spiderson-fanfics · 1 year
ummmm we aren’t gonna talk about me being inactive um I’ve been dealing with anxiety and school So I completely forgot about this page until I saw notifications after reading a fan fic on here so yeah sorry about me being inactive for this long but yeah
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spiderson-fanfics · 1 year
Hay everyone im sorry I haven’t posted anything recently well the thin is that I currently have 3 drafts that I have been procrastinating on because I have no idea what to do with them but yeah- anyway I’m trying my best but I just don’t have ideas so fun times also taking requests so yeah I’ll post soon.
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spiderson-fanfics · 1 year
The panic attack part two
so this is a prompt I found made by @irondadmadlads and yeah
Peter doesn’t have PTSD. Sure, his hands get sweaty and his breathing picks up whenever he’s in a tight space, but that’s only because he’s claustrophobic! He was never claustrophobic before Toomes. Maybe his dreams consist of space and ashes and fading away into nothingness, but nightmares don’t always have meaning! He never had this reoccurring nightmare until he died on Titan. Peter doesn’t have PTSD.
But Tony notices how Peter is always on edge. Always anxious. F.R.I.D.A.Y. hears the boy cry at night, not being able to sleep after a bad dream. Bruce sees the boy run out of the room when a trigger is mentioned.
Peter may think he doesn’t have PTSD, but his family does. And they’re worried about him.
(this is what the post said thank you to @irondadmadlads for the idea!) multiple occasions so this will have many chapters!
*Post snap Tony doesn’t die* ———————————————————————
Peter was waken up from his nightmare jolting up clearly panicking but he calmed down but only started crying after the fourth attempt of falling asleep it was almost 9 am it wasn’t a school night so Peter decided to go out on patrol. (May i add he went to be at ten and woke up at ten thirty and didn’t go back to sleep at all?)
“hay Karen do you mind telling dad I’m on patrol?” Peter asked the ai after he left through his window
“Of course Peter but are you sure you should be out here even if you only got 30 minutes of sleep?” The ai sounded concerned
“I’m-*yawn*- sure Karen.” Peter says almost falling
“Peter you should really get back you haven’t slept enough at all.” Karen said sounding concerned
at then he heard a gunshot he felt stinging pain in his leg and looked down.
“shit!” Peter yelped
Peter quickly webbed up the villeins and webbed to a bear by alleyway Peter k ew ye should tell someone so the only person he thought of was Tony.
“Karen, call dad!” Peter informed the ai
“already on it.” The ai responded
“Pete are you okay Karen just informed me you’re hurt?” Tony asks flying to the coordinates on his screen.
“d-dad, it’s bad really bad, I’m shot, leg im losing alot of blood.” Peter says his breath picking up
“Deep breaths kid im almost there.” Tony says trying to comfort the kid. Tony knows that the kid only says that he’s hurt if it hurt to bad for him to handle
“d-dad, I’m s-seeing b-black dots. Dad he-.” Tony sees peter faint falling off the ledge he was on
“Shit!” Tony yells catching the kid
“F. R. I. D. A. Y vitals!” when Tony sees the vitals he tells his ai to get Bruce in the med bay and ready for a unconscious teen with a bullet wound.
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spiderson-fanfics · 1 year
Nightmare relief
so I got this idea from @fotibrit and here is what the post said
“i think tony sleeps better in hammocks than real beds and occasionally pepper with ask peter if he can make a web-hammock for tony bc tony sleeps better in them and the webs somehow make the nightmares less bad”
remember all credit goes to @fotibrit
Tony had woken up from a nightmare off Peter almost drowning and jolted up waking pepper up in the sudden wake.
