sonyas-notes · 4 years
Can I eat it to get rid of depression?
would u like to own a B A G  OF L A U G H S????
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
Yo if you can draw anime can someone do this...
A sport/slice of life anime. The kids are playing pool, but people take that shiz mad serious. With techniques and dumb shit.
We start in a middle school with a young boy with collerfull hair (Perfably baby pink) is playing pool and it’s a fun game but our boy is hitting all dem spicy angles. And basicly trashing his friends at pool right in the middle of school (they sneak out at lunch every day with the security gaurd). And this kid is a total badass with the pool stick but when he’s around a lot of people he doesn’t know he gets very shy.
BAM NOW ITS A SLICE OF LIFE ANIME! The show would revolve around the boy’s everyday living and how he gets through life. He’d have 2 best bros who play pool with him (not as good but they got skills) and a cool girl that ya know, she’s that girl in the guy group. Basicly the whole group wants to set him up with this cute other shy girl who secretly(we know but the main character doesn’t) plays pool as well and will become a strange and very challenging opponent.
Now his father would be dead because of a ultimatum. His dad died to win a game of pool that allowed his family to be protected by the mafia to the best of their power. This would get its own narration from our main character’s mother when he gets caught sneaking out of school. She would go into anger-to-tears and talk about how her loving husband. How he didn’t care about winning, but wanted to have fun. This would give the flashback to his death where the mafia people are all shaded out at a pool table.
One shadow would come out but, the face would be shadowed out and the only thing that would glow would be red eyes and a bright white smile along with a jeweled pool stick. He’d look over and it would pan to our main character’s dad. The shadow guy would be talking as it pans,
“If you loose, you live, but you’ll live for me and when you die your son will pay off the rest of your dept. if you win, you’ll die instantly but, your dept will be paid in full. Your family will live a happy life and will never fear us, they might even say that they never knew we existed.”
The father would close his eyes and it would pan over to his wife in the hospital bed in labor... the doctors would be bringing her into the main room in prep for the baby and as they are bringing her to the door she would close her eyes and her and the husbands faces would be side by side with both eyes closed and they would both say put loud...
“It’s for us, I can do this”
“It’s for us, I can do this”
The story would follow our young pool lad as he learns pool from his dad’s past and grows to over come his anxiety.
If you like it please let me know!
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
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Memes out of context part 7
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
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Memes out of context part 6
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
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Memes out of context part 5
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
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Memes out of context part 4
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
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Meme out of context part 3
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
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Memes out of context
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
Today I learned Delibird’s bag is his tail and his “presents” come out of his ass
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
If I made this joke my girl would just stab me and continue with her day
No offense...
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I made these characters for a Mermay illustration and have wanted to more with them since, so…here’s a mini comic with my all time favorite bad joke. Their names are Amira and Kell, and I might want to do more mini comics with them eventually.
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
Maybe I’d be a less pissed off person if people stopped talking to me while I’m pissing
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
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This is my dog Socrates, he has recently gained his first pokemon contest badge and he love wearing it on his forehead. Tommorow he’ll head off with his mystery dungeon team to save more pokemon.
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
Can we have another month? I’m tired of the same 12... something interesting. Like Zuluy
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
Why do guys have nipples? For decoration? For weaponry? Was it a glitch?
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
Winter, an assasin who has the horns of a demon, though one broken still a demon. But, this just makes putting a beanie over it much more comforting
He has a little sister named Noel who stays in a phanny pack on Winter at all times (mostly)
Winter loves people, but he’s bad with social skills. When he can’t think of what to do next he will ask his sister to take out her notes.
The sister who can’t write for the love of her(bless her soul) hands then over and Winter is constantly reminded to take her to school but, is constantly lost in thought untill Noel snaps him back into it and Winter finally just stabs the guy they’ve been torchering for 7 hours to find out who took the last bag of sweet and spicy Doritos from the Seven Eleven. But whatever, it’s just another #Friday
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sonyas-notes · 4 years
Remmy, a three foot, jazz loving, stock market crashing, apocalyptic fighting, bomb throwing, smooth hand throwing, demonic, frog person.
He loves hoodies, cleaning, bringing down the man, slushees, anarchy, candy and good vibes
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