southern-dawn · 4 years
Blog Moved
Hello friends! I’ll keep this short, I have moved my blog here:
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southern-dawn · 4 years
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October || 2020
Hello my friends! October has been a bit all over the place, weather wise. It has been fairly mild considering we’re moving into late Spring, but the Storm Season has well and truly arrived - it has been raining for the past two weeks. Yesterday, it hailed! Also, if you couldn’t tell by my pictures, I fell absolutely in love with the sky. How was your October?
Blessed Beltane to those in the South and Blessed Samhain to those in the North - I hope you had as much fun as I did :)
~southern_dawn ✨
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southern-dawn · 4 years
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September || 2020
Hello friends! The first month of Spring has passed already. I feel like these past months, my life has just been getting better and better. I have these terrible dips sometimes but I’ve surprised myself this month by how good I’m getting at self-managing now.
This month, I’ve felt super drawn to water and the beach. So much so, I’ve begun making jewellery out of my massive shell collection, with help from my Dad, which has been fun. I’ve also done some hiking, and celebrated Ostara. I hope October treats me as well as August and September have. How was your September?
~southern-dawn ✨
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southern-dawn · 4 years
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Happy Equinox my friends!
Blessed Ostara to my fellow southerners, Blessed Mabon to northerners!
Today I celebrated by doing some cleaning, going for a walk in nature and making a flower crown. I also tried a few spells, and am going to do a tarot spread later. I also have a bath bomb for tonight too! I’ve had such a nice day, how was your day?
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southern-dawn · 4 years
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August || 2020
Hey everyone, we’ve reached the end of August, and Winter has come to a close. It surprised me how much came to life in this last week alone, I’m excited to see how much more blooms in the Spring. I tried to do more cooking and baking this month. There was this gorgeous sunshower as well. I tried to make a gif of it for you but the quality wasn’t good, so I’ve just included a picture. I had a wonderful August, how was yours?
- southern-dawn ✨
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southern-dawn · 4 years
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July || 2020
Hello friends! I had a wonderful July. I baked, I tried whittling for the first time, and spent so much time outside in the various points of nature where I live. Often, I have trouble staying in the present moment, but I worked really hard on that this month have have improved a great deal. I’ve learned to focus on the smaller things, like how warm the sun is during a cool winter day :) How was your July?
To everyone in the southern hemisphere celebrating Imbolc, and to those in the north celebrating Lammas, have a great day! I am celebrating Imbolc by cleaning my whole house — my back is aching now, but its very satisfying. I have a bath bomb as a reward later.
- southern-dawn ✨
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southern-dawn · 4 years
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had the delight of visiting some Botanical Gardens today
how was your day?
- southern-dawn ✨
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southern-dawn · 4 years
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June || 2020
First month of Winter has passed! I stayed up the whole night on the Winter Solstice to greet the Dawn and when I saw the first rays and heard the birds I felt so warm inside and really energised. Here’s all the pictures I took this month. How was your June?
~ southern-dawn ✨
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southern-dawn · 4 years
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Took a trip to Tasmania in December, 2019. Tasmania is a beautiful place, but I was even more able to appreciate the vibrancy and life due to the fact that my home had been shrouded in smoke from the recent bushfires. I hadn’t seen a blue sky in months.
I hope you all can see Tasmania one day :)
- Southern Dawn ✨
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