solarempress · 5 months
do you have a time travel device? what’s it like? have you used it?
As a Seer, I cannot control My aspect like that. If I were able to time travel We'd be doing a lot better as a session
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solarempress · 5 months
*you find a small bag filled with what looks to be small pieces of chocolate. attached is a note* “merry Christmas se! i made a ton of fudge and i’ve been givin it out to everyone, i got some for you too! hope you like it! - ce”
Your gift is appreciated
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solarempress · 6 months
Did you ever go to the prospit Burger King? Why did they feel the need to have armed security guards
Their clients were probably dangerous people usually, so they needed to take precautions. Killers get hungry too, y'know?
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solarempress · 6 months
Can you ask your scientist if the process of turning into a troll was painful?
((I will be forwarding this to https://www.tumblr.com/crackedexcellence))
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solarempress · 6 months
How is your evolution progressing?
Sm⊙⊙thly, alth⊙ugh sl⊙wly. I wish I c⊙uld accelerate the pr⊙cess ⊙f finding each strain of DNA needed to gain a new caste p⊙wer. In ⊙ther circumstances this w⊙uld be much easier- if Alternia still existed I'd have plenty ⊙f tr⊙lls t⊙ get p⊙wer fr⊙m
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solarempress · 6 months
Do you think the humans and trolls will coexist equally in the new universe?
I d⊙n't think humans will be able t⊙ match tr⊙lls, especially Whitebl⊙⊙ds, so there's n⊙t a very high pr⊙bability ⊙f that happening
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solarempress · 6 months
You have a truly impressive track record with the breath players in your session. As the humans would say, four strikes and you’re out. Do any of them at least not want you dead?
Skye is ⊙k I think
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solarempress · 6 months
hey, stella, are chunks of my thinkpan supposed to come out of my nose when i use my psionics?
What the fu- That is a seri⊙us side effect!
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solarempress · 6 months
she may be a seer of time but can she see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
I'm guessing it's the sugar
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solarempress · 6 months
what would you say to the creators of your universe if you could meet them? the winners of the game that resulted in your world? do you think they did a good job?
Well since ⊙ur universe ended up getting created in the first place that den⊙tes success ⊙n their part, so yes they did a g⊙⊙d job. As f⊙r what I'd tell them, I guess I'd try t⊙ get them to c⊙llab⊙rate with Me in My missi⊙n ⊙f creating New Alternia
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solarempress · 6 months
How did you defeat your denizen so easily? Have any tips?
I used Seer ⊙f Time p⊙wers t⊙ predict their m⊙ves, difficulty ⊙f fighting y⊙ur denizen varies by classpect. Just pray y⊙u get s⊙mething ⊙verp⊙wered like Witch ⊙f H⊙pe ⊙r s⊙mething
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solarempress · 6 months
Your session has 5 time players yet 1 space player… how is your timeline not krangled beyond being winnable?
Why I have been keeping it stable, I d⊙ everything ar⊙und here
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solarempress · 6 months
I think the humans are kind of cute, in a purrbeast sort of way
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solarempress · 6 months
What can you tell us about your class and aspect?
A Seer is a pers⊙n wh⊙ kn⊙ws their aspect, Time is an aspect that grants the users p⊙wers ⊙ver, well, time. It is ⊙ne ⊙f the simplest aspects there are, as it d⊙esn't mean much else than what it says ⊙n the can, at least n⊙t in terms ⊙f abilities. As a Seer ⊙f Time I *kn⊙w* *time*, which means I get t⊙ see int⊙ the timelines ⊙f my teammates and Myself. This grants Me kn⊙wledge ⊙f the past and present as well as the p⊙ssibilities the future h⊙lds. Alth⊙ugh the latter isn't all that useful since m⊙st ⊙f the time anything can happen and the p⊙ssibilities are endless- I pers⊙nally use it t⊙ see the immediate future, as in where the enemy's punches are c⊙ming fr⊙m s⊙ I can dodge them.
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solarempress · 6 months
> do the timey thing
*seers your time*
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solarempress · 6 months
why does the human Prince remind me so much of you?
They're a cheap c⊙py. They're never g⊙ing to achieve as much as I have
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solarempress · 6 months
Hey girl you sound absolutely unhinged so what are your thoughts on human feudalism? Its about peasants ruled by a lord ruled by a bigger lord etc
Limited mobility of a memeber belonging to feudal society is an inefficiency considering the humans don't really have castes or any difference between them significant enough to warrant an immutable hierarchy. It would be better if there was a way a peasant could become a lord
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