#time travel fics for Peter Parker
lurafita · 1 year
You know all those time travel fix it fics where Peter is sent back in time and most often is homeless for a while and also traumatized and depressed and and it's all very angsty before things get better?
How about sending Peter back in time but he isn't this cuddly, polite, angst-ridden kid.
Make him angry, I say.
Make him friggin pissed, I whisper.
Turn all of his Trauma and sadness into anger, I entice.
Tony offed himself like an asshole, Steve fucked off into the past, like an asshole, Bruce buggered off like an asshole, Natascha offed herself like an asshole, Clint retired like an asshole, Doc Strange and Scarlet Witch and Sam and Bucky and Ant Man and Wasp were all busy being assholes elsewhere.
So much for the Avengers. So much for unity.
Where were the adults that should have taught him, guided him, helped him with his heroics? The only two adults who actually helped? Alternate universe versions of *himself*!
Make him angry, I say.
Send Peter back in time and turn up the sass and let him Rant to these adults about power and responsibility.
"The future is all kinds of fucked up. You have great power, you took up the mantle of being heroes. Fucking act like it!"
Not just Rant. I'm very serious about the sass. Also the snark. And the anger.
Throw angry, traumatized Peter as far back as you want. Maybe even to a time before he technically (as Spiderman) existed.
Have him deal with Ultron, if you want. And then turn to the Assembled heroes and be all
"Good, almost all of the mighty morons are here." Quick look to Pietro, cause Peter was there and saved him, fuck canon. "I don’t know you but I'm guessing you are a moron by association, so listen up. Captain Stupid, Iron Idiot, rest of the loser club, I'm from the fucked up future and you can either help me fix shit *for once*, or at least not get in my way."
Meanwhile Tony and co: "Who is this super powered and rude, but obviously delusional teenager?"
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theficdealer · 2 months
While Peter, MJ, and Ned are saying their goodbyes as Dr. Strange is completing his spell, a final rift opens up right in front of them. To their shock, they are hit by a small, green meteor that immediately sucks them into a vortex.
Unable to control their wild ride through history, the vortex collapses, violently expelling them into the unknown. The trio finds themselves in New York City, 2009 and learn their original future is gone.
Choosing to change this new reality for the better, they turn to an unlikely ally - Jarvis, Tony Stark's highly advanced AI assistant. Peter, MJ, Ned and their artificial allies must confront not just the threats of this altered present, but the rippling consequences their actions could have across the multiverse itself.
In an epic adventure that spans realities and timelines, this unlikely squad of heroes must embrace their second chance and rewrite the future, navigating a universe of infinite possibilities where every choice they make massively impacts the world as they know it.
—Summary of Spider-Man: Time to Go Home by Kythara on ao3
Is it just me or have the time travel fix-it fics been awesome lately, because I’m following like seven fantastic ones right now and t h r i v i n g.
I’m not sure I’ve ever read a fic that was so simultaneously conscious of character’s strengths and weaknesses and toed the line of making people brilliant but not infallible so well.
Peter, Ned, and MJ, for example, while geniuses, are still portrayed as teenagers in possibly the most reasonable way they could have been. They each have unique strengths and weaknesses that balance out well and give them each something unique to bring to the table, which makes them feel more even ground than the way they’re generally portrayed as Peter’s sidekick and long suffering girlfriend.
Tony, also, is a complex character with his faults and hang-ups, but can buckle down and focus when he needs to, and even if he doesn’t like something, is able to put aside those hang-ups and do what’s right.
Pepper too, actually. This fic, like with MJ, Ned, and Peter, puts her and Tony on much more equal footing than I see most of the time (though I am, admittedly, in and out of this fandom) and has her making her own decisions for SI that don’t necessarily go through Tony first, which, while it theoretically happens, isn’t often shown (in my experience) and generally if it is, it generally doesn’t include her perspective. To the same effect, Happy and Rhodey aren’t treated as accessories, but their own people.
Things I loved in Particular:
Ned learning magic!
MJ’s focus on the environment and how she goes about laying the groundwork for large scale, multi-faceted discussion on the topic (bamf shit, honestly)
Jarvis Plotting
The entire Stark Expo section
Rhodey’s meeting with the higher ups
The resolution of the Hulk Situation
Nick Fury having three (3) people he can trust and absolutely hating that one of them is Tony Goddamn Stark
Sassy The Slightly Unhinged But Very Fabulous Magical Sash which took one look at Ned and was like “that one’s mine now”
The application of the web formula the author came up with is actually fucking genius i love it
Ross’s sentence<3
General Blackwell<3
Peter’s exploration of various martial arts
Just generally the sheer amount of research that must be going into this fic
Go read it or lose the toes<3
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whatsupbrah13 · 1 year
Help! I’ve been looking for a fic for like a week and I cannot find it! I’m hoping someone might recognize the fic I’m looking for!
It was about Morgan and Peter getting sent back to the past but Peter had raised Morgan after happy and pepper died in a helicopter crash? And so Peter was an adult and then he died when he’s on his way to space or something and he then wakes up in his teenage body and I can’t remember what happened right after but eventually he goes to dr strange and I guess Morgan came back too and since she doesn’t exist yet, she didn’t have a body so Dr strange had to save her from falling through the sky or something????
I can’t find it anywhere and I’m hoping the fic wasn’t deleted so if you know that fic I’m talking about, please help!!
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loopsisloops · 2 years
Welcome to… Song Association!
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Part 1
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Location: Ao3
Memento Mori by @xxgwenstacyxx
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The Souls by KingLeech
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Let Me Know If It Get's Above A Six by Sundial_at_Night
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Gambit Declined by @xxgwenstacyxx
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diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
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Title: those who have never sought it Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairings: None. Warnings: Canon level violence. Trauma. Flashbacks of a sort Prompt: @badthingshappenbingo - Killing in Self-Defense @whumpcember - The End is Nigh and Desperation
Peter had just—
He’d killed. He’d activated the Instant Kill Mode.
He remembered asking Mr. Stark exactly what that setting was supposed to do. He’d been going through Karen’s coding in the lab, adding what Ned and he’d figured out for a sort of explosive GPS. They’d thought it might help with the Queens Arsonist.
Mr. Stark had looked solemn. He’d put away the fabricator to come talk to him. “Kid,” he’d said. “I dragged you to Germany. It was wrong of me, incredibly so, but I did. That was … the big leagues. Your groundwork is important, but things like that – they could get you killed.”
Peter had swallowed. He was hardly unaware of mortality. If burying empty coffins for his parents at age six hadn’t driven that lesson in, holding Ben as he bled out on the asphalt certainly had.
 But Mr. Stark’s heavy tone spoke to horrors even beyond those. It reminded Peter of trying to figure out a way to dig a bullet out of himself one of his first weeks Spider-Manning, of being helpless as the Vulture’s claws choked the breath out of him and his vision blurred, of the sad, grave look on May’s face when she lost someone from FEAST or at the hospital, of the dark circles under Ned’s eyes after Peter woke up post two days in a medically induced coma, of inhaling dirt and sobbing desperately as he tried to hold up the collapsed warehouse.
Mr. Stark had clapped a hand on his shoulder tightly. “Instant Kill’s a last resort. It’s ridiculously dangerous, and Karen’s programmed to reflect that. But I’d rather you have that if there’s even the slightest chance it might help you someday.”
And now it was.
And Peter loathed it.
He didn’t want to kill.
It wasn’t that Peter didn’t respect people who he knew had killed. He knew Mr. Stark had killed many terrorists and aliens and blah blah blah. He was an Avenger, and that wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. He knew Miss Potts had killed Obadiah Stane and The Mandarin. Daredevil didn’t pull his punches with his villains. Deadpool was a straight up mercenary.
But the whole concept behind Spider-Man was that he showed mercy. He’d sworn before Uncle Ben’s grave that he would never walk past a tragedy he could prevent again.
And killing was always a tragedy. What right did Peter, seventeen-year-old high schooler, have to be judge, jury and executioner? The Vulture was a villain, but he was also Liz’s dad. How many others were like that?
Yet Peter stood now, with the world’s most powerful collection of rocks in his hand, swinging desperately and leaving dead bodies in his wake.
They were aliens, but they were sentient beings. Peter’s animal rights sensibilities brain screamed every time he punched one and one of his pincers killed them.
It’s self-defense, he told himself firmly. I have to do it. Just incapacitating them isn’t enough – they’ll just get back up. I don’t know how quick or well aliens get rejuvenated.
And now that he’d killed once – several times, in fact – he knew the option of killing would never leave his brain. Every time this happened, he would hesitate lesser and lesser to kill.
And the line between hero and villain – especially vigilante and villain, according to certain police officers and newspapers – was very thin.
Overwhelmed by his thoughts and the unending stream of hostiles trying to take the gauntlet, he cried out for help. He had about two seconds to fanboy over Captain America being able to wield Mjolnir and having a nickname for him before chaos reigned once more.
