soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
“i love complicated.”
Headcannon meme for @cnxtaemin
Agonizingly slowly, SooJung trails her soft fingertips alongthe planes of his clavicle; so very lightly, lightly down to the smooth skin of his navel, as if the lightestbump and shiver under his flesh is braille that she can read with herfingertips. She pauses abruptly to his bated breath; on the boundary rightbefore his arousal, and there, she basksin Taemin’s frustration.
“Oh, ‘complicated’doesn’t even begun to describe this,Minnie.” There is a pair of handcuffs around Taemin’s wrists, and a blindfoldover his eyes, and SooJung is so thirstyfor his breathless sighs and low, sensuous grunts – she drinks them up greedily,insatiably as she elicits more and more of them, guttural and deep from within his throat. Ah – she is a woman fresh out of a desert,and Taemin is the tantalizing sight that greets her.
She licks the soft, vulnerable shell of his ear; and theheat of her tongue submerges him into the deep waters of ecstasy. He does notknow where her electricity-filled caresses will land next; and oh, how she revels in the reins withinher hands tonight. She bites – harshly; cruelly, and then assuage his soft skinwith eye-rolling swirls of her tongue. She leaves marks with her nails, andthen leave red-hot hickeys with her teeth.
She is a cruel mistress – and low laughter would fill theroom whenever he desperately struggles for more stimulation, and so shepunishes him with soft, teasing touches – just never at the spot he wants herto be.
Suddenly, her hands leave him entirely, and he curses at herfor leaving his cock tall and weeping, desperate for release. SooJung gigglesbut obliges – and oh God – unexpectedlyshe is there and everywhere, hands onhis straining arousal, and her hot mouth sucking on the vulnerable flesh of hisinner thigh.  Finally, she loosens her jaw and ease his thick length into thescorching cavern of her mouth, milking him for all he was worth.
The sudden stimulation throws Taemin head first into the deep waters ofall-consuming ecstasy.
SooJung is a cruel mistress, and so she holds his head underwater – suffocating him with the fathomless depths of blazingeuphoria, until his veins fills with liquid flames and scorching pleasure,crawling up his spine as it lifts off of its own volition above the silkensheets.
But then, just before stars appear behind his scrunchedeyelids, SooJung abruptly lets go, leaving him bare, desperate and hanging ashe curses and begs for her come back.
“Oh, by the timeI’m done with you, darling,” SooJung coos as she leans in to bite at his earlobe, one hand snaking down to palm again at his arousal, each touch a promise ofwhat is to come – and oh, how sheintends to keep those sinful promises. “You won’t even remember your own name.”
But you’ll remembermine – after all, it’ll be what you’ll be screaming out very, very soon.
Tonight, SooJung will make Taemin scream.
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
Tracker 2.5.17
Okies I am back from my holiday, and I’ve finally got my mess sorted somewhat, so I’ll try and be a bit more prompt with my slow-ass activity rate! thanks everyone for being patient with me, cries.
Owing: @cnxren (severe case of mistaken idenitity), @cnjinah (princess and pauper), @hyunwooxcn (I may look calm....), @cnxtaemin (starter from yesteryear I AM SORRY) 
Waiting: @cnxbambam (whites in waves), @cnxsato (200km/hr in the wrong lane) @cnminho (red eye), @cneunji (sleep cleaning) @cnxtaemin (something rotten this way comes) @cnxjennie (starter)
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
your muse is rifling through Mr Yang’s office desks, eyes scanning and fingers browsing across the mountain loads of files and folders and mostly boring paperwork. everything is left open and undone, except a single locked box, large enough to hold several files inside of it, found in one of the drawers. it’s very ornate and ancient, beautiful but solid. your muse can try to pick it, try to throw it, or try to break it, but it will not open without some sort of key, and there is no key inside this office that will fit the lock. you may have thought Mr Yang had no secrets from you, but you seem to be wrong.
SooJung hesitated, trailing pensive fingertips against the ornate wood. Perhaps it would be unwise to show the box to everyone. Immediately, SooJung’s mind travelled to her name boldly scrawled under the signature of Mr Yang’s Will, and blanched. In fact, if the Will was one of the files within the box, it would probably give people even more incentive in accusing her of murder; particularly after the huge mess that was the confrontation with the stupid detective. And god forbid, if Jinah had caught wind of the will….
SooJung immediately braced a hand against the box, pushing it back into its hiding place, exactly as she found it. She even piled a few papers in front of it for good measure. However, her feet remained rooted upon her spot, her neck rigid as it gained a mind of its own, preventing SooJung from looking away. 
What pretty secrets do you hold? SooJung whispered within the recesses of her mind, curiosity consuming her from within.
