#viktor von grannzreich
snarky-wittgenstein · 2 years
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Omg he's so serious...
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..we could tell
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What is the truth???
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sir-lunar · 2 years
Here’s some older art I decided to post onto here as well :>
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maironmichaelis · 2 years
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Tried my hand at Artbreeder to create The Royal Tutor characters!
By order:
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onceuponadisembo · 3 years
Chapters: 1/5 Fandom: 王室教師ハイネ | Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine | The Royal Tutor (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Viktor von Granzreich & Heine Wittgenstein, Viktor von Granzreich/Heine Wittgenstein Characters: Viktor von Granzreich, Heine Wittgenstein Additional Tags: Drinking, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Bad Humor, Happy Ending, Excessive Hand-Holding, anime movie canon, Staying Up Too Late, viktor just wants to spend more time teasing heine for his height, unamused heine, heine's anime past, a little bit shippy, Queerplatonic Relationships
Viktor invites Heine to his study for wine, makes as many bad jokes as he can, and then asks to dance with him. Set after the ball that happens at the end of the anime movie.
I'm only up to Volume 9 of the manga right now and I don't know Heine's past, so although the manga will have some influence on some parts of the story, this fic is set in the canon of the anime, and will include references to Heine's and Viktor's past based on what was shown in the anime.
I'm also putting together a (very short, somewhat shippy) playlist for this fic so if you're into that sort of thing, here it is.
FFN link.
Read the first part under the cut
In the king's study, the bottle of Niedergranzreich white wine glittered in the lamplight.
There had been drinks at the ball. The usual wine and beer, which Heine had politely declined, but there was also something from Romano – a honeyed concoction with sharp-smelling spices and an even sharper burn as it slipped down his throat. When Viktor proposed a toast with the king of Romano, Heine had found himself with a glass in hand. He was then handed another at more than a few points in the evening – and at least one of them by Viktor himself. Heine did not quite remember how many cries of Prost! to the two kingdoms there had been, and now he sat, still in his evening suit, at his usual spot by the desk, swirling yet another glass with Viktor and feeling the wine more than usual.
It was already getting late.
He was not worried; tomorrow was his rest day. But there are no breaks for a king – although this one did not seem to notice the time at all. Heine had been surprised when Viktor invited him here tonight, thinking that perhaps the king wanted a report so soon after the princes' assignment had been completed. He had been equally surprised when he saw the bottle.
"More wine?" he chided. "Are you sure?"
Viktor was already pouring the first glass. "You can always have something else if you won't join me," he had said, a mischievous gleam in his eye. "I'll send for it. Milk would be much more… age appropriate. Or what do you think?"
Heine harrumphed and took a glass.
It seemed that they were here for no reason at all. Tomorrow – or the day after – they would talk about how the princes had done, and what that could mean for the future of the Granzreich and Romano kingdoms. And although they were no longer young, nor as free with their time as they had been way back then, Heine did not mind indulging the king. Viktor may request the strangest things, but it was never without sound reason. There is always a first time for everything, though, because Heine was now starting to suspect that Viktor, too, had had more than a few at the ball.
"Eins dropped by, you know," said Viktor not long after they had clinked their glasses. "After the song."
"Oh?" said Heine, pausing as he lifted his glass. "I did not see him."
Chin in hand, Viktor hummed a sigh. "He didn't stay long. You know how children are when they grow up."
They sat in silence for a while. They had both grown up a long time ago, and far too quickly. There was still so much more to be done.
Viktor drained his glass and straightened up with a toss of his head, as if the silence were a blanket he was trying to shrug from his shoulders. "Well!" he chirped, refilling his glass. "I am glad that my sons are growing so well under your care. Shall I…?" He gestured the bottle towards Heine.
The tutor glanced into his glass. "Thank you, but I am barely halfway through."
"Take your time." Viktor settled back in his chair. "Speaking of my sons, I am already in talks with King Romano to arrange a visit to his kingdom. It is my hope that we can continue to strengthen our relationship as allies."
"And mine as well," murmured Heine. It could not be easy, as a young prince of Romano, to shoulder the high expectations of one's position while growing into one's own person. He thought of Prince Ivan, the eldest twin, who could never do enough in his father's eyes as well as his own; and of Prince Eugene, overlooked in favour of his brother and who, like his brother, expressed a disdain for "forever benchwarmer princes" at the start of their visit. The fact that the younger prince had done so even though, if all were to go according to plan, he himself would not be expected to ascend the throne, could explain why Prince Eugene had not seemed to see the point in trying for anything. The Granzreich princes could prove to be a good influence on the Romanos, if only they could spend some more time together.
