remus is so not hermione btw. he's luna. he was so like luna at school.
seen as a weirdo by his peers, quiet, mysterious, loyal, only having a few close friends, kind, strange, etc.
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Quick question? Since when was Barty Crouch Jr. just Sirius Black? Why did the fandom just put Sirius Black in Slytherin and then say it was Barty Crouch? The guy that looked like THIS prior to Azkaban???
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sirius black is the type of guy to be grossed out by the idea of using a fork that fell to the ground but he would say yes to eating ass with zero hesitation
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People complaining about some of the fandom saying Lily is boring, tell me one compelling thing about her, quickly.
I'm not saying that the character is objectively boring but you have to admit, compared to the rest of the characters we get (excluding the "Slytherin Skittles", that's a different post) she's kinda dull. She's the most passive character. Snape befriended her. James wooed her. Petunia is fighting her. Everything just happens to her, like tell me what her character is fundamentally about!
She's forgiving.
She's smart.
She's loving.
She's pretty.
She is a caricature. She is what Joanne thinks a woman should be like. Even at 11 she's too mature for James, because god forbid girls have flaws.
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Misguided Sympathies (5k)
“Sirius do you see him in the library?”
“Uhm.” Regulus was careful to avoid Sirius’ gaze, holding his head high. “Yeah,” Sirius decided to say. “He’s there every weekend.”
Their mother looked up, furrowing her brows. “Not during the week?”
“Of course, I’m there during the week,” Regulus said immediately, giving Sirius a pointed look.
“Yeah, no I didn’t mean it like that,” Sirius agreed. “He’s just… he’s studying a lot.”
Their mother turned back to her steak, sighing again. “Well, just because he has more common sense than you, doesn’t mean he’s as academically intelligent.”
Regulus was gripping his knife so tightly, Sirius thought he was about to stab someone with it. “Sirius doesn’t eat meat anymore,” he said then, out of the blue.
Just like that, the attention was all on Sirius again. His mother narrowed her eyes. “Is that true?”
Sirius comes back for Christmas, a vegetarian. He decided that eating meat is immoral and unnecessary. Of course, his family isn't quick to accept his lifestyle change. It's just for a couple of weeks, though. And his friends are giving him their unconditional support. Sirius will manage. (Or won't he?)
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cant believe jkr created a prison that forces you to relive all of your worst memories, put a fairly major character in that prison for twelve years without a trial, and then just... didnt make it a commentary on the justice system OR the prison system. just like "lol thats a quirky thing that happened just for plot reasons, no bearing on reality tho"
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So, I'm writing a genderbend marauders fic. And I've been writing this for a while, and I've just never changed the names of Sirius and Remus. Because they're the main characters and I feel like it'd be weird just changing their names (although technically them having those names would be a plothole). So, my question: should I change their names for better world building, or does that not matter? Wdy think?
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Movie Sirius was too zen…give me embittered book Sirius for the rest of my days. Based on this post.
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James : You like his voice??
Sirius : I like his everything.
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I’m sorry but not enough people talk about Dorcas Meadows. Are we going to forget the only baddie that worried Voldemort that badly. SHE TOOK OUT SO MANY DEATH EATERS FOR A LOST LOVE. Ya’ll French fruits and pottery pots got nothing on my girl Dorcas, the original threat.
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rip black brothers you would've loved spamming james and remus with instagram reels
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Remember when I talked about how I’m convinced that Sirius is vegan? I wrote it
Sirius comes back for Christmas, a vegetarian. He decided that eating meat is immoral and unnecessary. Of course, his family isn't quick to accept his lifestyle change. It's just for a couple of weeks, though. And his friends are giving him their unconditional support. Sirius will manage. (Or won't he?)
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The Taylor Swift Marauders crossover is ruining my life
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Trope: person who believes they’re unlovable and person who loves them like it’s breathing
Me: *tears in my eyes* it’s jegulus :’)
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Regulus "let it once be me." Black and Sirius "Why always me?" Black.
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“what will the next big marauders fic be?!?!” how about you… read something you think sounds cool? just a suggestion <3
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