence would remain negligible until the Nazara Citadel Assault in 2179. In the chaos the Hegemony backed dozens of incursions in the Terminus Frontier. Allying itself with the Vorcha of Heshtok it managed to temporarily conquer Bekke, Kopanis, Parasc, and was on its way to assaulting Canton when the Leviathan Golem invasion, known as ‘The Crucible’ began.
The Hegemony was one of the first Nations hit, its response to the assault was uncoordinated. In 2163 CE, the Hegemony discovered the corpse of a Leviathan Golem near the city of Erszbat. Soon secret intensive studies of it began, in the hope of reclaiming the status of the past. This allowed the inherent magics of the Golem to indoctrinate prominent Batarian lords. So when the Golems invaded in 2181 CE, the indoctrinated rulers sabotaged Hegemony defenses, allowing the onslaught to easily conquer the Hegemony, crushing their armies and navy.
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skullsmithy · 1 year
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Critical Role - The Mighty Nein: Journeys End.
It's been a wonderful experience to watch this adventure, sad to see it end, but happy to have seen it.
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skullsmithy · 4 years
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I have been profoundly uninspired the last few months, but with everything turning so hard, an idea in my head wouldn’t leave me alone. Not a fan of the current administration.
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skullsmithy · 4 years
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This is a map produced by the Salarian Order of Information, featured in the Book "Histories of the Crucible Vol. II" By Veetor Nar Zorah. A series of books describing the politics, cultures and histories of the people directly involved in the decades surrounding the Leviathan Golem invasion. Commonly referred to as 'The Crucible'. This map to depicts the land of Herah in its entirety before the instigating incident of the Crucible, the Nazara Citadel Assault.
 Herah in general terms, is bound by the Attican Ocean to the East, the Nemean Ocean to the North, and the Skyllian Ocean to the West. To the South lies the Frozen Wastes of the Veil. Climates vary, from the deserts of the East, Jungles of the north, and the grasslands of the west.
 For thousands of years, Herah has contained the lost histories of its peoples, found only in ruins that only now tell of mighty civilizations long since fallen. Among these that have stood the test of time the longest is the Protheans. A powerful civilization that spanned the entirety of Herah, from the frozen south to the Nemean Ocean.
 Many powerful artifacts of ages before remain, benefiting the various nations of the land. From the Citadel, the largest structure in all Herah, to the Fade Gates, which make long distance travel and commerce feasible. Discovery of these powerful pieces of magecraft have advanced the understanding and use of Magic immeasurably. Without these discoveries, none of the current civilizations would be as they are.
 Of the many nations, two rose above the rest, and alternated in being the largest in power, economy and influence across Herah. The Citadel Counsel, and The Triumverate.
 The Citadel Council, created 2,500 years ago, when the Asari Republic discovered the Citadel and allied itself to the Salarian Union, created the first council. It soon to be joined by the Turian Hierarchy, and others, like the Volus Protectorate, Illuminated Primacy, and Courts of Dekuun. While not having a seat at the high table, most came to enjoy its governance and protection.
 The Triumverate in comparison was a fairly new creation, but it’s rapid rise to power could not be dismissed. Founded 200 years before by the Acts of Reconciliation and Restoration, signed by Quarian Caravan Council, the Geth Primus, and the Faelish Archons. While it’s lands are mainly tundra, it boasted a population equal to the Citadel lands, and a mastery over the magical arts.
 Relations between these two nations were less than amicable for a very long time. The derision many Council peoples hold for the Geth for their nature as Golems, the resentment many Quarians feel for the treatment at the hands of the Citadel, and the mystery surrounding the Faelish themselves, none being seen outside Triumverate lands, had created a hostile atmosphere. That atmosphere culminated in the Sunset war, fought by the Turian Hierarchy against the fledgling Quarian, Geth and Faelish association. While peace was achieved through Citadel diplomacy, relations took centuries to recover.
Their rivalry manifested in the ungoverned lands between them. The Terminus Frontier and the Traverse City States were creatures of the influence of both the Triumverate and the Citadel. A collection of cities states and remnants of former nations, these two areas held no allegiance, and as such had no hesitation in dealing with whoever benefitted them most, the Terminus having a far greater Triumverate affection, and the Traverse favoring Citadel influence.
 The Batarian Hegemony was the only other major nation outside these two powers at the time, though it’s sovereignty had less to do with its prowess, and more to do with a lack of interest by either country. A den of pirates and thieves, the nation itself has not entered a conflict, and instead wages proxy pirate wars, benefiting from their success, while denying involvement after failure. One particular failure eventually cost the Hegemony greatly. Fighting proxy war against the Triumverate in an attempt to capitalize on a seemingly weak adversary, they were soon taught the immensity of their mistake. After the destruction of the pirate fortress of Torfan by Triad forces, and the defeat of the Adas invasion, Batarian power was severely limited in the south. While powerful, and at relative peace, Herah at this time was fractured. But that would change with the indoctrination of Rael’vas Golo by the Leviathan Golem Nazara, eventually leading to a threat that would unite and nearly destroy the peoples of Herah.  
