sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
BLOG POST 5 parenting reflection
I was most surprised by all of the different complications and just how serious they are after child birth not just concerning the child but the mother as well. I now realize that the mother can be affected with issues as well such as post parting depression, I knew about it earlier I just didn’t realize some cases could be as severe as they are, I can connect all of this to the decisions my parents made because my parents tried to make the best decisions possible as most parents hopefully do, and I realized that everyone’s learning to be a parent, you don’t automatically become one once you have a child, it’s something you stumble upon and have to learn the hard way. I was parented with some rules but a friendly communication was always open between my parents and I, I noticed I parented my flour baby the same way, there was a healthy balance of parent and friend, eventually as the child grows and gets more mature and goes into high school/college years the friendship outweighs the parenting skills but both are still important. I learned about child behavior, development, and birth effects, this can help me in real life because I feel like I can now empathize with mothers and try to grasp some of their daily challenges better, in some ways having my flour baby was a small fraction of having an actual baby due to the constant burden and weight of having to make sure it’s okay, and carrying it around, a baby is not just a mental responsibility it’s also a physical responsibility, raising a real child would be much more stressful due to the child actually crying and having emotions which can fluctuate, I believe that one of the biggest challenges about being an actual teen mom or dad would be time management, between school, your child and most likely a job or two, I believe that being a parent is general is hard, challenging, and stressful but being a teenager with an actual baby would make the stress that much worse. I personally have never wanted a child, I do not believe that I will change my mind anytime soon, but if I ever had a child I would parent it the way my parents parented me, if I had to be a parent at this age I believe that I would have a lot of issues with time management, emotional stability, but most importantly my self image, I would feel less than my peers due to me being a teen mother, even though I would tell any other teen parent that they are brave and are strong for being a teenage parent I myself realize that I would mentally not be able to handle a child or support it at this age at all.
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
BLOG POST 4 preschool years
My child is now Able to draw a circle and square, Able to draw stick figures with two to three features for people, Able to skip, Balances better, may begin to ride a bicycle, Begins to recognize written words, reading skills start, Catches a bounced ball, Enjoys doing most things independently, without help, Enjoys rhymes and word play, Hops on one foot, Rides tricycle well, Starts school, Understands size concepts, Understands time concepts, regarding our parent-child relationship we have a great relationship, sometimes maybelline wants to go outside when she has homework or is really active and wants to play when I have work, I have had to displone her by putting her in time out and then coming back when she’s cooled down and explaining why she’s in Time out. https://www.parents.com/toddlers-preschoolers/discipline/time-out/6-successful-time-out-tactics/ This article explains the steps of time out and why it is useful! My situation that I was assigned on Wednesday is night terrors, although I have mentioned night terrors in my previous blog I found two more articles of how to deal with night terrors https://www.childrenscolorado.org/conditions-and-advice/conditions-and-symptoms/conditions/night-terrors/ & https://www.healthychildren.org/english/ages-stages/preschool/pages/nightmares-and-night-terrors.aspx https://www.healthychildren.org/english/ages-stages/preschool/pages/nightmares-and-night-terrors.aspx
Below is a picture of maybelline balancing by herself on a seat!
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
My child is now Able to feed self neatly, with minimal spilling, Able to draw a line (when shown one),Able to run, pivot, and walk backwards,Able to say first and last name, Able to walk up and down stairs, pedaling tricycle, Can name pictures of common objects and point to body parts, dresses self with only a little bit of help, imitates speech of others, "echoes" word back, Learns to share toys (without adult direction), Learns to take turns (if directed) while playing with other children, Masters walking, and Recognizes/ labels colors appropriately!,Recognizes differences between males and females, Uses more words and understands simple commands, and Uses spoon to feed self! I have ran into some issues such as having to baby proof my entire house to ensure the safety of maybelline, I try not to expose my child to too much technology, sometimes I do play music or TV but I’m general I prefer going outside and interacting with the world, I want my child to be indipendent and able to not be afraid of the world!. Child mind institute has explained and done research about children and technology. (https://childmind.org/topics/concerns/media-and-technology/) I recently watched a TED talk about how to parent your kids without overparenting (https://www.ted.com/talks/julie_lythcott_haims_how_to_raise_successful_kids_without_over_parenting/up-next#t-3759) I believe this to be an interesting and good idea because over parenting and being over protective creates kids who cannot be indipendent or have a hard time in the real world later in their lifetime. My scenario was night terrors, night terrors are feelings of great fear throughout waking up suddenly in the night, in order to treat this in my toddler I must Make the child’s room safe to try to prevent the child from being injured during an episode, Eliminate all sources of sleep disturbance. Maintain a consistent bedtime routine and wake-up time. According to (https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/night-terrors) Below are photos of maybelline riding in the cat & listening to music! I am having her listen to music to create a higher diversity which will help her do better in school and communicate and adapt to different cultures easier!