Slowly the tug of war between curiosity and fear of discovery commenced within her conscience. On the other hand, if the files inside were discriminating information about any of their current guests or business partners Yang dealt with, SooJung would be foolish to leave it alone. She could be giving up on receiving more parts of Yang’s will, after all.
She could even be giving up on finding Yang’s murderer before it was too late, now that she thought about it.
Curiosity emerged as the clear victor. She’ll go downstairs and try all of their master keys when the sun goes down. Perhaps she would even ask Taemin about a key the next time she saw him. After all, he knew this mansion even well than she did.
And perhaps, he was privy to more information that Yang kept hidden from her, as she had come to find as of late.
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
“i think i just puked on the inside.”
kill your darlings meme for @cnjinah​
SooJung snorted, the unladylike sound echoing off the mahogany walls. 
And there she goes, posturing again. Seriously, doesn’t she ever get tired of trying?
A few years back, that comment would have earned her a few gleams of barred teeth and months of unwashed bedsheets from SooJung, but that time had long passed. Indeed, Jinah held no power now; both within the mansion and over a now technically unemployed SooJung, and it seemed that everyone received the memo except for the wannabe vixen herself.
After all, it really didn’t take long for SooJung to realize that Jinah was simply a common farmhouse chicken, who thought that by wearing the discarded feathers of a peacock, she could rule the world.
“How unladylike of you!” SooJung gasped with faux shock and genuine disgust. “Tut, tut; no wonder you’ve been so desperate lately: no upstanding man in high society would be caught dead in your presence with that attitude.”
A glimpse of Jinah’s rapidly reddening face brought SooJung immeasurable satisfaction. “Aw,  perhaps you finally caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror?” SooJung cooed. “The poor mirror - I’m surprised it didn’t break at the mere sight of you.” 
“After all, Yang sure bailed soon enough at the sight of that atrocious face - I bet he had to fuck you from the back to avoid it.” 
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
he kept his voice low. “maybe, but you’re hiding something, i can tell. you just walked in and found him like this?” he wasn’t sure what to expect, but he did know soojung a little better than that– this was a dumb time to kill someone. there were too many people here. “okay look, we have to take care of this situation… there’s a storm outside right now, but tomorrow we’ll get everybody on a boat, get them out of here, and then we can leave as well.”
he didn’t realize it but he was gripping both her hands in his, looking off towards the body without really seeing it. all he could focus on is escape. “we have to do something with the body though..”
Taemin’s eyes were a slice of the abyss, and SooJung was teetering at the edge.
They were expressive, and yet not; knowing and yet unreadable, and as she searched them for answers; seeking insight into his thoughts with every fleck of hazel – SooJung was struck by how well she knew this man. Her knowledge of him taunted her in every flash of annoyance, every suspicious syllable, every movement of his limbs, things she knew an inexperienced eye could not see.
SooJung wondered if there had ever been another time where she had been close enough – and open enough – with another person to warrant this kind of mental intimacy.
And wasn’t it absolutely terrifying that the reverse was true also? That she had opened herself to him over the past year, and however tiny that gap had been – but that was enough for him to know her well enough to know that she was hiding something? And perhaps the most chilling of all; that whilst their escapades and bruises were a constant and familiar companion - his eyes; his window to his soul, still seemed every inch a stranger to her?
Familiar and yet a stranger. SooJung wondered if he thought the same of her, or if he knew her even better than she anticipated. As his breath blew chills across her cheeks, she wondered if he could see through her now, as her pupils dilated at their proximity, memories of pleasure enabling him to peer into her gnarled soul. Could he see what she had done?
“Are you accusing me of murder, Minnie?” She whispered lowly. “I’m wounded. I was merely bringing the old man some food, and you know that.” She cocked a head towards the upturned plate, now irreparably soiling the carpet. “I walked in and he was already fucking dead, Taemin. What in the world could I be ‘hiding’, hmm?” SooJung sneered, the upturn of her lips sharp and utterly devoid of mirth.
He had took her hands in his then, his actions seemingly innocuous and unsuspecting. Looking down at their intertwined hands, SooJung didn’t know what to think; her conflicted thoughts swirling around like the snow storm outside. Did he suspect her? And perhaps more importantly, did she suspect him? After all, both of them knew the mansion the best, having served the senile man for an extended amount of time. But could Taemin have –
There’s no way. Was he even capable of murder? (And here, SooJung was struck again by the inky, all consuming darkness in his eyes. She didn’t know, and wasn’t that just terrifying?
His hands were so chillingly warm around hers, and SooJung couldn’t help but to tremble at the thought of the same hands ending another’s life so promptly.
But his voice was offering escape, and at the mere thought of it, a rush of euphoria entered SooJung’s veins, rendering her heady with the thought of leaving the mansion’s maws forever. Oh, how could she have forgotten that freedom was right around the corner; with Mr Yang dead and his fortunes landing in her lap, all but wrapped with the glistening ribbon of a new beginning?
