sonid6699 · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you know any fanfiction where Tony finds out that Peter was the kids he saved in Stark Expo 2010. There was a 2 gear gap between HOCO and IW, I am sure that conversation must have happened sometimes I guess.
Also, I love your analysis!
Hi! Sure, and thank you♥
i wanted you to be better by superhusbands4ever (Potterwatch97) Peter is fifteen years old the first time he disappoints his hero.
Let us Not Diminish One Another by Kizmet Tony's not having a good day. Wanting to help, Peter tells him what their brief meeting at the Stark Expo meant to him.
Always Been My Hero by martianwahtney Rhodes wants to know why Peter became a hero, he was not expecting the origin story to go back to the Stark Expo
Driving Lessons, or the first time Peter Parker sees Tony Stark have a panic attack by WhimsicalEthnographies Tony was already nervous, and Peter really needs to learn how to read the room.
The Last Thing We See by ephemeralstark (chapter 2) It's a good thing he likes the kid, and has the avengers to help him look after the dork while Ned fixes things. And maybe watching a memory or two wouldn't hurt, after all the kid is like a son to him and Tony just wants to know him better.
Here now, today by blondsak A lab mishap that nearly kills Peter leads Tony to the discovery that the two of them have been saving each other since long before he ever realized.
Hammer and Holograms by Eccentric_Grace "Are you bringing the Stark Expos back?" Tony pauses. "Uh... Thinking about it. Scale back, though. You went to one? When was that?"
Meet Cute (Webpril Day 12: Identity Reveal) by MsHermia Tony finds out that Peter was the kid at the Expo (tumblr prompt)
Nice work, kid by LonelyIntegral Tony finds out about his and Peter's first encounter.
hold out your hand and i’ll save you by Star_less A look at the Stark Expo scene.
That's What You're Here For by needyoucap Peter gasps. "I have to tell you something."
nice work, kid by twrlvepercent the one where tony meets the kid from stark expo
Time Travel by hailingstars When Peter gets serious injuries saving Tony's life, Tony wants to go back in time and prevent himself from meeting Peter to protect him from his influence.
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sonid6699 · 3 years
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Loki 1x06 | Spider-Man: No Way Home
I’ve been where you are. I’ve felt what you feel.
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sonid6699 · 3 years
Sam Wilson:*get's angry * YOU SON OF A BITCH!!
Peter: *threateningly * What did you just say? *hitting Sam*
Sam: *flies a few meters and hits a wall*
Sam: h..hey dude, what's up? You know that's my everyday language, I didn't mean anything like that.. I *takes another punch in the jaw *
*other Avengers come running at the noise*
Tony: What's going on here? Peter, are you okay? What did Sam do to you? *runs up to Peter and feels for damage*
Steve: Tony, stop blaming everything on Sam!! We need to get to the bottom of the situation. What happened here?
Peter: Sam named Pepper a bitch.
Tony: *summons suit * What did you say about Pepper?
Sam: I..I didn't say anything about Pepper at all!! I just said that Peter is a "son of a bitch" What does Pepper have to do with it?
Tony: Wait..What did you call Peter? *hitting Sam with a repulsor shot *
Steve: Tony, stop! I understand that Sam was wrong, but I still don't understand. Peter said that he insulted Pepper, but what does she have to do with it?
Peter: Because she's my mom!! And he called me a "son of a bitch" Pepper isn't a bitch!! *sobbing*
All Avengers: ...
Clint: *whispers to Natasha* so Peter is really Tony's son? I thought it was just a local joke..
Natasha: *whispers to Clint * you're just an idiot.
Tony: Oh baby come on..*hugs Peter * Don't worry, I'll deal with Sam, of course Pepper isn't a bitch.. now take Uncle Rhodey and go into the living room and watch some movie.
Peter: oh..okay dad I love you and mom.
Tony: and we all love you,underoos.
Rhodey: Come on kid,let's watch Star Wars.
*Rhodey and Peter go to the living room watch the best film ever*
Tony: And now *already fully dressed in an ironman suit * you better run out of the country, Sam Wilson, otherwise the life of a falcon will end tragically..
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sonid6699 · 3 years
Time travels back to the start by SONid6699
Leipzig, Germany, 2016
Suddenly a figure in cladded in red and blue leaped out of nowhere and stole Captain's shield, and landed in the most superhero pose ever.
"Hey everyone!!!"
"Nice job kid."
"Thanks well I could have stuck the landing a little better it's just a new suit"
Everyone was looking at the red cladded person "Underoos" as Tony had called him with curiosity and annoyance but the look on Tony's 'I am so done with it' face made him backtrack his statement.
"What it's nothing just a new suit. What. It's nothing Mr. Stark it's perfect thank you"
"Yeah don't really need to start a conversation"
"Cap-Captain big-"
Suddenly his spider sense tingled. Well tingled is a small word, it felt like his senses went overdrive. As if they were screaming at him for an upcoming threat.
Stopping his ramble mid way he observed the airport. The need to find what triggered his senses at such a level was vital. He found nothing.
