spacecasewriter13 · 2 days
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) || Thunderbolts (2025)
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spacecasewriter13 · 2 days
revising your writing is just like "is this weird. is this a weird sentence. is this the weirdest most poorly-worded sentence ever written by anyone" and the sentence in question is "he walked across the room"
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spacecasewriter13 · 10 days
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When the Lights Go On Again by @spacecasewriter13
Fic Summary: It is May of 1946, over a year after his fall from the Hydra train and losing his left arm, and James "Bucky" Barnes is struggling to adjust. Working as an analyst at the New York City SSR branch, Bucky tries to put the war and all of its sorted memories behind him. However, try as he might he is plagued by thoughts of Magdalene "Maggie" Ramirez, a Women's Army Corps (WAC) Corporal he met in London and hasn't spoken to since before his fall in January of 1945. Little does he know that Maggie, in her struggle to put the war behind her, has moved to the city and looking for a job with the New York Bell Telephone Company as a switchboard operator. Now, by sheer dumb luck, they are reunited as they both fight come to terms with what they were to one another during the war, and work to figure out how to move forward in a world that was unprepared to deal with the consequences of war in the unsteady peace.
Chapter 32: The boys are home again
Chapter Summary: Maggie tries to get into the Christmas spirit but finds herself wondering about all of the what-ifs as she spends time with old friends and new.
A cold chill gripped New York as December wore on, and Maggie found herself arm-in-arm with Annie Ames.  They were meeting the boys at Rockefeller Center to look at the massive Christmas tree and were admiring the widow displays decked out in Christmas finery along the way.  This was part of the double date that Daniel had planned.  She and Annie were going to meet them for dinner Saturday evening after the boys got off from work so they could enjoy some of the Christmas spirit currently overtaking the city.  It served well to get Maggie into the Christmas mood and help her prepare for her and Daniel’s visit to Norwalk before returning to Taunton for Christmas.  Both seemed a daunting task.  She was having a hard time getting ready for the holiday and was more than a little nervous about her visit to Norwalk.  So, Maggie was glad to have Annie for company on her quest to acquire the perfect Christmas gifts, as well as hopefully secure some intel prior to departure about what she could expect from her visit with Dick and Catherine in a few weeks.
Annie chatted happily about who she had to purchase for--- her list of family members and friends was lengthy.  Maggie found her own list somewhat abbreviated with a much tighter budget.  Not that she was strapped for cash, but her own childhood habits had been hard to break when it came to purchasing for Christmas.  Plus, it was difficult to purchase for her family, who seemed to never divulge what they wanted or even what they might need.  The children were easy enough, and she’d had the toys purchased and gift wrapped and mailed to Taunton before you could say Jack Robinson.  Everyone else though… that was a challenge.
To continue reading please visit Ao3
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spacecasewriter13 · 17 days
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Made this as a joke when bestie commented her writing fairy must have visited me to get me to pump out 3K words tonight.
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spacecasewriter13 · 1 month
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spacecasewriter13 · 1 month
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is anyone else just like, having A Time of it lately
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spacecasewriter13 · 1 month
One of my favourite things when reading fanfiction is when you click with an author's style so much that you adore the fanfiction you're reading, and once it's over you need more. So you go to their page and hope that there's more for any fandom you might know- only there isn't any. They've written for other fandoms you aren't familiar with and never would've thought about before.
But you're down so bad for their style and talent that they got you wading in like:
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spacecasewriter13 · 1 month
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That's what my hand looks like at the end of the day when I'm at a convention.
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spacecasewriter13 · 1 month
"Can't wait to see where you take this story" well I can't wait to see where this story takes me either
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spacecasewriter13 · 1 month
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When The Lights Go On Again by @spacecasewriter13
summary: It is May of 1946, over a year after his fall from the Hydra train and losing his left arm, and James "Bucky" Barnes is struggling to adjust. Working as an analyst at the New York City SSR branch, Bucky tries to put the war and all of its sorted memories behind him. However, try as he might he is plagued by thoughts of Magdalene "Maggie" Ramirez, a Women's Army Corps (WAC) Corporal he met in London and hasn't spoken to since before his fall in January of 1945. Little does he know that Maggie, in her struggle to put the war behind her, has moved to the city and looking for a job with the New York Bell Telephone Company as a switchboard operator. Now, by sheer dumb luck, they are reunited as they both fight come to terms with what they were to one another during the war, and work to figure out how to move forward in a world that was unprepared to deal with the consequences of war in the unsteady peace.