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Some milestones of my baby from birth to 1 year include drinking from a cup, sitting up alone, babbles, social smile, first tooth, rolling over, understands “NO”, walking while holding onto furniture or other support. Maybelline is on track and is developing her language, social skills, and controlling her body. Over this past year some of the challenging decisions I’ve had to face was forming a bond with the baby, a baby needs to form a bond with a parent to feel secure, I had to spend a lot of my time being close to the child & making sure she feels secure with me, this is an article which supports my decision: (https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/bonding.html)
Below is a picture of maybelline sleeping on my lap while in class with me:
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
My name is liza, I am having a girl, the name is maybelline, I called her maybelline because if I have an accident I could say “maybe it’s maybelline!”.
This is a child I have adopted, adopted children tend to be more social than nonadopted children according to (https://study.com/academy/lesson/adoption-study-on-personality-lesson-quiz.html). Maybelline has undergone several milestones in formation such as nerve formations, physical traits formations, and internal organs formation, which could all have been affected if the birth mother had a poor diet and consumed drugs and alcohol which I hope she did not. I am raising maybelline with a partner & I hope that maybelline will grow up to be a humane, smart, sympathetic, and successful young lady. Some studies which I have found regarding single parent homes versus two parent hopes include https://ifstudies.org/blog/when-it-comes-to-child-well-being-is-one-parent-the-same-as-two & https://living.thebump.com/data-single-parent-vs-dual-parent-households-15860.html,I believe some challenges may be having a child and going about my daily life as well as unexpected health issues. Below is a picture of maybelline:
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Our family
The flower baby will not only have me, but have both of my parents, my grandmother, cat, dig & friends in their life, the enviornment will be civilized, calm, mature, and stable, I will provide a safe space and safe people to be around the flower baby. @carlebachpsych
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Civic action assessment of issue
1) I see my role as a citizen in this country as being very important, my generation is the future of this country and we will be next to have control of it. 2) During my first semester in this class I have learned that we all have a civic responsibility not just to ourselves but to EACHOTHER to protect everyone’s basic rights and needs as individuals. 3) I believe it is my responsibility, along with everyone else’s responsibility to address the issues which have come up from different civic actions created, because we all live in the same society and it is not just my problem, it’s everyones problem, because it convenes everyone. 4) I have had several discussions about the LGBTQ+ community rights issue, I educate and try to lead those who oppose giving rights to all individuals and sometimes I win and add another person into the world who is now More open minded and accepting towards all. 5) in the future I hope to go to meetings and discussions and continue to fight against inequality.
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Executive Action Assessment of Issue
1. Trump supports the LGBTQ+ community and wants to enforce the safety of the community in the common workplace. Trump continues to be supportive and respectful towards the LGBTQ+ community. He wants to ensure the safety of all Americans, which includes the community.
2. I agree with trump’s stance on supporting everyone, because I believe that if an American or person in general is trying to make a living then they should feel safe to do so without any judgment or discrimination to make the workplace unsafe or an unwelcoming place. With that being said I do not believe that Trump or his administration are truly non-discriminatory, I believe that Trump is simply putting out what the public wants to hear, there have been a number of incidents discovered which would clearly show Trump and his administration discriminating against the LGBTQ+ community.
3. The Federal Department of Justice controls my LGBTQ+ issue.
4. According to the Federal Department of Justice’s website “ To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans. “, I believe this to relate to the issues of the LGBTQ+ community, because we as a community are part of the American society and that means that safety against threatens foreign OR DOMESTIC shall be protected by the Federal Justice Department.
