starkissedsoul · 3 years
Hello, I hope you are doing well. Im interested in getting a paid tarot reading from you, could you possibly share an email I can write you? what is your average turn around time?
Hello there love! If you need to contact me for any paid tarot readings, you can either contact me via email @ [email protected], or by dming me @stellarpriestess! I shouldn't take much longer now that I have my ask box cleared, 3 days max should be the wait time for paid readings! Thank you again love! 💖
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
for my witches spending holidays with possibly unpleasant family members, some spell suggestions~
home & hearth spell -  a spell to promote warm, homey qualities
clear speaking glamour - aids with speaking clearly get your point across
respect jar spell - simple jar spell to help gain respect
shine aqua illusion glamour -  a sailor moon inspired glamour to blend in
gender-orientation validation spell -  a spell to help one feel valid in their identity concerning gender and orientation
mermaid’s breath -  a spell for the ability to survive in emotional or situational circumstances a bit out of your depth or comfort zone
calcified heart -  a spell to protect your emotions
hiding secrets spell - a spell specifically to protect one’s gender or orientation, to keep it safely hidden when you can’t be out.
‘on your toes’ spell -  to allow one the grace to navigate difficult situations
rabbit heart - pop culture spell for courage and confidence
charge vigor potion -  a potion that helps with those you tend to knock heads with, a magical aid to keep them at bay, or arm’s length.
rose quartz healing tears - simple ritual to heal emotions
happy holidays my dears! ♡
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
love it how cats dilate their pupils to indicate it’s time to be Fucking Stupid. wish i could do that
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
🌙 Aries Full Moon
✨ 20th October 2021
This is one of the more challenging Full Moons of the year. The Aries Full Moon brings us strong need for control and the desire to achieve our goals no matter the costs.
Aries is a sign that is very direct and bold in its approach. When an Aries decides they want something, they won’t let anything stop them to obtain it.
And those Aries characteristics make the Full Moon amazing for taking action towards our goals. If you use the moon’s energy properly, you’ll be able to get much closer to your desires!
But the challenge comes with the aspects happening. Moon will be opposite Mars and square Pluto. These transits are very intense in a sense, that they might make some people become too controlling and power-hungry. You can read more about that here.
Watch out for injuries, that could be easily prevented by being more mindful - for example pushing yourself too hard or not being aware of your surroundings.
Know your limits. Some might be feeling invincible because of the strong Aries energy and that could end up very poorly for them. So please be careful and don’t jump into things head first!
Ground yourself. It might be too aggressive and intense for people who don’t have strong Aries/Mars or Pluto influence in their chart.
Like I mentioned at the beggining, the best thing you can do is to channel this strong energy into one of your goals. Something you’ve been wanting to achieve. Ideally, something related to the house in your natal chart where you can find Aries.
✨Set intentions for:
Taking the right action towards your desires
Having the motivation and drive to achieve your goals
Feeling energized
Being not just in control, but in harmony with your own self - both the physical and spiritual
I wish you the best luck✨
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
netflix and alone
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
Astro Observations part.13🍂🍁
🍁Aries Rising in the composite chart is a couple who cant hide their fighting from others. People usually see that this couple have a hard time getting along. They try to make the relationship look good bc of capricorn on the MC but people will see, they might even be known for being that couple who always fights.
🍂Pluto 10th house people have a need to be better than others. These people are afraid of not having status or being looked down on. They usually have certain people they see as trashy.
🍁To all moon/pluto and venus/pluto women, always be mean back when other women target you because being nice or crying will NOT work because other women will never feel bad for you. You will learn once you get older that you are gonna have to intimidate other women into being nice to you.
🍂Asteroid Lucifer(1930) conjunct personal planets in the natal chart can give someone a HUGE ego, someone who needs A LOT of attention and special treatment
🍁Capricorn Rising And Aries Rising might have a hard time understanding eachothers behaviour since they square, they act very differently in social settings.
🍂Libra Risings look very different from eachother Ive seen a lot of Libra Risings who looks more like the sign their Venus is in(their chart ruler) but they all had clear skin and a symmetrical face like the Libra rising descriptions say.
🍁Leo Venus and Capricorn Venus is a super common match in synastry because they both have high expectations and wants to be seen as a power couple, they both want someone they can show off.
🍂Cancer placements can be very patriotic since Cancer rules the ”home”.