"Underoos. What are you doing there's nothing over there. Roger is here in the front." Now Tony was getting annoyed and for the tenth time he questioned himself that whether he did the right thing or not by bringing a kid to this fight.
"Something is happening!!!"
"What do you mean something is happening ki-"
"Mr. Stark? I don't feel so good…. "
The tremble and fear in his voice settled a suffocating silence over the airport. All the avengers and non-avengers were trying to identify the actions behind those words but no avail.
Tony definitely did not like where this was going. Somehow he had a bad feeling about it in his gut. "Kid are you alright?" he asked in surprisingly calm voice.
"I don't know… I don't know whats happening…."
Terror invaded in everyone's heart as suddenly the kid fell on his knees the shield long forgotten fell on the ground with a clank. The scream that came next was terrifying.
"aaaahhhh… Aaaaahhhhh……… ItIt….. It… Hu…..hurts!!!!"
By this time even Sam, Barnes, Wanda and Clint had came out of wherever they were hidden to watch the commotion.
"Roos you have to tell us what's going on."
Whatever Mr. Stark was saying fell deaf to Peter's ears. He was terrified. He thought he knew what pain was but this was offwordly. He can't help the scream that escaped his lips. "aaagghh… He..help...it hu.. Hur-"
Silence. Pin drop silence covered the airport for the second time this day. Everyone's face displayed all the emotions. Sympathy, horror, astonishment, pained, terrified…….. No one knew what to say as the kid's body disintegrated into dust. Tha dust that had now flew away with the wind.
Natasha broke the silence "What the fuck!!!!"
Steve collected his composure "Tony I know we aren't on good terms but…But for the sake of God please tell us it was one of the kids trick or your plan to stop us. That the kid disintegrating into fucking dust was all planned."
Tony didn't know what to say. He can't even believe what had happened." Cap do I look like i know what's going on." He was angry know. He knew that he was desperate to stop them and take them into custody but he wasn't that inhuman that he would willing allow a kid to suffer from… Whatever just happened. "And I… don't know ok!!!! As far as I am aware this ain't in his skill set!!!!!"
"Tony I.. Didn't mean it like that. Listen-"
"Can you both fight later and discuss what the hell happened!!" Rhodey cut both of them.
Sam knew he will be seeing weird things once he joined cap but this was on another level. "Guy's listen-"
He abruptly stopped as suddenly the ash that once had fallen started integrating again taking the form of a human body. The kid's body he realized. The formation was as scary as the disintegration.
Looks like he wasn't the only one paying attention as everyone held thier weapons against…… Whatever the hell they are going to face.
He falls on the ground, pain tearing through every cell, every atom of his body. He can still feel the pain of being torn from its neighbour and sent drifting out into space. He could still feel the pain of his atom binding together, again, and it hurt but the pain was receding. That was good he thought. He was still coughing, body still shaking, weakened due to his unplannes excursion. He was vaguely aware of being held at gun point.
"Ow" he rasped. "I am not a threat. Please…… Not a terrorist. Lower the weapons….. Please……The trial is complete I am innocent. Mysterio and Beck…… Everything was a fucking lie…. ''
Silence laid heavily on surroundings. Not even a whisper disturbing the air.
Odd. Nothing had been this overwhelmingly quiet since he’d been bit by the spider; he could always hear, see, or at least smell something. It was a bit disconcerting, though not entirely unwelcome. Sometimes he really missed having normal senses. The last time this happened was his fucking trial. Being on trial with a shock that disabled his powers was something he didnot want happening. again.
Cutting himself off from that train of thought, Peter realized he should probably try and figure out what the hell was going on and why he was he was experiencing the pain of atoms binding together again rather than be at Ned's funeral. Which he can finally go now since his name was cleared. Realizing his mind was getting off track again, Peter squinted open his eyes.
Get back on track, Parker. He reprimanded himself.
What he was met with when he eventually cracked open his eyes, however, was a dim, shimmering wall of scarlet red (which was not on the list of what he was expecting to see but it wasn’t a bad thing, either). He carefully peeled his eyes fully open, ready to slam them shut again in case the authorities didn't get the memo that he was not a terrorist.
Everything slowly came into focus, and he rapidly sat up, turning in a full circle. "What-" he breathed out. The red dissipated into whisps, and he was face to face with people who had been either dead or who had abandoned him since the funeral.
The Scarlet Witch stared him in the face, eyes returning to a normal murky brown rather than a vibrant red. Peter realized that she had trapped him in what could be described as a... bubble? with her powers so he wasn't disturbed as he regained his senses.
And as Peter spun around yet again, breathing picking up in panicked breaths, he recognized his surroundings.
Around him were the Avengers, every one of them.
He was back at the airport battle in Leipzig.
Peter's eyes locked on Mr. Stark's, chest heaving, and he immediately thought back to the last time he'd seen the man. Alive.
We won. You did it sir. We won Tony.
Mr. Stark looked confused, eyes raking over Peter's form, clad in a red and black suit with a metallic silver spider sprawled in the middle of his chest.