5. The current Attorney General is Matthew Whitaker, is an American lawyer and politician appointed by current President Trump on November 7, 2018. According to  Caffeinated Thoughts, Whitaker told them “I believe marriage is between one man and one woman,”, which shows us exactly where he and Trump stands on the LGBTQ+ issue.
6. According to the Trump website, “ From now on, America will be empowered by our aspirations, not burdened by our fears; inspired by the future, not bound by the failures of the past; and guided by our vision, not blinded by our doubts.”, I believe this to be a good representation of the LGBTQ+ issue’s hopes for the future of not just the community but for Americans.
7. According to what I have found and witnessed throughout my research of Trump’s administration, and Trump’s website I do not believe that Trump truly supports the LGBTQ+ community, I believe that publicly he tells Americans what they want to hear,but behind the curtains of the spotlight he does his evil deeds and disregards the community, otherwise he would not be appointing discriminatory people such as Whitaker to Attorney General for the Federal Justice Department, Trump is a Conservative Republican which is not too concerned about the community, or the people involved in it.
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
"Pelosi rolls out LGBT support in House speaker race" by Tal Kopan;
intended for the LGBTQ+ community
slightly leans toward Nancy Pelosi, tries to show how supportive she is towards the fair treatment of all.
The significance of article is to talk about Nancy Pelosi & support for the LGBTQ community in order to show voters/supporters that she is accepting, and to win over some voters towards her side versus any opponent’s side.
I am not sure if I agree I would need to do research on Nancy Pelosi to make a decision, If i were voting I would like to know what and who I am supporting, i do not know Nancy Pelosi, nor have I heard much of her.
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Blog Post #6
1a. Mark Desaulnier supports the LGBTQ+ community, his website states “ Mark has fought to ensure that all communities are protected from discrimination and harassment. Whether it is promoting equality based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability status, race, nationality, or any other characteristic, Congressman DeSaulnier values the ideal that we are not equal until everyone is equal, and continuous fighting for this goal in Congress.”
1b. Member of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, Mark supports the Equality Act (H.R. 2282), which would explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
1c. Senator Harris supports the LGBTQ+ communtiy, website states “ “Gay panic” and “trans panic” defenses seek to excuse crimes such as murder and assault by arguing that the victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity provoked the defendant’s violent reaction, blaming victims for the violence committed against them.”
1d. Senator Kamala D. Harris joined democratic lawmakers in the Senate and House to introduce the Gay and Trans Panic Defense Prohibition Act of 2018.
1e. Dianne Feinstein is a strong supporter of the LGBTQ+ community.
1f. She was one of just 14 senators to vote against the original discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and she proudly authored legislation to repeal DOMA and led the filing of amicus briefs in Supreme Court cases that eventually overturned DOMA and established marriage equality nationwide. 
2a.LGBT Elder Americans Act of 2012
2b.  S. 3575
2c. A bill to revise the Older Americans Act of 1965 to provide equality to older LGBT individuals.
2d (1) designate within the Administration on Aging a person with responsibility for addressing issues affecting LGBT older individuals; (2) conduct studies and collect data to determine the services needed by LGBT older individuals; and (3) establish and operate the National Resource Center on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Aging.
2e I would vote yay because i believe that all human beings have a place in this world and no one should be more or less entitled, no matte if you are gay or straight, everyone must be given the same benefits which would be considered appropriate according to the individual’s personal life situation.
2f Sponsor: Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO];
Latest Action: Senate - 09/19/2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.  (All Actions)
2g. I am not fully satisfied, I believe that there is still discrimination going on, even if it is not going on directly in public there is still harassment going on and the government needs to get serious about it, but at the same time I am happy that we are all taking steps in the right direction to become a better human society and shw empathy towards one-another.
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Catherine Baker:
a. Catherine Baker supports the LGBTQ community and their rights, one of her endorsements included Equality California, also known as the largest state LGBTQ civil rights organization. 
b. I agree with Catherine Baker’s position of supporting the LGBTQ rights, because everyone deserves to be treated equally, no matter your love preference.
c. Catherine Baker has sponsored a bill called AR41, which which is relative to LGBTQ, 
Steve Glazer:
a. Steve Glazer supports the LGBTQ community.
b. I agree with his position, because all people matter in America, no matter the race, sexuality, or gender
c. Steve Glazer has sponsored a bill called  SB219, passed by  he Senate Human Services Committee  despite attacks from anti-LGBT hate groups and the conservative media, the vote was 3-1 in committee, with Senators Steve Glazer, Josh Newman and Senator Wiener.
