#Tw: mention of sharp objects
spiderson-fanfics · 11 months
The adoption
“Get away from him!” I shouted, i was holding out my knife keeping my brother close to my side
\\pause: hello! My name is Y/n Parker, my parents were killed along with my aunt and uncle. All of them were killed in a mugging. My brother and I are currently 4 and 7. Im 3 years older than Peter.// the kid’s in front of Peter and I found a what looks like a piece of rebar, the kid i front of the others lunged at Peter I closed my knife and jumped in front of my brother my whole world going black
“Hay tones!” Stephen greeted when his fiancée walked in.
“hay Steph.”
“everything alright love?” Stephan asked worriedly
“yeah just a long day.” Tony said with a sigh
Stephan pulled tony into a hug trying to comfort him.
Peter was crying in the hospital waiting room the group home manager putting on a fake ‘I care about what’s happening’ face Peter knew damn well that she’s faking. His thoughts are interrupted by the doctor coming out to talk to them.
“hello my name is doctor Conwell.” The doctor greeted
Peter perked up “how’s my sister?” He asked trying to be tough, for a 4 year old, that was hard.
“well Y/n will have epilepsy due to the head injury” doctor Conwell concluded
“what does that mean?” Peter asked
“shush Peter let the adults talk.” Said the group home manager
doctor Conwell completely ignored the woman’s statement and turned to Peter. “Well It means that your sister would faint then start shaking and it can’t really be stopped” she said
“oh so like seizers?” He asked forgetting that its not common to understand that since he’s a 4 year old.
“Y-Yes they are seizers” doctor Conwell said wondering how this kid knew what seizers were.
Peter nodded remembering what his sister taught him about first aid.
“how do you know that kid aren’t you 4” the doctor questioned
Peter then realized that it wasn’t common knowledge for a 4 year old. “Oh um,” Peter stammered, “ my sister taught me enough first aid to be able to help anyone who needed it.” He said
the doctor nodded “follow me you may see her”
*Watching the news* “Jesus fuck!” Tony almost yells
“what?!” Stephan asked concerned from the kitchen
“you know the group home 2 houses down?”
“yeah-?” Stephan says confused
“apparently a 7 year old girl named ‘ Y/n Parker’ fell down 2 flights of stairs crushed her skull and gained epilepsy.”
“what the- falling down two flights of stairs wouldn’t make you crush your skull” Stephan explains going into doctor mode.
Tony goes wide eye. “You think-?”
“that there’s more going on? Yes.” Stephan says
“what are we going to do Steph?” Tony asked
Thats all for this chapter! Chapter two comes out probably tomorrow or Monday! Sorry it’s short I’ll try to make them longer but otherwise have a great day, night, or what ever Time you are reading this at! yours truly
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kit-the-hetero · 13 days
fuck it..
notes challenge cuz i’m bored
1- I’ll try to do my hw
25- I’ll clean my room (tomorrow)
50- I’ll try to be better at checking my messages across platforms
100- I’ll make one of my random Spotify playlists public
150- I’ll attempt to learn a song on piano
200- I’ll get an actual hobby
250- I’ll stay clean for three days (sh)
300- I’ll drink more water
400- Clean for five days
500- I’ll post an art dump
600- I’ll text someone I’ve been meaning to
650- I’ll try to have actual conversations with said person
700- I’ll do a poetry dump
800- I’ll eat lunch more often
850- I’ll stop listening to subliminals that don’t have to do with research
900- I’ll try to take better care of my mental health
1,000- Clean for a week
1,050- I’ll take better care of my physical health
1,100- Just overall try to eat food more often
1,150- I’ll ask my parents about therapy again
1,200- I’ll come out to extended family
2,000- Clean for two weeks
2,222- I’ll get rid of my sharp objects
Deadline is: June 7th, 2024
edit: Due to some.. Unexpected-ness, ten reblogs and twelve comments per person please!
edit two: Changing the clean streaks because yeah.
edit three: Changing the time limit to Friday- You alive beings are scaring me-
edit four: Changing coming out to my dad because I don’t think it’s safe anymore.
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stuck-in-8th-grade · 11 months
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idk-whatiamdoinghere · 2 months
Tw sh stuff
Tw blades
Blade collection
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cluster-b-culture-is · 9 months
Cluster B culture is making murder jokes and yelling while holding sharp objects because its a completely fine thing to terrify people right?