After what felt like eons of waiting, SooJung could almost taste the flavor of bittersweet freedom, and she wasn’t one to dwell and savor and whittle away at her time like a fool – she was going to be gone by the time the sun rose again, and damned if a meager storm will stop her.
“What are we waiting for then? Screw the snowstorm, Taemin, Let’s just go.” She whispered, tightening her hands around his. She wouldn’t stay with him for long, perhaps just until she’d received her part of the will. Despite this, however, Taemin was still the only living constant within her life, and she felt as if she couldn’t leave him behind.
(How many terrifying realizations were she going to reach in one day?)
“We can bury him in the snow,” SooJung replied impatiently. “And then we can leave straight away after that – and no one would suspect a thing.”
“Through the greenhouse.” she murmured as a distant memory struck. “Like what you and Mr Yang did with a man a few days ago.”
‘something rotted this way comes’
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
he startles under a foreign touch, involuntarily reaction that stings, and it’s as if his body responds to it, remembers the motions of grief and the corners of his eyes start to prickle. his hands move automatically, before his mind registers it, catches the few tears that fall before anyone can see them.
some trick of the light, of the mind, stops him for just a second; it’s almost a too vivid daydream, three seconds of his cousin being there, behind him, hand outstretched. it’s as if, for a moment, he willfully forgets the scene just behind him.
but the moment passes, and he cannot forget.
it’s only soojung there, a tenuous truce between barbed exchanges and kindness in her words. he quells the urge to fall apart at the sight of someone else, the mere pinprick of comfort enough to cause him to almost come crashing down. there is no love lost for the either of them, this is but shock, that his cousin is dead. this is not grief, not in the least; he will not show it, acknowledge it, at all.
“isn’t it,” he tries, missing the jauntiness he’d been aiming for. “my favourite housekeeper,” he manages, gives her a quiet smirk, closet of confusion hidden behind his lips.
“i suppose you missed me, did you,” he says, shaking his head softly. nothing feels like it’s in its rightful place, his hair falling into his eyes with the slightest movement of his head. he brushes it back, raises an eyebrow at soojung, using the same hand to reach out and curl around her wrist, its warm, pulse beating steadily under his fingers. it is oddly comforting.
his voice is too muddied with some complicated mix of emotions that it teeters, rebellious, too close to what he’s feeling. every time he speaks it drops further down. the familiarity of their old dynamic is the only ledge it can cling on to, as inappropriate as that might be right now. he cannot stop talking, despite the solid lump that’s obstructing his breath. it is all he can do to stop the high tide of his emotions.
“this is,” the words are lodged in his throat, unwilling to come out. what could he possibly say about his cousin, about the invitation right now? he shoves them down and tries something else instead.
“such a pleasure to see you again.”
SooJung’s hands faltered in their journey as the boy jerked, rendered speechless by the way his hands rose to wipe inconspicuously at a few tears at the edges of his eyes. The movement betrayed his inner turmoil, and as if she had seen something forbidden, invasive – she lowered her hand and gaze, as if to pretend she had never seen the true depth of his grief.
As her pupils studiously fixated themselves upon a spot beside Bambam’s ear, SooJung could not bring herself to understand why he would mourn for such a man. But then again, unlike the boy in front of her now, with grief pouring out of the glaring cracks within his visage, she had never known family like he did.
Perhaps if she had known better, if no evils had pecked at her heart until it flayed into tiny pieces; she would have understood. Maybe, she could have grieved along with him. After all, Mr Yang treated SooJung incredibly well, for a whore turned housekeeper. Alas, SooJung knew not of gratitude. She only knows how to take advantage, to take and take and take until there is nothing left; before running away into the sunset.
She does not grieve for anyone but herself. Not even for Mr Yang, not even for Bambam and his loss, and not even for the death of her own mother. Death comes to everyone, regardless if they asked for it or not; for there is no point in grieving. One can only plunge on, dance along to the whimsical fancies of life itself. To rise above the whims of fate, one has no time for the likes of mourning.
All of a sudden, SooJung regretted coming after Bambam. She doesn’t understand the concept of comfort, nor the depth of his grief. It is not within her responsibilities to cheer up guests – not to mention she wasn't even employed anymore, in the light of Mr Yang's death, for that matter.
(But then again, she is prodded by the tiny pieces of rooted sympathy back when she heard of the golden boy’s fall from grace, and knew too well what it was like to live surrounded by the scorn of others who mistakenly believe that they were superior – and in a way, perhaps, Mr Yang was but a consecutive blow after many. And SooJung knew she couldn’t just leave Bambam there. They were kindred spirits in a way, after all.)
