smutiestay · 4 years
My new account is @lovelystay ⚠️
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smutiestay · 4 years
My new account is @lovelystay ⚠️
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smutiestay · 4 years
My new account is @lovelystay ⚠️
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smutiestay · 4 years
⚠️ i moved to my primary account (cause this one was my secondary and I felt uncomfortable) I reblogged everything there so you can still see them while being in my « new » account 💋💖
👉🏻 @lovelystay 👈🏻
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smutiestay · 4 years
Just a friend- Hyunjin pt 1/2 💣
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Hyunjin Felix and you were hanging out together like every Saturday since you three became friends . You stopped at a coffee shop starting to become a little hungry for cake .
« Y/n you’re already hungry ? » felix said mocking you , yeah it’s been not even one hour since you guys got out but hey !
« Oh shut up Felix , I didn’t ate this morning » you said jokingly while searching for a good place to sit and rest a little .
« Y/n there » said hyunjin after finding a table with three chairs.
You put your things and stuff on the chair and your phone on the table , you tell them «I’m gonna go order are you two hungry ? »
« No thank you » said hyunjin with a sweet smile that make your heart melt .
« I wouldn’t say no to a good ice Americano especially when I’m not paying hahaha » Felix said with a smile acting innocent , « mhm » you responded to him with a sarcastic smile and went ordering .
As soon as you went ordering the two started talking ,  « you’re so slow bro... » felix said to hyunjin immediately , « No i’m not I just don’t want to ruin our 3 years friendship just because I like her » hyunjin confessed feeling sad thinking that you would probably reject him and that it would be his fault if the friendship is ruined .
2sec later one of the 3 phones left on the table started vibrating . 2sec later it did it again « Felix is it yours? » , « No it isn’t yours? » the two boys then understood it was your phone . Felix looked at where you were « She’s taking her time » , he then looked at hyunjin and took her phone to look who it was , « who is it? » hyunjin asked confused by Felix’s expression. « I don’t think you’ll like it... » , hyunjin then took the phone by force not caring felix’s warning .
Ex bf:
Hey pretty did you missed me ?
Ex bf:
Cause I did 😉
Hyunjin just put the phone where it was , acting like it’s nothing . « You’re not even mad ?! » Felix was suprised . « Why would I be me and y/n are just friends » hyunjin said with an annoyed tone .
After a long time of waiting , you came back and sat , « here you go lix » you gave him his ice americano , « hyunjin » you said with a smile « I thought it wouldn’t be fair if only me and Felix were eating so I took a lattee and a donut for you » you gave him his things , but , he wasn’t happy at all . It felt awkward , so you just started to eat your cake « what’s going on ? Are you two okay ?? » you asked getting annoyed by the silence . « What’s wrong with YOU , you’re just getting mad cause we’re not talking calm down damn » hyunjin said angry while taking his stuff to after go out of the coffee shop looking at you with pure harted eyes .
You were absolutely frightened by what you just saw , he was the kindest person in the universe and was lovely with you all the time . You never saw him like this . Did he actually got mad at you or was he just angry and took it out on you ?You looked at Felix to see if he was as shook as you and yes he was , « woooow » he said , « what the hell just happened... » you replied , « I think we should just finish eating and then just go home» you continued .
« Yeah i think so . That was scary as fuck man » Felix said while drinking his lattee .
After 1hour you’re finally home trying to process what happened and what did you do that made hyunjin mad . You took your phone to text hyunjin and saw two message of your ex , you sighed, « I thought I blocked him » you murmured in confusion .
You ignored the messages and texted hyunjin to get some answers .
Hyunjin ?
What do you want ?
Why are you so mean to me ? I didn’t do anything to you as I remember ...
Think more and text me later , bye.
Wow hyunjin really talked to you like that , it made you feel sorrowful and guilty for something you didn’t even knew you did .