Miss Potts saved his life, and a very nice woman on a Pegasus. Peter rolled over, gasping for breath, trying to hide himself from the enemies who wanted the gauntlet.
This is going to end soon, he told himself. From his perspective, he’d fought at Titan with Mr. Stark and Dr. Strange and the Guardians of the Galaxy just to end up on Earth continuing the fight.
 Dr. Strange had said it’d been five years, but that hadn’t really processed until he saw the older, more ragged version of Mr. Stark staring at him like he was a miracle, cradling his face like he was something precious, holding him like he would never let go, showing emotion in a way he would’ve never allowed himself to just a day – five years ago.
It had to end soon.
Dr. Strange had said that there was only once chance out of 14000605 that they won. This had to be it.
Anxiety roped through his chest, making it hard to breathe. The stones glinted in the dull lighting and off the blood and dirt. Pretty, he thought absently.
The blue one was obviously the Tesseract – the Space Stone, Dr. Strange had called it. Anybody who had the internet would know that one, after the Battle of New York.
The sandy one – the Mind Stone - he was used to seeing on Vision’s face. He wondered how Thanos had gotten it in the end. It hadn’t been in the Gauntlet on Titan.
The orange one sent chills down his body. He hadn’t known what it was prior to being turned into dust, but he certainly did now. He didn’t know how the others had felt it, but he’d felt his body disintegrating, the Soul Stone pulling him into its void.
The screams around him were intense. As discomposed as he was right now, he could hear everything. Mr. Stark’s repulsors – or were they Miss Potts’ or Colonel Rhodes’ or Princess Shuri’s? The whoosh at Ant-Man expanding or shrinking in size. The whirring in the spaceship above them. The flapping of the Pegasus’ wings. Parts of the Compound still collapsing. Someone asking for the Gauntlet.
Peter gave a strangled laugh. This was what was being fought over. The glove in his hand was one of the most - if not the most powerful - weapons in the universe.
Absurdly, he was reminded of playing Passing-the-Parcel in Abe Brown’s birthday party in third grade. He’d prayed not to get out. He supposed the stakes were just a tad higher in this game.
He heard repulsors whir again, and felt his stomach tighten. What would Miss Potts do if Mr Stark died? What would T’Challa do if Shuri died? What would Mr Stark do if Miss Potts or Colonel Rhodes died?
What would he do if Mr Stark died?
This was going to end soon. It had to.
But how was it going to end? What would happen?
What if Thanos showed up right now and snatched the gauntlet from him? What if the Squidward-lookalike turned up again?
The spaceship above them clanked and tumbled. He heard guns and satellites being loaded in there. What were they aiming at? Was he going to be blown up into the bits of dust and dirt he liked to imagine Ben was still watching him from?
He could know, he realized suddenly. He had a foolproof way right in his hands.
He remembered the way Dr. Strange spasmed while invoking the Time Stone, how he’d looked at Mr Stark and said solemnly that it was the only way before dying. He remembered learning about paradoxes and how knowing the future can sometimes be worse than not. He remembered the gauntlet coming into his hands on Titan, victory slipping through his fingers like fine sand. He remembered begging Mr Stark to save him as he fell apart.
He looked back at the Stones. They glowed tantalizingly.
There was a plan, he thought. Something about a van and a time machine. How could he know better than so many experienced heroes?
But then. He remembered reading about Sokovia. He remembered kneeling in front of Ben as he gasped his dying breaths. He remembered sobbing with desperation and cleaning dirt encrusted blood off his arms later.
He remembered the choked cry the first alien he had killed had let out right before they stopped breathing.
Never again.
He dug out the green glowing Time Stone from the gauntlet, thankful for his super strength, and on an afterthought took the red and purple ones too.
He wanted to change reality, after all. And that would take a lot of power.
He wasn’t sure how to use the stones. Dr. Strange was the time keeper and Thanos had just waved his hand around to use them.
He felt the sheer power, the radiation eating away at his body and spirit. His Spider-sense rang like a bell.
Thoughts, memories, emotions swirled around him in a vortex.
I am never walking past another tragedy I can prevent.
I don’t want to ever kill again.
—And another Parker grave added to the set —
May. Ned. Mr Stark. MJ. They have to be okay.
—And Ben was dying again, his blood spilling over his hands and their clothes and the dirt —
What is going to happen?
—And May was saying “It’s just me and you” —
How do we win?
—And Ned and he were high-fiving as they opened their acceptance letters to Midtown —
— And Mr Stark was scolding him for being reckless while patching him up as he tried to convince him that building a lightsaber would be a great idea —
H  O  W  D  O  I  M  A  K  E  S  U  R  E
—And Ned was screaming in excitement as he swung from the building and saved someone else from the fire —
I   N   E   E   D   T   O   K   N   O   W
—And he was brushing the spider off after the sudden sting, impatient and wanting to re-join the tour group—
D    O    I    N    E    E   D   T    O    C    H    A    N    G    E     A    N    Y    T    H   I    N   G
—And he’d just accidentally broken down a door and was staring at it in bewilderment—
G     O     O     O     D     M     U     S     T     P     R     E     V     A     I     L
—And MJ was smirking at him right after driving Flash away and tossing him a drawing of him ‘in crisis’—
A     H      A      P      P      Y      E      N     D      I     N     G?
He blinked his eyes open.
His eyelids felt unusually heavy.
“Peter Benjamin Parker,” A voice mused, and suddenly Peter knew who he was and what he was doing there.
“Son of Mary and Richard,” Another voice joined.
“Beloved of Maybelle and Benjamin and Anthony and Edward and Michelle and Morgan,” A third added.
“We hear your request,” All three chorused.
Peter stumbled to his feet, wrung out. He wasn’t sure where the hell he was. He wasn’t sure of anything – least of all how he felt after that rollercoaster of memories and sensations.
“So, you’re going to grant it--?” He asked awkwardly.
The view shook like it was an optical illusion. The part that didn’t was the cemetery – where his parents and Ben were laid to rest. One moment the three were humanoid figures. The next they were large rocks. They glowed the colour of the Infinty Stones.
Peter couldn’t feel his body or his Spidey Sense, but he could somehow tell the one which was speaking was faintly amused. “Why wouldn’t we?”
“It’s opposing the previous thing you did,” he pointed out. “Or – well, I don’t know if it counts because you’re from the past—”
“We are infinity, child,” one said indifferently. “What would that matter?”
“We merely perform the functions for which we were created,” the third said. “Which includes following the orders of the worthy. The Timekeeper – Stephen Strange – proved himself by showing perseverance, accepting the death of his mentor, and mastering the Mystic Arts. Thanos did by being powerful, determined and a leader enough to collect all of us despite the sacrifices and struggles he had to go through. Anthony Stark would have proven himself by being willing to give up everything, through his sheer will and love.”
Mr Stark would have what--?
“What would the nature of the command do to us?” The first one said idly, still sounding amused. “Whatever happens, whatever goes on in the universes – Time, Space, Mind, Power, Soul and Reality remain constant.”
“Though not so much in this case,” The third continued, “You do wish to mold reality, child?”
Peter felt his ghosts pressing into him. It was his mom and dad, teaching him to become who he was, Uncle Ben who handed over the most important lesson of his life, Aunt May who endured and loved, Ned who was steadfast, Mr Stark who understood and equipped. “Whatever it takes.”
They considered him. “So young,” they hissed as one. “To be carrying the burdens of so many.”
And then suddenly Peter wasn’t in that limbo – he was Carol Danvers who felt a smug sense of satisfaction at blowing up the ship and empathy for teenage superhero Peter Parker; he was Steve Rogers who became worthy of Mjolnir and fought to the bitter end and his happy ending; he was Tony Stark who looked over the compound and thought of his family and decided it was worth it; he was May Parker looming helplessly over her nephew as he grieved at the funeral of someone else he loved; he was Morgan Stark as she stared at the stars and grew up; he was Sam Wilson being handed a legacy; he was T’Challa learning to rule a kingdom he’d been absent from five years; he was Yelena Belova and screaming and raging at the unfairness of the world; he was America Chavez traversing one universe after another in search of something she couldn’t name; he was Ned Leeds discovering magic; he was May Parker reinforcing her husband’s lesson; he was Michelle Jones watching helplessly as the boy she loved disappeared from the world and her mind; he was Peter Parker deciding not to involve the people he loved in his mess; he was Johnny Storm agreeing lazily to a trip in space; he was Queen Shuri screaming her grief into the world and meeting T’Challa the second; he was Jane Foster hoping for a cancer treatment; he was Thor looking for life’s meaning again; he was Shang-Chi being sent on the mission that would change life forever; he was Captain Monica Rambeau getting sucked into the Scarlet Witch’s world; he was Jennifer Walters getting powers; he was Wanda Maximoff destroying Mount Wundagore  – he was so many and no one at all at once.