2. a. The bill is an assembly bill called, “AB-2153, Teachers: in-service training: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning pupil resources.”
b. The bill was introduced February 12, 2018
c. The last major action of this bill was on May 25, 2018.
d.I support this bill, because it ensures the safety and equal treatment of ALL children in schools, regardless if they are LGBTQ, have different religions, or different races, all children will be treated as equally as possible, I am glad we now have a legal bill which can support vulnerable citizens and can be used to protect a child in the case of discrimination.
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
The 3 P’s Assessment: Parties, Political Interest Groups, and PAC’s
Democrats: For the most part support LGBT rights, laws, and equal treatment. I believe in this, because people should not have to be judged for who they love.
Republicans: For the most part tend to stay concervative when it comes to LGBT rights, laws and equal treatment. I do not agree with this, because I believe that all people should be equal in their choices of marrying the person they love/choose.
Liberation: For the most part do not care what sex you are, want to create marriages and lives for people in which the government cannot interfere in.I believe in this, because I think that the government does sometimes get too involved in peoples’ lives.
Green: Believes that LGBT couples should have the same rights as straight couples, believe that all should be equal in treatment. I agree with this position, because I believe that people should be equal when it comes to choosing their paths for happiness.
I Identify with the Green party’s position of LGBT rights the most, because I believe the green party has a nice balance between Democrats and Republicans, they are right in the middle and come from a non-bias perspective.
a. National Organization For Marriage
b. Non-profit Organization opposing same-sex marriages.
c. 1) Support Mr. Kavanaugh 
2) Supporters make conservative comments on website such as “don’t let them erase the reality of female and male”
 3) Website states they are “defending” marriage
 4)  Protect “ religious faith”, according to website
 5) Believe in the ‘Union of one man and one woman”
d. This group supports Kavanaugh, and treats him like a ‘friend” as mentioned in their congradulations letter to him on their website.
e.  2029 K Street Northwest, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006
f. you can visit the advocacy center, get involved, or donate
g. I find it interesting that the website is made up of mostly comments, the website stating what their belief is, donations pop up immediately on the website, there are no stated facts as to why their believe they are correct, none of the comments show any facts either, simply opinions of ongoing comments repeatedly saying that “marriage is between a man and a woman”
a. Equality California
b. ensure dignity, safety, and respect to all LGBTQ+ citizens
c. 1) Provide their past works up for display on website
 2) “Donation” is not the first thing you see when you go on their website  3) provides details to legislature 
 4) provides details to their programs 
 5) provides their goals with their website
d. Endorce senators such as Dianne Feinstein
e.  202 W 1st St., Suite 3-0130, Los Angeles, CA 90012
f. There are opportunities to donate, get in touch with their website, volunteer, get email updates, share with friends, get in touch with staff
g. I found it interesting that this website provides a lot of credible sources, as well as different types of information and contacts on how to get involved and stay informed.
Equality California seemed much more organized, and gentleman-like in their manners of how they present their website, with National Organization For Marriage the first thing you see on their website in donations, comments, and no real reasons presented to the viewed or true motives, the first website did not seem as reliable as the second one, which presented all of their information, what they support, believe, want, and represent. 
a.  Obama Bundlers Include Many Who Are LGBT
b. Supportig LGBTQ+ issues, gives rights to LGBTQ+, describes how Obama supported the LGBTQ+ community.
c. raised over $500,000, tickets sold within 24 hours for $5,000 a piece.
d. Most donors are Democratic
e. Some donors include Kevin Jennings, Jon Cooper, Burce & Jim Murray, & many more.