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slicedicerepeat · 4 months
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I relapsed every1 😎
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Art dump dump pt 5: MY CHUNKY SKETCHBOOK TOUR SO FAR (in order)
1- (not showing u the cards cuz they're personal) full first page (Animatronic Daisy x2, Mooncrash (song), Danny, Me, Wendigoon x3 and the Rolling Giant)
2- (zoom in)
3- full second page (Colony x2, Maple, Me, Mooncrash (lsoh au), Rusty and Rose (lsoh), Rose (lsoh), Mooncrash (lsoh), Danny vc (DANNY VS. -Catholicism -Dysphoria -Alternates -Spiders -Danny?), Dedenne but real, Me (song))
4- (zoom in)
5- full third page (Gayle and Lankmann's #1 song it fits them so well (song), Danny and Jonah, random witchcore bunny, 2nd ever Megan drawings and tntduo with live platonic husbands reaction)
6- (zoom in)
7- (zoom in)
8-full fourth page pt1 (Cruella ( @plxtypusbearr73 ), Hades, Mike, Raya, Local, Virana and Benja)
9- (zoom in) Dragon gem
10- full fourth page pt2 (Cruella, Sisu ( @jekinabox ) and the Drunn anime screenshot, fresno nightcrawler, Will, random doodles (Mike), Raya x2, Handunit x2, Sisu)
11- full fifth page pt1 (Miku, random grung, Genderman, Hatter, hands x2, Mince ( @jekinabox ))
12- full fifth page pt2 (background thing, random clown, my dog Yogi, random scene lady, and the poly bbys (they will kill you))
13- full sixth page pt1 (Local and Genderman (MINCE RUN), Megan and the other guy that showed up and never came back)
14- some dnd oc idea
(first seventh page page in pt 6)
15- seventh page pt2 (Zami (song))
16- full eighth page pt1 (Kyata, Colony x2, Drew)
17- full eighth page pt2 (random shit, Ash, more random shit, Stanley, Theo and even more random shit)
18- (first part unfinished) Waawaa, Cloud, Drift, Flame, Maple, Giratina
19- (first part unfinished) random doodles, Will
20- (SPOILERS) full ninth page pt1 (Adam, Will-O being a gremlin, Kenneth and Klaus)
21- (zoom in)
22- (zoom in)
23- full ninth page pt2 (Winfrey and Jack in the Raggedy Ann and Andy style)
24- (zoom in (Will x2, Danny, Danny and Monokuma)
25- full tenth page pt1 (Random shit, Will-O, Winter (Hurricane AU))
26- full tenth page pt2 (The MCI (song))
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loaflovesdoodling · 10 months
Since I can't really draw anything today, but I don't really wanna have the day off either, here's a little fic I wrote for @george228732's Fylass in Wonderland :D
(Well, it's not really a fic, per say, more like a oneshot, but, anyway)
(Context; this happens right after the finale, Ades asks for a couple minutes of alone time before joining the others downstairs to make dinner.)
"what if all that stuff the kid's saying is... even partially true...?"
-Pleiades closed the door behind him, staring into the mirror, muttering to himself.-
"is there actually another me? A soul almost identical to mine? Does he feel the same emotions I feel? Does he feel anger, remorse, madness, pride? And..."
-His gaze temporarily avoided the mirror before him, as he stared at his hands and paws.-
"...does that mean I'm a so-called 'symbol bearer'...? Is he immortal like me...?" -he wondered, seemingly hallucinating as if a diamond-shaped hole had perforated his right hand.-
" ...so if he's exactly like me, then.... his parents..? And... Dulciana...?? No... no.... I must not call her name in vain. Noone must ever hear about her." -he scolded himself, looking away and clenching his fists.-
"even then..." -he walked closer and closer to the mirror, facing it once again.-
"if that Pleiades were to 'shatter'... what would be of......"
-he gazed into his reflection wide-eyed as the mirror suddenly shattered, glass shards flying everywhere. That ruckus echoed throughout young Fylass' house, accompanied by a loud and distinct groan, then being followed by utter silence and the sound of blood dripping-
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alex-cvtter · 1 month
Does anyone else use pins and needles for baby cvts & scratches. Just wondering
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creelby · 4 months
well i’m sorry you’re sorry ****** but you did body shame me in public in front of the whole family and told me off when i started crying so…
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firecurls-27 · 2 years
(Warning! This post contains guns, sharp objects, mentions of abuse, drugs, death and murder)
Continuation of this!
Ron belongs to @zibiscusloon
Goldie belongs to @nightmaretherabbit
Vessel belongs to me!
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Btw, nightmare and zibi, y’all can 100% continue this if you want👀….
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idk-whatiamdoinghere · 2 months
Tw sh stuff
Cutting myself well listen to my grandma play vr in the other room is something else
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aaronhotchstuff · 2 years
inside jokes + scotch
hi so @witchofinterest sent an ask from this prompt list and i accidentally posted it while i was still writing it like a dumbass GDKDHDKDK so anyways here you go!! but MY LOVE THIS PROMPT IS LITERALLY FOR THEM HOW DID YOU KNOW 😩 thank you sm for sending it in!! <3 also, i’m gonna be super vague with what inside joke this is because i can’t come up with anything specific rn lol
CONTENT WARNING: mentions of rape, torture, murder, just the general cm lingo since the details of the current case are mentioned but it’s nothing graphic because this drabble is actually fluff!!
