Just a thought going in to 2013
Our Greatest Fear —Marianne Williamson
it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others. —Marianne Williamson
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                   Few people can be triple threats but 16 year old Jharee Stephens is just that. The Georgia native is making noise in the industry and we cannot help but to notice. She is currently prepping a new single for the top of the year. While we wait patiently, we took a few minutes to talk to her and find out what she likes, how she records and what to expect in the very near future.
As always we start with 5 words to describe you. What are yours?
Unique, innovative , fresh , spell-bounding , capturing .
What is your favorite song to sing?
My favorite song to sing is Halo by Beyonce.  
Explain to us what the recording process is like for you
Usually I'd go in with the producer and writer if we are creating a entire new song, from there the writer and I would do our magic. Otherwise if the song was pre-written,  I would learn the lyrics, go over the song a few times and then go into the booth and make music . 
What has been the biggest break in your career thus far?
The SCMC Conference in North Carolina OF COURSE ! I asked my question to the A&R's and in that moment T-Mah (her current A&R) saw something special in me.
What can the world expect from you musically?
The world can expect individuality. They can expect to be able to relate to my music. They also can expect passion through my music. I just want the world to know that I love what I do.
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       368 Music Group is doing some very interesting things out tof the DMV. Ran by Raheem DeVaughn and Andre Hopson, 368 is breathing new life into the hip-hop scene. Part of their moment is Phil Da Phuture (P.D.P). P.DP is riding the wave of some intricately produced beats and smoking that LOUD all the way. His new mixtape "Louder Than You" is available now on datpiff.com.  We took a few minutes to chat with him and pick his brain...and here is what we found out
Give us 5 words that describe Phil Da Phuture
Hmmm…Exciting, ambitious, fresh, caring, loving
Name one person that has influenced your life
Bob Marley because he is a big influence in m life period, raised on his music, definitely the ultimate for me. 
Where do you go when you need to clear your head?
The mall
Why should people listen to your music?
Because  it’s the shit (laughs)
What frustrates you the most about the music industry?
That it’s taking so long for DC to get on and for us to get noticed as a power house
Finish the sentence. “I think the biggest mistake that artists make is….”
Get a big head and thinking that they re bigger want
What do you want the world to know about you
That I am a talented person, a very talented person and I want to display all of my talents.
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          DMV Jewelry Designer Deborah Mdurvwa (@Mdurvwa) is one of the new faces of accessory design. With a rich history in fashion, she is now using her talents on her owns line. Most recently she released her Fall Collection to rave reviews. We love what she is doing so we had to take a few minutes to talk to her and see how she got started, what motivates her and what is next for the budding accessories star.
How did you begin your career in fashion?
I started creating accessories at a young age.  My first piece was for my best friend in the fifth grade.  I have always been fascinated with design from clothing how it was constructed to accessories how small parts came together to make something so small so beautiful.  In high school I knew design was the road I wanted to take so when it was time for me to go to college I went to school for design and marketing.
What was your motivation to branch out on our own?
I have always had an entreprenuer’s spirit.  After working in NYC in the fashion industry as a freelance designer; I was tired of putting in all this creative work for someone else company that I thought didn't appreciate my work and decided I want to do this on my own.
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         What is the inspiration for your collections, particularly the fall collection?
A lot of my inspiration was Eygptian themed.  I have always admired Cleopatra and the Egyptian culture in general so I wanted my second collection to be a light reflection of that.
Describe your signature pieces?
I would say my signiture pieces are bold and for women and girls who want to stand out.  I have always been into gaudy jewelry but there is a time and place for that but I always want to have that "BOLDNESS" in every piece.
Who is the ideal Mdurvwa wearer?
Someone who is confident, self assured of herself and knows who she is.  When you wear my pieces you can not be afraid to stand out because believe me someone will come up and ask you or comment about the accessories.
What is your hope for your collection?
What I am hopping for is get more into concetputal design with my accessories and add purses to my company.  I want to grow as a designer and I want that to be reflected evey season.
Can your predict some of the trends we may see in the spring?
One trend that I am more excited about is thatmixed metals are the new rage. I love the fact tgar you do not have to be so self conscience of if you are wearing all gold or all silver. Mix it up. You will be seeing a lot more accessories  with feline or cat themes going on and more color blocking with accesories. I think that the next few seasons of accessories will be exciting and I am glad I will be a part of that.
Where can we find your collection?
You can find my full collection at my website at www.mdurvwa.com and various boutiques in Washington, DC and Baltimore Maryland.
What’s next for you?
What is next for me will be to collaborate with certain celebrities and working on my Spring 2013 collection so stay tuned.