SooJung veiled her disquiet with her usual smirk. As his shaking hand wrapped around her wrist like a lifeline, she obliged, scooting closer into his personal space, her cool breath landing upon his skin in an attempt to make him forget, her words corrosive to his hard shell of grief.
(Get up from the clutches of grief, golden boy.)
“Oh? I’m hurt. I was under the impression that I was the only housekeeper within your heart.” She whispered, aimed for sultry and landing somewhere else instead. Soojung’s cold fingers gripped his chin, turning it gently to meet his eyes. “Missed you? Debatable.” she brazenly laid a cold kiss beside the corner of his trembling lips, in the place of meaningless words of comfort. She knows not of soothing words. But perhaps knowing only how to comfort a man’s physical discomforts is enough.
“It’s a little unfortunate that you seem to look a little more haggard these days, golden boy. It seems like you missed me more than you let on.”
whites in waves;
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
Old Habits die hard, and habits that Eunji started died harder then Mr. Yang apparently since it was the middle of the night and somehow the girl found herself sleep walking to the drawing room and began tiding up. The room was mostly already clean and tidy which made tasks of putting things away much simpler even in her unconscious state. Dusting the artwork, straightening the couches and shifting the photo frames so they were in their original position. As she nitpicked her chores she had her eyes closed and she seemed to be humming to herself as she always did when she was working for Mr. Yang before. She was so focused on her task paired with her inability to know what was going on around her, she didn’t even notice the figure moving in closer. 
Insomnia is but an old friend now.
But true to her character, SooIung wasn’t one to greet old friends with joy (or any type of friend for that matter), and insomnia was no exception. Late at night, SooJung’s head lolled around in the guest bed, her dark ringed eyes stared up at the ceiling listlessly as she waited to fall asleep. Insomnia was insistent, she had to admit. It was there in the lingering sterility of a new bed that she was not familiar with, and it was within the scent of the snoring detective sleeping next to her. It was in the howling wind outside, and the rattling of the window in its frames. It clung to the walls of their shared room, and the whole house in its silence, darkness, and suspicion.
It was everywhere, like an insufferable, suffocating mother, and unlike her whore of a birth mother, SooJung cannot escape.
Slowly, SooJung’s head turned to face the back of the asleep detective. Softly, SooJung rose from her bed, the cold air hitting her skin, and raised tiny little goosebumps as her breath puffed little smoke clouds in the air. SooJung wondered who dared to turn off the heating, and who she needed to strangle tonight. A jacket was draped over her shoulders as she left the comfort of her room for the controller downstairs.
Slowly, she shuffled past the drawing room, her mind as clouded by the need to sleep, and yet her limbs swung mechanically with the need to do something; anything, but sleep. Her very being was a walking contradiction, and perhaps, SooJung was more affected by recent events than she’d like to admit.
With sleep out of her agenda for the night and forseeable future, SooJung knew no better cure than perhaps a steamy night with Taemin, or even better: annoying Jinah out of her beauty sleep, with whatever vicious methods SooJung could find.
Her slow and sluggish thoughts were obliterated with a sharp, startled kind of clarity, as her ears caught the small sounds of paper rustling in the drawing room. SooJung’s footsteps quieted in caution. Slowly, she peeked out of the corner of her room, her pupils trembling as she speculated upon the source of the noise.
To her astonishment, a girl was shuffling within the room, fiddling through Mr Yang’s belongings in a dreamy fashion, almost as if she was looking for something, but not quite. SooJung couldn’t put a finger on what it is the woman was doing, and she was not going to take any chances. Slowly shuffling into the room, SooJung reached out for a poker from the fireplace, and held it out in front of her warily.
“What the fuck are you trying to do?” She bit out, perhaps a little more hostile than what was warranted, but it was in the middle of the night, and burglary wasn’t exactly unexpected in a mansion like this one.
Sleep Cleaning
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
❀A severe case of mistaken identity❀
“For the last time, sir, I have no fucking idea where Master Yang is.” SooJung fumed through her clenched teeth, as what was left of her patience had already packed their bags, exited the country to become a hermit on a faraway mountain. In the same vein, her politeness (though realistically there wasn’t much in the first place) have also thrown itself out the window in the past few hours.
SooJung was at the very frayed ends of her tether, and if she hears the words ‘faster, what’s taking so long’, or ‘where is Mr Yang’ one last time –
SooJung wondered if she could convince Mr Yang to invest and sell some human skin leather. They were an expensive commodity these days, no? Unbidden, a sharp smile rose to SooJung’s face, as she slammed down the multitudes of plates with unnecessary force in front of her ‘esteemed’ guests. “By all means, dig in.” She said derisively. Tch. Taemin’s food was wasted on them.
