spooky-starker-week · 11 months
Cadet Cody: *Runs up to Alpha-17* Cadet Cody: Can I say a bad word? Alpha-17: What? Cadet Cody: Can I say a bad word? Alpha-17: Yes? Cadet Cody, turning to Cadet Wolffe: YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH Alpha-17: WHOA HOLD ON-
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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Vampires Peter and Tony awakening from slumber as the sun sets upon the city of New York and, after darkness has shrouded the city, setting out upon the streets to remind the human populace of to whom their home belongs.
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: After Dark
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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Husbands Tony and Peter spending their afterlife together, dancing through the abandoned rooms of their old manor and offering shelter to those who wander into their home.
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Friendly Ghosts
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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Cookie Dough
fill for @spooky-starker-week​ Bingo 2021: Baking K*nktober 2021: Against the Counter Content: 18+, soft-turned-aggressive s*x  Word Count: 1K Read on AO3
“Whatcha got there, Petey pie?” 
Peter smiled as Tony’s arms snaked around his waist from behind, his chin resting on Peter’s shoulder. He continued to roll out the cookie dough on the kitchen counter, coating the rolling pin with flour as he worked. 
“Did you forget? We’re in charge of dessert tonight.”  
“I didn’t forget, I just thought it’d be easier to get something store-bought.”
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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Witches Peter and Tony marrying at the witching hour under the light of a full moon.
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Witching Hour
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
Time for another moodboard & drabble(ish) for @spooky-starker-week for Spooky Starker Bingo
Prompts Filled: Rituals & Witching Hour
(yes, two in one!)
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Everyone was up in a tizzy. Someone had broken into the safe of Stark Industries and had stolen the broken Iron Man armor. The same armor that Tony Stark died in, that Pepper had had locked up so that no one could ever steal his designs and use them for anything other than what Tony intended.
And someone had stolen it! Had taken it right under security’s nose!
What on Earth would someone want with broken, empty armor?
Peter hadn’t meant to get so caught up in this. What had started all of this was the arc reactor, of all things.
(That, and he just missed Tony Stark so damn much.)
He had stood by, holding hands with May, and just watched as Pepper let the original arc reactor float away in the water. And he got it, that this was symbolsing of the world letting go of Tony Stark or whatever, but all he could think about was that she shouldn’t have done that, now anyone could end up finding it and does who-knows-what with it!
So, once it had gotten dark, he had crept back out to the lake - grateful that Pepper and Morgan had gone to stay with her family for a couple of days - and dived in, finding the reactor and taking it back to the apartment.
It was all downhill from there, really.
Okay, so…
Peter was desperate. And when he had found the spell one day by accident when he was helping out Dr. Strange, how could he not attempt it? The ritual itself seemed easy enough, and really, if it didn’t work, no one would have to know what he had done, right?
So… he stole the Iron Man suit.
And now… now he was out in the cemetery, in a large black hoodie with the hood covering his face - and laying out the broken pieces of the Iron Man armor. Next, he pulled out the picture of him and Mr. Stark, sitting it down next to him. Next came some candles, the copy of the spell he had made so Dr. Strange wouldn’t notice the book missing, and then the herbs he “borrowed” from the other man to make up for the ones he couldn’t find himself. The final pieces he needed were the arc reactor, and a small vial of blood. Breaking the arc reactor out of the little case it was in, he gently placed it on top of the empty chest of the suit. Then, lighting the candles, he sat back on his knees, pulling a pocket knife out.
Like he said, he was desperate, okay?
Glancing up at the full moon above him, he took a deep breath. He didn’t even really need the paper, he had memorized the spell word for word at this point. He didn’t want to risk messing anything up.
“As the witching hour rises with the glow of the moon
I bring to you, the pieces of a soul taken too soon.”
He closed his eyes and took another deep breath before he opened up the vial and dropping the few drops in the middle of the reactor. It was Morgan’s, which he had gotten from Stark Industries, since Tony had been paranoid - he had blood samples of everyone he knew and cared about, and Peter had only needed the few drops, so it wouldn't be missed.
“With the blood of the family and the blood of the willing,” he said, now dragging the knife across his hand and dripping his own blood on top of the reactor. He took a shaky breath as he glanced at his watch.
One minute to midnight.
“Now with the power of the full moon, I will you to come back to the living!”
His watch beeped.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Nothing. He rested his head on the cold metal, heartbroken. It didn’t work. He felt a few tears slip down his cheeks and fall onto the metal below his cheek.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Peter’s body locked up as his spidey sense went haywire, and then he felt a large metal hand come up to cradle the back of his head.
Bingo card below the cut
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
Time for another moodboard & drabble!
@spooky-starker-week for Spooky Starker Bingo
FREE SPOT - Came Back Different
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Peter and Tony had been happily dating for the last 6 months, when the unthinkable happened.