A chuckle from Viktor interrupted Heine's thoughts. "What is funny?" he asked the king, his sombre musings quickly dissipating.
"I was just wondering if you also taught the princes to dance at the ball."
"Goodness, no."
"Ah. I thought so. Teaching them to sing would have been enough of a handful."
"Yes, but I cannot tell you how much I came to wish that I had blocked out a few hours, at least, to revise the basics together with them. I did not anticipate how insistent they would be." Heine took a fortifying drink from his glass. "Do you know how terrifying it is to be led around the floor by partners who do not quite know what they are doing? I was even lifted once. I was in the air."
Viktor chuckled even more. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I did love seeing all of you getting along so well."
"You were watching us?"
"I was watching you."
What a strange way of putting it. Heine was not sure he had heard Viktor correctly. Perhaps he should ask him repeat that, to check that he had not misheard him.
He sipped some more wine and held out his glass. "Could you top me up, please?"
"There's something I want to show you," said Viktor as he led Heine over to the lounge area. On the low table sat a strange shape, which Heine thought he recognised when Viktor removed the sheet that lay over it.
"My word," murmured Heine, venturing closer to inspect the instrument and the brassy sheen of its parts. "Is this… a phonograph?"
"Do you like it?" smiled Viktor, barely containing his delight. "It was a gift. Go on, give it a try."
"What does it play?"
"Wind it up and see for yourself."
Soon the hazy melody of a waltz undulated about the room and Heine watched Viktor hum along, fingers dancing in time to the music.
"What a tremendous invention," said Heine when the song neared its end. "It seems as if I were right in front of the orchestra."
"Yes, and listen to this." Viktor stopped the machine and switched out the cylinder. When it started up again, it sang out in a long, yearning trill.
Heine put down his wine. "This song!"
"Yes?" said Viktor, a twinkle in his eye.
The melody was haunting and the libretto solemn – far too serious to have been fully-appreciated the first time Heine had heard it. Perched next to Viktor, in oversized borrowed clothes, Heine had been certain they would be spotted among the crowded back seats. Once the show was over and he could finally relax, they spent the evening falling over each other as they butchered the most dramatic of the songs, missing the high notes and substituting their own lyrics.
"Why Viktor, had I not known any better, I would have thought that you had impeccable taste."
Viktor laughed – the same laugh from the alleyway behind the Wienner state opera house nearly thirty years ago.
Back at the desk, they talked of important things.
The latest in the national opera:
"No, don't tell me. I haven't seen it yet."
The moral discrepancies in classic childhood fables:
"I can't explain that to you, Viktor, I did not write it."
Whether or not it was possible to brew wine from carrots and bell peppers:
"I find it highly worrisome that a child would know so much about winemaking."
The bottle of wine slowly emptied out.
"And another thing," said Viktor who, at some point in the night, had ended up sprawled out next to Heine. They were down to the last few glasses, and Heine was propping himself up against the cushioned arm of the settee, trying hard to maintain a slight semblance of propriety.
"Why are we always drinking this?" Viktor squinted at his glass of wine, holding it up to the light. "It's the same wine every time ever since God knows when, always wine white- I mean white wine- from Niedergrr- Niederglan-zish."
Heine nearly slipped off the arm. Goodness gracious. Where was this coming from?
"But isn't it… isn't this your favourite?" he faltered, his head foggy. "You don't like it?"
Viktor made a sound that resembled both a hiccough and a splutter. Or perhaps it was a laugh. Heine could not tell at this point. "I do like it, but people get tired of favourites, Herr Professor. Even Lich… Leonhard. Would hesitate at the idea of eating sacher torte for every meal.
"I wouldn't be so sure," muttered Heine. Then, struggling with the plush upholstery, he pulled himself into a slightly less crooked sitting position. "But Viktor, you are being unfair. You were the one who brought this wine. And it was supposed to be my turn."
"Oh, don't worry about that. It's a special occasion."
"You must let me bring the next one." Heine racked his brains for all the good wines he had ever tried or heard of, but the memories seemed to have left him for the moment. "We could try… red wine?"