Chapter 31: Another Step Forward
Summary: Bucky and Maggie go to Breakfast at the Falcon. However both feel uneasy as the world around them is shifting as they try to figure out what stepping out really means and how best to navigate new and uncharted territory for their relationship.
Cold, lung-crushing cold engulfed him, his whole body immobilized, so tense that he couldn't move, couldn't breathe. He was suffocating, drowning like he'd jumped into deep water and was swimming, swimming, swimming frantically toward a surface that didn't exist.
Then he breached, gasping for air, blinking in the bright lights of an operating room, nearly blind, drenched in sweat, disoriented, ears ringing. 
Bucky was tied to an operating table, thick leather straps across his body. His arm was off, and pain radiated from the fresh, bloody stump. He was dizzy with pain and blood loss and thought he might vomit when a voice pulled him back.
"Sergeant Barnes, welcome back." Zola sneered as he walked up beside the operating table
Bucky strained against the straps, hatred mixing with sheer terror. He wasn't going to let Zola touch him, and by God, when he got out of these straps, he'd make him pay.
"Oh no. You won't be leaving any time soon. You have so much work still left to do," Zola continued, poking at his left shoulder. "The procedure is about to begin." 
He tried to jerk away, a scream welling in his throat, pain and the cold and the bright lights of the operation room making his eyes water. Then he saw it, the metal arm, lying inert on a tool table next to saws, scalpels, and other cruel implements of a brutal surgeon's trade.
They were going to use him as a weapon, a tool, their own twisted version of Captain America. He wouldn't allow it, couldn't allow it. He'd die before he let that happen. 
As if seeing the look in his eyes, Zola smiled and said, "You will cooperate, or measures will be taken."
He grit his jaw, glowering.
Then, far away, as though through water and at a great distance, he heard someone scream—a woman. 
"You son of a—" But he was mute, his vocal cords paralyzed.
"So. We understand one another. Sacrifices will be made, and your behavior will determine who, what, and when." Zola said. "Don't worry.
We won't kill her. Not yet. But the more you resist us, the more we take of her flesh."
"Where is she? Let me see her! If you hurt her, I will kill you." Bucky rasped, fighting for each word as it passed his lips, a mere croak.
"We shall see." 
Then, the sound of an electric saw filled the echoing space, and Bucky screamed as it was applied to his left arm.
With a jolt, Bucky jerked awake, sitting straight up in bed, his heart in his throat, his skin clammy as the sensation of sharp metal lingered on his skin. 
Continue Reading on Ao3
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spacecasewriter13 · 1 month
One of my favourite things when reading fanfiction is when you click with an author's style so much that you adore the fanfiction you're reading, and once it's over you need more. So you go to their page and hope that there's more for any fandom you might know- only there isn't any. They've written for other fandoms you aren't familiar with and never would've thought about before.
But you're down so bad for their style and talent that they got you wading in like:
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spacecasewriter13 · 2 months
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spacecasewriter13 · 2 months
Queens native and Harvard student Lauren Scruggs secured Team USA's gold medal in team fencing.
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She is the first Black woman to win an individual fencing medal! 🤺
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spacecasewriter13 · 2 months
When you get an unexpected uptick of kudos/comments/bookmarks on an old fic and it’s like… who recced it and where…. please….. i need to send a flower basket and include them in my will…….
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spacecasewriter13 · 2 months
I love soulmates but also this-
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spacecasewriter13 · 3 months
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1940s evening dress with 3D strawberry embellishments 🍓
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spacecasewriter13 · 3 months
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james buchanan barnes
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