Peter was kidnapped, taken hostage by someone who wanted to hurt Tony. Everyone thought that this is what would break the older man, would make him finally snap. And even though he would do anything to save Peter, the man he loved, he didn’t snap. He kept a level head, and got Peter back.
Peter was different though. Whatever they had done to the younger man… It worried Tony. Peter didn’t tell him what happened the two weeks he was held captive, and the men who had caught him didn’t say a word, no matter the threats made to their wellbeing.
Peter was so somber now, so different from the Peter that Tony had grown to know and love over the years. He grew distant, pulling away from the older man. They stopped eating dinner together, stopped going out on dates. Tony didn’t want to hover, but he was concerned.
And then came the news.
“Local “hero” Spiderman seen breaking into banks.”
“Spiderman newest villain in town?”
“What happened to Spiderman?”
And then the photos; of Spiderman in an all black suit, attacking people and then, fighting with other heroes.
Tony knew he was the only one who could stop the younger man, and hopefully bring his Peter back from whatever the hell had happened to him.
Before it was too late.
Bingo card under the cut
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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fill for @spooky-starker-week​ Bingo 2021: Free K*nktober 2021: Bondage  Word Count: Drabble (100 words) 
Silver, translucent threads cascade down his body. He strains against the adhesive substance, but they secure him in place. He shudders as Peter’s hands crawl along his skin, the delicate caresses leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
“Peter, please,” Tony cries out.
“In due time, my love,” Peter whispers. He admires his handiwork: Tony laid bare and splayed out before him, beneath a webbing of his own design. Fingers ghost over Tony’s length, causing the man to jut up his hips in desperation. 
Tony whimpers at the darkness swirling in his eyes. 
“Oh, Tony. We’re going to have so much fun.” 
Bingo Card under cut
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
Time for another moodboard & small drabble!
For @spooky-starker-week Spooky Starker Bingo
Prompt Filled: Pumpkins
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“Did you find the one you wanted, sweetheart?” Tony asked, hearing a giggle from behind him.
“Yep! This one!” Peter said happily, swinging the pumpkin gently in front of him, holding it by the stem.
“That’s a good one! You ready to go then?”
“Yep yep!!” Tony smiled at the younger man, who just looked so proud of the pumpkin he chose. “Can we go make jack o lanterns now?” he asked, and Tony nodded.
“Yeah sweetheart, let's go carve us some jack o lanterns.”
Bingo card below the cut
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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Peter refused to let Tony go. They barely had any time together before Thanos, before Tony died. And he refused to accept it.
He would do anything to bring Tony back to life. Delve into dark magic and try whatever rituals he could get his hands on. Whatever it took, even if it meant making an enemy of Dr Strange, Peter would do it.
But one thing was for sure, Tony wouldn't stay dead, not if Peter had anything to say about it.
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Rituals
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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Scaredy Cat
fill for @spooky-starker-week Bingo 2021: After Dark Summary: For someone who acts so tough, Peter never expected Tony to be such a scaredy cat.  Content: fluff, same-age Starker Word Count: 0.8K Read on AO3​
It was a dark and stormy night. 
Really, it was, and Tony and Peter had decided to spend it by watching shitty 1-star Halloween movies. 
“Ooh, I’m so scared,” Tony said, waving his hands as a man in bad zombie makeup jumped out from behind a wall. He mimicked the main characters’ cries as they ran from the monster. Peter laughed, turning from his position on the couch to slap Tony’s arm. 
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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Tony and Peter having a quiet night in, snuggling up together and watching Nightmare Before Christmas
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Free Space
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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Tony and Peter taking their daughter Morgan out trick or treating
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Trick or Treat
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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A Lil’ Bit of Sugar
fill for @spooky-starker-week Bingo 2021: Trick or Treat Summary: “Peter, I dare you to go trick or treating at one of those pompous assholes’ mansions.”  Content: Starker, fluff Word Count: 1.2K Read on AO3 ♡: @momothequeen134 @winterthal @sarcastich @lemonpeter @bluestarker @babybatscreationsv2 @90minsofscreentime 
“Aren’t you guys a little old to be trick or treating?”
“It’s called ‘rebelling against social norms’,” MJ explained. “We’re protesting against the notion that childhood ends at the cusp of teenagehood, which punishes teens for indulging in any kind of innocent fun.” 
The man at the doorstep stared at her incredulously, then glanced at Ned and Peter, who were behind her. All three were clad in costume, holding pumpkin-shaped candy buckets like they were five and not fifteen. 
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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Peter and Tony baking Halloween cookies with their daughter Morgan.
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Baking
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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Tony and Peter going to pick out a pumpkin together for their first Halloween as husbands
@spooky-starker-week bingo fill: Pumpkins
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spooky-starker-week · 3 years
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Starker // Autumn aesthetic
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