"Peter?" the man asked, taking a step towards the boy, and that was all he needed to bolt away from everyone. Well in the centre as everyone seemed to be circling him. The reason unknown.
It took him a couple of minutes to arrive at the conclusion that Beck was alive. It was all his game. His fucking plan to fuck with him even more when everything was finally going to be as normal as possible. But no!!! His Peter Tingle™ had to betray him again.
Fury and rage filled him as he spoke. "What the fuck Beck. How can you be so cruel. Wasn't london enough. Want to fuck with me and my mind even more. With what the battle of airport. THIS TIME YOU CAN'T FOOL. I WON'T LET YOU. I DEFEATED YOU ONCE BEFORE. AND I WILL IN EVERY HELL DO IT AGAIN. THIS TIME I WON'T FALL IN YOUR ILLUSIONS YOU ASSHOLE"
By the time he was finished he was breathing heavily. His mind wandered to that one question again and again. How did Beck and his crew got the airport's battle. There was no footage in public media and after London he himself strengthened Stark Industries server.
"Underoos, what-" Mr. Stark said, cutting himself off as he took in the sight of Peter again.
Black and red metallic suit. Eyes filled with rage and fury. But their was hollowness in them like the kid had gone through hell. And London? Beck? Mysterio? Illusions?
"Kid I-"
Peter said. No roared. Tony definitely never thought he could piss someone this much in such a short time.
"This is ridiculous" Peter yells ignoring all the looks he was getting. Ignoring the was his heart shattered upon seeing Beck using Mr. Stark's face, again to lure him into his trap.
"Peter it's me Ton-"
"Tony Stark is dead. Has been dead for a fucking whole year. Today is his death anniversary." Peter yells the illusion freezes. "I mourned him. For a whole fucking year. I went to his mother fucking funeral. I met his daughter. Do you really think I am that gullible!"
All the illusions looks confused froze In their spot. Mr. Stark no the illusion rasped "What!"
Peter turns his eyes stinging with tears, pain, exhaustion, rage. He just wanted this to end for good and for forever.
"You want a battle let's have one. And this time do not forget that you can't fool me into thinking you are dead. This time I myself will depart you to Raft."
With that he launched in attack webbing fake-Tony's hands and body to floor along with fake-cap. Disabling fake-Sam's wing and weaving him and Barnes together in a cacoon. He was fast like a shadow.
Suddenly he dodged the cars that fake-Wanda was throwing his way. Immediately webbing her hands up with the strongest webbing he had to disable her hand. This way she won't be able to to conjure magic. All the while dodging repulsor blasts from Fake-Colonel.
Again he dodged the punch fake-T'challa was gonna give and weaved him, fake-Clint and fake-Colonel similar to fake-Sam and fake-Barnes.
What he wasn't prepared was the blast from infinity stone and the sparring from Fake-Natasha.
After dodging and attacking what felt lIke eternity he was defeated. Fake-Natasha had won. But how? He didn't knew Beck's crew had such a skilled fighter. How the Blasts from fake-infinity stone seemed real. His body was aching. He wanted to rest. And he will after he capture Beck.
He tried getting out of her and Fake-Vision's hold but "You can't get out my Peter. Not until you tell us what the you did… You are doing. I thought you were on Stark's side against Cap? And who is Beck? What illusions are you talking about?" Fake-Natasha threatened very…… calmly.
"You of all people know Beck what you are doing" Peter choked. But his mind was just getting confused. The last Beck himself accepted that it was all an illusion. Had he changed tactics?
"Kid! Roos what are talking about? This is real everything is real. Their are no illusions kid." fake-Tony said.
By this time Peter had long given up on fighting instead he was waiting for the families Peter Tingle to tingle. To sense where drones could be. But his senses….. Were calmed. As if he wasn't in middle of illusions and drones. It was wrong. This was feeling real. Too much real.
"Tell me a thing only my Mr. Stark would know. Something only between the two of us." He cut off fake-tony.
Tony was shocked seeing the kid's composure. The happy, bubby, nervous, like a lost puppy was gone. Instead in front of him was a kis who had suffered too much for his age. He thought of a thing only the kid and he would know."In your room you said 'If bad things happen. And you don't stop even if you have the ability then they happen because of you."
Peter's body went limp. No….. This can't happen. I know time travel is real but…… This can't happen……. Wait….. If I am back this means Mr. Stark isn't dead. He is alive and healthy.
"Mr. Stark????" He whispered. He was scared. What he isn't the real Mr. Stark. What if all this is just a dream just his imagination.
Even Natasha loosened her hold hearing the kid's scared and confused voice.
Peter immediately got out of Natasha's hold. And ran to where Mr. Stark was webbed up. He tore through the web using his super strength and hugged his Mr. Stark with all his force.
OK this wasn't what Tony expected. This kid was hugging him. Just a moment earlier he was fighting all of them and had almost defeated them and now he was hugging with such a force that he thought he might break his ribs.
"Kid-ouch easy" the hold loosened.
"You-you are alive"
Updated periodically on ao3. 4 chapters updated as of 13.5.21
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