#bruno von granzreich
mossiestpiglet · 7 months
The Royal Tutor is so funny because the whole premise is that all these princes want to be king, but the further in you get its like. Do they?? Do they really?? Half of them don’t seem fully convinced the monarchy should even exist let alone that THEY should be the monarch.
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Omg he's so serious...
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..we could tell
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What is the truth???
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seagull-yuri · 10 months
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I’m thinking of making more trt shitposts.
I know Ernst doesn’t really fit, but I just wanted him to be somewhere here lol
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lenkie-09 · 9 months
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favficbirthdays · 3 months
Happy Birthday
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Bruno von Granzreich (31st March)
The Royal Tutor
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evelily1803 · 2 years
Ah yes, Bruno's nightmare fuel
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Ernst Rosenberg from The Royal Tutor is a vincian trans man!
Kai von Granzreich is a bisexual demiboy!
Bruno von Granzreich is a greyrose agender person!
Leonhard von Granzreich is an anroance trans man!
Licht von Granzreich is a polyamorous man!
dni link
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idontknowmyownmind · 2 years
Soo I was reading a Oushitsu Kyoshi Haine | The Royal Tutor fanfiction titled The White Lily of Granzreich by AntaresScorpii. I got quite attached to Leonhard since I watched the anime and read the manga. He is so innocent, bright, and cheerful I want to... hurt and ruin him. *whisper softly*
Reading the fanfiction, I can't help but also imagine my version of the story in this verse.
In mine, Leo is a girl with the name Leiya. Unlike Leo who got kidnapped for days or weeks tops, she got kidnapped for almost a year.
Surely you can imagine what she might experience as a kidnapping victim, especially as a girl.
Someone rescue her.
When they were on the run, something happened that made Leiya get a dagger slit across her eyes, making her blind.
She covered her eyes with a blindfold after that.
At that point, she only remembers her time as a captive and has hazy memories before that, the only clear memory is about her name.
She found out that she is carrying a child.
It's dready for her but she also doesn't want to get rid of the child.
With all the trauma she got, she still thinks clearly enough that the baby inside her is innocent and has nothing to do with whatever happened to her.
Her rescuer houses her and helps her throughout time.
The rescuer has something like an orphanage but not really an orphanage? They help those who are in need.
Since Leiya doesn't remember anything, she lives with them.
When her baby is born, a boy, she is happy but also dreadful. Afraid that the baby will look like whoever his father might be. Even though she can't see him, which she feels remorseful for feeling glad about.
The others reassure her that her baby is her copy but different gender, which is true.
She is actually afraid that she can't love him, unable to give him the love she deserves from his mother.
But she is glad that despite that, she is able to love him unconditionally.
She is also surprised to find out that she will still love him even if he looks like his father.
The search from the royal family never stops but after a year, it's not as intense because when they find who abdunced Leiya, she is not there and the kidnapper talks as if she's long dead.
A year or two after her rescue, the first who found her is Eins and Ernst when they walk around the town in disguise.
It starts with a crying, lost little girl.
Ernst approached her and asked what's wrong and the little girl said that she's separated from her sister and she needs to find her because her sister is blind and needs her help.
They offer to help her and ask what her sister's name is and she answers that her name is Leiya.
Eins finger twitched but doesn't say anything because he thinks it's just a coincidence.
They found Leiya with her back facing them while shouting the little girl's name.
Eins heart feels heavy, because from the back, despite the appearance, she looks like his baby sister.
She shout Leiya's name and when the girl turn around, Eins feels the world stop around him.
That's his sister. A sister he failed to protect two years ago. A sister he thought dead. But she is here, nagging around a little girl he doesn't know. Despite not close to any of his siblings, he know their voice and he know that she is his Leiya.
When the little girl tells her about them, she looks up and they see the blindfold. They remember the little girl saying that her sister is blind.
Leiya introduces herself and when Eins says his name, a little hope in heart that she recognizes him, but she loses in her mind.
When Ernst snaps her out of it, she sheepishly says that his voice is familiar.
Eins is not dumb to not speculate that she might lost her memories. Because why wouldn't she come back to them if she remembered?
The girls bring them to their home with the little girl leading them while chattering non-stop.
They found out about the baby, not really since he's already 1 or 2 years old, when he ran or wobbled to Leiya while calling her Mama.
Their first thought would be it's just a kid that might think of her as his mother if not for him basically a copy of her.
