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Hi tumblr.
I've got a few demos out right now I think you might want to listen to. The name of my project is Kill the Weatherman.
I'm a singer-songwriter from central Connecticut, currently living in Nashua New Hampshire. I write music about being a night crawler and I spend a majority of my time in a basement.
My influences include Amy Winehouse, Panic at the Disco and Bright Eyes. I'd like to think of my genre as Suicide pop. 
I'd be real stoked if some people checked these out! My ears are always open to feed back. Email me or message me on here or on facebook. 
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dude mac and cheese is good
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Me and Bert McCracken, I'd tell you how happy I was that this happened, but I'm assuming that's obvious given the face I'm making. Pure. Joy.
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Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth, and if a man does not know what a thing is, it is at least an increase in knowledge if he knows what it is not.
Carl Jung
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Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
Carl Jung
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1. Remind yourself that thoughts and feelings aren’t facts. Often we think extreme and negative things – which are not completely true in reality. Try to get perspective and to be more balanced – and try to counteract accusing, negative thoughts.
2. Be patient, understanding and gentle with yourself. When you’re fighting depression or are feeling overwhelmed then that uses up a lot of your energy. Accept that today is likely to be hard, and put fewer expectations on yourself.
3. Do one small thing as it will help you to get moving - and you’ll start feel more hopeful as you see yourself make progress. Also, keeping yourself busy will interrupt your thinking, and will help to stop your feelings from getting even worse.
4. Although it’s not usually helpful to isolate ourselves, be wise in the people that you choose to be around. If other people are too happy – or too harsh and critical – it will compound your feelings of negativity.
5. Remember that tomorrow could be a better day. You only need to find the energy to make it through today.  
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Big Fish (Sharks) In The Sky
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“We regard the dream thoughts and the dream content as two representations of the same meaning in two different languages; or to express it better, the dream content appears to us as a translation of the dream thoughts into another form of expression, whose signs and laws of composition we are to learn by comparing the original with the translation. […] It would of course be incorrect to try to read these signs according to their values as pictures instead of according to their significance as signs.”
Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams
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The Extroverted Feeling (Fe) function is used when an individual acts in a considerate way to the feelings and beliefs of the people around them. Those with strong Fe can easily empathize with other people and is the most likely to be a ‘people person.’ Those with weak Fe may find themselves offending people unintentionally.
The Introverted Feeling (Fi) function attempts to find meaning in the world. In this sense, ‘feeling’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘emotions’ - it refers to the subjective and subtle sense of value within a situation. It is often associated with gut reactions about the fairness or goodness of an interaction. Those with strong Fi usually care less about objective facts and more about what’s fair or right.
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So I'm gonna get real girly right now
But yeah, last weekend I started seeing a booooy. I've known him for a while, but we live real far so it's not like we see each other too often or anything, but yeah we just kind of started talking to each other like on a more serious level and I'm just full of girly things and smiles and aslfkjasfkj
But yeah, I don't really get affectionate about people very quickly, so this is an exception. Like, the first night we met, we immediately struck up a conversation, skipped the small talk and just like clicked. I don't know. And now we're talking and he's so sweet, and smart, and thoughtful and all of these wonderful things, and I feel really lame talking about this, and maybe a little creepy but I don't like gushing like this to people I know, so I guess you guys are stuck listening to me. I'm sorry about that. 
I have a feeling he might be an INFJ? I mean, I can't reaaaally tell, but I've got a little hunch, but what do I know. But yeah that would be cool. I read this about INFJs/ENTPs "The ENTP/INFJ dynamic is so amazing because if you look at how we look at the world it's:
Ni Fe Ti Se Ne Ti Fe Si What that boils down to is picture a sock and somebody reaching in and pulling it inside out. ENTPs have the same depth INFJs do in a different way, ENTPs are the same as INFJs yet opposed in a way that is more reversed than opposite. The functions line up in a way that leaves both feeling totally understood yet with endless learning possibilities and total balance. They're like mental playgrounds for one another and it never gets old because both worlds are based in endless possibilities."
That sounds cool. Sorry for being creepy, guys. I had to gush.
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