spiralofcrows · 11 months
rare pop in here: uh... with recent Leaked Screenshots im here like... obviously i really hope tumblr doesn't actually die, but if it is getting more unlikely that this site will stay up long term then we really need to figure out an off site archival. um
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
is there an autospec / autosexual cultute is blog? asking for a friend (a headmate)
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
uh so. this blog is messing up AGAIN (i think my stuff has been hidden from search for the fourth fucking time) and i've decided that, along with the fact i'm simply not really in the MOGAI community anymore, this is probably as good of time as any to transition the other topics i post about to my main blog
not gonna directly link it because ooo nerves, but like. i've literally reblogged from it onto here before if you want it you can find it
MOGAI community i love you and i am kissing you all on the forehead (if you want of course). this is simply just a period of my life that i think i have now moved on to elsewhere, and it feels right for me to leave this blog behind for the crows and vultures to enjoy. i'll still be vibing and posting queer and plural stuff on main, it just won't be focused on MOGAI or neogender stuff nearly as much
peace out - your friend, lucian
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
A couple of Notion templates! (mainly plural focused)
Hi! Here's some Notion templates that I made to use for my system and headmates that I felt others would find useful. One is specially designed for plural systems, while the other is more so designed for everyone
Headmate Information
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This is a template designed for recording information on headmates (although you could modify it for other things like kins if desired!) Has a bunch of fields for easy sorting though headmates, and bigger sections for a full about, sources, relationships, and faceclaims - although you can obviously add or remove fields and sections to fit your needs!
Find this template here (link)! [to use it, hit the duplicate button on the top right]
Term Collections
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A simple template for organizing and storing terms; initally made for collections of queer terms such as xenogenders but can be easily modified for any purpose!
Find this template here (link)! [to use it, hit the duplicate button on the top right]
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
unsure if i want to keep using this blog or move most of my posting to my main
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
I hate the new polyamourous flag it feels like forgetting our history and a kick in the face.
I get the original one is eyestrain and that's why people make eyestrain accessible flags! But fucking ditching the original flag in favour of this shitty redesign is shit and feels like forgetting history for me. We don't need a new flag, the original one is fine, the creator is good and the symbolism is good. The new flag is shit imo.
Fuck the new flag
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
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Gay male flag color picked from this picture of Jupiter taken by the James Webb Telescope
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
i should really discuss our POSIC+ stuff sometime actually
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
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kenochessaic/chessaiomen/chessaihex: a kenochord related to chess in some way; a kenochoric chessaic gender; being both kenochoric/an omen/a hex and chessaic; being both a kenochord and a chessaic gender
[pt: kenochessaic/chessaiomen/chessaihex: a kenochord related to chess in some way; a kenochoric chessaic gender; being both kenochoric/an omen/a hex and chessaic; being both a kenochord and a chessaic gender. end pt]
for myself! the outer four stripes are from the chessaic flag and the inner two are from the kenochoric flag. the term is 'keno' + 'chessaic'/'chessai' from 'chessaic' + 'omen'/'hex'!
flag id: a flag with 6 stripes. in order, they are very dark grey, off-white, purple, very dark indigo, cream, and very dark brown. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
dni link
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
Attention anyone who uses forearm crutches
Do you hate sticking to your crutches during summer? Do you dislike the hospital gray?
I’ve been trying for MONTHS to find a pattern or someone who sells crutch covers, but I never found anything for forearm crutches (probably because I’m in the US) so I’ve decided to make my own pattern! And anyone can use it!
I’m sorry if it doesn’t make any sense, this is my first time creating a sewing design.
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These are the prototype that I’ve made so far.
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Please let me know if you use this (and send pictures!) and if there’s anything you think will make the design better.
Next up I’m working on padded covers for the part for your hands!
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
Are there differences between systemmates surrounding sensory things? (For example, one person likes the taste of one food and another doesn’t.)
I don't think there's any big ones, but there's definitely a lot of little minor ones. Some us can handle certain textures, foods, fabrics, ect better than others.
The biggest one is probably the smell of cheese. Depending on the headmate, we go from "don't like that but I can deal with being near it" to "if there's cheese near me I legitimately feel ill". Why cheese out of all things? I have NO idea
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
Plural Ask Game
We figured we’d try making an ask game! This is for anyone who’s a system–regardless of origin–to use. Remember that you’re not obligated to answer any of these if any are too personal!
How many members are in your system, and does this number change frequently?
What are your collective pronouns, if you have any?
What’s your system name if you have one, and how did you choose it?
Are there any activities your system members like to do together? Collective hobbies? Talk about those!
What sort of music do people in your system like?
What’s the average age of your systemmates?
If you have a singletsona, what is it? Explain a bit about them!
Does anyone in your system have roles? If so, what roles?
How long have you been a system and/or known of your system?
How did you discover your system? What was the process?
What does switching feel like to you, if you switch at all? 
Are your switches voluntary, involuntary or a mix? How often do you do it, if at all?
What’s your favourite part of being a system?
What’s your least favourite part of being a system, if you’re comfortable sharing?
Are your headmates generally different from the physical body? How do they differ from it?
Do you have any fictives/factives/etc? Tell us a little about them!
Does your system have a headspace? Are there multiple of them? What are they like?
Are there differences between systemmates surrounding sensory things? (For example, one person likes the taste of one food and another doesn’t.)
Does anyone have any different accents, or speak any different languages?
How would you describe your system in 3 words or less?
Do you have any LGBT+ headmates? What do they identify as?
Does anyone outside of the internet know you’re a system?
Do you have any cool/funny stories from inside the headspace that you’d like to share?
What’s some advice you’d give to yourself when you were first discovering your system?
What is something you wish singlets knew about plurality?
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
I don't understand why so many people are against circumgender? Like I understand why someone might be if they don't understand how complicated gender is, but I see people who are otherwise respectful of "contradictory" labels be against it, and that hurts as someone who does fall somewhat under it.
I can't speak from a perisex perspective but from an intersex perspective? The term makes a lot of sense. AGAB can be complicated when you're intersex, and I feel both like a trans man and trans women due to my experiences, despite being assigned one of those at birth*. I don't think this term is bad, and seeing it hated so much sucks.
(*Oh, which one is my AGAB? Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy /reference)
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
if you're able to, please consider donating to medical aid to palestine or doctors without borders, who are both working to bring urgent medical assistance to palestine
this blog stands with the people of palestine and their fight for freedom. to the land to the sea, palestine will be free
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
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Heravic : A (BI)POC exclusive term to explain the phenomenon of having system members that have darker skin than the body due to being excluded from the bodies culture(s).
pt: heravic
co coined with @spiralofcrows
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this term was coined by and for (BI)POC.
banner id: grey dividers that are a straight line.
More explanation on this term: as a mixed person of color that was heavily whitewashed and excluded from my culture all my life (only helped by my pale skin), but always somewhat knew I wasn't completely white, and experiencing racism, colorism and guilt due to this has caused many of my system members to apear darker in skin tone.
@radiomogai @pluralterms @pluralterms-ohmy
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
dni lists don't work and i am well aware of this but just know that if you are a zionist/pro-israel and/or you think the israel/palestine situation is a "neutral situation" please know that you are extremely unwelcome here and will be made to feel that way. free palestine
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spiralofcrows · 11 months
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who decided to make icons the size of ants
because nahhhh this is really going to bother me actually setting icons that look good is hard enough
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