Strutting quickly back into the kitchens for more plates and side dishes, SooJung’s thunderous, sulky face could give the sky outside a run for its money. What could be even worse: entertaining impatient; entitled guests, an irritatingly absent host, or the lack of attendants helping to serve the food? Picking up more trays than what was safe, SooJung stomped back into the dining hall, her ire reaching new heights.
If it weren’t for that monthly paycheck, SooJung would not hesitate to give Mr Yang a piece of her mind, preferably a decisive and painful strike towards his family jewels. All this effort for his dinner party, and he’s employing some kind of disgustingly political powerplay by not gracing his guests with his presence? Doesn’t he know that the role of the scapegoat in this situation would fall on the servants?
So engrossed in her mental slander of Mr Yang, SooJung was oblivious to how her sudden flurry of movement caused an imperviously placed tray to wobble dangerously. By then, it was already too late – the tray was already starting to fall off her shoulder. SooJung cursed at this course of events.
Apparently life could be even worse.
As life started its mockery of slow motion, SooJung could only helplessly watch as the plate slid closer to the love call of gravity.
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
“People don’t just bleed spastically Miss-” He realized he never found out her namt, ending his sentence there on an unresolved tone but pretending he had intended to just call her miss, and not realizing he’d misused the word spastically- which by definition would rather indicate doing something as the result of spasms, which at least to his knowledge, Yang never exhibited, and more likely intended to mean spontaneously, but the group would have to use context clues to unlock what he really meant, or instead be entertained by the idea of Mr. Yang terrible spasms in which a part of his body would suddenly start bleeding with no provocation. Such was the issue with completely understanding Minho. 
“A housekeeper or a beekeeper, you have just as much potential guilt as any of us! However, how do we know you did not simply strangle him and then scream to mislead us? The rest of the group had faded into the background for him, as he was both addressing Soojung and trying to concoct what she could have done, based upon his brief glimpses of the body. His empty stomach had turned upon seeing the body. He knew the man was dead, he knew there was blood. He knew he didn’t know the way back to the ballroom once he got to the office, but this maid did.
“Has anyone gotten a hold of the authorities? Do I have to boat her across that lake myself?”
Is… this guy for real? He’s…not a real detective, is he?
“SooJung.” The supposedly meek and traumatized housekeeper deadpanned. “My name is SooJung; if you cared to remember it back when I introduced myself at entrance.” Too much bite, SooJung realized at once, kicking herself mentally. Outwardly, she tried to compensate by hunching over slightly; as if trying protecting a fragile core. Traumatized woman. Soojung repeated to herself. You’re a traumatized woman, and they don’t think about clawing people’s eyes out and then pushing them down the grand staircase.
“You’re not making any sense.” SooJung murmured. She peered up through her eyelashes, wide-eyed and by all means the picture perfect vision of an innocent woman trying to plead her case. “You said it also: I may have as much guilt as the next person; but yet I’ve served Master Yang for years, and nothing has befell him until this dinner party, Mr Choi Minho.” Picture perfect, except - SooJung’s twin coal eyes were sparking with petty triumph and fleeting derision. Unlike the man in front of her; she had enough respect to memorize the guest’s names.
“As the house’s only housekeeper, it’s simply my job to keep the mansion clean for all of you – but that doesn’t mean you should baselessly accuse me like that!” SooJung cried, forcing a couple of tears to her eyes to hide her inner seething annoyance.
And just like that, SooJung set a trap for him. Like a scheming fox, she found the loopholes within his argument and mercilessly sank her claws into it. And then, to hammer in another nail into his coffin, SooJung utilized her deadliest weapon: emotional appeal to the murmuring guests around her. She was the perfect image of a traumatized female housekeeper, after all; bullied by a man who apparently accused tactlessly with no solid reasoning. In fact, SooJung could feel the tides shifting already, in the side glances of the guests around them, and they were certainly in her favor.
“If you have no proof, I suggest you to not slander my name any longer, detective.”
Let’s see how to weasel out of this one, you wannabe.
ivory&pumpkin||red eye
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
movie quotes meme.
“you wanted him/her/them gone!” ”don’t ever leave me.” “what is this nonsense?” “alert the press, tell them ____ is innocent!” “finally. an oasis in this wasteland.” “i love first times, i want my entire life to be composed of them.” “you dirty bastard.” “we’re stuck on this wheel of living and dying. an endless circle, until someone breaks it.” “you’re not anything yet.” “welcome to the edge of the world.” “she/he/they tasted like imported sophistication & domestic cigarette.” “where’s the liquor?” “and that’s what they’re selling? i’ll kill them.” “go for the throat.” “you’re hired.” “it’s complicated.” “i love complicated.” “complicated enough?” “to be reborn, you have to die first.” “it is our duty to break the law.” “it’s how we make the world a better place.” “you are extraordinary.” “destroy the old and make the new.” “what the hell is this?” “let’s get rid of him/her/them.” “first thought, best thought.” “if you’re gonna stay, don’t hog the blanket.” “shut your mouth!” “i thought you liked my mouth wide open.” “be careful, you’re not in wonderland.” “you are fortunate in your ignorance.” “you who have suffered, find where love hides.” “it’ll be us at the beginning. it’ll be a perfect day.” “it hurts, doesn’t it?” “i’m only good at beginnings.” “you started something, and i have no idea what i’m supposed to do next.” “show me the man who is sober and happy, & i’ll show you the crinkled anus of a lying asshole.” “you’d be dead if it weren’t for me.” “i think i just puked on the inside.” “i’m sorry let me make it up to you.” “say another word and i’m going to the fucking police.” “i made your life extraordinary.  “the reason i’m leaving is you.” “please don’t get involved.” “some things, once you’ve loved them, become yours forever.” “i’d be lost without you.”