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Big Sean celebrates his hometown in his latest visual...#FRESHCERTFIED @Bigsean
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We are getting tons of submissions we are getting here and this is a brand new one from RCA Records, Alex Boyd ( @alexboydmusic ). With just the right amount of pop, soul and charm, Alex is definitely a new artist to put on the radar. His musicality is nothing short of impressive. In this video her performs an acoustic version of latest single "I Wish I Knew" and by the way he sounds...we feel sorry for whatever woman let him go...Go check him out!
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There is entirely too much heat coming out to the ATL right now and Grammy nominated singer/songwriter Georgia Reign is no exception to that. Georgia's laces her sweet vocals over Chris Brown's "Don't Judge Me" and gives it a female twist with a sexy visual. This young lady is too FRESH. We definitely want to hear more....Peep it.
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        We first brought you Kris Kelli a few weeks ago and here she is back at it again with "Kingston". This ode to her hometown is so FRESH we literally cannot stop playing it. If you don't know this beautiful young lady has next, you are clearly NOT paying attention...Take a a listen and become a fan #freshcertified
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talent is so hard to find but 16-year-old Jharee Stephens is making it easier. The Georgia native exhibits a vocal talent that is wise beyond her years and she demonstrates that on this cover of the Chaka Khan classic "Ain't Nobody" #freshcertified
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        Sexy, sassy and sultry are just a few words to describe Georgia Reign. The singer/songwriter  has teamed up with Grammy Award-winning producer Adonis Shropshire for her latest single "Feel Like A Woman." Her vocals are beyond FRESH on this sexy track. Look our for her upcoming mixtape #DopeBoyzLoveMe #freshcertified
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          From The LA Times- The phrase "gourmet mall food" seems like an oxymoron, especially when holiday shopping fatigue often leads to giant cinnamon rolls and pretzels. But now there's something new and upscale at area shopping meccas, a far cry from the fare at most food court stands. If you've got the taste and the wallet for it, you can buy gourmet caviar from vending machines -- yes, vending machines -- at Westfield Topanga, Burbank Town Center or at Westfield Century City.
The automated vendors house a full selection of caviar and other unusual foods, some we never heard of, and others we definitely can't afford, such as Imperial River Beluga for $500 an ounce. But there also are selections in much lower price points, like American Black Caviar for $30 an ounce.
The business, Beverly Hills Caviar, is owned by husband and wife team Kelly Stern and Brian Scheiner, who both come from long lines of Eastern European "caviar families."
The couple, in their early thirties, handles different aspects of the company, in addition to raising a young child. "Our daughter was born into this business just like us," says Stern, "and one day if she wants, she will continue the tradition."
The idea of selling caviar from a vending machine may seem offbeat, but Stern says it's a business model that works. While the machines definitely attract a curious audience, there also are caviar aficionados, including chefs, who come with their credit cards in hand.
Developing the right kind of machine was challenging. Temperature, moisture, ventilation, lighting and oxygen levels all had to be perfectly regulated to keep the caviar fresh.
"We actually patented the technology because it was so time-intensive and we needed so many engineers just to get it done right," says Stern.
Then there also was the matter of security, no small concern, given that the daily inventory adds up to around $50,000. Without revealing any secrets, let's just say that it's unlikely that even someone with the talents of James Bond could crack these cases. (And you might want to comb your hair before approaching the machine, because three cameras will be taking your picture.)
The left side of the machine dispenses more than two dozen types of caviar; the right side offers other exotic goods, including escargot, Italian truffles, blinis, flavored salts and mother of pearl plates and spoons. The most popular selection these days is the Classic Osetra Caviar, which sells for around $50 an ounce. The company even sells red salmon caviar for dogs and cats.
"We have some very strange types of items," concedes Stern.
Included in that category is the vegan caviar, which looks like the real deal but is made from seaweed, olive oil and sea salt: "We call it the prop caviar. It's mainly used for movies and TV. Basically, it can sit outside forever and not spoil and still be edible."
Another unusual choice is dried mullet caviar, which Stern said is eaten by Algerian, Tunisian, French, Spanish and Jordanian communities. Described on the website as the "beef jerky" of caviar, it is a dry, hard slab that is sliced or grated, often added to pasta dishes. Extremely popular and affordable in France -- the stuff also goes by the name bottarga and is called karasumi in Japan -- it's difficult to come by in Southern California, which explains why it sells for $65 for 180 grams.
"We personally don't eat it," says Stern, "but many people do and they will pay a lot of money to be able to access this kind of caviar."
Some serious shoppers no doubt plan ahead and come equipped with a cooler in their car. But no need to fret if your caviar purchase is an impulse buy. It emerges from the vending machine in a specially designed insulated box, in a "frosty state," which provides a window of about three hours to get it back in a fridge or onto your plate.
"By the time you get home it's usually just perfect and you can eat it, and it will be the tastiest thing you ever had," says Stern.