He was Peter Parker crouched in the ditch in the battlefield in the Battle of Earth, Peter Parker at Tony Stark’s funeral, Peter Parker stumbling over his words to confess his feelings to MJ before she pointed out the drone, Peter Parker holding his aunt’s body begging her to wake up, Peter Parker meeting his dimensional counterparts and thinking family, Peter Parker at the Statue of Liberty, Peter Parker kissing Johnny Storm as the world ended, Peter Parker going out in a burst of explosions and glory against Kang. He was all of them and yet someone new.
Peter blinked. His eyelids were surprisingly heavy. His brain tried to reorganize itself from the scrambled mess it had become, hurriedly trying to incorporate the injected memories.
He’d asked what would happen.
He supposed he’d gotten his answer.
“I think you broke the boy,” The perpetually amused one said interestedly.
“I’m fine,” Peter said. He thought his throat would be dry if he could actually feel it. “I. . .”
In the end, it wasn’t all bad. Thanos would die. Kingpin would be defeated as the Vulture was. The Incursion would be prevented. Beyonder, Titania and the others of the alliance would fall. Kang’s reign would be ended. Humanity would push on as it always did, cockroaches in the fabric of reality.
But in the meantime. . . So much suffering. So much pain. So much tragedy that could be prevented.
But what could he do? He was just one person. Sure, he’d been and would be important in fights and confrontations that changed the world, but he couldn’t singlehandedly overturn every single disaster, much less ones of as epic proportions as Thanos and the Alliance and Infinity Ultron and Kang.
“A happy ending,” The apathetic one mulled over the words. “That was your wish. How would you propose that happen?”
“I guess I’ll go back and try to prevent some of the worse things from happening. . .?” Peter volunteered, entirely unenthused about the prospect. How was he supposed to stop Mr Stark from snapping? Or Wanda from going crazy with grief? Or Wilson Fisk from running the mafia?
What even qualified as bad things? Johnny getting his powers had been traumatic, but he’d later helped save the world multiple times and – Peter would’ve blushed if he could’ve. He thought the Human Torch had been happy by the end.  
Peter suddenly felt sick and wished fervently he hadn’t done this. He had no idea what to do or how to resolve any of the numerous moral quandaries he needed to in order to progress. He'd killed. He'd taken life. Surely that should have gotten rid of some of his ethics? 
“Would that give you your happy ending?” The third – the humane - one inquired. “Everyone you care for alive? The world saved?”
Peter was motionless and he felt his Spidey Sense give a long warble before curling down to settle. 
If you expect disappointment, then you can never really get disappointed.
Everyone wants a happy ending, right?
Everything Spider-Man touches comes to ruin.
Okay, so let ‘em do their thing. You can go work on a fallback plan.
Strong enough to have it all, too weak to take it.
If you’re nothing without the suit, you shouldn’t have it.
You have a gift. You have power. And with great power, there must also come great responsibility.
“What do you want me to do?” He asked, resigned.
“’Want me to do’,” The amused one said, savouring each word. “Nothing, boy. But it was your wish to have your happy ending.”
“And that isn’t possible in this timeline,” the humane one continued.
Peter had to agree. He hated it, but he agreed. Even if he snapped right now instead of Mr Stark, EDITH existed and Quentin Beck would want it, the Multiverse would still break but instead of him some poor sorcerer apprentice would be caught up in it, without him around Fisk would be a lot more open with his general shadiness, Shuri would still lose everything, MJ and Ned would still get caught up in some nonsense because they were people with large hearts and a deep intelligence and he wouldn’t be there to save them, and without his sacrifice Kang might be able to get the edge on them.
Peter was one insignificant soul – but in the grand scale of things he did matter.
“So what do I do?”
“You picked up Time, Power and me,” The indifferent one – Reality, apparently – said. “What was your intention there?”
“Um,” Peter said dumbly. “Dr. Strange used the – Time to see the future, which is what I wanted to do. And I wanted to change it if I needed to so Reality – you.”
“And you thought I would be necessary to do that,” The amused one, Power, said.
“Which is fair enough,” Time, the humane one, said. “Since that is what allows us to do this.”
“Do what?” Peter asked, alarm stirring. His Sense gave a light buzz but didn’t tingle, which probably meant this wasn’t going to harm him.
“Peter Benjamin Parker,” Power thundered.
“Bearer of the gauntlet,” Time said.
“Holder of Infinity,” Reality announced.
“You will be sent back to your body on the date of May 23rd 2016,” Time glowed oddly at the words.
Peter was still stuck on the point. “Wait – time travel? Like Back to the Future? Or Peggy Sue got married?”
“You did agree that The Battle of the Earth is a point of no return for your happy ending,” Reality pointed out boredly. “The only logical conclusion is to therefore send you to sometime where you can work towards it.”
“Foster better relationships with the other Avengers and diplomacy with alien planets,” Power said, like he – she – they – it? Was ticking items off a list. “Take down Kingpin and Vulture sooner. Stabilize the multiverse.”
“You say that like it’s simple,” Peter said vaguely – but his mind was whirring.
There were so many things he could do better. So much he could make easier for Ned and Mr Stark and Dr. Strange and the Avengers.
The chance to have a do-over was something people would give anything for. Excitement and panic began to build up. Something occurred to him. “Why May 2016? Why – why not before?”
Ben, he thought longingly. Ben had died in January. He could go back. He could - he could save him, apologize to him, see him again—
“I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Time said gently. “The day you met Anthony Stark is the day you were set on this path. Your being bitten by the spider and Benjamin Parker’s death are universal constants. Them being changed would be too much too quick.”
Peter swallowed his bitterness and the stinging in his eyes. He supposed his parents’ and Ben’s survival would be too much to ask.
The world is unfair, he thought, remembering MJ telling him she loved him on Liberty Island, the blood and dirt and the light fading from the eyes of Ben and Mr Stark and May, Ned’s desolate eyes when he’d learned his dad’s fate, the way Shuri screamed when her mother died, Johnny’s final supernova, dying in pain and alone without knowing Kang had been defeated, but it’s ours. I have power. Power to change everything, to give us a happier ending. The end is close, but so is a new beginning. I have a responsibility to everyone who doesn’t have that power.
“Okay,” he said, taking a deep breath and steeling himself. “I’m doing this.”
“Excellent,” Reality said briskly. “Now—”
“You must choose your companions,” Power said, voice light. “Whom will you choose?”
“W-What do you mean?” Peter asked, thrown off.
“You may choose five companions,” Reality said.
“One for each of us,” Power said.
“I can choose?” he asked, bewildered.
“Your happy ending,” Reality reminded him brightly. “Your choice.”
His happy ending. That had been his final, most fervent wish when handling the Stones. No wonder they were harping on that so much.
Peter wished he could feel his corporeal body, because he really wanted to pinch himself. Aliens, space, Infinity Stones. . . It was hard to believe only a day ago to him he’d been on a field trip to MoMA listening to Flash moan about the horrid bus conditions.
But how the hell could he choose?
He needed people whom he trusted, but who would also be ready to give everything up to save the world.
Peter wasn’t unaware of what he was doing. He may be dazed, but he was a smart kid, as Mr Stark often told him. He was giving up his May, his Ned, his MJ, his Johnny, his Shuri, his Matt, his Wade, the life that would have been his – tragic, sure, but also filled with love and laughter and heroism.
He needed to find people who would have been worse off if this timeline continued.
One choice was instant. He ticked all the boxes, and he was one of the people Peter loved and trusted most in the world. “Mr Stark.”
The Stones gave no sign as to what their opinion of his choice was.
Mr Stark covered the Avengers, and earthly heroes. If he needed to build bridges with aliens and maintain the multiverse, he needed people experienced in that – “Dr. Strange.” He remembered the future he saw for Dr. Strange. He liked America Chavez, from what he’d seen of her, and hoped the doctor would be able to find her sooner.
Two safe ones. Now to shake the boat a bit.
Aliens were harder. He supposed one of the Guardians of the Galaxy would do, but he couldn’t think of how they might have any power over the entirety of space. He considered Thor – Thor, the strongest, the god of thunder, Peter’s bi reveal – but what he needed was someone subtler. Someone sneakier. Someone who practiced magic.
Controversial, but he’d died. Peter thought he could cut him some slack. “Loki.”
Avengers. Aliens. Multiverse. For the street level, though. . . . He needed someone with power on the business side of things. Someone who was strong, who had managed Stark Industries and its trade and resources with other planets and countries for years after becoming a widow. Someone without whom Morgan – Morgan, his beloved little sister – couldn’t exist. “Mrs. Potts.”
Peter suddenly realized he’d already filled four spots. He only had one left. He longed to say May or Ned. May and Ned, who had been there with him since his parents had died nearly a decade ago. May and Ned, the two people whom he loved most in the world. May and Ned, who were invaluable to him, but held no significant power when it came to changing the world.