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
He can clearly read the message she gives, but that doesn’t mean he listens. 
His hands are in his pockets for the entirety of the poor excuse of a ‘tour’, painted expression declaring that of boredom despite his true, vague interest. The information is useful ─ he could’ve found these things out on his own, probably, but making a map isn’t something he’d consider high on the list of things he wants to do ─ but the problem is that he learns hardly anything with the maid’s shoddy explanation skills. Sure, he’s not here to take a grand tour of the place, but they were staying the night, right? What if he woke up in the middle of the night and got lost? Rooms could be landmarks in situations like that.
(Honestly, he’s not expecting to do anything like that, but maybe, just maybe, the maid’s attitude has him feeling, well, like calling her out or something.)
Hyunwoo makes no effort to leave even when the others start to disperse, a nearly aloof air about him as he stands in place. Only when it’s just the two of them ─ him and this maid ─ does he look up, head slightly cocked to the side, face blank of anything other than a feeling similar to that of entitlement. 
“Yah.” Rude right off the bat, regardless of what his age may be in relation to hers; she’s only a housekeeper, after all. Anyone in the serving industry is naturally meant to be addressed as if they’re lower status no matter how much older they are ─ it’s something he’s long become acquainted with at the various jobs he’s taken over the past year or so. ‘Give what’s given to you’ and all that. “Shouldn’t we get a tour or something if we’re staying here? That wasn’t much of one.” 
From his tone to his expression, he’s looking down on her for sure (as if he has any right to, considering his own position). 
SooJung watched, gratified as her caustic behavior banished the majority of the guests away from her personal space, it rapid effect much like a long, heavy spray of insect repellent upon a group of incessant mosquitos. Ha. Good riddance. If it weren’t for Mr Yang’s displeasure hanging over her head, SooJung would love to whip out a can of insect killer instead. But alas, that simply won’t do. For now. At least the guests will be gone by tomorrow, and their persistent buzzing with it.
Whilst SooJung had much better things to do than to play a glorified babysitter for these blank-faced guests, life chose that very moment to throw rotten lemons at her. In front of her, a man stood stubbornly, much like a particularly fat and noisy fly. SooJung’s scowl deepened and became etched upon her skin as he addressed her informally, her fists clenching within the folds of her stupid maid uniform.
His gaze – that stupid look in his eye – SooJung hated it with vehemence. It was the look she’s received all her life; entitled, arrogant and condescending. All of a sudden, SooJung felt an urge to reach out and claw those very eyes out of his head – who are you to look down on me – before physically restraining herself from doing so – after all, Mr Yang would definitely decrease her monthly paycheck if she managed to blind a guest.
(He’ll be gone by noon tomorrow anyway – so in the meantime, try and not to get Mr Yang to scream at you, at the very least. SooJung chanted in her head like a mantra. It didn’t help that the man was undeniably attractive, like one of those upper echelon sons that Mr Yang liked to mingle with, and SooJung hated it.)
“Ha. What’s wrong, sir, is your brain so tiny that you can’t even understand what I said?” SooJung scoffed, an annoyed smile plastered upon her face. Attempt at being civil – a big fat fail. “Well then – if his highness demands it; then this lowly housekeeper must comply, right?” SooJung rolled her eyes, openly showing her annoyance. Sometimes, SooJung thought that all men were one of two things: stupid, or self-entitled. (Scratch that – SooJung thinks like this all the time.)
I may look calm, but in my head I’ve already strangled you 3 times.