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Here are SA2Fresh we are HUGE supporters of DJ Fadelf ( @djfadelf). Not only is he a celebrity DJ, he is also part of an awesome new band Guitars and Bandanaz. They are hot and we are definitely fans of their new movement. Peep the first official video for their song "Around" below!! #freshcertified
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          It's no secret that we are a fan of FRESH and hot talent here. We first brought you Kris Kelli about a month ago. The first lady of Block Entertainment is definitely a force to be reckoned with! Her voice and style are unmatched.  She is a risk taker who is honing her craft in Atlanta, GA and making waves along the way with her new single "Action." Fresh off of the beautiful island of Jamaica, she gave us a few minutes of her time to tell our readers who she is and why she is so FRESH.
Describe Kris Kelli
I’m a Urban Pop Singer/songwriter who was born and raised in Kingston Jamaica
How does growing up in Kingston affect your music?
Growing up in Kingston gives my music an edge when it comes to my accent, sound, style, delivery as well as strong culture which I naturally infuse when recording my music. 
What is your favorite thing about being on Block Entertainment?
Being on Block Ent has been a blessing! I have been able to work with the most talented artistes/producers and songwriters in the game who understand my sound and my vision.
Tell us about your songwriting and creative process.
Everyday life inspires my songwriting and creative process. Sometimes when u force things to happen in the studio, the sound isn’t real nor is it genuine. I want my audience to connect with me and my music and my passion comes from my experiences.
 What should the world know about Kris Kelli?
Kris Kelli is a FORCE that’s about to take over the World. I work extremely hard and I truly believe in my talents and capabilities as an artiste and entertainer, and if you don’t know now, you will VERY soon ;-) **TEAM WARRIOR**
Peep her latest visual for "Me & U" feat. Gorilla Zoe
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FRESH LIFE: Louis Vuitton The Birth of Modern Luxury: Updated Edition
Shout out to the good people over at Afashionmind.com for putting us on to this.
In November 2012, Louis Vuitton and Les Éditions de La Martinière are set to publish an updated edition of the book Louis Vuitton, The Birth of Modern Luxury, which was released in October 2005. Available in a limited edition exclusively in Louis Vuitton stores, this elegant volume traces the history of the Maison, from its creation in 1854 to the present day. The exhaustive account offers unique insight into the developments and inventions of the brand which turned travel into an “art de vivre”.
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How did Louis Vuitton, which created the first modern luggage in 1854, become today’s global benchmark for luxury? This book with nearly 800 illustrations and original testimonials traces the irresistible and compelling rise of the world’s leading luxury brand. It details the evolution of a company that has always been in step with even ahead of its time, a legendary history that spans more than 150 years. In the mid-nineteenth century Louis Vuitton, the company’s founder, designed a revolutionary trunk. With a flat poplar frame covered in waterproof canvas, Vuitton’s trunk was elegant, functional, and light-weight. It was ideally suited to the new means of transport. Ine one stroke it made all previous trunks obsolete, and its success was instantaneous. As society’s elite discovered the new art of travel following the lead of the French Empress Eugénie and other monarchs, head of state, explorers, artists, and magnates the LV monogram appeared on the great ocean liners, in the Gobi Desert, and in the world’s grandest hotels. With Louis Vuitton, travel had acquired a soul.
Driven by impeccable craftsmanship and infinite creativity, the company thrived through the years, even when venturing beyond the frontiers of its traditional territory. In 1997 it expanded into fashion, and once again its success was spectacular.
From the masterpieces by Louis, Georges, Gaston-Louis Vuitton and their successors, to the current designs inspired by artistic director Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton has never ceased to surprise and enchant, and to redefine luxury.
The ten chapters have been updated so the reader is immersed deep into the heart of the brand: whether through an account of its founder’s background or by revisiting the know-how, fashion, advertising, architecture and collaboration of Louis Vuitton with the world of art, sport and culture. This edition shows that beyond all of its revolutions, the Maison has never stopped writing its own history.
Book Specifications:
Release: November 2012 Format: 24 x 31cm 560 pages This updated edition includes over 800 visuals revealing the latest advertising campaigns, the latest fashion shows and the most recent important partnerships between Louis Vuitton and international artists.
LIMITED EDITION Limited edition presented in a box set and available in 6 languages: French, English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Japanese On sale exclusively in Louis Vuitton stores and on louisvuitton.com Retail price: €140 or approx US$190
BOOKSHOP EDITION French version published with Les Éditions de La Martinière English version published with Abrams Spanish version published with El Viso Japanese version published with Kawade Shobo
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It looks like Samsung is really coming for Apple's neck with their latest...It is a flexible phone that will now make your phone virtually unbreakable. According to Luxuo, the phone could be ins tores as early as July 2013. But the question is would you buy it? Check out the details after the jump.
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Samsung is ready to begin mass production of smartphones with bendable screens, which will make the devices thinner, lighter and unbreakable. According to the Wall Street Journal, the first such devices should be ready before July 2013. The report also adds weight to rumors circulating that Samsung is set to unveil a 5.5-inch OLED display at January’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES).