“Tony breath.” Pepper said softly putting pressure on Tony’s shoulder to ground the panicking man “deep breaths tones your okay.”
once Tony had calmed down pepper had left to get a glass of water for Tony coming back to guide Tony to another room where Peter once in awhile slept Peter was just putting up his web shooters when the pair walked in
“hay Mr. Stark.” Peter said quietly
“hay kid.” He said as pepper helped him into the web hammock Peter had just put up
needless to say Tony slept perfectly fine for the next couple days :)
so this is it for this little story it was a one shot I was just scrolling through and saw it so I decided to do it :)
yours truly
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spiderson-fanfics · 1 year
The panic attack
so this is a prompt I found made by @irondadmadlads and yeah
Peter doesn’t have PTSD. Sure, his hands get sweaty and his breathing picks up whenever he’s in a tight space, but that’s only because he’s claustrophobic! He was never claustrophobic before Toomes. Maybe his dreams consist of space and ashes and fading away into nothingness, but nightmares don’t always have meaning! He never had this reoccurring nightmare until he died on Titan. Peter doesn’t have PTSD.
But Tony notices how Peter is always on edge. Always anxious. F.R.I.D.A.Y. hears the boy cry at night, not being able to sleep after a bad dream. Bruce sees the boy run out of the room when a trigger is mentioned.
Peter may think he doesn’t have PTSD, but his family does. And they’re worried about him.
(this is what the post said thank you to @irondadmadlads for the idea!) multiple occasions so this will have many chapters!
Peter was leaning on a door frame at the tower watching the news with the avengers. Soon the news brought up a shooting where a man was shot and killed with a bullet wound to the chest (much like uncle bens death) and Peter ran out of the room. No one noticed except for one avenger, Bruce. Bruce watched the kid slip out of the room at the mention of the shooting confused but he thought the kid was going on patrol.
“F. R. I. D. A. Y?” Peter asked once in his room
“Yes Peter?” The Ai asked
“activate senses protocol. And please don’t tell Mr. Stark.” He told the ai
“activating senses protocol, are you sure you don’t want Mr. Stark?” The ai questioned
“Y-yes.” Was all Peter could get out before hyperventilating
after the panic attack went away Peter went on patrol to clear his head.
“Hay Karen? Do you mind texting Mr. Stark that I’m on patrol?” Peter asked the ai
“of course Peter.” Karen said
while patrolling Pete was injured he told Karen to hide it from Tony but Tony was already alerted and was on his was.
“I’m sorry Peter but Mr. Stark is already on the way.” Karen said
“damn it.” Peter said attempting to stop the bleeding “k-Karen how l-long till M-Mr. Stark gets here?” He asked quietly accepting defeat
“30 seconds hang in there kid.” Tony’s voice rang out through peters suit
Peter didn’t flinch he was too busy falling to the ground. ———————————————————————
when Tony said he was 30 seconds out it was really 3 seconds and he caught peter before he hit the ground. He inspected the stab wound and told F. R. I. D. A. Y to tell Bruce to be ready in the med bay for a unconscious teen with a stab wound to his abdomen.
when peter woke up he was dazed when he realized were he was he mentally cursed at himself for being so clumsy and letting himself get stabbed but then remember why he had done it in the first place. Tony walked in and saw peter trying to get up and Tony of course pushed him back down gently.
“relax kid.” Tony said
“M’sorry Mr.stark.” Peter said as he winced at the pain in his lower right abdomen
“you don’t have to say sorry kid but I do wanna know what happened for you too have a stab wound.” Tony said quietly
“I was saving someone and I was outa web fluid.” Peter said worried about being scolded
“I’m just glad it wasn’t a gun bud.”
Peters hand started to shake a little and he looked away from Tony. Tony of course knew the signs of a panic attack and grabbed the kids hand.
“deep breaths under Roos.” Tony said Bruce nodded telling Tony it was okay to take peter off the medical bed. Tony pulled peter to his chest letting the kid match his breathing with Tony’s heart beat. Soon peter was asleep and Tony told F. R. I. D. A. Y to make a panic protocol for Peter.
that’s all for this chapter it’s literally almost 3 am when I’m posting this so yeah have a good day/ night/ whenever you’re reading this
yours truly
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spiderson-fanfics · 1 year
The horse rider
A couple days go by and it’s Peters day to finally get back to the barn peters ecstatic he puts on his boots and grabs his hat and then goes to help Morgan with her boots.