🍁Virgo Risings and Capricorn Rising can look really arrogant even if they are down to earth there is something that screams ”im better than you”
🍂8th house suns are so wise you could think they have lived for 100 years
🍁Plutonians like to take selfies from below to look powerful and intimidating
🍂Neptune 1st house people are usually right-brained which makes them highly emotionally intelligent and artistic but they might have a hard time with logics and facts
🍁I know I shouldnt say this but im not a huge fan of Scorpio Moons bc they can be very immature when undeveloped and they hit below the belt. They do very unnecessary crazy things to be in control and they can be very very paranoid. Ive noticed that they can be very mean to people they consider ”weak”. They can also start hating someone for no reason at all
🍂People with Venus in the 8th and 12th house usually dont brag about themselves and they usually dislike people who do this, especially when it comes to looks. They are the kind of people who would never call themselves hot or say something like ”look at this body its all natural”
🍁People with Chiron in the 1st house might force their kids to become tough and might be very unsympathetic because they have a hard time with people who show weakness. They were often bullied when they were young and spend a lot of time making sure their kids wont be bullied
🍂Scorpio and 8th house placements experience a lot of losses in life which causes them to stop caring because they dont want to feel too strongly about anyone or anything bc they know they will loose it eventually, they also experience a lot of people wanting to take from them, or wanting what they have.
🍁People with Pluto in the 1st house can be very argumentative just like Aries Risings
🍂Lilith in the 2nd and 8th house is the ultimate goldigger placements
🍁Ive noticed that a lot of Taurus Moons and Venuses gets envious easily and they have a hard time dealing with it. Just like Pluto 1st house people they stare A LOT with an angry look on their face when they are jealous of someone.
🍂Lilith 1st house people try to act carefree and unbothered in public. They want people to see them as nonchalant and confident with a ”i dont care” attitude but they do care a lot.
🍁People with Neptune in the 1st house deals with a lot of projections from others and it started with their parents. Its common for them to have parents who had hard lifes and then project all their hurt onto them.
🍂Another hard thing with having neptune in the 1st house is being treated differently by everyone they meet because people always treat neptune 1st house people based on how they feel about themselves. One person will love them and the next will hate them.
🍁People with a plutonian venus also deals with these extreme reactions from others but mostly because of their looks. They are usually very beautiful but there is something powerful about their looks that makes others hate them. One person will treat them as if they were goddess aphrodite and the next person will call them ugly out of intimidation.
🍂Pluto in the 10th house is said to have problems with authority but ive actually noticed that they might be very liked by bosses and people with power since Pluto is where we are also powerful, especially if they have Jupiter aspects. For example they might be hated by their colleagues but the boss of the company loves them so nobody can get rid of them, thats typical Pluto 10th house. (If you have this placement please tell me your experiences)
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
to the people who are following me
thank you
im sorry
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
whatever this fucking mercury retrogade or whatever planet is fucked atm fuck you I sliced the tip of my finger off
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
i say this to every girl i love: abandon shame
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
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I think the red frosting was a nice touch to the birthday cupcakes 😂🧁
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
“Making one person the only source of love does not work because love is in everything and everyone. When we miss that, we miss the point of life. Really.”
— Banu Sekendur
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
im kind of all about shooting beams of holy light from my hands these days
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
⭐ Inner Child Magic ⭐
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Connecting to your inner child is a great way to bring curiosity, simple joy and innocence into your life. Here is a simple spell I like to do when things feel overwhelming and I forget who I used to be… 
You will need
Pen and paper
A blue candle
An object from your childhood
Inner child spell
⭐ Find a peaceful and quiet space to perform the spell. Light the blue candle. Blue is associated with happiness, laughter, innocence and childhood. 
⭐ Spend a few minutes looking at the object you brought - it could be anything ; a cuddly toy you used to love, letters from family members, jewellery you received as a child, etc. How does it make you feel? Can you remember the child you used to be? 
⭐ On the paper, make a list of things that made you happy as a child. What food did you like? What movie did you love so much that you watched it on repeat? What songs did you sing to yourself in your bedroom? What activity were you always up for? What book did you read under your covers at night, while pretending to sleep? 
⭐ Read through the list again. Highlight all the things you can still enjoy today.
⭐ Close your eyes and visualize yourself as a child. Send love, compassion and empathy towards this version of yourself. Make a promise to your inner child that you will not forget the things you used to love. 
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
being tipsy with someone you’re in love with and dancing and laughing to music you both love is actually unparalleled and i don’t know if there’s a greater feeling
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
i wish you love that is not a test or a lesson
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starkissedsoul · 3 years
Ok friends, listen up. We all do it. Every year we wait 9 months for fall. We daydream of long walks in crunching leaves, hot chocolate, warm sweaters and orange sunsets bringing a chill to the air. And every year the season flies by and we miss it. By reposting this, you promise to take the time to treat yourself to the magic that is autumn. Make it happen. Because life is short.
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