springg-official · 4 years
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Redesign of Zero.
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springg-official · 4 years
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Hey y'all! Also, this is going to be my main oc for this. So ask him anything.
A hahaha..... I got tumblr back, even though my account is probably dead lmao. :)))
Also, I'll post a back story for this dude, later. But here's some information for now...
Name: Zero
Age: 19 yrs old
Species: (Human) Mystic black and white wolf, Japanese wolf mix.
Height: 6'3
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springg-official · 5 years
For any of you famous films people out there here ya go uwu
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springg-official · 5 years
TheFamousFilms Theory Comic Pg. 1
I finally finished pg 1 of this TmT. The theory was:
When Molten told Bryan about the universe where you can use in an endless loop and molten said that he would take him there and probably try to kill Bryan over and over.. And then when they both come back Bryan still feels the pain from when he was in there, Only because Molten messed with the portal to make the affects last...
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springg-official · 5 years
This is a series I will do on my channel, like when.. I finish the fnaf 6 Pizzeria Simulator series owo. and it's gonna be good because ya see the SpringG above the other SpringG, well the one above, with the red glowing eye, and a knife.. followed with. dark blue outline. Yeah.. that one.. his name is, S.O. SpringG, and technically he's trying to kill SpringG, but all he ever does I just hurt him.. badly.
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springg-official · 5 years
Welp, I finally made a new watermark OwO
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springg-official · 5 years
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SpringG - " I have some memes! For someone~
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SpringG - " SPRINGTRAP! "
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Springtrap - "what"
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SpringG - " HAVE SOME MEMES! "
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Springtrap - " What was that?! "
SpringG - " They're called memes! Memes are precious!
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springg-official · 5 years
SpringG- " oh well I guess tha-
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SpringG - " Halp "
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Springtrap - " Zadglow, tease him all your want.. He'll get used to it. "
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SpringG-“ OH really? ”
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SpringG- “I didn’t ask to be like this.. ”
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SpringG- “And my “cute” attitude, there’s a lot more where that came from. “
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springg-official · 5 years
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SpringG-" OH really? "
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SpringG- "I didn't ask to be like this.. "
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SpringG- "And my "cute" attitude, there's a lot more where that came from. "
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springg-official · 5 years
Why are you coot and adorable? -Zadglow
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SpringG- "Hmmmmmmmmmm"
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SpringG- "Thought I made it clear that I wasn't cute nor adorable...."
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springg-official · 5 years
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Ask this lil smol some questions! You can also ask Springtrap some questions too! Cause apparently, him and Springtrap and shipped together so uhm-
Ask them or dare them whatever you want!
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springg-official · 5 years
I just wanted to post something owo
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springg-official · 5 years
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This is something from Episode 2 of Swap Universe.
SpringG- When are we going to?
Springtrap- We can't tell them... Or they'll freak out..
SpringG- Okay.. I'm fine with that.
Springtrap - Everything will be alright..
Technically what happened before this, SpringG had to fight the opposite version of him, S.O. SpringG and he got hurt but he's not hurting anymore. SpringG went into a room to have some time to himself, and Springtrap went in there with him, to talk with him...
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springg-official · 5 years
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So true tho XD
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springg-official · 5 years
This is just so I can remember this owo
After I do the main fnaf 6 Pizzeria Simulator series I'm doing on my channel, I'm starting a one or two season series. And I've told some people this that it would be called, "Sparkling Nightmare" but nope. I actually came up with the idea in science class, because we were talking about the universe and how there are millions of different universes. That's kind of a weird place to come up with an idea, right? Well my idea for this series after I'm done with main fnaf series, is that since there are different universes... This is gonna take place in the fnaf universe, obviously. The following characters that are gonna be in it is: SpringG (my OC), Springtrap, Lefty, PigPatch (possibly not sure yet), Scrap Baby, R. Foxy, Mangle, F. Foxy and Ennard (Molten). The story with this series is that all of them, find out about this completely separate universe and they find a way to get to that universe, but they didn't know that they had, clones there. But the "clones" were the opposite of what they were, the nice was the mean, the mean was the nice. Everything was different, they had to ask what this place was, but the leader of the whole place have them attitude, only because he was the complete opposite of SpringG, that means he was the most rudest on that particular universe. But then they finally got to him and he told them where they were, and it was called "Opposite Plain" everything about it was opposite. After they talked to the leader for a bit, they asked him how do we leave? But he told them that each of the! had to conquer a sin to their loved one, each one. If they didn't they would have to conquer a sin that would hurt someone else's feelings badly.. And SpringG had to do it. He didn't want to hurt anyone, he knew all of them personally... He chose someone, to get sad, and instead of making him sad he got really angry! And it was Springtrap, SpringG almost started to hate him, and he almost hurt Springtrap, physically. Then after awhile and a lot happened, they finally got back home... They all apologized to each other... Then that's pretty much the end.
Thanks For Reading TmT
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springg-official · 5 years
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My OC Info ⤵
Name- Rayonetta
Age- 19
Born- March 25, 2000
Type - Color Master Wolf
Background - Rayonetta is a very happy person, it's very hard to get her mad or sad. As in, she is very happy.. she's also the leader of the Color Wolf pack.
What it is the Color Wolf pack?
The Color Wolf pack is a group of wolves that have two different color wolf ears, that are bright and happy colors.
What if a wolf has black and a white wolf ear?
Then they're not a Color Wolf pack. They would either go in the Black and White wolf pack or the demon wolf pack, it depends on how they act.
Background - (continued...) Since she is the leader of a wolf pack she has a lot of responsibilities, as in she gets stressed a lot cause almost every week there at least 2-3 new wolves joining the pack. But as for her parents, she hated them... Why? It's because they would always tell her she couldn't do anything right, and they would always abuse her every time she do something wrong. Her parents were from two different wolf packs, her mom had blue ears, and her father had purple ears. Her parents passed away when she was 18 years old. She has been happy ever since because then she wouldn't have to deal with they're bickering.
(I will draw Rayonetta's parents soon)
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springg-official · 5 years
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Name- Sayrina ???
Age- She died at the age of 14
Parents- Her mom died at birth, her father died when she was 5 years old
Siblings- She was an only child
Type- Angelic Demon Spirit
Background/Past - She was a very depressed throughout her whole childhood. He mother died when she was born, her father passed away at the age of 38, when Sayrina was 5 years old. After that she was adopted by a really famous family, her step sister was always rude to her until she was 11 years. Her step mother and father were the nicest to her, when she turned 12, She tried to commit suicide, but her step sister stopped her.. So she waited two years (she's 14) she didn't try to commit suicide, but she did get killed somehow.. How? That is yet to still be figured out, no one knows how she died. But they assume she was poisoned... But she wasn't.
Present- She knows who killed her, so now she is seeking revenge and make him suffer like she did. She knows exactly how she died but no one else does... She's still searching for the person who killed her...
Thank You For Reading TmT
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