“hay mo, roo y’all ready!?” Tony yelled from the front door.
“Yeah!” Peter says back.
Morgan hoops out of the room as ecstatic as Peter to start riding a horse, while Peter is ready to finally get back on mocha.
“You look amazing mo.” Tony says happy to see Peter finally look happy after his injury.
Morgan smiles back and since pepper is at SI tending to the work there Tony has been tasked with taking Morgan and Peter to the barn.
“Pete I got a question, is there medical staff at the barn?” Tony questioned after buckling Morgan in.
“Oh, yeah! I know the people there they’re the best medic/EMT in the world!” Peter informs
“is it one person always?” Tony questioned
“No but I’ll let you meet the medic on duty which I believe is an army sergeant.” Peter says
“An army sergeant? How long has this sergeant been serving as a medic?” Tony asked
“Oh for 3 years but she’s been a sub medic after becoming a captain of a team for 4 years!”
Megan had gotten a text from Peter saying he’s coming in but with some family members because his sister wanted to ride a horse. But his dad wants to meet the medic on duty.
Megan was tending to a sprained ankle when they had gotten there after she had rapped it she called for EMT’s for safe measures.
Megan heard her name and turned to see a teenager rushing after her at top speed. “Hay Pete!” Megan said after Peter rammed into her.
“hay serg! How ya been?” Peter asked
“Good. Ah this must be the family members you were talking about.” Megan said
“Yep meet my little sister and my dad.”
“Hello sir, my name is first sergeant Megan Goodman.” Megan said introducing herself taking her medical bag out and closing her truck door.
“hello sergeant Goodman, you must be the medic on duty.” Tony said shaking her hand that she had offered.
“I am but please you can call me Megan I’m not on military duty currently and I don’t normally use my rank and last name unless that person is my higher up.” Megan said
——————————————————————— After peter knew Morgan was in her class for that day peter bolted for mochas stall. (Not really bolted just walked a little faster) he had all of mochas tack (the tack in this picture below)
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When he got there mocha stood up and saw him. “hay mocha did ya miss me?” Peter ask somehow mocha nodded
hay everyone that’s all for this chapter it’s literally 1 am right now so yeah that’s why I left it on a cliff hanger so yeah
yours truly
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spiderson-fanfics · 1 year
the horse rider
hello everyone! So this story is a spiderson irondad fanfic and Peter has known how to ride a horse for a long time and morgen wanted to ride horses so of course Peter knows that he can teach her but they have to get Tony’s and pepper’s opinion on it. enjoy!
——————————————————————— Peter loves his stable going there ever since the passing of his parents, he wanted nothing more that to go back to the stables and see his horse mocha a chestnut horse that is fifteen hand tall(5 feet tall) after not going for 3 months due to an injury he sustained during a patrol.
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(Mocha in full tack)
“Petey!” Morgen exclaimed as she runs to peter.
“hay mo!” Peter says lifting morgen up.
“petey I wanna ride a horse!” Morgen says as Pete sets her down.
Peters face lights up but quickly fades when he realizes he has to ask Tony. “How about we go ask dad?” He asks morgen
“Okay!” Morgen says happily
tony and pepper where cooking dinner when the kids entered.
“Daddy!” She says running over to Tony
“hay mo.” He says smiling
“hay dad.” Peter says walking in a picture of mocha sitting in the back of his brain.
“hay kiddo you seem down everything alright?” Tony asked a little concerned
“yeah can I talk to you alone?” Peter asked hesitantly
“sure under roos.” Peter smiled leading Tony to his room.
“so um- morgen wanted to ride a horse, and I know a barn near by and I was wondering if you’d let me take morgen when I go and so she can Learn from people that have been riding for a while.” He says picking up a picture of mocha (the one above)
“you go to a horse barn?” Tony asks confused
“it’s not only a horse barn. It’s an actual barn it’s really cool You get to care for all the animals there but yes I do.” Peter says setting down the picture and Tony sees the picture
“who’s the horse in the picture kiddo?”
