#Emperor Trump
marvelite624 · 6 months
The entire GOP strategy. It seems to work for them.
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captainpirateface · 13 days
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sophisticatedpjparty · 2 months
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Had to get the mental image out of my head as soon as it appeared sorry
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nando161mando · 2 months
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stljedi · 3 months
Offical Act
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goodwitchazurafan666 · 2 months
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my contribution
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fellthemarvelous · 13 days
Disney+ having the presidential debate between Harris and Trump available for replay is hilarious to me. Wanna watch the Temu version of Palpatine get humiliated yet again with the entire family?
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kotamagic · 6 months
In the spirit of the Ides of March, let us take a moment to reflect on why we celebrate it.
Caesar was an influential man who sought to be a dictator of Rome. There were those who saw this as a danger to democracy as it was in those days and decided 'he will not be king/emperor/dictator. '
Caesar has been dead for well over 2000 years. He is no longer a threat to democracy. However, there are fiends in positions of power in the modern day, just like Caesar.
Fiends like Netanyahu and Putin, who wield their power to cause as much destruction as possible. Fiends like Trump, who, given the chance, would crown himself King and wreak retribution on those who sought justice for the crimes he committed in and out of office. Weaklings, like Biden, who simply 'go with the diseased flow' to neither stir up trouble nor progress society for the better. Other dictators doing gawd-knows-what whether it appears in the news or not.
These are your modern-day Caesars. While it is much harder to bring down dictators today than it was in ancient Rome, they are not invincible. They can be brought down. They will be brought down. You can do it.
So do it!
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imageingrunge · 3 months
I think my TOP most unpopular opinion of all time on bg3 is I don’t care much for omeluum n prefer the emperor over him like
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ecrivainsolitaire · 6 months
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ararebreedstory · 4 months
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But if I had to pick...
Palpatine, hands down. He hates everyone equally, whereas Voldy is just racist.
Palps for all his faults also created jobs and maintained economic stability for the most part, linking countless worlds and maintaining galactic trade. Voldemort's biggest concern was public education reform, and it failed so miserably it didn't even last a year.
True Palpatine is a weird religious fanatic, but his religion teaches that it can only have two members at a time, and I can't help but respect that. I wish more religions were like that.
"Sorry, you can't convert, we're full. Come back next week."
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
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Trump is personally a pile of orange flab with hilariously bad hair. Yet some of his fervent followers depict him incongruously as a "god-emperor".
Hitler had one testicle and a problem with flatulence. But he was held up as the ideal of Übermensch manhood by Nazis.
Fascists are highly patriarchal and misogynistic. So they feel a need to have leaders who exude stereotypical and toxic male behavior. And if those leaders don't quite fit the bill there are always fan art and mythological narratives. And when reality interferes with those narratives it is condemned as "fake news".
Hype is present in any campaign – that's politics. But it's a warning sign when a candidate is depicted as superhuman or being perfect despite very obvious flaws.
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rabidhiss · 13 days
The Marmalade Pancake Man is trying to explain history to the lowest common denominator despite the very real and terrifying outcome of it.
This man is a serial rapist.
This man is a felon.
This man has been given exception by all major news entities, who will be first to be ripped apart by the fascism he subscribes to.
This man cannot speak without lying.
There is not one member of his cult, family, or side slut he waddles around with that he will not throw under the bus should they question his nudity and pension for brain rot.
This man is convicted in over 30 felonies and counting.
This man threw money at women he raped with instruction to seek out an abortion.
This man was best friends with Jeffrey Epstein whom you may recall owned an island with kidnapped, drugged and coerced underaged women made to perform sexual acts against their will.
This man claims to be about animal rights even though he rolled back endangered animal protections and animal body part trading between the US and Africa set by President Barack Obama.
He want’s to channel your hatred, your greed, your anger, your loss, and your poverty to further an agenda based on xenophobia.
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webntrmpt · 2 months
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aowyn · 7 months
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I'm offering podfic for @fandomtrumpshate!
Do you wish you could listen to your favorite fic like an audiobook? Are you an author who would like your work to be more accessible? A fan of transformative works? Support a great cause and I'll record podfic for you!
I'll record up to 12k words of podfic for the following fandoms:
Realm of the Elderlings
The Goblin Emperor/Cemeteries of Amalo
Hades (video game)
Witch Hat Atelier
Check out my listings here! Bidding is open March 5th through March 9th.
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