starbytemusic 10 days
the last time i posted to tumblr, it was elements... i've yet to resume that..
well i've released some newer songs, unfortunately[up to interpretation] not elemental.
i've also released 1 album on spotify, that's happened since my last post too. please check it out!
i'm hoping to run into other musicians on here, as well. please say hello..!
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starbytemusic 2 years
22. Titanium
Titanium, element 22. For the metallic elements, titanium is one of the strongest (in strength vs density ratio) elements. One of its compounds, titanium dioxide, is used for pigmenting and also as food coloring.
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starbytemusic 2 years
21. Scandium
Scandium, one of the elements of all time. It's quite useful for alloying with aluminum for increasing strength (something about the grain of the metal), and also apparently chemically quite similar to lanthanum? (So historically it has been classified as a lanthanide alongside yttrium? I don't know how the periodic table works.)
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starbytemusic 2 years
20. Calcium
Pure calcium is actually very reactive. Besides being necessary for bone formation, it's also quite important for muscle function.
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starbytemusic 2 years
19. Potassium
I did choose the color because bananas are so.. associated with potassium. The pink coloring for K is because potassium burns a bright pink flame.
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starbytemusic 2 years
18. Argon
Argon, the nicely purple-glowing (w/ electricity of course) noble gas. It's quite common in Earth's atmosphere, being the third most common gas behind oxygen and nitrogen (argon composing almost 1%.. I guess it seems low but, that's 20x more abundant than the next most common, CO2)
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starbytemusic 2 years
17: Chlorine
Ah, chlorine. It makes up table salt as sodium chloride, and also bleach and other disinfectants. In fact (supposedly) it is the main odor of the smell of chlorinated pool water.
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starbytemusic 2 years
15 and 16: Phosphorus and Sulfur
Doublepost because I forgot to talk about phosphorus..
So let's make this quick, phosphorus makes matchsticks and explosives. Sulfur.. also known as sulphur, used for rubber vulcanization, oil refining, and is also known as brimstone. Both happen to be used in fertilizer (I assume because they're both essential elements for life)
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starbytemusic 2 years
14: Silicon
Silicon's very useful for semiconductors. Also composes silicone, which can be an oil or rubbery substance, or minerals like quartz, so overall quite a wide variety of uses..!
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starbytemusic 2 years
13. Aluminum
Aluminum (aluminium, or long ago, alumium(??)) is itself a very light and ductile element (and also a very useful element in alloys).
(i'll also be taking a break from this series for a week or so)
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starbytemusic 2 years
12: Magnesium
Slightly concerned one day I'll miscount, although I find that unlikely, it's something that's on my mind. But yes.. properties; magnesium is very light.
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starbytemusic 2 years
Element 11: Sodium
like the other alkalis, they are very reactive (and sodium reacts explosively with water). It also forms compounds like salt..
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starbytemusic 2 years
10: Neon
Like the other noble gases neon makes for a nice colour in... well, neon lighting.
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starbytemusic 2 years
Alright, element 9: Fluorine
A super reactive element, I sought to show that through energetic and unstable arrangement. Hope it gives that vibe haha.
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starbytemusic 2 years
Element 8: Oxygen
After writing this whole thing I was thinking perhaps I should have made it a little more subtle.. but anyway
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starbytemusic 2 years
So, number seven: Nitrogen
I'm operating on vibes here mostly (well, that is how it has been for every single one).. so we'll have to see how much people will agree with my interpretations in due time.
Perhaps eventually I'll find a methodical way of writing certain things. I feel with some of the later elements it'll start to become necessary...
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starbytemusic 2 years
Element 6, carbon
The inspirations were fairly straightforward; the vox pad representing vaguely the amorphous allotropes, the arpeggios the crystalline ones as well as carbon compounds. Something like that, at least.
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