“that’s mocha my barrel racing horse.”Peter say’s hoping Tony doesn’t freak out
“wow kid how long?” Tony asks
“12 almost 13 years.” Peter says “So what do you say?” “ I’ll talk to pepper she’ll most likely say yes but still.” Tony said
Peter beams excited to be able to teach Morgan
——————————————————————— That’s all for this chapter as you may have guessed peter is 15 almost 16 years of age and yeah part two coming soon!
yours truly
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spiderson-fanfics · 1 year
the adoption (part 2)
When I opened my eyes I looked around seeing my brother asleep in a chair next to me, then I heard beeping I looked over to where I heard the beeping only to see a heart monitor. I got confused and then I saw someone walk in. I went reaching for my knife only to find it not there.
“hay kid good to see you awake.” The man quietly said
“where am I?” I asked trying to figure it out
“you’re in the hospital, I’m doctor strange” said the man
“Oh, hello.” I said not letting my guard down
“relax I won’t hurt you.” He said
“how can i trust you?” I asked hoping i could pull pete to my side
‘Jesus this kid think I’ll hurt her what the hell has she been through.’Thought Stephan
Stephan sat down next to the boy that was now sleeping.
“hay um doctor strange?” The young girl asked
“what’s wrong kid?” Stephan asked
“if I tell you something can you protect my brother?” The kid asked pointing to the young boy
“ of course kid” Stephan said a little confused
“well I live in a group home, and the kids there try too hurt my brother and the woman that runs it doesn’t do anything.” The girl explained, “ I had to teach myself how to properly wield a knife or gun so I can protect me and my brother”
Stephan could clearly see the pleading in the kids eyes. She was scared, trying to suppress it but Stephan saw it.
——————————————————————— damn it I shouldn’t have said anything what if he’s gonna say that I’m a bad role model, or he’s gonna confront the manager of the group home, or or-.
“hay, hay deep breaths kid deep breaths.”
Once the kid was calm he put the kids bed into sitting position.
“are you alright kid?” He ask a bit concerned
“I’ll be fine.” The kid answered back. Stephan clearly saw the lie but let it go.
“You hungry?”he asked as he knelt beside the bed.
“yeah a little.” The girl admits
“alright.” He states standing “ I’ll be right back, I’ll bring something for your bother”
The girl nodded and Stephan left the room keeping the light to a minimum.
When the door opened next the group home manager walked in.
“why the hell did you say that!?” She screamed
“say what?” i questioned
“about the group home!”
Peter woke up at the sudden screaming and ran be hind my arm, sheilding him from the woman. Peter was shaking scared of the yelling.
“Get. Out.” Said the doctor from earlier from what i could remember his name was doctor strange. He looked upset, mad even.
“come on Peter.” The woman said
“No!” Peter said quickly scrambling closer
Stephan heard screaming so he quickly went to the hospital room it was coming from when he entered he saw a woman who looked in her late 30’s. “Get. Out” he said sternly the woman attempted to get the boy but she left defeated. “Are you alright?” He asked quietly to not frighten the young boy. the girl looked at the younger boy “yeah we’re okay.” She said softly.
“I brought food.” Stephan said holding up a bag.
“hay Steph!” Tony called hearing the door open.
“hay love.” Stephan said a little upset
“Everything alright babe?” Tony questioned coming out of the kitchen
“yeah. But remember the girl that was on the news?”
“yeah I remember did you find anything?” Tony asked
“sure did, her brother and her are at mercy hospital, and she told me what actually happened.” Stephan explained
“So what actually happened?” Tony asked
“apparently the group home she lives in the kids there try too hurt the girls brother and the woman that runs it doesn’t do anything,” Stephan started, “The girl had to teach her self how too properly use a knife and gun just too protect her and her brother.”