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
delicate handiwork carefully cupped in one hand and cleaning materials cradled in the other elbow, he tries his best not to let his body tense. their eyes meet and his pan to the floor. his feet approach her against his better judgment until they’ve reached the doorway, where he turns a shoulder in her direction before taking another step forward in an attempt to slip past her, offering nothing but a short, “sorry”.
tw: description of a dead animal, tw: dead human corpse, tw: graphic depictions of blood
Restless with insomnia, SooJung wandered purposelessly throughout the estate, its halls as familiar to her as the anatomy of a man’s nether regions. Technically, she was now jobless – what with her boss dead and buried by her own hands, no less. Normally, SooJung would be out of this shithole like a hurricane, picking up what’s left of Mr Yang’s valuable belongings with her light fingers, claim her part of his will and hightail her way merrily out of this eerie house; but the massive snow blizzard outside prevented her from doing so. As she watched the snow color the grounds in a shade of impure white; SooJung’s pale fingers tightened around the edge of the massive window, cursing life’s deplorable sense of humor. She was finally free of the man, but she was not free of the remnants of his presence within this house, its wispy tendrils gleefully strangling her slowly but surely. When she broke out of her daze, she was somehow unsurprised to found herself in front of the pantry, one hand outstretched to fetch her cleaning supplies as if on autopilot. I must be going insane, SooJung thought bitterly. Why on earth am I cleaning? I’m free…aren’t I?
(Inwardly, SooJung knew – Mr Yang wasn’t a man whose presence can be undone so easily. Even now, as she sought for her cleaning supplies – his voice is barking in her ear, his displeased gaze boring more holes into her abused, peeling hands. SooJung had never displeased a man in her life before, and so she bowed; folded like wet paper under his reprimands, and wasn’t it strange that SooJung felt more disturbed by the shouting man before her than the feeling of meaty hands upon her own body?)
SooJung exhaled shakily, shutting the pantry door with more force than necessary as she turned up empty handed. Where in the world were her supplies? Left with no other choice, SooJung wandered the halls once more, hoping to find Taemin instead. Of course, however annoying he may be; he was by far, the most entertaining thing within this mansion. (And damned if she had to go back to her shared room with the suspicious, bumbling detective.)
Suddenly, SooJung was choking; her throat constricting – strangled by the pungent scent of rot and blood. For a moment, SooJung thought she could see the shadow of Mr Yang, his eyelashes and hair still full of snow from where she and Taemin buried him – And oh, he’s looking at her now, frothy, dark blood spilling out of his blue lips, yelling at her to go clean his bathroom again –
But that image faded, and instead, SooJung found herself gagging and teary in front of a guest’s door, the door handle still decorated with her white, bloodless knuckles. In the staggering, pale Mr Yang’s place, SooJung was greeted by an even more macabre image – a man, bent over the carcass of a dead, rotting bird, elbows deep in its dark, gelatinous blood. A scream bubbled out of her throat as she looked into his dark eyes and met his gratified grin instead. This man… this man is crazy – how could he look so happy; so satisfied doing such a thing? The look in his eyes were close to demonic, and SooJung wanted to run away – far, far away –
It was then the man turned to her, her blood stained cleaning supplies in one arm and the broken bird clutched in the other. SooJung froze at his approach, torn between screaming and kicking him in his family jewels. She did neither – instead, a pitiful, frightened shriek escaped.
“S-Stop!” SooJung cried, her voice shaking like a leaf in the wind as she faced him. “T-the blood… the bird –” And here, Soojung gagged, her dinner threatening to come out and decorate the lush carpets. “It must be you. The detective was right – you – you’re be the one – the only one –“
A shuddering gasp; wide, fearful eyes with the white sclera showing – “It was you who killed Yang, wasn’t it?”
200 km/h in the wrong lane
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
tracker 1.4.17
I owe:
@cnxsato - 200km/hr in the wrong lane
I am waiting on:
@cnxbambam - white in waves
@cnxtaemin - something rotted this way comes
@cnminho - red eye
@hyunwooxcn - I may look calm but in my head I’ve already strangled you 3 times
Plotting with:
@cnxren - A severe case of mistaken identity
And also TT I’m not very fast - please brace yoselves ;-; forgive me in advance 
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
he waits until the panic and shock fades a little bit, waits for the conversation to die out, before grabbing soojung and pulling her to the side, still maintaining eye-contact with some of the guests. he keeps his voice low. “soojung, what the fuck? what did you do?”
SooJung took a deep breath in to nurse her throbbing throat as the sound of many panicked footsteps thundered their way up the grand staircase, filling the previously silent house with sound, bluster and theatrics, even more so than during the dinner party.
Slowly, SooJung sank to the floor, hands clutched to her mouth shakily, as if her legs had suddenly transformed into jelly under the weight of her shock. It was partly for show, yes, but another part of it was due to the genuine and frankly overwhelming relief at the close call. (The cup would have condemned her completely. Luckily, it was disposed of.) Though if SooJung cared to look deeper; she would found that whilst she was not fond of Mr Yang and his murky motives; seeing his dead body – his blank, unseeing eyes meeting his untimely end much unlike the God he often seemed to be but instead; the filthy human he always had been. Chillingly, those blank eyes served to remind SooJung that not even status nor riches can save one from the death reaper himself. Yes, the real irony lay within the fact that all humans arrive at the underworld; regardless of what they were in the land of living. The last laugh have always been within death’s unyielding grasp.