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It was bad.
Four women in three weeks; raped and tortured then dumped naked in public places with no evidence or witnesses whatsoever. The team had been consulting the local PD after the first two murders occurred, then were officially invited in after the third body dropped. Unfortunately, they were on another case at the time and when the fourth body was found, it’s only been a couple of days since the victim went missing as opposed to the several days he held the previous victims captive for the torture; a clear indication that the unsub is rapidly evolving and isn’t going to stop until he’s caught. Undoubtedly one of the worst cases they’ve ever had, and there it was.
A laugh.
It echoed through the conference room as the team was fully debriefed of the case. Disturbed, they all turned their heads to the source of the sound; Phoebe. She snickered mindlessly at something Hotch said, and found it hard to stop once she started. It was stupid, really. Something they talked about the night before at her house, where Hotch had spent the night after Phoebe and Danny’s Sunday afternoon barbecues that always seemed to turn into sleepovers, as the latter would call it. He’d been coming over for the weekly occasion since the boy first invited him, which allowed him to get to know Phoebe outside of work and vice versa.
Aaron Hotchner did have a sense of humour, after all, and it sent Phoebe to an uncontrollable fit of laughter ― surprisingly and embarrassingly.
After their antagonistic first impressions and interactions, she didn’t expect to have so much fun hanging out with him during those weekends, and with Hotch’s surprised yet amused expression as he watched her snort, neither did he. Mostly because it was just such a small, stupid joke that he didn’t think she’d remember.
Phoebe eventually felt the stares on her and forced herself to a stop, cleared her throat then looked up at her coworkers to meet their confused looks, excluding Hotch whose subtle smirk she’s learned to pick up over the time she spent with him.
“I’m sorry, I know how bad this is. I just... remembered something Danny said,” she reasoned, and although the team didn’t exactly buy it, they all decided to let it go due to the urgency of the case and got up from their seats, then Hotch spoke up.
“Really?” he asked, and the team could tell he was teasing, “What was it?” he added as he picked up his copy of the case files and she gave him a glare that made him back off quietly, but not without a shit-eating grin that everybody noticed despite his efforts to hide it. “The jet’s already been prepped. Wheels up in ten.”
Phoebe scoffed. Little shit.
The team simply watched as they both left the room; Morgan looked to the rest with a raised brow and a hand gestured toward them. “That’s not just me, right?”
“Yeah, an inside joke,” Emily replied in amusement, Rossi and JJ just as amused as they walked out of the conference room one by one. “I guess they’re finally warming up to one another.”
“It’s true,” Reid piped up excitedly behind them, his hands already in the air and the team readied themselves for what they thought to be random fact spewing as they walked together, “Phoebe’s less tense whenever she talks with Hotch now, and they voluntary reach out to talk to each other unlike before when they would only interact when it’s necessary and actually dreaded it. Meanwhile, Hotch always asks her what she thinks and he also seems to make her laugh pretty easily―actually, lately Phoebe gets even more relaxed when he’s around and she gets him to smile here and there so although using the phrase “warming up to one another” is accurate, I think it’s actually more of an understatement.”
The boy genius nodded continuously with a smile as he finished sharing his observations and put the rest of the team to a stop, all of them staring at him. Not just because all of the things he said were most likely true, but also because of how much he knew about it.
“And you know all of this because...?” JJ trailed off teasingly.
Spencer gulped and licked his lips to prepare himself for another long speech as they all walked toward the elevator with their go-bags in hand, “It’s quite obvious, actually, you can just see how their previous demeanour around each other differs from―”
“She was joking, kid,” Rossi interrupted. “We’ve all noticed it.”
He winked as the elevator arrived and gave him a pat on his back, which prompted the rest of the team to chuckle while they entered one by one. Reid looked away in embarrassment with flushed cheeks and furrowed brows as he followed suit and cleared his throat.
“I knew that.”
send me a prompt <3 tagging a couple moots because i crave validation lol; @claryxjackson @come-along-pond @luucypevensie @starlit-ocs
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souvlakiandcocaine · 9 months
rape/predation metaphors make me wet and always have since I was a child :/
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silentlittlefire · 10 months
how it started: my clothes DO feel more loose. ill just take my measurements incase I want to start looking at clothes for this festival. ill just hop on the scale real quick as a pick me up.
how it ended: ive not even lost 2lbs and im 🤏 close to either binging or giving myself the ol' slicey dicey.
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lilac-axolotl · 1 year
(tw:blood and sharp objects/torture machinery)
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I got a ruth goldbirg machine for christmas :]
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