Hyunjin was in worse condition, while you and Felix thought he was just mad and got home to calm down he was in his bed crying the head muffled in his pillow . He thought that you returned with your ex and thought that he didn’t had a chance with you anymore.
He now hates you for not telling him and act kind towards him making him feel special when he’s actually just a friend .
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smutiestay · 4 years
Hello, can I request an angst inagine where the reader is a very close friend to Felix and Hyunjin, but suddenly Hyunjin started to ghost her and stop speaking with her. But the reason he doesn't speak with her is because one day her ex messaged her and Hyunjin got mad because he actually has feelings for her? Thank you in advance and sorry if it doesn't make any sense.. it's my first time requesting an inagine.
Okay ! I think I can do it tonight and upload it tomorrow or something I am kind of a beginner so I hope you won’t get disappointed , it’s your first time requesting an imagine and it’s my first time receiving a request 😆 thank you ! 💖💖💖
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smutiestay · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑠𝑢𝑏!𝑗𝑖𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔 💌
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It‘s 11:40pm you´re waiting for him on the couch with a plaid on .
He is probably going to come around midnight , he is busy a lot those days , stray kids is having a comeback soon and he have a lot of things to prepare with his teammates ...
It was unfortunate for you because you love him and miss him of course , but , it’s his work and you won’t try to stop him , because you understand him , you knew he liked that understanding part of you a lot and that’s why you don’t want to act selfish and disappoint him.
While watching a random tv show being all comfy you heard a door opening .
« Y/n~ » he said in a cute voice while slipping of his shoes .
« Come here baby ! » you asked him with your arms open . You missed him a lot and is not going to let him go for a while .
He immediately ran to you made his way into your lap and snuggled into your chest .
« Thanks for waiting for me y/n , I wanted to see you so much » , « No problem sungie I missed you a lot too » you said caressing him gently .
You two stayed like that for 2 good minutes , but you were eager to kiss him .
You placed your hands on his cute cheeks and made him look a you .
« Mmm? » He was confused about what you wanted to do until you kiss him .
Jisung was supprised at first but kissed you back after .
His lips were so soft you could kiss him forever and never get tired .
You took the initiative and licked his lips like to tell him what you wanted .
He understood opened his mouth and let you tongue enter his mouth so you can make out even more sensually .
Your hands that was previously on his cheeks made their way to his thighs caressing them .
You could feel and hear him breath loudly . Feeling kind of proud of the effect you had on him .
You kept caressing his whole body , going from his thighs to grabbing his butt and roaming your hands under his shirt .
But he came home after a long week of non stop working and you didn’t want to keep him up at this late hour just because you were hungry for him .
So you stopped kissing him kept your hands under his shirt hugging is waist getting him closer and asked , « You want to continue Babyboy ? » you looked at him very carefully not wanting him to continue just because you wanted.
« You want to continue ? » he asked you getting a little shy . « It’s not about me baby , it’s your choice , you seem tired don’t force yourself because of me , I will never be mad at you because you don’t want to »
« Im tired... » he finally told you , hiding his head in your neck closing his eyes .
« It’s okay sweetie thanks for being honest I like it » you smiled at how lucky you were having this adorable babyboy .
You got up with him still in your arms , he attached his legs around your waist and his arms around your neck .
You got in your bed and cuddle him , being the baby he is he already fell asleep .
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smutiestay · 4 years
Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢ ᴄᴜᴅᴅʟᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴜɴɢɪᴇ ⚡️🧸
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You had the cutest hybrid you could ever have or even look at . He was a squirrel hybrid , with brown hair and cute little ears on his head . His tail is pretty thick and long but it just added cuteness to this tiny creature .
You just woke up it was 8:49 as you just checked on your phone , you knew you had to wake up eat dress up etc but-
Right now you had an adorable jisung laying on you with this head on your chest , he was still sleeping and you don’t want to dare to wake him up . He looked lovely while sleeping like a smol baby . You love him so much it’s incredible . So you just hugged him tight with one arm and ran your finger through his caramel hair with the other .