Peter closed his eyes to prevent the rush of tears. It seemed his physicality could change when he felt devastation. With these words, he was losing his emotional support as he knew them. May would go back to being the fun aunt who had no idea he was Spider-Man. Ned would be the happy-go-lucky best friend, not the traumatized sorcerer and programmer who’d grown with him and faced multiversal dangers.
This is my power. This is my responsibility. The Green Goblin was wrong. I am Spider-Man.
“Shuri.” Shuri, his friend, who had lost everything the way Peter had. She deserved a chance for a do-over too. And she could help advance technology to the level it was in space, and help T’Challa and Mr Stark and Mrs Potts influence the UN and the wider world.
“Wise choices,” Reality said, for once sounding solemn.
“And you did not choose selfishly,” Power observed. “Very well, Peter Parker. The best of luck on your mission. We have fulfilled your desire to the best of our abilities.”
“Your happy ending, your future is now up to you,” Reality said, once more sounding entertained.
 “Selflessness must be rewarded.” Time said. “And so as a final gift: knowledge of the Time Variance Authority. And Edward Leeds.”
Peter’s blood rushed through his head as more knowledge filled it, and simultaneously joy and relief sprung through him. Ned.
The world filled with the colours of infinity.
It looked like the Soul Stone’s realm.
The six people he’d chosen stood in front of him.
“Pete?” Mr Stark asked, sounding confused. “What’s going on?”
Peter straightened with glorious purpose.
My power. My responsibility.
My happy ending.
“We have a mission,” he began.
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cats-aroace · 2 years
if anyone has any good mcu time travel fics...
let me know
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magicpiano · 4 months
I came across the AU idea that Dick Grayson is Richard Parker, and thus, Peter Parker's biological father. There are a few fics where Peter dimension travels to the DC universe and gets to meet his dead father. It is a fun idea, but I have different one.
AU where Peter dimension travels to the DC universe, and the batfam realizes that he is Dick's son, but rather than think he is from another universe, they all come to the conclusion that he is from the future.
It makes sense, after all, the rules of time travel basically boil down to 'don't change anything.' So when Peter is avoiding them and "pretending" not to know them, they just think he is following the rules. (He isn't even really avoiding them, he just has no idea who they are.)
You know how once you have an idea in your head, it take a lot of convince you that your wrong? Same idea here, they are so convinced of their idea that all new info ends up making them surer. Confirmation bias.
So Peter is trying to find a way home while the batfam tries to subtly help him without getting involved in time travel. Hijinks ensue.
Peter once mentions his love of photography and how he used to take pictures of heroes for a newspaper. Everyone looks at Tim and thinks, 'Gee I wonder where he picked up that hobby.'
At one point Peter pulls an assassin move, and Damian is like, 'I taught him that for sure.' (In reality Peter just trained with Natasha and Bucky before.)
When dealing with some issue Peter says something like, "I know a guy with some green angry problems and he taught me a lot about staying calm when mad." Everyone looks at Jason??? (He just picked up some meditation advice from Bruce Banner)
At some point he goes to the manor and everyone is like, 'Hah! More proof! He knows his way around the building!' He doesn't know his way around, his spider sense just lead him to where people are and kept him from getting lost.
He mentions Black Cat once, and everyone comes to the "totally logical" conclusion that Catwoman had a daughter, and that Peter and Felicia also have a weird almost dating thing going on.
Peter has been forced to go to some fancy events with Tony before so he knows how to act at rich people galas, which of course just adds fuel to the time travel theory.
Peter keeps accidentally referencing things that don't exist/didn't happen. Everyone just assumes these things didn't happen/don't exist yet.
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tinkertoysdamn · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man (Movies - Raimi) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson Characters: Peter-Two (Spider-Man: No Way Home), Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn Additional Tags: Post-Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie), Time Travel Fix-It, Friendship, let pete and mj be happy damnit, Happy Ending, weird typography, Not Beta Read Summary:
Peter Parker returns home to find everything has changed.
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
AU List
Hello! Welcome! This is my attempt at keeping the AU's boiuncing around in my head in order. They should be mostly in chronological order.
Some of them are getting turned into full length fics! The list (and it's open to suggestions) can be found here: Fic List
A couple of things:
Please feel free to write your own fics based on any of these! No need to ask, simply link it so I can also read it <3
If you have any specific scenarios you have an idea for and would like me to write- my asks/prompts are always open! I can't guarantee quality as I do most of my writing at like, 3 AM but I'll try my best!
I don't condone racism, bigotry, homophobia, etc.. I do not welcome it here. I acknowledge that I have biases that I've yet to unlearn. If there's something that makes you feel unwelcome in the things I write, please let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
I write these mostly on little to no sleep (that’s when I get creative I guess?) so good luck.
Update: Apparently you can have too many links on one post (which was news to me) so the links are in the titles lol
Squatter!Danny Phantom Raises Tim
Tim 'self-preservation instinct of a wet paper bag' finds Danny Phantom squatting in his house as an injured vigilante and they immediately adopt each other.
Ghost King and the Justice League
Different scenarios where the Justice League (and extensions) deal with a Ghost King Danny Phantom, who generally just wants to get some sleep and avoid his paperwork like he avoids his problems- actively and indiscriminately.
Alcoholic! Danny Adopts Jason Todd (Fic)
Danny Phantom, a struggling alcoholic, finds his way into Gotham where he adopts a young Jason Todd... after accidentally making a name for himself, again.
Spider in Gotham (Fic)
Peter Parker found himself unceremoniously dumped into Gotham and merged with his younger, formerly dead, alternate self.
Gotham! Danny and His Bats
Different scenarios wherein which Danny Phantom is Gotham's city spirit and the task of wrangling Gotham's vigilante and villainous population is laid at his feet.
Danny in Gotham
Somehow, somewhen, Danny finds himself moving to Gotham. Other than the aesthetics, Danny finds it to be pretty similar to Amity Park's insanity.
Sea Cryptic!Danny Phantom
Danny Phantom cleans beaches in his off time. One day, he has to pick Batman (and his plane that was littered all over the ocean floor) out of the sea.
Danny Gets Yeeted (Yoted?) Into Gotham
Danny Phantom dented the Batmobile and got an adoption, vigilante siblings, and a gang of kids following him for his troubles/
Danielle "Dani/Ellie" Phantom
Danielle Phantom travelled to Gotham. Gotham encounters a wild Danny amidst its tall towers.
Timothy Drake-Centric
When Tim Drake is set on something, very little can stop him, With sub catergories : Reincarnated as Gamer! Timmy Drake (fem Tim)(Fic) and New Tim-line, Who Dis?
Reincarnated as Damian Wayne's Older Sister
Based on a nightmare, an OC finds themself reincarnated as Damian Wayne's older sister. She does not have a good time.
Prompts Found
A collection of prompts found and filled. Includes Triplet Tim and Reverse Trope Prompt.
Misc. ficlets and thoughts
My brain vs. whatever errant thoughts and ideas that decided to pop up when I'm trying to sleep.
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llumetrii · 2 months
Soft Spot | Miguel x Reader
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Woman!Reader
Summary: Miguel fixes your dimensional travel watch.
Word count: 1800
A/N: This is the most random writing piece lol but I do want to write more stuff that kind of progresses this story without making it a whole fic. Like each part can be read on its own but it's still connected. Basically just very low effort because I just want to write the scenes I want without having to do filler :)
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The busy atmosphere in the hallways of the Spider Society slowly dwindled as you carried on toward your destination. It was always quiet near the top of the building—where Miguel's lab was located. Most people stayed away from the general area, opting to socialize in the other sectors where the training rooms or the cafeteria was. But you had a problem that needed fixing, and only Miguel could do it.
The interface of your dimensional travel watch had been glitching for the past two days. Every time you navigated to message someone or select a dimension to travel to, the pixels would annoyingly spasm. You had messaged Miguel about the problem, and he arranged to have you meet him in his lab today so he could fix it as soon as possible. Luckily, the device hadn’t been broken enough to send you to the wrong dimensions when portal traveling, but that didn’t mean you weren’t highly paranoid that it would.
So, here you were, on your way to Miguel's lab. The clean, tiled hallway was empty and quiet by the time you arrived at the large sliding door to the lab.
As soon as you stepped up to the door, a familiar, golden figure blipped into existence in front of you. The mini holographic woman hovering in the air fixed her heart shaped glasses on her nose as she peered down at you. "Y/N." She greeted with a smile. "I'll let the boss know you're here."
You barely had time to give her a polite smile in return before she disappeared. A few seconds later, the door in front of you slid open with a soft hiss.
You stepped into the dim room full of half-built tech and glass cases of materials from other dimensions. A low, electronic hum filled your ears as you followed the path that led to the much larger room that Miguel worked in. The golden glow of his numerous screens rimmed his tall, muscular form as he turned to face you atop his platform. He watched you step onto it.
"Hey." You said to break the silence. Your voice echoed a bit within the spacious room. "Thanks for taking the time to fix my watch."
