sometimeshipper · 3 years
want you in my bloodline - a Harry Potter & Gossip Girl crossover 
Old magic runs in the veins of Blair Cassiopeia Black. Cherished younger sister of Sirius and twin to Regulus, she grows up to be the perfect pureblood princess. Merlin help her if Daniel Humphrey, the first muggleborn Slytherin in a century, ruins things for her.
link to fic: https://tinyurl.com/dairbloodline link to playlist: https://tinyurl.com/bloodlinefic
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sometimeshipper · 3 years
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Bubonic by @steampunkserpent27 [M, 1k]
►After Draco’s family dies from the Black Death, Harry is the only one around to help him when he falls ill himself.
2. Good Life by rosiexpotter [T, 71k]
►Post-war Draco is forced to come back to Hogwarts to finish his education. He is scared to even get into Hogwarts Express, knowing well-enough that he is hated by many, despite the fact that he never became a Death Eater and stayed in shadows as much as possible. He becomes closed-off, and not many would recognize him, and he likes it this way - on his own, avoiding any danger. But it appears that his changed appearance interests Harry Potter.
3. got us living in this perfect suburban fantasy by @sometimeshipper [T, 4k]
►Stepford itself is stunning, all picture perfect lawns, and tastefully-designed facades. Harry wonders if they can truly build a home here.
1. In Pollinis Veritas by @lalionnebelle [E, 2k]
►Draco is a magibotanist working with the Aurors. He’s finally managed to get a rare and exotic plant to bloom, the pollen of which has the interesting property of rendering anyone who breathes it incapable of lying. Enter Auror Potter…in more ways than one. ★ Drarropoly ‘21: International edition | @gameofdrarry
2. Playing Dirty by @sweet-s0rr0w [E, 8k]
►As punishment for screwing up yet another mission, and with their magic going haywire, new partners Potter and Malfoy are sent to clean the Auror locker room, the Muggle way. Will they make it out alive? Does Malfoy ever work out how to use a sponge? Do they actually even hate each other, or is it all just misconstrued sexual tension? How long until they accidentally end up naked? ★ HD Suds Fest 2021 | @hdsudsfest
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sometimeshipper · 3 years
Troye Sivan is Draco Malfoy and you cannot convince me otherwise:
Troye Sivan: blonde
Draco Malfoy: blonde
Troye Sivan: gay af
Draco Malfoy: gay af
Troye Sivan: has a hot boyfriend with black hair
Draco Malfoy: has a hot boyfriend with black hair
They even have the same birthday ffs
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sometimeshipper · 3 years
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. draco malfoy and his lifetime supply of granted wishes by @sometimeshipper [G, 5k]
►Draco is cursed with having all his wishes come true until he genuinely wishes for someone else’s happiness. Not bad, right? Everything goes wrong, naturally, and sod it all, why must Potter witness all of it?
2. how easy you are to need by @softlystarstruck [M, 1k]
►Something is deeply wrong with Harry Potter. Draco should know better than to get involved. He really, really should.
1. All I Ever Wanted by @cheshire-kas [G, 1k]
►Harry was doing his part right. He and Draco had to cooperate to get the spell right, and he was doing his part right. Then Draco went and was… himself, and now they were stuck who knew where or when! ★ Drarropoly ‘21: International edition | @gameofdrarry
2. Cold Hands, Warm Heart by @janieohio [E, 5k]
►Draco should probably be freaking out. He’s stranded in a frozen wilderness with no wand, no supplies, and no way home. But he isn’t freaking out, and it’s totally NOT because he has his Auror partner with him. Not even a little bit. Or maybe a little bit. But probably not. Now, if only that little cabin they found had more than one bed. ★ There Was Only One Bed: The Fest
3. He Was a Skater Boy by @m0srael [E, 19k]
►Harry Potter intends to spend his eighth year at Hogwarts avoiding the endless stares, whispers, and nosy questions that never seem to leave him be. He wants nothing more than to hide in the quiet solitude of his dorm room, keep his head down, and wallow in his grief.At least, that’s his plan right up until the moment Draco Malfoy kick-flips his life upside down. ★ Wheel of Drarry Mini-Exchange
4. Hey Spaceman by Anonymous [T, 13k]
►Harry is one of the worlds most well-known astrophysicists. When the UK announced they were joining the space race with their own mission to Mars, Harry knew he needed to follow his dream. He just didn’t expect to fall in love along the way. ★ Harry/Draco Career Fair 2021 | @hd-fan-fair
5. The Hunter and The Dragon by @isamijoo [T, 2k]
►Harry is a hunter from a small village. One day, on the way home from the city, his cousin Dudley steals a rose from a garden that belongs to a dragon. Dudley escapes after injuring the dragon, but Harry helps the dragon return to its home, where Harry meets a crew of sentient objects. ★ Drarropoly '21: International edition | @gameofdrarry
6. A Perfect Answer by @p1013 [E, 9k]
►There were few things that Harry knew with any certainty, but he knew without a doubt that Lord Draco Malfoy, fifth Earl of Wiltshire, would be the death of him. ★ HD Suds Fest 2021 | @hdsudsfest
7. a pocket of stillness by @hogwartsfirebolt [T, 2k]
►Draco reflects on his happy ending. ★ Wheel of Drarry Mini-Exchange
8. Raspberry Sundaes and Sunflower Bouquets by Anonymous [T, 4k]
►Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are pretend boyfriends. Pansy and Blaise are so done. ★ H/D Remix 2021 | @hd-remix
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sometimeshipper · 3 years
2021.10.31 ~ Halloween
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Fairies and Vampires by lavacxa [G, 1k]
►Harry and Draco go to a Halloween party and Harry really doesn’t like the costume that his boyfriend made him wear.