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skullsmithy · 4 years
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This is a map produced by the Salarian Order of Information, featured in the Book "Histories of the Crucible Vol. II" By Veetor Nar Zorah. A series of books describing the politics, cultures and histories of the people directly involved in the decades surrounding the Leviathan Golem invasion. Commonly referred to as 'The Crucible'. This Map specifically depicts the land organization of the Quarian - Geth Conclave in the succeeding years after the attempted invasion of Adas.
 The Triumverate  was founded 200 years previously with the Acts of Reconciliation and Restoration, signed by Quarian Caravan Council, the Geth Primus, and the Faelish Archons. Before the Morning war which sent the Quarian people into exile, the Conclave only contained three provinces along the coast of the Perseus Sea. Those territories being: Ma-at, Dholen and Tikkun, which contained the old capitol of Rannoch. The harsh conditions and primitive agricultural practices made expansion outside of these original provinces impossible. After the war and the expulsion, the Geth began advancing those techniques alongside the Faelish Shepard Isik in preparation for when the Quarians would return.
 Eventually the massacre of the 4th Great Caravan brought the Quarian people home. With the help of Isik, the Acts of Reconciliation and Restoration were signed, forming the Triumverate. With the advancements developed by the Faelish and Geth, three new Provinces were established alongside the originals. Each of these new provinces were named after the Great Caravans whose populations live in them: Shellen, Chayym and Rayya, which contains the new capitol city of Zorah. The Clans soon established counties in each of these Provinces, dominated by a regional capitol, usually named after the founding Clan.
 The Pilgrimage continued, though slightly modified to serve a new function. With survival no longer in jeopardy due to a transient lifestyle, the clans used the pilgrimage to maintain the bonds of their society and culture over the vast distances of the Territories. The young would travel to a city in a different county and perform a helpful task for the town they wished to inhabit. If the task was sufficient, the town would accept the new youth. This in turn knitted the nation together.
 At first this was exclusively a Quarian activity. Geth were still seen with suspicion, though less so in the first provinces where their population were concentrated. This changed after the Batarian Pirate invasion of Adas. With the repulsion of the pirates and the eventual destruction of the Torfan fortress in response, the Conclave had solidified it's identity as a Nation of both Geth and Quarian working side by side with the Faelish. This understanding opened up new avenues of integration. One of them being the inclusion of Geth in the Pilgrimage. As Geth don't age, and aren't traditionally born, when a Quarian youth was about to embark on their journey, a Geth would volunteer to travel with them. It would then be a joint task of providing something helpful to the new town they wished to inhabit.
 It was this step, along with it's success that the Golo Separatist Caravan was formed by Rael nar Zorah. Since the signing of the Acts, a sliver of Quarian society decried the acceptance of their ancient enemies, and the changing of their traditions. Many attempted to form isolated communities in order to shield them from Geth integration and Faelish influence. For a while their efforts were somewhat successful, even getting as far as having a seat in the Council of Clans, with Rael as their representative.
 But with the changes to the pilgrimage, the more extreme of the traditionalists formed a caravan under Rael's leadership, and left the Triumverate lands, traveling into the Terminus Frontier. Twenty years later, the disappearance of the Golo Caravan marked the beginning of the Crucible.
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skullsmithy · 4 years
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Completed Commission. Surprise gifts are best gifts. This was a joy to make. ---- If you would like to purchase prints of my work visit: Etsy If you would like to support my work in general visit: Patreon
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skullsmithy · 4 years
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Another Commission for a friend. Trying some new things, color schemes and rendering processes.
If you want to support my work: Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/SkullSmithy Esty- https://www.etsy.com/shop/SkullSmithy
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skullsmithy · 5 years
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Another formative moment of the Mighty Nein. The fantastic moment of meeting Caduceus! ----- https://www.etsy.com/shop/SkullSmithy https://www.patreon.com/SkullSmithy
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skullsmithy · 5 years
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Another in my Mighty Nein Series spotlighting some of my favorite moments that I feel are formative to the group. Also Orly is awesome!!!
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skullsmithy · 5 years
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My Etsy shop is now open! Currently there are Critical Role prints along with some Elder Scrolls work.
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skullsmithy · 5 years
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A vintage 1950′s map of Tamriel, after the conclusion of the Dragon Crisis.
If you would like to support my work, visit my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SkullSmithy
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skullsmithy · 5 years
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A vintage 1950′s map of Tamriel, after the conclusion of the Dragon Crisis, and then into the future. The future being one of my own creation. 
For more info on that visit my Elder Scrolls content at: https://www.deviantart.com/skullsmithy/gallery/ If you would like to support my work, visit my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SkullSmithy
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skullsmithy · 5 years
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I'm doing a series of Mighty Nein moment portraits. They're specifically times I think the team grew closer together by making collective decisions before becoming a true team. Also I love Kiri! *EDIT* I changed the color to better reflect the moment and characters
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skullsmithy · 5 years
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Undeadwood has turned out to be one of my favorite shows produced by Critical Role. Applause to everyone who worked on this show, it turned out great! Note: I utilized elements from the show and media associated to the show to create the image.
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skullsmithy · 5 years
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A Lovecraft tattoo commision.
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