soberducky · 8 years
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soberducky · 8 years
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First things first!!
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soberducky · 8 years
They're called Spiritual Tools
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soberducky · 8 years
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What relapse is like. In a nutshell.
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soberducky · 8 years
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And that's what I think about 4.20.
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soberducky · 8 years
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How I imagine myself at happy hour...and what
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soberducky · 8 years
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How I imagine my Friday night happy hour to be like...and what actually happens.
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soberducky · 8 years
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That moment you realllllyyy wanna get fucked up.
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soberducky · 8 years
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soberducky · 8 years
I can say my prayers, take a polygraph test and tell you honestly that I won’t drink. And I’ll pass the polygraph. Half an hour later I’ll be at the liquor store.
Franco (overheard in an AA meeting)
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soberducky · 8 years
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Afternoon meditation. Connecting with my higher to relieve me of the bondage of self, that I my better do my creator’s will.
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soberducky · 8 years
I didn't even want to get sober, I just wanted to get the heat off my back. But then I saw all these young people who were sober and having casual sex and I wanted what they had.
Overheard at a speaker meeting
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soberducky · 8 years
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Don't think! Just do the next best thing.
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soberducky · 8 years
God I had such a great weekend but then out of nowhere last night I just had the most intense urge to drink. So I took a look at my thinking. After all my thinking, not my drinking, is the main problem. I discovered I felt sorry for myself that I’m 27 living in the basement room of a sober house. I have no real savings, my ex is probably living life. Basically feelings of “I’m not worth it”, “it’s too late”, “I hate my life”. Then I tried to turn that around with a little prayer to my Higher Power. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…” And you know the rest. Realization: my life was awful when I was actively using. In doing the next right thing, which is totally different than how I normally run my life, my future is infinite with God’s help. I’m so glad to wake up this morning to another day of sobriety! I am strong and I will survive addiction.
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soberducky · 8 years
Using dreams
Man! I've been having using dreams lately, but not the good kind where you actually get to use. Like last night I dreamt I drained my bank account the bar.
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soberducky · 8 years
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When I first came to AA and my sponsor told me that the root of most of my problems was fear, I laughed in his face and excused myself from the fellowship. Now, I hold this statement to be so, so, true!
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soberducky · 8 years
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