2. Gazing into the Abyss by SasuNarufan13 [M, 9k]
►Someone is killing the murder suspects in Draco’s cases. While Draco tries to find out who is behind it and attempts to stop the next serial killer, someone else seems to be stalking him …
3. harry malfoy & his 7-year obsession with draco potter by @sometimeshipper [G, 1k]
►Draco Potter, the Chosen One, the Boy-Who-Lived, is a right git, and Harry Malfoy, pureblood scion, just knows it.
4. A Leap of Faith by @rei382 [T, 12k]
►Harry went to a ministry Halloween party and meets ‘the man of his dreams’ there. The only problem? The guy refused to tell him his name, share any contact information, or even just kiss. All for the concept of having 'the perfect night’.
5. Music, Murder, and Mayhem by @nv-md [E, 1k]
►Harry’s in a mood, Draco’s annoyed, and a whole lotta people are about to die. Or, why it’s a bad idea to sell concert tickets to vampires.
1. All Will Be Well by Anonymous [E, 5k]
►Harry was possessive and controlling. Watching and planning Draco’s every move. But Draco knew this wasn’t the real Harry. This was a Harry poisoned by a darkness that had overpowered anything bright, blissful, and good. Draco hated and loved him. […] ★ H/D Remix 2021 | @hd-remix
2. Consummāre by Anonymous [M, 1k]
►Harry isn’t a martyr, but he’ll receive Draco’s devotion anyway. ★ H/D Remix 2021 | @hd-remix
3. Spooked in Salem by @xanthippe74 [T, 3k]
►When his holiday with Draco in Salem, Massachusetts, doesn’t go to plan, Harry takes a walk to figure things out. A story about saving someone you love from the ghosts that don’t go bump in the night. ★ Drarry 'Round the World
4. A Summer in Bordeaux by Anonymous [E, 28k]
►Harry turns. Malfoy leans against the doorway to the back garden under the halo of a gaslamp dangling overhead. The warm glow of the flame casts him in a golden light, and he’s framed on either side by trailing grapevines cascading over the garden walls. So soft, Harry thinks, where the Malfoy in his mind once seemed so sharp.“You look like a painting,” Harry tells him. ★ Harry/Draco Career Fair 2021 | @hd-fan-fair
5. trick me into loving you by @megamegaturtle [E, 2k]
►the one where former rivals become something more against a door ★ Trick or Treat? Gift Exchange
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sometimeshipper · 3 years
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Observed moments by ddanahs [M, 8k]
►That afternoon after her shift, Sarah wondered how someone so cold and rude like Malfoy befriended (because those men obviously knew each other well) someone so kind and warm like Harry.
2. the potter-malfoy betrothal contract of 1659 by @sometimeshipper [T, 4k]
►While cleaning the Potter Manor attic, Harry accidentally activates the Potter-Malfoy Contract of 1659, betrothing a four-year-old Lily Luna Potter to a four-year-old Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. The only escape? A wedding between Harry James Potter and Draco Lucius Malfoy. That is, if they stop arguing for long enough to walk down the aisle.
3. Stanley Versus Halloween by Saras_Girl [T, 6k]
►Draco realises that Stanley has been missing out. Harry has some interesting ideas. Not all pumpkins are created equal.
4. Voodoo Doll by @happyandticklish [T, 1k]
►Harry and his friends decide that Draco will serve as a perfect test subject for their most recent homework project.
1. The Ferret’s in Love (or 5 Times Draco didn’t say I love you + 1 Time he did) by Anonymous [E, 4k]
►“And I promise, as soon as I catch up, I’ll tell you. Because you said you were mine, but I’m also yours, Harry. For as long as you want me.” […] ★ H/D Remix 2021 | @hd-remix
2. you killed me in the gloom by Anonymous [T, 1k]
►Having won the war, Harry returns to the Kingdom of Slytherin to lay claim to his true mate. Draco Malfoy is as beautiful as he was all those years ago. There’s only one problem: he doesn’t remember Harry at all. ★ H/D Remix 2021 | @hd-remix
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sometimeshipper · 3 years
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. The Plan by @gallifrey1sburning [T, 1k]
►The Plan had been in place since Draco was born. But then, along came Potter.
