star-script · 6 years
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Spirit of the year to come by Max Ellis
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star-script · 6 years
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Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson (3.5 Stars):
Plot ½ star
Characters ½ star
Writing Style ½ star
Theme / Message 1 star
Response 1 star
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star-script · 6 years
“What a beautiful thing it is to be able to stand tall and say, ‘I fell apart but I survived.’”
— NotSoMommy.com (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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star-script · 6 years
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star-script · 7 years
Everyday is leg day when you’re running from your problems
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star-script · 7 years
all i want is to have one of those ghibli moments where the protag is just lying in a breezy field with wildflowers and big puffy clouds overhead. that’s the goal here.
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star-script · 7 years
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rest in peace angel… ❤️
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star-script · 7 years
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star-script · 7 years
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Kohei Nawa - Foam (2013)
Small bubbles (cells) continue to form on the surface of a gently lapsing liquid. They accumulate to form an autonomous structure comprised of foam. Each bubble cannot escape the cycle of birth and destruction, which is not unlike the way our cells operate as they metabolize and circulate.
© All images courtesy of the artist
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star-script · 7 years
“will u marry me?”
“okie dokie”
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star-script · 7 years
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Future goals
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star-script · 7 years
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star-script · 7 years
The Unexpected Everything (review)
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The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson receives 4.5 out of 5 stars: 
Plot - 1 star
Characters - 1 star
Writing - 1 star
Theme/Message - ½ star
Personal Response -  1 star
Let’s take a deeper look as to why that is…
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star-script · 7 years
Not to vent but: fuck
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star-script · 7 years
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star-script · 7 years
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star-script · 7 years
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Tom Zanetti
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