Eins is not stupid and naive to think that nothing were happened to her all those time, but it still weight his heart to found out that it's true.
Eins and Ernst don't tell the others immediately. Spending as much time with her to get to know her again before Eins sure that it's time for the other to know.
The kid somehow took a liking to him and called him uncle which gave him a strange feeling, a good strange feeling.
When the others were being told, there was shouting, tears, and everything.
Eins explained everything he knew about her condition and situation and made a plan to bring them one by one to not overwhelm her.
When it's Victor's turn, the first time Leiya heard his voice she cried. She can't explain why, she just said that his voice is familiar but different from the others and it hurts. She feels like she misses his voice but also feels angry.
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sir-lunar · 1 year
Here’s some older art I decided to post onto here as well :>
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moonlit-rabbit · 1 year
I'm slowly rewatching royal tutor. I love how sparkly they are
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maironmichaelis · 1 year
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Tried my hand at Artbreeder to create The Royal Tutor characters!
By order:
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shy-blue-blossom · 10 months
Pleasure to Meet You
Heine Wittgenstein (The Royal Tutor)
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As Heine was teaching the princes in one of the many rooms in the palace, a little red-haired girl was playing with a kind maid who was hired to look after her pacifically. It was one of Heine's reasons for working there. They were in the gardens looking for butterflies and other animals that she wouldn't mind playing with like Shadow, the dog.
However, she saw a blue butterfly across the garden a bit and ran towards it. She tripped. She wouldn't allow anyone to get near her though, so the maid looking after her asked one of the guards to fetch Professor Heine. They did it straight away.
~knock knock~
"Come in," Heine told the person on the other side of the door and the guard came in. The princes asked if their father, the king, wanted them and they said no.
"Professor Heine, there is a child crying in the garden and the maid told me to come and get you as she will not allow anyone else anywhere near her." As soon as he finished Heine was out the door and making his way into the garden. When he got there he could hear the crying of the child.
The princes had followed him and were shocked to to their stoic professor hugging a cute little red-haired and e/c eyed girl who was holding onto him, scared to be let go. They still found it so adorable though.
Once the child had calmed down, Heine was just holding the child and gave her maid the rest of the day knowing she wouldn't let him go for the rest of the day. When he turned around to ask a guard to tell the princes that the rest of the lesson was cancelled, he was kind of surprised to see them in front of him.
"Princes," he paused, "what are you doing here?" He questioned them.
"We followed you," Leonhard told Heine without a second thought.
He just sighed and looked at the child in his arms and saw that she was hiding her face in his chest but also looking at the four princes.
"Mas- I mean professor, if you don't mind us knowing who is the child you are holding?" Bruno asked as he watched the little girl.
"This is my daughter," Heine started after letting out a sigh. "Y/n Wittgenstein. Before you ask I brought her with me as her mother has gone away." He told them in a way he hoped they would understand.
They did but it took Leonhard a while. Heine had put y/n on her feet by now and she was behind his legs looking around them just staring at the second eldest prince. Kai thinking he is scaring her looks away hoping she would come out. However, when Kai looks away she runs out and dashes into his legs. She held on to them while looking up at him with tears in the corner of her eyes.
"D-do you n-not like m-me?" Y/n asked as she watched him. Everyone else was just watching shocked. Kai quickly bends down to her height and starts patting her head.
"No, I just did not want to scare you," Kai told her in a soft and gentle voice and smiled softly at her.
Y/n grinned at him and introduced herself to him even though Heine already had. He kept smiling at her.
"I'm Kai Von Granzreich."
He was the only prince that she warmed up to so quickly despite what the other princes said. ~They were jealous of him~ Heine was just happy that y/n had come out of her shell a little. Then a thought popped into his head...
'Maybe I should introduce y/n to Princess Adele next.'
The end.
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happy father's day to Viktor von Granzreich and Viktor von Granzreich only, he deserves to turn a mock sword fight into a cuddle fight
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nagoyatriste · 1 year
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Nighttime lecture
warnings: none.
pairing: Bruno von Granzreich x GN! Reader.
word count: 503.
a/n: this turned out a bit shitty but I wanted to publish something after a few months of inactivity, the fandom of The Royal Tutor is little so I don't know if someone will read this heh sorry if Bruno is a bit ooc t__t also this is not proofread sorry again
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"Would you want to come with me, Bruno?" you softly asked.
The night has fallen into the kingdom, turning it into a calm place, being the opposite of the daytime when people are running side to side doing their chores.