"Hmm?" Viktor tilted his head.
"From… Obergranzreich?"
"Interesting proposal," said Viktor, "considering their viticulture is not what it used to be."
"Hintergranzreich, then."
Viktor snorted. "You are making things up."
"And you were making a fuss over something that could have been so easily resolved," retorted Heine. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? If I had known, I would have looked around town and found something new, or checked with the chefs for recommendations – anything, if only you had asked."
Viktor leaned back to look at the tutor and smiled fondly. "That's just like you. I know I can always rely on you. You're a good friend, Heine."
Heine took a sip from his glass. "Though you tend to ask for the most reckless things," he said.
That was when Viktor asked him to dance.
It's been almost exactly one year since I first watched The Royal Tutor, and I'm super excited to get this out. I already have the rest of this written out, but because it’s such a pain to upload fics to Tumblr, I’ll be uploading the rest of the chapters to AO3, and I’ll be putting just the link on Tumblr. I really want to make sure I check each chapter thoroughly, so I might take a few days to upload the next one. In the meantime - comments are appreciated and I'll love you forever.
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fuyusenpai · 4 years
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Okay but The Royal Tutor is so good
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Submitted my @onceuponadisembo
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eraillue · 5 years
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Well, actually this is the comic for Viktor’s birthday.
I finally find some time to translate it.😆😆😆
I hope you enjoy it!
Also, I hope I can soon have opportunities to travel to Vienna during Christmas time
and I want to try muled wine as well!
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addictofanimation · 4 years
More Ideas I May Never Write...
Yesterday, I had been thinking of the woefully few stories there were for the Great Priest Imhotep fandom and an idea hit me over the head just as I was about lay down to sleep.
The Royal Tutor x Im: Great Priest Imhotep.
Since this would be further into the future and there wouldn't be any magic, Djoser wouldn't need to be sacrificed and his family would at least treat him semi-normally. Even if they didn't like how he kept sneaking out to interact with the citizens.
Especially a certain priest.
While Sanakht and his father go in to the meeting, it leaves Djoser and Imhotep to interact with the princes. Djoser and Leonhard get along right off the bat and Kai and Licht join as well soon after. Bruno mostly stands back and observes and just happens to notice that Im isn't even attempting to talk with any of the princes. It probably didn't help that he looked a little creepy with that mask and headdress on.
A glance back towards the group shows Djoser shooting Im saddened looks, showing that he is upset that Im is keeping to himself.
As time goes by, the princes notice one by one how Djoser makes several attempts to befriend the quiet masked boy and invite him to join in on their games and lessons. It isn't until Heine brings it up in a joint lesson, that Djoser finally tells them about the rift between the priesthood and royalty.
His father and brother had seen everyone besides royalty as beneath them, including the priesthood. It had caused tension between the factions that Djoser had been trying to fix. He had managed to befriend Im before, but the boy had pulled away several weeks later. The prince doesn't know what happened, but he wants to be friends with Im again.
The princes are moved by the speech and - ignoring Heine's warnings and cautions about meddling in foreign affairs - decide to help the two mend their relationship.
They try again and again to win Im over, but the boy is infuriatingly stubborn and doesn't budge. Leonhard is the one to overhear a conversation between the king and Im, the man threatening him to remember to leave his son alone or Djoser would lose his right to the crown. Im - for once without a mask or headdress - looks pained as he agrees.
Leo is quick to tell everyone what he saw during their next lesson together. Djoser looks furious and storms out of the lesson to confront Im in the library with the evidence. Im only tells him that royalty wasn't supposed to interact with people below their station and Djoser just screams that he doesn't care about status and that he wanted his friend back. Im starts shaking like he's about to cry, alarming the princes and Heine. Djoser, both angry and worried, rips Im's mask and headdress off, revealing his watery eyes that look like he hadn't slept in days.
If Djoser was furious before, he looks like he's about to erupt now. Ignoring Im's following cries for him not to, he rushes into the meeting between the kings and stands in front of his father, demanding to know why he would do what he did. The ensuing argument ends in Djoser threatening to stand down and give up his title as prince and his right to the throne.
Everyone is stunned into silence at the turn of events and Viktor advises the other king to be careful with his choice. Djoser was clearly the more beloved prince - since he actually listened to what his people had to say - and that disowning him could end with a very angry populace to deal with when they went home. He was facing losing both his youngest son and his people.