Unlike traditional LCD screens, which have to be lit via a bulb behind or around the perimeter of the display, OLED displays generate their own light source.
This makes them thinner and lighter than traditional screens and, due to this in-built luminosity, don’t require glass in their construction. A screen can just as easily be made from polymer plastic or even metallic foil.
At CES 2011, Samsung demonstrated this technology in a malleable 4.5-inch screen display that was 0.3mm thick and could be bent into a cylindrical shape without breaking.
Read more: Samsung to launch flexible phone | LUXUO Luxury Blog http://www.luxuo.com/gadgets/samsung-flexible-phone.html#ixzz2DL7klLkw
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Here is a little freshness and soul to start your day. Avant (@The_Real_Avant) and KeKe Wyatt  ( @kekewyattsings) have released a new visual for their single "You and I." The song is classically theirs and we are thinking that it is time to see more of them together...a full album perhaps??? Peep it below #freshcertified
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Frank Ocean is one of the few people we have deemed #BEYONDFRESH. His style and music have made him one of the most prominent artists of 2012. He recently sat down with GQ and was classically Frank. Read the interview after the jump and see more at GQ.com
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         Yes, he made the album of 2012. (Just ask him, he'll tell you.) But that was just the second biggest moment of Frank Ocean's year. Here, while wearing the sport coats of the season  and surrounded by his whole Odd Future crew, the ascendant singer opens up to Amy Wallace about his crazy year—including the bomb he dropped on the hip-hop world
If Frank Ocean wanted to play you a song, you'd drive across town in the pouring rain, right? That's how we've ended up at Jungle City, a sound studio in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood. When we walk in, Ocean leading the way, Pharrell Williams turns down the music and greets him warmly. "Here you are," the prolific rapper and producer tells him. "You've walked in at the right time."
"Sweet," Ocean replies, picking up Pharrell's diamond-studded gold chain that sits—fat as a tow rope—at the edge of the mixing board. Ocean, dressed in a gray Supreme hoodie, jeans, and black Wallabees, smiles as he dons the weighty necklace—it jibes with the new Rolex on his left wrist, the Cartier Juste Un Clou bracelet on his right. In a bit, he'll Instagram a bejeweled portrait of himself, but first he unveils three new tracks, stored on his phone, that Pharrell pronounces "crazy, with a lot of comprehensive layers just sort of living harmoniously." When Ocean says he worries a rap number called "Blue Whale" is "risky because I'm rhyming," Pharrell shakes his head.
"That's not risky. That thought is dead," he says. "It's like, 'You know, I rhyme, too.' "
Turning to me, Pharrell says, "I always call him James Taylor. He's probably the closest thing to a writer's perfect exemplification of the unconscious. All the songs are like movies. All you need to do is close your eyes." 
Now it's Pharrell's turn to spin a track-in-progress. They listen, bobbing their heads slightly, occasionally both bursting into song. When the room is quiet again, Ocean says the song "feels like a Rubik's Cube melodically. You want something emotionally rich on that, you know what I'm saying? But if I listen to it enough, I could map a way out." Before we exit, they agree Ocean will come back later this evening to work on it. Pharrell is attending the first show of Jay-Z's eight-night run at the brand-new Barclays Center in Brooklyn, but he says he'll come back, too. "Ain't no afterparty more important than this."
"Map a way out"—it's a phrase Ocean will use more than once during the next four hours as we talk about his life and especially his last few months. He's still just 25, but it feels like he packed ten years' worth of living into 2012 alone, releasing a heralded album, Channel Orange, in July and headlining Saturday Night Live's season premiere in September. Throughout this period he has also been handling the reverberations of something he revealed on Tumblr just before Channel Orange's debut: his memories of an intimate relationship with his first love, a man—a  rare admission in the macho world of hip-hop and R&B. 
It's important to Ocean to be the master of his own identity: Last year he changed his name from Lonny Breaux to Christopher Francis Ocean, drawing on Frank Sinatra and the original Ocean's 11 film for inspiration. And yet he admits that the failed relationship he mentioned on Tumblr sent him spinning out of control, rocking him even as it improved his musicality, transforming him from a man with skills to a skillful man with something he suddenly was burning to say. What was going through his mind this summer, he tells me, was something like this: "If I'm going to say this, I'm going to be better than all you pieces of shit. What you going to say now? You can't say, 'Oh, they're only listening to him because he said this.' No, they're listening to me because I'm gifted, and this project is brilliant."
GQ: GQ: You were born in Long Beach, California, but moved to New Orleans at age 5. When is the first time you realized you wanted to write and perform music?
Frank Ocean:  fo:  I feel like I was writing as I was learning to talk. Writing was always a go
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