2. the post-war chronicles (in which harry does a bloody awful job at courting draco) by @sometimeshipper [G, 1k]
►[…] So when he receives an owl from Gringotts, asking him to retrieve the Potter family tapestry and finds out, subsequently, that Draco sodding Malfoy is his soulmate, he isn’t as shocked as he should be.
3. Summoning by @shealwaysreads [E, 1k]
►Some magic was older than charms, older than wands. That was why they were here.
1. Owl of a Sudden by Anonymous [T, 3k]
►Harry has his books, his coffee shop and Draco by his side. Everything is perfect. How can a job offer undo that, and more importantly, how can a small owl called Bertilak swoop in to save the day? ★ H/D Remix 2021 | @hd-remix
2. sunny skies and starry eyes by Anonymous [T, 7k]
►Harry and Draco have been pining after one another for years, both too hopelessly in denial about their chances to admit how they feel. Will Pansy’s insistence on a road trip to the beach with their friends be the push they need to finally do something about it? ★ H/D Summer Vibes 2021 | @gwbexchange
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sometimeshipper · 4 years
Reading the Signs (A Dair Fanfic)
It’s only in the middle of the pandemic that Blair realizes she is in love with Dan.
Shortly before the whole world is plunged into chaos, Blair’s world is plunged into it as Dan and Chuck confront her with an ultimatum, giving her weeks to decide on who she really wants.
The irony doesn’t escape her that this is the only time she’s ever seen Dan and Chuck agreeing on something.
The irony doesn’t escape her that she once judged Serena for doing the same things she is doing now - vacillating between two boys, giving them the faint hope that her heart belongs to one of them. 
The irony doesn’t escape her that one of the boys used to be Serena’s.
Irony doesn’t seem to escape her these days.
The morning after the confrontation doesn’t leave her with a clear head.
Dan texts her, apologizing. He says that it isn’t fair for her to force her to choose, that he is willing to wait for however long it takes. 
Chuck doesn’t text her. She receives a notification from Gossip Girl, saying he has flown to Monte Carlo or Sao Paolo. She’s not sure. She doesn’t really care.
That should have been the first sign.
For once, she is content to tuck herself away at home, faced with the enormity of everything. She volunteers her time to relief efforts, even. For the first time, she is faced with the idea of her mortality.
Dan messages her everyday, graciously skirting the elephant in the room.
He sends her poetry - Cummings (Seriously, Humphrey? He’s a sap!), Neruda (I get the message - you love me!), and Emerson (God, Humphrey, I always knew you were an old man.) 
He asks for her opinion on his Contemporary Literature paper, hoping that he did not go too far in his critique of self-reflexivity as escapism. (The irony doesn’t escape her here, either, as she thinks of Inside, his diary-turned-debut-into-the-literary-world.) 
He even sends her memes. 
Chuck texts her too. He sends photos of all the places he’ll take her, if she chooses him. He promises that he’ll even go to museums with her.
He tells her about his plans for Bass Empire and how she would fit into them.
Sometimes, he even calls, his voice cracking, telling her how alone he felt as a child and how he never wants to be alone again.
It would be terribly sweet if she hadn’t already experienced something else.
That should have been the second sign.
It’s the eve of her 24th birthday and she spends it alone, for the first time. Both sets of parents are waiting out the crisis in Paris, pleading with her to join them.
She refuses, in the meantime, secretly hoping that when she flies there, she’ll have someone to join her.
Serena and Nate call her from Vietnam, signal crackling, but their happiness shining through. She smiles. She can’t believe she used to be resentful of their easy love. She feels magnanimous. 
Dorota insists on staying over, but Blair shoos her surrogate mother away, telling her to take care of Vanya and their children. 
Uncharacteristic acts of kindness have been coming more naturally to her these days.
She wakes up to a small package on her bedside table, a handful of peonies, and a note. 
This is for you to share the beauty within you, not for anyone else, but for yourself. Your intelligence, tenacity, and confidence have always floored me, and I could think of no better way to show you that.
Happy birthday. I miss you. 
- Dan” 
It is a journal. She smiles and heads her way down for a leisurely breakfast, eager to start jotting things down.
She is greeted with a dining room full of Ecuadorian roses, a necklace from Tiffany’s and also a note, this time from Chuck.
“This is only the beginning of a lifetime of choosing you. 
- Chuck” 
She is strangely unmoved. 
That should have been the third sign.
It’s on an ordinary day in the midst of the pandemic that she realizes she is in love with Dan.
Here too, the irony doesn’t escape her.
She is bogged down by the ordinary these days, realizing how small she is, compared to just.... everything. She is Blair Waldorf, she knows, but she is also.... just Blair Waldorf. 
She writes, just as she has been doing since her birthday. 
She writes and she writes and she writes, and she feels like herself again - beautiful, intelligent, tenacious, and confident. Blair.
She writes and she writes, and she writes, and she realizes she is seen.
She writes, and she writes, and she writes, but this time, it’s a note.
“For once, I don’t have witty repartee. Just these words: I love you.”
She slips it in between the pages of her journal and sends them over to Brooklyn.
And she waits.
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