“What the hell?” Tony stated concern clear in his voice. “What do we do babe?” He ask clearly concerned
——————————————————————— When I was discharged we went back to the group home, when I got there I put my hand on my pocket in which my knife was sensing something was off. I pulled Peter closer to my side and looked around keeping my guard up.
“go to your beds.” The woman said firmly
Peter dug closer into my side scared as I led him to the room we shared.
“what- what if we don’t get adopted?” Peter questioned
“I promise wether we do or not I’ll always protect you.” I said settling down on my bed after tucking Peter in.
the next morning I woke up to crying I looked around seeing pete being pulled out of the room “PETE!” I screamed getting up pulling out my knife and opening it running after them. When I reached Peter I pulled him to me holding my knife out. I didn’t realize until someone put a hand on my shoulder.
“kid relax.” The man said
I closed my knife remembering the voice “D-Doctor strange?” I asked turning around
“yep that’s me.” He said smiling
when Stephan knelt down the girl was shaking hell she may have almost had a panic attack. After signing the papers the girl seemed surprised.
“I said I’d protect y’all didn’t I?” Stephan asked
the girl only smiled and then they left leaving that hell hole forever.
Hi! This is the end of chapter 2 no this isn’t the end of the story there will be more later on but I’m going to work on other stories.
yours truly
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spiderson-fanfics · 1 year
The adoption
“Get away from him!” I shouted, i was holding out my knife keeping my brother close to my side
\\pause: hello! My name is Y/n Parker, my parents were killed along with my aunt and uncle. All of them were killed in a mugging. My brother and I are currently 4 and 7. Im 3 years older than Peter.// the kid’s in front of Peter and I found a what looks like a piece of rebar, the kid i front of the others lunged at Peter I closed my knife and jumped in front of my brother my whole world going black
“Hay tones!” Stephen greeted when his fiancée walked in.
“hay Steph.”
“everything alright love?” Stephan asked worriedly
“yeah just a long day.” Tony said with a sigh
Stephan pulled tony into a hug trying to comfort him.
Peter was crying in the hospital waiting room the group home manager putting on a fake ‘I care about what’s happening’ face Peter knew damn well that she’s faking. His thoughts are interrupted by the doctor coming out to talk to them.
“hello my name is doctor Conwell.” The doctor greeted
Peter perked up “how’s my sister?” He asked trying to be tough, for a 4 year old, that was hard.
“well Y/n will have epilepsy due to the head injury” doctor Conwell concluded
“what does that mean?” Peter asked
“shush Peter let the adults talk.” Said the group home manager
doctor Conwell completely ignored the woman’s statement and turned to Peter. “Well It means that your sister would faint then start shaking and it can’t really be stopped” she said
“oh so like seizers?” He asked forgetting that its not common to understand that since he’s a 4 year old.
“Y-Yes they are seizers” doctor Conwell said wondering how this kid knew what seizers were.
Peter nodded remembering what his sister taught him about first aid.
“how do you know that kid aren’t you 4” the doctor questioned
Peter then realized that it wasn’t common knowledge for a 4 year old. “Oh um,” Peter stammered, “ my sister taught me enough first aid to be able to help anyone who needed it.” He said
the doctor nodded “follow me you may see her”
*Watching the news* “Jesus fuck!” Tony almost yells
“what?!” Stephan asked concerned from the kitchen
“you know the group home 2 houses down?”
“yeah-?” Stephan says confused
“apparently a 7 year old girl named ‘ Y/n Parker’ fell down 2 flights of stairs crushed her skull and gained epilepsy.”
“what the- falling down two flights of stairs wouldn’t make you crush your skull” Stephan explains going into doctor mode.
Tony goes wide eye. “You think-?”
“that there’s more going on? Yes.” Stephan says
“what are we going to do Steph?” Tony asked
Thats all for this chapter! Chapter two comes out probably tomorrow or Monday! Sorry it’s short I’ll try to make them longer but otherwise have a great day, night, or what ever Time you are reading this at! yours truly
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