Your proposal confused him, why did you require his presence at this time? Both of you should be sleeping, a refusal invaded with doubt leaves his mouth.
"I don't think it's appropriate, it's late," he said. It wasn't weird of you to be seen in Bruno's study, but this last visit was out of the ordinary.
"Why? I just want to read with you," the delicate touch of your hand caressed his, accompanying your response. "Tomorrow I have to go back home, I figured we could read something before bed"
The realization came to his mind, the week has passed in no time and he didn't enjoy the time he spent with you. Being so busy and immersed in his new thesis brought to waste the tempo both had together until the next time.
"I completely forgot about your departure, I'm sorry…" his expression became distressed.
"It's okay love, don't worry, you're usually busy with your studies and I understand that." An innocent smile appeared on your face, just to disappear in a matter of seconds, and your gaze dropped to the fancy ground trying to avoid his look. "I didn't want to bother you in your study, but it's late and I have the egoistic desire to be with you, even just a little time before I go"
Bruno's heart ached, the fact that you were asking for a moment with him made the guilt trip fall into him, you are his couple, his significant other. You shouldn't be feeling like this over the wish of wanting time together.
"It's not egoistic!" exclaimed, raising his tone but not enough to be heard by the other people near his room. "It was my bad and I assure you I will amend my mistake if you let me" his sight directed to you, eyes full of hope while looking nervous.
"You don't need to assure anything Bruno, I trust we will have more time together soon" Your hand tightened into his, reminding him of the connection between both extremities, "I have a new book that my mother gave me, it's about poetry and I thought we could read it together, I'm interested in what could be your opinion about it", you said, accompanying with a slight chuckle, already predicting in your mind his reaction.
"That would be great" he smiled, "I have a few things to show you too, your opinion would be helpful" his left arm reached out to a pile of papers on his desk, grabbing the ones that were on top.
The sweet couple passed the last hours of company reading, Bruno despite being the logical type ended up immersed in the romantic poems of your new book, while you tried to understand the difficult topics of his new thesis.
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barxlupin · 7 months
Arthur Conan Doyle
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NAME: Arthur Conan Doyle
ALIAS: Dr. Doyle
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Male, he/him
AGE: 26
BIRTHDAY: May 22 (Gemini)
RESIDENCE: Yokohama, Japan
HEIGHT: 179 cm
FACECLAIM: Bruno von Granzreich (The Royal Tutor)
AFFILIATION: Order of the Clock Tower (by proxy, formerly), Bar Lupin
OCCUPATION: Chemist (formerly), Cook, Back-Alley Doctor
FAMILY: Enid (pet dachshund)
PERSONALITY: an enigmatic man as umpredictable as his mood swings, his temperament can change at the drop of a hat: one moment he can be cheerful and talkative, turn depressed and morose the next, fly into a blind rage in a matter of seconds and retreat into himself right after. He's extremely intelligent and a quick learner, something he's just as likely to arrogantly brag about or self-depricate himself for, depending on his mood. While he may seem generally uninterested about what happens around him, he's the first to jump into action when his help is needed.
ABILITY: A Study In Scarlet In the Lost World - Doyle's Ability manifests as a scarlet door which leads to a physical representation of Doyle's own mind, appearing as a large library where his thoughts, memories, ideas, etc. are collected in books that Doyle can physically page through, move around, etc. Time moves differently inside this pocket dimension, Doyle could spend hours or even days inside and only a few minutes would pass in the real world, but the more time he spends inside the more side-effects he'll suffer once he leaves, such as migraines, dizziness and exhaustion.
BACKGROUND: A child prodigy and teen genius, Arthur was once an idealistic young man who studied medicine and became a doctor to help those in need and make the world a better place. The Order of the Clock Tower reached out to him with the offer to fund his research, which Arthur gladlt accepted, only to discover years later that the Order had been testing his experimental drugs on unwilling subjects such as prisoners and traitors as a form of torture. Horrified by the discovery, Arthur resorted to testing his concoctions on himself to prevent them being misused and as a form of self-punishment, and he eventually ended up defecting. Under the influence, Doyle accidently stowed away into a cargo ship directed to Yokohama, where he stumbled into a few days later, delirious with hunger, dehydration and withdrawal. As luck would have it, he was found by the staff of Bar Lupin, who nursed him back to health and gave him a place to stay.
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Bruno von Granzreich (31st March)
The Royal Tutor
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