The king is forced to concede, much to the other princes' and Heine's relief. When Heine leads the princes and the priest outside, Djoser is quick to pull Im into a hug. He cries as he begs Im to be his best friend again and Im tearfully agrees.
Im begins joining in on their lessons after that, correcting where Djoser gets things wrong, being surprisingly snarky and not being afraid to hit Djoser in the face with a pillow when he's being a bit too much. He actually participates during trips into town instead of acting like a guard with Ludwig and Maximillian, who are both happy and relieved by the change.
When it's finally time to leave a few days later, Djoser thanks the princes and hopes that they'll meet again. Im looks happy as he nods in agreement. The princes also happily agree, the five of them sharing a group hug - six after Djoser drags Im into it. Parting on the train, the boys wave to each other until they are out of sight.
The princes are herded into the castle by Heine as Viktor watches the train a little longer, wishing it could be the same for him and Heine (if this happens in the manga universe).
On the train, the exhaustion from the eventful past few days finally catches up with Djoser and Im and they fall asleep leaning against each other, content to sleep until they get home.
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galactic-melodies · 5 years
The Royal Tutor Drinking Game!
Take a shot every time:
(Including the additions by @samurai-ko @adricrevan and @auroravonglanzreich)
Bruno refers to Heine as master
Heine gets mad at someone for calling him short
“I am not a child.”
Leon whines about school work
Viktor and Heine refer to their….“past”
Chibi versions!
Leon runs away from his problems
Kai pets Heine
Eins is mentioned
“Eins is the true heir, but if he dies, I gotta have four back-ups.”
Someone makes fun of Heine’s art
Someone makes fun of Leon’s grades
The brothers plot something together
Kai says something is soft
Actions get narrated. (”Step step step step step! Roll roll roll roll roll!”, “STAAAAAAAAARE!”)
(This does not mean when the sound effect text fills the screen (”Badum badum badum badum” or “Master Master Master Master”)
Licht invades someone’s personal space
Bruno smacks Licht around.
Licht turns the conversation to women
Heine gets kidnapped (this includes by people and animals)
“It’s time for a lesson!”
Leon blows something out of proportion
All the darkest things suddenly become fluffy and not so nasty
You are feeling an inspiration to study
Heine’s blushing
Adele’s crying out loud for Shadow
Ernst shows up
Kai is seen with Shadow
Heine says something blunt about the any of the princes
Licht throws up a peace sign
Leo says something rude
Bruno overreacts
A character jumps out of the window
Y’all, don’t get alcohol poisoning. Perhaps shots of water are in order?
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beetle-sandwich · 5 years
Fellow tumblr citizens...
I’m once again asking for your infinite knowledge of famdoms...
Where can I watch The Royal Tutor movie for free??? Netflix in my country doesn’t have it if yours have it already.
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Websites sent in the comments are very much appreciated.
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adribelladonna · 5 years
Heine and Viktor after revealing to princess the truth about their past be like:
Chapter 86 left me with a bunch of mixed feelings. But this is still accurate
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happy father's day to Viktor von Granzreich and Viktor von Granzreich only, he deserves to turn a mock sword fight into a cuddle fight
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sir-lunar · 1 year
Hello!! You know that Royal Tutor comic I talked about awhile back? IM DONE WITH IT!!! 🎉🎉Goodness it was so much work- this took about a month or so to do.
It’s just meant to be a silly little comic, nothing serious. Though it was a little rushed due to a deadline. Hope you enjoy but first-
CONTEXT / (possible spoiler??) ‼️
This contains a reference to Chapter 64 “My Ideal Princess!” Which, isn’t important to the overall plot of The Royal Tutor, but I just wanted to be safe than sorry ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Also just for reference, this is meant to be read from left to right! (●’◡’●)ノ
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I basically improvised the fight-
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kinbari14 · 5 years
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minsarasarahair · 6 years
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King Viktor: “You’re more than welcome to join the Prince Choir, you know.” Prince Eins: “I respectfully decline. My brothers can have the credit this time.”
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bunny-is-cute · 6 years
This is my completed fanfic for The Royal Tutor. It’s an omegaverse story and mpreg. I had no idea how much I would actually like this anime until I started to watch it! Highly recommend!
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