As those thoughts clouded her mind with murky fear, shooting hot and cold flashes throughout her body, SooJung remained silent and still amongst the many conversations within the room. She watched silently like a statue as someone attempted to comfort her, laying a jacket upon her shoulders before joining the rest in observing the body. Before long, the silent vigil – the numbing shock – gave way to a crescendo of murmurs and accusations, and the voices of the guests begun to flood the room with sound. And yet, SooJung remained stubbornly silent, her eyes skittish and restless, before she curled into herself like wet paper; hoping that no one will pay more attention to the poor, traumatized housekeeper. Of course, that had to be the moment where she peeked up to accidentally meet taemin’s dark, piercing eyes.
Whilst his face was unreadable, his eyes told an entirely different story – there was realization and speculation swirling in those depths, and that was when SooJung cursed herself for falling into this man’s bed so many times. He knew her like no else else, it seemed, and he wasn’t going to let it go. So when he reached out for her in the midst of the dying conversation, SooJung merely folded like a limp doll under Taemin’s grip, willingly coming into his personal space; seeking refuge in his familiar chest, much like how women in shock were prone to do.
Luckily, her dark eyes were shielded by her hair, the dark secrets within privy only to Taemin and herself. “Easy there, Minnie. I’m offended – I thought you knew me better than that.” She whispered next to his ear, the atrocious nickname spilling out of her lips to serve as a warning to his accusations. “As if I’m stupid enough to do that in front of our guests.”
And as SooJung pulled back to look into his eyes again, their faces still only inches apart, she whispered once again, making sure that none of the guests could hear her. “I didn’t kill him, if that was what you were thinking.”
‘something rotted this way comes’
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soojungxcn-blog · 8 years
Minho had never seen his former professor like that- dead. Rushing into the office, following the scream he’d been more prepared for an active attack, seeing he’d grabbed a candle stick just in case someone was attempting to harm a guest, he hadn’t considered that he and the others who followed the noise to find their host gone from this life. 
When the entire group assembled, Minho was the first to speak up, he was that take charge kinda guy. “We need to stay calm.” He paused, waiting for someone to try and interrupt him, when no one did he continued “If this is in fact, every living being in this house, we are all standing in the same room as a murderer.” He had no way to actually know that. After the initial shock wore off and the crowd began to inch closer to the body, it there was nothing to suggest that there in fact, had been a murder in this room, except for the quickly going cold corpse of Mr. Yang.  Minho had paused to think then, that in a room of invited guests, probably friends and loved ones of the man, Minho would have the most to explain and the most motive to harm him, but no one had to know that.  “I have deduced- the maid did it.” The dismissive and loud screaming employee of Mr. Yang had been the one who’d alerted them to the body, and therefor was most likely to have killed the man. “I have tried to call for the proper authorities however, my phone does not have reception, so I suggest I keep an eye on this woman while someone else not on the same cellular network as myself tries to call.”  
As much as she hated it, SooJung thought she played the damsel in distress quite well, especially as the very desperate situation called for it in large, flashing neon letters.
Well, apparently she was wrong. The tall and bumbling man with a boldly brandished candlestick in his hand had accused her right off the bat, and whilst SooJung did hide the cup, she knew that nothing else in the room implemented her – especially as she was the housekeeper; for goodness sakes – She had no idea how anyone could be surprised to find signs of her activities here, in Mr Yang’s office, no less.
SooJung resisted the urge to bar her teeth at him and his damning accusations, and instead took a deep shuddering breath to keep up the pretense of a traumatized woman. “H-how do you know it was a murder?” She said, catching the attention of everyone in the room with her response. “I-I don’t know what happened- I just came in – and…and – he was already –“
SooJung took another breath, the air catching on her sore throat. Seriously, how do horror movie heroines do it? Her voice was already raspy and painful-sounding after one scream, for goodness sakes. “Mr Yang was supposed to be downstairs…but-but I… the butler was preparing the food and so I went upstairs to bring him some appetizers – so that he would come down… and greet his guests – But when I come up, he-“
Actually, SooJung wasn’t quite sure what she was supposed to do at this point. Was she supposed to cry? Wait for someone to comfort her or maybe even defend her?
In the end, SooJung settled for guilt-tripping and much use of her feminine wiles. “Keep an eye on me if you must; but if so – everyone should also keep an eye on each other as well. After all, how could you accuse m-me of murder?” SooJung stared up at him with glistening eyes. “I’m just a housekeeper!”
And oh, you’re so getting honey poured on your sheets for this, you frustratingly tall wannabe detective.
ivory&pumpkin||red eye
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