He looked down at you. "Of course I would fix it. Can’t risk using a broken device that deals with dimensional travel." He responded. His voice sounded more quiet than it usually was, less firm.
Now that you were closer, you could see how he looked at you, the usual furrow in his brow relaxed and the stern set of his mouth having loosened. He looked…softer, gentle. An expression you didn’t see on his face often when he looked at others.
He’s definitely softer around you. One of your friends had said not long ago. You had just shook your head and laughed at the time. It didn’t make sense anyway. It’s not like you were that close with him—not like he was with Peter B. Parker. You just did your job like anyone else, catching anomalies on missions and helping to train new spider-people if needed. But your friends had pointed out that he listened to you more than anyone else, that his full attention seemed to set on you like you had the most important things to say, even if you were just making a joke about a Green Goblin variant looking like he swiped a cheap mask from Spirit Halloween.
You weren’t sure why he would act differently around you of all people, but you did know that you worked surprisingly well with him when the two of you ended up on the same missions. You listened and worked with his instruction unlike some other spider people that jumped into the fray with their own plan in mind. 
So maybe that was why he apparently took a liking to you as your friends claimed. You lended an ear to him, so he was just more inclined to do the same for you.
He held out a hand, the bright red palm of his suit facing upward in a silent request for your watch. You unclasped your watch from your wrist and set it in his palm, watching as he stepped to his chair at his desk and sat down.
"This shouldn't take long." He said as he pulled open some hidden drawers and retrieved a couple tools that looked unfamiliar to you. His world was certainly more advanced than yours.
You watched him quietly work. His eyes narrowed in concentration, his eyebrows pushing low as he opened up your watch to tinker with the tiny components inside. He even had Lyla pull up some screens of the code so he could have an eye on every working detail within the watch.
Seeing him work in such focus, hunched over your watch on his desk, made a smile creep onto your lips. He was clearly in his element, the evidence of such skill littered about in the shadows of his lab.
You had overheard a while back that he helped engineer technology for his city, Nueva York, over the years. But you knew he didn't have much time to work on such things while he kept watch on the multiverse. He barely had any time to himself for that matter.
He tapped on the screens, scrolling through the numerous lines of code and reading information. "Just gonna run some tests and it should be fixed." He said without looking up at you.
You nodded. He had fixed your watch much quicker than you had anticipated. Though you shouldn’t have been surprised. He had created a device that enabled travel between dimensions for goodness sake, a device that had been compacted to the size of a watch, the very thing he was fixing. "All right, thank you." You murmured.
As soon as the words left your mouth, a pain like a bolt of lightning slashed through your whole body. Colors shot across your vision and gravity left your senses for a split second before it came wheeling back like a punch to your gut.
You stumbled and gasped, blinking hard through the lingering spots in your vision and finding Miguel suddenly in front of you. His hands quickly steadied you at your elbows, the warm grip keeping you grounded, and his face took on the most shock and concern you've ever seen on him. It almost alarmed you much more than you already were.
"You okay?" He asked. His gaze snapped down to your hands without waiting for your answer, and something in the sight of them made him spit a curse. He whirled away from you to reach his desk and snatch an object up in his hand, quickly returning to you.
He took your hand in his—a little roughly—and slipped on a 'day-pass' wristband, one typically given to people who didn't have watches. To keep them from glitching in a dimension that wasn't theirs.
You realized that was exactly what had happened to you.
Your lungs deflated from the breath that had lodged in your throat. "I've never glitched before." You muttered, thinking back to the sensation that had raced over your arms and down your spine. It had felt like your skin was pulling apart, and you grimaced at the phantom feeling your mind conjured up.
Miguel was still holding onto you, giving your forearms a slight squeeze. You looked up at him to meet his gaze of frowning concern. "You okay now?" He asked again.
"Yeah, I'm fine—now." You studied the wristband on your wrist and Miguel's hands fell away from you. "I completely forgot that taking off my watch might do that."
"I meant to give you the wristband earlier." Miguel admitted, releasing a tense sigh. He stepped back and reached for his chair, carefully lowering himself back down like he was prepared to spring to his feet if you happened to glitch again. "I apologize."
You clasped your hand over the wristband on your wrist, feeling the smooth exterior in the curve of your palm. "It's all right. Though it's definitely not something I'd want to feel again." You chuckled weakly.
"Yeah." He said as he looked at you. His eyes trailed down your form and crawled back up in a way that made you feel like a small speck under a microscope. You weren't sure what he was thinking in that moment, but your eyes flickered away, unable to hold up under his scrutinizing gaze.
"Yeah, it's not fun." He added in a more controlled tone as he turned away from you to focus back on your watch.
He resumed the tests he was running while you stood quietly nearby. You glanced down at your wristband, feeling curious. "How do these things work anyway? Like, how do they keep us from glitching?"
"The watches?" He looked up at you. "Well, they read the molecular tone of the dimension, and then apply a temporary overlay to the molecular structure of your body so the dimension doesn't read your signature as alien and try to expel it."
You squinted slightly as your brain lagged behind in the explanation, but it luckily caught up. "Okay.”
He continued, resuming work on your watch as he spoke. "That's why the dimensions are labeled with different numbers. They're just the molecular tone level. A foreign body in another dimension is more likely to glitch if its original tone level has a greater difference from the tone of the dimension they're standing in."
"So that's why I glitched pretty fast." You contemplated out loud. "Because my earth number is a lot different than yours."
"Yes, it's dependant on the difference in tone." He clarified. He started closing down the holo screens that he had been using to fix your watch, and he set his tools aside. "All right, your watch is good now." He turned in his chair to hold out the device.
"Thank you." You took the watch from his hand, feeling his eyes on you as you pulled off the wristband and placed the watch on your wrist. You tapped on the screen to see the familiar golden interface pop up, now free of glitches. Your lips curved in soft relief. No more worrying about getting stuck in another dimension.
Miguel stood from his chair, his height dwarfing yours as always. "You can message me if there are any other problems." He said.
"I will. Thank you again." You smiled up at him.
His face softened once again as he looked down at you, and his lips twitched up at one corner in return.
Warmth fluttered in your chest at the rare sight, and your smile widened. That same warmth in your chest lingered even after you left his lab with your fixed watch. Maybe your friends were right. Maybe Miguel did have a little soft spot for you.
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kingcrow01 · 9 months
DC x Marvel Fic Recs
@jas-per11 @letthedeadghostrest
Hello! I saw your post, and I've been meaning to rec some DC x Marvel fics anyways, so I'll do that here. I don't know what you've read, so I'll start with
Peter Parker / DC Series:
The Dark Matter Multiverse Series by @mysterycyclone
Dark Matter is the blueprint for most Peter Parker / DC fics, and it's also fucking fantastic. If you're reading a crossover and don't understand why, without explanation, Peter is talking to ghosts? Why he by default ends up living in a firehouse? Read Dark Matter.
Spider and Bat Friends Series by @emmacortana
So far, 12 well written and hilarious works from my all-time favorite author, Miss emmacortana. This, coming from someone with over 1,500 bookmarks. She's that good.
Bitsy and The Bats Series Series by @wibbwoby
Haven't read this one in a while, so I don't have much to say, but Rated T for Traumatized is an absolute classic.
Pizzaverse Series by Irisen
A heavier read, wherein Peter tries to keep his job, make rent, and has a lot of unfortunate run-ins with Gotham's rogues.
Peter & The BatBoys (Doctor AU) Series by @thepoppypress
Peter is the Wayne family's doctor. He has a... chaotic time. I've only read Part 1, but I am still including this here because it's a series.
Peter Parker needs a hug (From the BatFamily) Series by @true-blue-fool
Shorter fics about Peter bonding with the Batfamily. Part 3 is especially cute.
Spider and Bats Series by @superklutzkent
Peter Parker whump, featuring the Batfam. All of the whump.
Let's take a break and look at some DC x Marvel fics that DON'T feature Peter:
Steve Rogers: Man out of Time and Place Series by RavenclawAngel
After Civil War, Steve gets exiled to DCs earth and builds a new team.
from the nucleus flight Series by @blackkatmagic
Khonshu whisks (Comic) Moon Knight away to DC. Very well written and passionate. If it's not your thing, don't let the Bruce Wayne/Marc Spector tag dissuade you from reading; since it's unfinished, the ship hasn't happened yet, and it's too good of a fic to miss out on.
The Devil's in Gotham (Remastered) by @prince-link13
Matt Murdock moves to Gotham and befriends Jason Todd, his neighbor. Bruce Wayne/Matt Murdock
Marvel/DC Crossovers Series by @bamboozled-and-alone
What it says on the tin. My favorite, part 2, is Matt Murdock taking care of Damian Wayne.
