snarky-wittgenstein · 5 months
I also love Royal Tutor, I once read an Omegaverse story where Viktor and Heine are a couple (Titania pretends to be the mother of the princes), but it made me laugh that Eins and Bruno are super mom's boys (Heine), who do you think? win
Hi, I've not read that story but I love Titania, it's too bad she doesn't appear in the anime. I think she, Viktor and Heine could have a very interesting dynamic. One of my favourite fanfics is one where the 4 younger princes and Viktor take turns telling Heine a terrible joke, i liked how each joke showcased their personalities and relationship with Heine
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I think Kai inherited a little bit of his mother's speech mannerisms
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Good thing it was only a little bit
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Can we take a moment to appreciate Ernst here
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Loving the contrast in mood
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Spoilers for Heine's and Viktor's past in vol. 15 under the cut!!
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Even without making a joke, Viktor still manages make fun of Heine's height
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He's never gonna forgive him for this
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She's a #girlboss, what can you do
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Vol. 15 spoilers for Heine and Viktor's past below!!
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He's so sassy look at his flippy hand
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Lecturing him
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It's so fun when they fight, Bruno always tries to be super different from Licht but somehow Licht always manages to bring him down to his level
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🤔🤔🤔 I think this is her way of secretly teasing him
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Spoilers for Heine's past in vol. 15 below the cut!!
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So harsh lmao at least Viktor is chill about it
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He's so dadcore, as the kids these days say (they don't say that)
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Ah the things kids say
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What a nice break for them
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I'd probably be Bruno but only because I try to be no-thoughts-head-empty all the time
Spoilers for Vol. 15 below!!
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Their minds are so unique
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He's not that important lmao
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Spoilers for Vol. 15 below!!
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Their minds are so unique
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Titania makes an entrance as formidable as her name
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