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smutiestay · 4 years
ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕗 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕙𝕠-𝕟𝕠𝕟 𝕔𝕠𝕟 🍒
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Minho is your boyfriend , he is possessive , a lot , at first you thought it was cute because it means he don’t wanna loose you or whatever . But the more you spend time with him the more he decides you life choices instead of you , you felt like a doll and Minho was just doing everything you were supposed to do.
4 months of relationship was enough for you , you had no liberties with him and you hated it .
So one night minho wasn’t home with you , and the only friend you had left was at the club , you had nothing to do so why not join her .
You were going to wear a short silk red dress that exposed your cleavage with some simple black high heels . You weren’t going to cheat on minho or whatever you just needed to feel free and to have fun with your friend .
It was 9:28pm right now and you were already ready , your friend is supposed to wait for you at 10:00pm in front of the club .
You called a Uber and you arrived at 9:55pm .
Perfect , your friend should be here soon.
You were happy , you finally got that adrenaline you needed in your boring life with Minho , you feel kind of bad for talking about him like that but it’s just what it is ...
You see your friend coming out of the club and she run to hug you , you haven’t seen each other for like a whole week . « Y/nnnnnnnnn , finallyyy , it’s been a long time ! » , « yeah I know girl , I’m sorry , you know him ... » you said feeling bad , « wait , you went out without him knowing !? » she screamed , « shush ! Everybody is going to know » you said laughing slightly, « but yeah I did got out without him knowing » , she was shook and proud of you at the same time but still scared for you if he find out.
You two finally entered the club , you honestly love going to the club with your friends it‘s such a good feeling you loved having , not caring about anything else but the moment and having fun .
After one hour of catching up and dancing you went out a little having a small headache because of the loud music .
« Already tired baby ? » , you lifted you head up , frightened when you recognised the voice . « I’m sorry » you immediately apologized in panic , you were scared of what he can do to you knowing how possessive he is .  « I forgive you if you come back home with me » he said smiling at you . He was scary .
« Okay... » you were still looking at him with big eyes and your hand in front of your chest so you could defend yourself if he want to hit you . You being paralized he took you by the wrist and put you in his car in the back seat pretty aggressively.
During the ride you texted your friend .
Sorry I’m going home I have a bad headache
Y/f/n :
NooOoOo the fun was starting I even found a guy to buy us drinks !
Good for you then 😂, I gtg bye have fun~ 💕
Thanks 🙏 I’ll miss you 😭 💖
After texting her you realised he was not going to go easy on you and you started crying .
« Don’t cry already love , keep your tears for later » , this made you cry and sob even more but you tried to stay quiet or he’ll may get even more angry .
You two arrived home and the second when he closed the door he grabbed you by your hair and dragged you to the bedroom , you were crying and screaming you were scared of what’s gonna happen to you .
« Open your fucking mouth again to scream and I’ll cut it » he said looking at you in the eyes . He threw you on the bed and literally ripped your clothes and underwear off , he went to open his closet and you tried to run and open the bedroom door , but it was locked ...
He stayed calm still searching through a box something you couldn’t see . After he found what he wanted he came to you and slammed you on the door holding you by your throat choking you really hard .
« Try anything like that again and I’m locking you here for a week » , you said nothing , you couldn’t , you struggled breathing how could you talk . He put you on the bed again on you belly , you were completely naked , it was embarrassing. He took both of your hands joined them with handcuffs . He turned you on your back ,  « open your mouth slut » , you opened not wanting to get him furious again . He spitted in your mouth and force you to swallow before placing a silicone ball gag in your mouth and tightening it .
« You look prettier like that , my little whore » ,
He took you , put you on his lap , and started spanking you hard .
He continued for 30 times , he did it with all of his strength every time , and every time you screamed at how much it hurted .