Echolocation Series by Firecat23
Matt Murdock and the bats; though, part 6 does have Team Red, meaning Peter.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming:
Peter Parker slash fics:
Cassandra Cain/Peter Parker
Along Came a Spider Series by @rags-n-bones
Quiet Respite by @faeriekit
I'm not too far in this one yet, but it's Faeriekit, so it's bound to be good.
Peter Parker/Tim Drake, affectionately called redspider
a shining spider web by Selador
Needling by LaughingFreak
How dimension travel can lead to love. Series by Psychic_Queen05
My current Favorite Ongoing Peter Parker / DC Crossovers:
The Ones Burnt by This_is_lovin
After the events of No Way Home, Dr. Strange's magic sends Peter to Gotham. He wakes up in another boy's body, and has to deal with the consequences. Part one just ended with a bang, you all should be there for part two, it's gonna be awesome.
Arachnomaly by @songue85
The (Comic) Amazing Spider-Man, being neighborly in Gotham. Plus some sick art from the author.
time flies by (bye) by WHYISEVERYNAMETAKEN
Two difficult years after No Way Home, Peter ends up in Gotham, but with a whole lot of introspection. One chapter left; you better be there.
All of the rest, that didn't fit in the prior categories:
Unforeseen Consequences by @mysterycyclone
Gotta Get to Rock Bottom! by @emmacortana
Read the initial notes first.
Set Naked on Your Kingdom by sassydandelion
Peter's Gotham Debut by BlankGeode, Leeavy
This Was Home by @emmacortana
The Peter Parker Theory by nicfics
and even though we are strange and exquisitely scarred by Wingfeather6913
What happens in New York by @violent138
A Long Way From Home (And No Way Back) by Vivia_wants_boba
Ignorance is Death by No_idea_what_Im_doing_lmaooo
One Dead Spider by Miellonek
If you do check out any of these fics, always leave a comment. Authors love those, it’s like catnip to them.
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slytherheign · 1 month
SNOW ON THE BEACH | tasm!peter parker
PAIRING: tasm!peter parker x reader
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SUMMARY: you start to see your best friend in a different way at the same time the snow starts to fall.
WARNINGS: doubts and unspoken feelings. let me know if i missed any warnings. [⚠︎︎RATING: G]
AUTHOR’S NOTE: inspired by taylor swift’s song with the same title. as written above, this is a prequel to another fic of mine but this can also be read as a standalone. THIS IS A GENDER NEUTRAL FIC but if you see something that pertains to a specific gender then pls reach out so i can change it!
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DESTINATION: Sweet Street | GO BACK TO THE STATION. CLICK HERE FOR ALL THINGS SOTB (reviews, commentary, etc. about this fic).
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It was late November and the neighborhood was gearing up for the upcoming winter season. Normally, you would stay home for moments like this, staring at the window as you waited for the snow to fall. However, this time was different because your best friend had other plans. He all but pulled you up from your couch where you were peacefully taking a nap to lead you out of your house. Apparently, for him, this kind of weather was perfect for walking along the beach.
You and Peter have known each other ever since you were children. The moment your family moved into his town, he was the first kid who wanted to be your friend. There was no question why you instantly became best friends. Since then, you have shared everything from secrets to dreams. 
Always inseparable, rarely without the other.
Always been “just best friends.”
But a shift has shown itself—unspoken feelings that simmered beneath the surface that neither of you fully understood or dared to acknowledge. For you, it started in your third year of high school, and since then have lingered every time you were with him. As much as you hoped it would go away at some point, it unfortunately didn’t. And it certainly wouldn’t go away right now as he walked with you along the coast, your hand in his, intertwined.
The beach was secluded under the cloak of night, where the only light came from the stars scattered across the sky like pocketfuls of glitter. The ocean whispered against the shore, the waves reflecting the moonlight in a soft, silver glow. The air was cool, almost cold, but not unwelcoming, like the gentle feeling of his hand. The atmosphere is filled with indescribable magic, a surreal blend of familiarity and something entirely new. You recognized a spot you used to visit as kids—a large driftwood log, half-buried in the sand—and nudged Peter to look at it.
“Remember when we used to sit at that spot when we were kids?” you asked.
“How can I possibly forget? That’s where you first told me you wanted to travel the world,” he chuckled. “Remember that spot?” he pointed at the spot to the side of the large driftwood log.
“That’s where we built that crazy sandcastle,” you giggled, cheeks flushed from the chill in the air. “I swear, we thought we could actually live in it forever.”
Peter laughed, his breath was visible in the night air. “And then the tide came in and washed it away. We were probably devastated for like, what—ten minutes?”
“More like ten seconds,” you replied, eyes sparkling with mischief. You turned to him, a playful grin on your face. “We just ran back into the water, forgetting all about it.”
He smiled at the memory, squeezing your hand gently. The temperature dropped as you strolled further down the beach, sending a shiver down your spine. Peter noticed and let go of your hand so he could shrug off his jacket and drape it around your shoulders. The warmth of his gesture seeped through, but you didn’t miss how he decided not to hold your hand again.
“Thanks, Pete,” you said softly. Your heart fluttered in your chest for the kind gesture but you already missed holding his hand. For a second, you were about to reach for his hand but he pulled it away from you to stuff it in his jeans.
In the quiet of the moment, you felt a sudden ache in your chest. You turned to look at him but he was staring straight ahead. He seemed deep in thought and you didn’t bother interrupting him. Besides, thoughts of your own began to find their way into your head at the same time. 
You didn’t know what was wrong with you lately. Every time you see him, you feel this… weird flutter in your chest. It was like your heart was trying to tell you something, but you couldn’t understand it. You have been best friends for so long. He was always there, always the one you could count on, always the one who made you laugh when you were feeling down. But now… now it felt different. You couldn’t help but notice the little things when he was around. The way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, the way he always knew exactly what to say to make you feel better. And when he wasn’t around, you’d find yourself missing him more than you ever did before. But missing your best friend was normal, right?
But then, why did it hurt so much every time you saw him with someone else? Why did it feel like your heart was being squeezed when he talked to other girls? You should be happy for him, you should want him to be happy. But instead, you feel… jealous? Was it jealousy? You didn’t even know… but you hated it. You hated that you felt this way because it didn’t make any sense.
Life was emotionally abusive but he was the one guiding light that gave you inspiration to wake up every day. You’ve been through everything together, from heartbreaks to triumphs, and you always leaned on each other for support—because that’s what best friends did.
Just best friends. It was all you've ever been.
So, why couldn’t you stop thinking about what it would be like if… if you were more than that? What would it feel like to touch his hair when he sleeps, to look into his eyes that were reminiscent of flying saucers from another planet for hours, to know the feeling of his lips on yours? But then, what if you were wrong? What if this was just some passing thing, and you would ruin everything by saying something? What if he didn’t feel the same way? What if you lose him? You couldn’t stand that. You couldn’t stand losing him. But if you didn’t say anything, how would you ever know? How would you ever figure out what these feelings were? Maybe… you were just overthinking everything. Maybe this was just a phase that would pass if you just ignored it long enough… but what if it wasn’t? What if this was something real, something worth risking everything for?
You wished you could figure out what your heart was trying to tell you. Because right now, it felt like it was screaming, and you were too scared to listen.
You just wished you knew what to do. 
Then, unexpectedly, delicate flakes began to fall from the darkened sky, dancing down like tiny stars coming to rest on the earth. At first, it felt unreal—a gentle winter blanket spreading across the beach, contrasting the warm feeling that was in your chest. Other than the falling snow, the sky above was clear, except for a faint, otherworldly glow on the horizon, it reminded you of the aurora borealis, though neither of you have ever seen it in person.
“It’s snowing,” Peter whispered as he looked up, his eyes wide with wonder. The snow gathered in his tousled hair, and you couldn’t help but laugh at his astonishment. You both paused, turning your faces to the sky, letting the soft flakes melt on both of your skin. 
“Snow on the beach,” he mused.
“I know. It’s weird… but beautiful,” you replied.
Peter looked at you without you noticing, catching a fleeting moment when the moonlight seemed to illuminate your face from within, making your features soft and almost ethereal. He smiled.
“It is beautiful…” he agreed. 
You turned your face just to see him staring at you.
For a moment, it felt like time had stopped, everything around the two of you faded into a serene silence. You saw that the same wonder you had was reflected in his eyes. And suddenly, all your doubts were cast aside. There was a vulnerability in his expression that you had never noticed before, a silent question that mirrored your own feelings. 
Peter reached out, enveloping your hands with his. The touch was electric, sending a shockwave of awareness through both of you. You paused, holding your breath, afraid to move, afraid to speak, as if knowing that this moment might shatter everything between the two of you.
The snow fell heavier and your hearts synchronized with the rhythm of the ocean. You shared a knowing smile, the kind that held a thousand unspoken words as you both realized what was happening.
Peter broke the silence first, his voice quiet but steady. “Do you ever wonder…” he started, the words hanging in the air like the snowflakes drifting down. He hesitated, searching for the right way to express the feelings in his heart. “If we could… be more?”