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Constitutional Issue (Blog 3)
1) Obergefell v. Hodges 2) June 26, 2015 3) 14th amendment allows states to recognize and grant same-sex marriages 4) questions such as “Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex?” Came up when the court was attempting to decide on this case. 5) The 14th amendment was in question in this case. 6) The decision was to legalize same sex marriage. 7) originally this case was brought up because of a gay couples which decided to sue Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, and Tennessee to challenge the constitutionality of those states' bans on same-sex marriages. 8) I agree with the courts decision, because I believe that the LGBTQ+ community is constantly put down by society, gay couples are far more likely to get harassed on the streets than straight couples, I believe that allowing same-sex marriages is a step forward in the right direction to allow two souls to unite in the name of love. ARTICLE: https://www.oyez.org/cases/2014/14-556
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Media Assessment of Issue
1). Liberal Source:
In the article "Liberal Media Accuses Trump Administration of 'Holy War' on LGBT People " written by Donna Russell, a managing editor of CBN news, the article was written on 7/31/2018, the article claims that the Trump administration is successfully attempting to take away the little rights the LGBT community has, the article is directed towards a democratic pro-LGBT community, writing ""Liberals have tried to create something that isn't in the Constitution—freedom from religion—and the media have helped.", pointing the blame on both the media representation and the political representation of LGBT people. The author of this article seems to be biased and giving information based off of just their claim. The significance of the article is to shed light on the silent crimes of taking away human rights from the small communities, including the LGBT community, I agree with this article, but I believe that there should have been a less bias approach, as well as facts giving light to the Republic party as well.
2). Conservative Media Bias:
According to Reuters' article, " Conservative Republicans question what's next after gay marriage ruling" Posted on June 27, 2015, written by Andy Sullivan, .a White House Correspondent for Reuters, the article claimed that religious groups of people were concerned about being able to practice their own religion freely, the article also writes " the head of the group that organized the conference said that while many people attending are disappointed by the ruling...", describing a negative reaction to the supreme court's ruling on the legalization of gay marriage. Overall the article seems to be non-bias, the writer covered the Republican view on same sex marriage, but also did it in such a way that it does not seem as if there was one side that was correct in their views on the issue, the article  covered a little bit of both views and gave an understanding behind the reasoning and thinking of the Republican party, this article is significant because of the no-bias writing and explanation of both view-points.
3). Objective Source:
According to Huff Post's article titled, The Religious Right Appears Intent On Criminalizing Gay Sex Again" written by Michelangelo Signorile, who is an American Journalist, the article was updated  on July 25, 2018, this article claims that important political figures  are turning their backs on the rights of the LGBT community,  claiming that Trump most likely believes in banning of LGBT rights, the writer mentions well known figures such as  Kennedy, and Perkins when writing about facts and claims such as the "Lawrence VS Texas" trial which was brought up in the article to prove a point. the article is aiming towards a democratic LGBT audience, is slightly bias, but does not fully put the blame on Trump either, by the end of the article the author warns us as readers that although we may have rights for minority groups right now, those rights could be taken away at any moment if the government decides to do so, I agree with the general idea of this article, because it is trying to warn us as U.S. citizens to protect and be informed of what our government is doing for us as people and for the minorities which live among us.
I noticed a few similarities in all three of the posts, all three are trying to tell us as readers to protect our own rights as people. All three articles are examples of people being scared of any changes weather that is for the better or worse of the overall society, people do not want to change their own lifestyles and may feel threatened by change.
WHAT SOURCE DO YOU IDENTIFY WITH?: I identify with all the articles a little bit, but I indentify with article 1 because article 1 talks about the government being involved in limiting some aspects of the LGBT community, which I agree with, I believe the government tries to limit minority groups to keep better control over society.
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sliza19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
The civic action issue i chose was “LGBT nondiscriminatory Protection and rights”, I chose this issue because i know a lot of people who have been discriminated against due to who they love. This is an issue because most Americans are not fully straight, and most think it is shameful to like someone of the same gender, this not only leads to unhappy lives, but also discrimination and cruel acts of harassment. In order to address this issue, I believe the government should look into people who think it is okay to harass someone because they are LGBTQ+, and people should become more aware of the ongoing issue.On twitter I am following Gay Civil Rights, LGBT Rights Watch, LGBT Rights NI, lgbtNOISE, and Karl Hayden, because all five of those blogs are news updates about the LGBT community, and the politics of LGBT. lgbtNOISE recently posted an article titled “ Sinn Féin Launch Revised Gender Recognition Bill “, I agree with this decision, because this bill will allow transgender people who are 16/17 years old to determine their personal gender identity, this action is a step forward, meaning less suicides, less depression, and less lost teenagers who feel out of place in today’s society.This is a vital step towards acceptance and a more open-minded community!.
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