« Did you learned your lesson ? » , you wanted to respond but you couldn’t because of the ball gag and because of how much your body hurt . « Seem like you didn’t... » , no no no fuck , you started to panic and scream inaudible things to try and make him know you did learn you lesson. « Stop trying to talk and get on your knees » , you didn’t and continued crying and trying to talk to him . He took off your ball gag , you thought he finally wanted to know what you wanted to say but he started undressing himself , he took out his long and thick cock slapped your face harshly with it and then forced it into your mouth until it hit the deep part of your throat , he kept his hands in the back of your head pushing your face to go deeper and deeper.
You gagged and struggled breathing ,and was coughing but he doesn’t care , he even went deeper , and moaned loudly , « you really thought I wouldn’t know that you were secretly going to the club » he giggled , laughing at you . « You’re just a fucking whore getting what she deserve » , he started going back and forth with his hips face fucking you . You were a terrible mess .
Minho took his phone and you heard the sound a phone do when you start recording a video , you didn’t wanted to be more humiliated , you put your hands on his thighs and try to make him pull out but it only makes him go harder and faster , so fast . « Look at the camera dumb slut » he said laughing , you didn’t want to and closed your eyes hoping that if he upload it or send it people won’t recognize you , he paused face fucking you for a minute and instead tried to open your eyes , you still forced and didn’t wanted to . He then slapped your face just like he slapped your ass roughly . « Open » he obligated , « okay then » he stoped the recording pulled out and threw his phone somewhere else on the bed to then start slapping you again and again and again with all of his strength , you finally gave up , not caring about anything anymore . « Fucking bitch , making things harder than they should be » , he took his phone again started recording again . He filmed your whole body starting with your face , you had a blank stare eyes being red, your hair was a complete mess , your cheeks were red and your lips were swollen , the camera then went down and filmed your torso and belly , he started touching and massaging your breast hard , and scratched and made marks on your belly. He then filmed your pussy , opening the lips with his free hand exposing you entirely , he then backed up , took your legs and made you hold them . Which you did, struggling because of the handcuffs ...
He is now slapping your pussy , it hurts so much you can’t help but hiss at every slap , « I love hearing you baby keep screaming louder for me » , he slapped your pussy until it was bright red . Minho next didn’t even bothered to prep you or use lube and slammed his dick in you , he didn’t hold back and went hard again , you started crying again and he started slapping you again , he stopped recording and focused on raping you , he was on you , fucking you roughly , one hand on your neck choking you and the other slapping you from time to time . « Please stop , please stop , please stop... » you kept on repeating it hoping he would hear you weak voice .
But he didn’t , he went faster and faster « I’m gonna cum in you so hard » he choked you with his both hands and went rougher you didn’t even thought it was possible . He then finally cum into you moaning loudly . You didn’t took any pleasure and felt too dizzy too actually feel something , you eventually blacked out . He was too lazy to clean you up he thought you didn’t even deserved it . « What a fucking slut » he thought looking at the video he took smirking thinking if he should send it to your relatives but thought it would be better to blackmail you with them
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smutiestay · 4 years
ℍ𝕪𝕦𝕟𝕛𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕞𝕦𝕥 - 𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕠𝕦𝕥 🍒
It’s pretty cute , and hyunjin just love giving pleasure to his S/o 💓
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•Hyunjin was under you eating you out like a hungry man .
•He honestly love giving you the amount of pleasure you deserve , and he know that you appreciate sitting on his face a lot so it was win win for both of you
•He was licking aggressively and open mouth kissed your pussy
•Gosh the way he could feel how wet you are and how he could taste you was making him so horny
•The cute boy couldn’t keep himself to pump his long and leaking dick with his right hand and holding your thigh pressing your lower body into his face with his left hand .
•He kept masturbating himself faster and faster , and his tongue kept working harder and harder .
•You came before him and just before reaching your climax he moved his head from left to right really fast and that was the best orgasm you’ve had .
•You screamed and moaned so loudly you were sure at 100% the neighbours heard you .