You felt your heart race at his words, a warmth that was stronger than any chill of the winter night spread through your body. “Yeah, I do,” you whispered, nervous yet elated. 
It was as if, for the first time, you were seeing each other in a new light, one that revealed what has always been there but was hidden beneath layers of friendship. It was beautiful, but also terrifying, like seeing snow on the beach—something that you felt shouldn't exist, yet here it was, impossibly real.
“Maybe we could try?” Peter suggested, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I’d like that,” you replied, smiling.
In an instant, everything changed. The world blurred, the periphery fading away until all that existed was the space between you. The stars, the moon, the endless ocean—they all receded into the background, insignificant compared to the look you shared. At that moment, everything clicked into place. The memories of your secret smiles and late-night conversations flooded back, but now they carried a different weight. 
“So…” he started. “Be mine?”
Peter raised a hand to brush a snowflake from your hair and you leaned into his touch with your heart pounding.
“Yes,” you answered with no hesitation.
As the snowflakes continued to drift down, you leaned into each other, closing the gap between the two of you. It was a kiss that felt like everything and nothing at the same time—gentle, hesitant, but full of the promise of what could be. The world around you seemed to hold its breath as if the very stars were watching and waiting to see what would happen next.
When you finally pulled away, the world resumed its quiet motion, but something had definitely shifted. The snow, the beach, the stars—all of it felt different, it was like the universe itself knew and played a part in what just happened and what would happen.
Neither of you spoke, afraid that words might break the spell or jinx everything. 
And in truth, you didn’t need to say anything more. The way you looked at each other, the way your forehead rested against his—said it all.
You continued to walk along the shore hand in hand, the snow crunching softly beneath your feet, leaving a trail that would soon be covered by fresh snow. The future was uncertain, but for now, you were contented in the knowledge that you’d found something beautiful—like snow on the beach.
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SLYTHERHEIGN TAGLIST: @writingstoraes @joshiiieeenesx @checo2011
TASM!PETER PARKER TAGLIST: @mymilkducts @i-am-woman-strong @lauraneedstochill @jeanettexkillian @ms-mandalore @enaraism @alessandralol @sad-darksoul @sincericida @mentallystablepotato @mich0731 @logolepsic-insomniac @k0miiki @dreamsarecloserwithyou @jumilzzz @primroseparker @preciousbabypeter @myheartonthemove @rebecca-johnson-28 @silkholland @ellievickstar @okkulta @geekygamerchick @starqwerty20 ​ @the-quiet-observer @softiepeterpan @willowhaired @sflame15-blog @pompeygirl89 @remuslupinsdocs
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Marvel Masterlist
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One Shots
Spook-vengers Tower - Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson (all platonic)
Better Than Gifts - Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda, Vision, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson (all platonic)
New Years Eve - Steve Rogers x Reader ft. The Avengers, Doctor Strange, Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes (all platonic)
Not Making It Out - Loki x Reader
Love Is Sacrifice - Loki x Reader
Champion Selection - Loki x Reader
My Mistakes - Loki x Reader
The Task - Loki x Reader
Pulled From The Timeline - Loki x Reader
Poisoned Ice - Loki x Reader
Pompeii - Loki x Reader
Madripoor - Bucky x Reader
Why Would I? - Bucky x Reader
A Small Thing - Bucky x Reader
Not The Worst - Bucky x Reader
A Little Help - Bucky x Reader
When You Wake - Bucky x Reader
What We Started - Bucky x Reader
Kiss Her, Captain. - Steve x Reader
Attacked - Steve x Reader
Aftermath - Steve x Reader
The Drink Allergy - Steve x Reader
A Subtle Escape - Steve x Reader
A New Mission - Tony x Reader (platonic)
3am - Frank Castle x Reader (platonic)
Trick or Eat - Venom x Reader (platonic)
Halloween Cookie Surprise - Venom x Reader (platonic)
When Ghosts Hunt - Robbie Reyes x Reader
Under The Flame - Robbie Reyes x Reader
As Imagined - Ben Poindexter x Reader
Surprise Guest - Clint Barton, Reader, Kate Bishop
Earpiece Patch - Clint Barton, Reader, Kate Bishop
Imagines + Mini Fic
Imagine Steve wanting to propose but having to hold off because of the Civil War
Imagine Steve's surprise when you hit an entitled party guest
Imagine flirting with Steve much to his surprise
Imagine inviting Steve to the newly created Memorial Centre
Imagine a kiss from Steve to distract you from blinding pain
Imagine boldly telling Steve how you feel mid-mission
Imagine waking Steve up after being disturbed by a nightmare
Imagine being paired with Steve during the time-travel mission
Imagine Steve’s anger when you go off book during a mission
Imagine being the last person that Tony tells about 'moving day'
Imagine Bucky’s therapist asking about you
Imagine laughing at Bucky after his failed plane jump
Imagine getting caught in the crossfire of John Walker’s rampage
Imagine trying to talk John Walker down at Zemo’s apartment
Imagine waiting for Bucky and his cake delivery
Imagine convincing Bucky to get back into dating
Imagine taking Bucky to meet his dinner date
Imagine being ambushed by HYDRA while waiting for Bucky
Imagine Bucky being present when you wake up
Imagine Sam’s pleasant surprise when Bucky treats you gently
Imagine refusing to work with Loki at the TVA
Imagine Loki trying to explain his theory to you on a busy day
Imagine Loki being asked to let you go
Imagine discovering that Loki is to aid in the escape of Asgard
Imagine Loki falling asleep on your hand
Imagine Mobius shocking you with an idea regarding Loki
Imagine Loki hearing about your variants
Imagine sending Mobius to calm Loki after you’re injured
Imagine Loki stealing your pie at the TVA
Imagine your surprise when Thor brings Loki to Norway
Imagine learning that Hela wants you dead too
Imagine waking up on Sakaar to find Loki trying to help
Imagine Loki learning why you lied and faked your death
Imagine asking Thor about a gift that you gave him
Imagine Thor trying to grant you visitation with Loki
Imagine Thor learning that you’re in Norway with his father
Imagine Thor asking Loki about your whereabouts on Sakaar
Imagine finding Venom raiding your pantry
Imagine spending the holidays alone in Avengers Tower
Imagine checking on Robbie’s injuries
Imagine helping Matt escape the prison after Fisk takes control
Imagine Marc Spector inquiring about your hand injury
Imagine Khonshu trying to convince you to be his avatar
Imagine going present shopping for the Avengers
Imagine the Avengers when they learn that you and Bucky were attacked
Imagine Clint coming to you after a mission gone wrong
Imagine Fury asking you to be a diversion
The Rider’s Guardian - Robbie Reyes x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Stowaway Cloak -  Stephen Strange, Reader (platonic)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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(Return to the Easy Navigate Masterlist)
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parkerpeter24 · 9 months
Arguing about what Christmas movies to watch with any Peter you want! And maybe
“I may or may not have left some….marks.”?
It doesn't need to be smut💖
this fic was exactly 777 words for some reason? 😭 i loved writing it!!! i made it my baby ps4 pete
pairing: PS4!peter x reader
winter blurbs 3.0 ❄️
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peter was home alone. he was supposed to go over at may’s today but she was busy at the feast centre. the only thing peter could think of was to go over to your place and hang out with you.
so he changed quickly into his spidey suit, packing his clothes into his backpack. singing it over his shoulder and he was off to your place but when he reached your window, the room seemed empty and cold. he knocked anyway, receiving no reply. he sat down on the railing, pulling out his battered phone from his backpack he typed in your contact name and called you.
after a few rings, you picked up, your voice breathy.
“you’re out?” he asked.
“went grocery shopping.”
“in this weather?” peter asked, voice amused.
“i wanted to eat ramen, pete. you know i’d do anything for some good ramen.” you giggled and peter heard your front door open.
“well, can you open the window?” he asked, hearing shuffling from your apartment until he saw you opening the door to your room.
“i thought you were going over to may’s?” you mumbled into the phone still as you made your way over to the window, unlocking it for him.
peter quickly stumbled inside, hanging up and giving you a shrug, “she’s busy with martin, feast work.”
you gave him a smile, “fancy some ramen?”
after a while, the two of you were cuddled under the bed, finished ramen bowls kept on your bedside table as the two of you browsed through movies to watch on your laptop.
peter’s arm was lazily draped around your shoulders, his hand playing with your hair, “nightmare before christmas?”
“a little too late for that, parker.” you chuckled, looking at him.
“wanna watch a christmas movie?” he suggested and you nodded your head, “which one?”
you scrolled through the options, “silent night?”
“i’m sorry, i thought you said it was too late for that.” he gave you a look, making you roll your eyes.
“it’s not a halloween movie.”
“keep scrolling.” he said, not giving you the chance to do so as his finger met the screen of your laptop, scrolling past ‘silent night’, “maybe something classic like love actually or jingle all the way?”
you scrunched up your nose in disapproval, “we’ve seen it too many times.” it was peter’s turn to roll his eyes.