•When you got off hyunjin to reward him for the amazing job he did you sucked him nice and clean until he came into your mouth , you swallowed everything while looking at him .
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smutiestay · 4 years
𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕚𝕠 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 - ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕓𝕚𝕟 🧸
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Changbin was in his studio like most of the night and you knew it , you just finished working and came back home , you still expected him to be here because the day you had wasn’t the best and none of you texted each other throughout the day .
When you finished showering and went to bed you tried to sleep but you couldn’t , you haven’t seen your « soulmate » at all today and you needed his hugs and comfort .
It was 11:30pm and he’ll probably come back at like 2am or something , and honestly you prefered sleeping on his lap or on a couch next to him rather than sleeping in a comfortable bed but without him .
So you literally jumped out of the bed , put your shoes on , and got to your car . After 10 minutes of ride you arrived at the building , you were impatient to see him knowing he was only some meters away .
You got to his studio and knocked on the door , no one came to open so you opened the door yourself .
« Hi , Binnie » you said standing in front of him after closing back the door .
« Y/n ! » he hopped out of his big chair to hug you with all of his strength . And you of course hugged him back having struggle breathing because he’s a grown man with a lot of muscle .
« Gosh I missed you so much » he said while kissing you all over your face .
« I missed you more... » you said and hugged him again , you finally got the comfort and hug you needed after all you got through the day . And knowing there is someone for you that got your back and hype you up at anytime when you feel blue made you simply cry in his shoulders .
« Nooooo , don’t cry cutie , what’s wrong ? » he was so worried , he thought someone hurt you or maybe he did something bad . He tried to break the hug to see your face and asked you again « what’s wrong baby ? »
You wiped you tears away with your hand and told him « just had a really bad day , and I missed you » smiling hoping it would make him less worried .
« Come here y/n » , he guided you to his chair still hugging you , he sat and put you on his lap
« Aren’t I too heavy ? » you asked laughing a bit
« No , not at all . Actually nothing is too heavy with the body i have » he said while flexing his arms in front of your face . You both laughed a bit and the atmosphere immediately went soft and even a bit romantic maybe .
« You can sleep baby I’m going to work for 1 or 2 hours more »
You looked at him pouting , « don’t you work too much ? » , « stop trying to convince me » he said while giggling at you , « it’s kind of important and if I finish it today I’ll have more free time for the next days » , « okay Binnie » you said understanding him , you then snuggled more into his chest and tightened your arms around him which made him smile .
You fell asleep pretty quickly, and finished your horrible day the best way you could imagine , cuddling with your boyfriend .
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smutiestay · 4 years
Cʜᴀɴ ɪᴍaɢɪɴᴇ 💣
Tw// self hate , depression , suicidal
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You were having a bad day again , nothing was right , you felt empty . You finally entered home , a home that doesn’t feel like it anymore , but this time no one was waiting for you , and you had no one to wait for . The only feeling and thought you could have was that nothing would manage to heal your broken heart again , like Chan did before , now it’s pitch black or in million pieces and will probably stay like that forever.
Chan came and made your world such a good place , you loved every little thing that life gave you because he was here and even if something bad happen you know there is Chan to make you feel better
But what about now ?
I enjoy nothing , I don’t find myself pretty anymore , I hate people , I’m always depressed , food don’t have a taste anymore I’m lost without him , I have nothing without him , I don’t have a reason to live without him , he was my star and the only person I ever loved
Now I’m just left with an empty heart , loneliness , and long and deep red stripes on my arm
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smutiestay · 4 years
𝗛𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗼 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲~
I’m here cause I want to start a stray kids imagine account , for now there is nothing but I’ll try to upload a lot .
I accept every type of imagine (^•-) , just ask me I’ll do it asap !
I want to warn you too that I do everything , so non con too ...
Anyway ! Enjoy ! ( ˘ ³˘) ♥︎
꧁ 🧸 for Fluff
🍒 for smut
⚡️ for hybrid
💣 for angst ꧂
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