“it’s classic for a reason, babe.”
“how about we watch something new?”
peter gave it a thought and shrugged, “go on.”
“willy wonka?”
“that’s old-”
you cut him off, “i was talking about the new one.”
“that’s not exclusively a christmas movie.”
you groaned and looked back at the screen, “holidate?”
“christmas with you?”
“even more cliché.”
you looked at him with a straight face and he just kissed your forehead. you rested your head on his shoulder and just clicked on the next movie you found, “we’re watching family switch.”
“fine with me.”
the two of you watched the movie and you tried to keep your focus on the movie even though halfway through it peter was nestling his face into your neck, his lips grazing your skin. you kept your eyes trained at the screen, feeling him place butterfly kisses along your neck, “what are you doing?”
“got bored.” he mumbled back to your question, placing more kisses along your neck and collarbone, relaxing against the bed. your focus was breaking once peter’s hot tongue swirled against your warm skin. you gasped a little, feeling his teeth nip at your collarbone.
“it’s a nice movie.” you claimed.
“this is better.” he continued leaving kisses over the spot he bit before trailing kisses from the base of your neck, up to your jaw. his teeth biting into your skin every once in a while was followed by him soothing it by swiping his tongue over it.
it must’ve been almost ten minutes before you shut your laptop, pushing it away. your hand travelled to the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
peter gasped a sound of surprise but kissed you back, his hands flying to your waist and pulling you closer to him. you pushed him back onto the bed, haphazard with the blanket as you straddled his lap.
when the two of you parted for air, peter’s eyes ran over your skin and he chuckled. you gave him a questioning look, “what?”
“i may or may not have left some…. marks.”
your hands went to the skin of your neck, dragging your fingers over the slightly sore spots.
“well…” you mumbled, smirking down at him, “it’s only fair if i return the favour.”
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gffa · 2 months
Hiiii :D I was just wondering, do you have any good Marvel fic reccomendations? Your massive list of star wars fics is like the no.1 thing I go to when im in a star wars mood, and all of them have been amazing, so thanks so much for that!! I'm just curious if you have any good Marvel fic recs?? If not that's fine lol, thank you for your service 🙏
Hi! Lol, I had to sit with this post for a few days because "Marvel fic" is such a wide range of possibilities, like are we talking the comics or the live action shows? The Avengers movies? The X-Men movies? Which section of those fandoms? Avengers as a team? Captain America? Thor? Iron Man? Daredevil? X-Men: First Class? Just... anything? I don't actually have a lot of comics fic recommendations (mostly because it's too hard to wade through all the movie stuff because so many people cross-tag into the comics tags despite it not being comic fic that those tags are now useless), but my go-to for Marvel comics are always: ✦ Betrayal + Paradox Law + The Game of Empires by Valerie J It's hard to describe this series, other than that about ~15 years ago, it was an ambitious attempt at taking various elements of the X-Men comics and weaving them into a coherent whole, focusing on giving Remy an epic backstory to explain his origins and his powers. It probably wouldn't really fit with more recent comics, but if you're a fan of late '90s/early '00s X-Men comics, this was a hell of a ride with cool powers, surprising family twists, time travel, fun relationships, and incredible ramp ups to tense situations that explode in the best way. ✦ The Gestalt Arc by Lori McDonald Another old school fic centered around the Remy/Rogue relationship and taking them on an epic journey, in an alternate version of what happened after their kiss in X-Men #41. The ups and downs of how they work out their issues, the lives they try to lead with each other, finding their path forward together, it's still one of my favorites for the era. ✦ Anything by Traincat for the Young Avengers My favorite is grab a blanket, brother, but they're an author that I'd write a blanket rec for, if any of the summaries sound relevant to your interests! They also write Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, which isn't my area of comics, but I'd trust them with it! But primarily I'd route you to them for their super fun Young Avengers stories, the Teddy/Billy and Eli/Kate ones especially. ✦ Anything by silverspidertm2, X-parrot, takadainmate, or Mythtaken Identity for Journey into Mystery and Loki: Agent of Asgard-era fic. This is when I was in my prime era of reading Thor comic-centric fic, around Journey into Mystery and Loki: Agent of Asgard, when he was Kid Loki and then Teen Loki. There was a lot really fun worldbuilding or road trips or just feelings explosions fic from this era. Beyond that, my bookmarks are a bit of a mess, but you can scroll through them to see what you're looking for. My primary fandoms were: ✦ Daredevil TV, where I went in hard on Matt/Foggy (and some Matt/Foggy/Karen and Frank/Karen and a little Matt/Elektra), where I read voraciously for about a year before MCU burnout hit. Some faves are Double Blind by smilebackwards and Something Dumb to Do by poisonivory and jump, check parachute augustbird.
✦ Thor (MCU), which is actually the heart of who I was as an MCU fan, I spent a long time there reading a lot of fic and this will take you to my bookmarks with the pairings filtered out. I was a big fan of Thor & Loki's relationship so that's most of what's in there, and I always suggest starting with these three fics: ✦ Bargaining by proantagonist, thor & loki & odin & frigga & cast, time travel, 108.9k Faced with an eternity without his brother, Loki strikes a bargain to change the past. Post TDW. ✦ No Such Liberty by Xparrot, thor & loki & cast, 147.3k The first thing Loki said, after he had swiped his tongue over his lips to wet them, was, "You shouldn't trust me." ~ Following the attack on New York, Thor takes Loki back to Asgard in chains; but this does not mean that the god of mischief's schemes are ended, or that Thor has or ever will give up on his brother. But when Thanos threatens the realm to claim his lost prizes, on which side will Loki fall? [post-Avengers fix it] ✦ The Lullaby Singer by TheOtherOdinson, thor & loki & odin & frigga, 85k wip Odin hasn't left Asgard in over a thousand years. When he finds out Loki is still alive and preparing to launch an attack on Midgard, he could send Thor to stop him. Or Odin could go himself. As a bonus, I have a few more Thor genfic recs here.
✦ Captain America (MCU), where sure I liked some gen fic but lbr I was there for the Stucky. I mostly read during the height of the post-TWS fervor and then tapered off a lot after that (given how hard they swerved away from their relationship) and I haven't read almost anything in the fandom since Endgame, but if you want some fun TWS-era fic, I put together this list recently. (To be fair, I also liked a lot of Steve &/ Natasha, Bucky &/ Natasha and Sam/Natasha, so you can find that in there, too.)
✦ Iron Man (MCU), where I liked a mix of some fun gen pieces and some Tony/Pepper which put me in the minority, but I don't care because there were some banger authors for both. If you're interested in them, I always liked pretty much anything I read by roboticonography. icarus_chained wrote a wider variety of stuff, but I've always liked anything I've read from them as well.
✦ Avengers (MCU), where I read a lot of fic, but it's kind of all mixed in together, even some sprinkled in Black Panther fic, some Spideypool that was super fun for a hot minute, some Guardians of the Galaxy characters showing up, etc. Step carefully if you're not interested in pairings (I read a fair amount of Tony/Loki and Steve/Loki in amongst the other stuff), but honestly by the end I was probably reading more gen than anything.
✦ X-Men: First Class-verse, which is my exception to not reading much for the live action versions of the X-Men, because I am a long time Pietro Maximoff fan and while Peter wasn't my Pietro, I did love him and there was some absolute banger fic for the Dadneto trope, which was where my heart was at. Come Together by blarfkey is absolutely the first place to start!
Hopefully this is what you were looking for, but if you have further refinements on what you're interested in, let me know and I'll try to give some pointers! I've been out of reading Marvel for awhile, but I have a huge backlog from when I was in it, at least. 😂
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rainydayathogwarts · 3 months
Choose what I write while I'm away
I'm travelling in a week for a week, and I might have some time to write at night, so choose what I write while I'm away... I have already written a Sirius Black fic and an Aaron Hotchner fic that are both ready to be posted next week, so here are some options for the week after.
Also, I'll be gone in a week, therefore you have 24h to choose...
A) Ron won't stop complaining about Seamus and his girlfriend taking up the dorm until he's the one with a girl in there.
B) James Potter is just a big softie with a praise kink and a girlfriend who feeds it.
D) Reader wakes George up to go out for a morning walk at the Burrow but George is feeling quite frisky and drags you behind a tree to give you some pleasure.
E) Nervous, nerdy Peter Parker always seems to have his eyes fixed on you whenever he stays on the bleachers 'reading his book', so you decide to confront him after practice, but it goes a little differently than you'd expected.
F) Steve Rogers looked a little too close to Natasha's new recruited vigilante spy at practice and needs to blow off some steam afterwards in his room, but little does he know she's listening in through the door.
G) Who knew a mere mortal woman could have Thor, the strongest god in all nine realms wrapped around her finger like a teenage boy?
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