starlite-writes · 9 days
Hey, can y’all rb this if it’s okay to send you messages asking about your ocs, cause on god I wanna interact with y’all but I am terrified of being annoying lol
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starlite-writes · 3 months
Angel faces Everett with no fear in their eyes. They're as prim and proper as Everett remembers, hands folded politely upon their lap, clothes a pristine white and soft gold that makes them look ethereal.
"So, you finally show yourself, coward," Everett says, almost lightly, as he sets his elbow on his desk and leans on his arm. "I was wondering if you would. I've been waiting."
Angel shudders--the movement barely visible--then almost bares their teeth. But then they laugh.
"I mean it," Everett says before they can reply. "Surely you knew I was watching you from the moment you started appearing again."
"Yes, yes, of course, sir." Angel smiles. "I was always planning to visit. After all, anything for you, sir."
"Oh, cut that out, Angel."
"Anything you want, sir," Angel replies, their voice smoothing into another chuckle. "Anything you want. Consider it your reward for spotting what no one else could."
"Then tell me what you've been up to."
"Do you really want to know?" Angel asks, a mischievous sparkle in their eye.
Everett looks at them warily, and Angel smiles sweetly.
"Did I ever tell you the time I pretended to be a sweet little maiden? Oh, delightful. People really do underestimate the power of beauty, but paired with strength and knowledge.... I never touch anyone myself, of course, but you should have heard the screams, goodness; that is something to think about. Of course, the other one changed his patterns, his modus operandi, his tactics. He always does. He's not quite so... playful with his food anymore."
"The other one?"
Angel smiles, cold and cruel. "Oh? Everett. Did you miss that little memo? I thought it was so obvious. Had you not noticed his absence either, then? I suppose he really must be so insignificant, that Maximilian; I know my dear companion isn't quite that good at hiding. Rest assured your Amity's successor is in excellent company."
Everett's skin crawls with gooseflesh. It is gloating, but it is something else too. He feels like Angel is always hunting, always ready to pounce. They are nothing like they used to be. And Everett is beginning to wonder how any of them trust Holden so readily, knowing this is a creation of his.
"You didn't like it when... your person changed his patterns, did you?" Everett asks. "Does it scare you, Angel? That unpredictability?"
"All feel fear at the end of things; it is only natural. Fear of the unknown and all. After all, one wants things to go a certain way, but rarely does life go how you plan. Mine certainly didn't, and now, well, my darling... I may do what I like. I may not know all, but I know so much. Certainly more than you ever will."
Everett is silent for a time, and then he lowers his head towards his screen to get a better look at Angel.
"If you were human, I think I'd tear your throat out."
"If I were human..." Angel sighs. "Oh, I wouldn't be on this horrible fucking journey to begin with."
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starlite-writes · 5 months
(Tez belongs to @thehellishtrinity!)
Tenebris sits with his feet propped up on a desk, watching as the door opens and two familiar blonde figures enter the room.
"Doctors," he greets, willing to put forth the effort of feigning politeness. "Nice to see you both."
Silk shoots him a glare at the same moment Tussah rolls his eyes.
One of these visits, then. Tenebris sighs, not bothering to put his feet back on the floor even when Silk and Tussah shoot him dirty looks as they take their seats on the other side.
"You know what we're here for," Silk says, her tone smooth despite the irritation only evidenced in her eyes.
Tenebris doesn't say anything. His eyes just flick from Silk to Tussah, and then back.
"Well, I don't, actually, but I can assume you're once again expecting me to give you classified information that is protected by law," Tenebris says calmly, inspecting his nails. "Which, I will remind you once again is a violation o—"
"Don't you say it," Tussah warns, his voice low.
"I wouldn't have to if you'd actually listen to it," Tenebris replies, glancing up at his creator with nothing short of boredom. "Submit a request and fill out the appropriate paperwork and have me do a new test, and I can tell you the results then. Until you do that…" He shrugs, a thin smile on his lips. "My hands are tied, Doctors."
"We don't have time for that," Silk snaps. "You're Caspian's program. Just give him the information and we will be out of your hair."
"No can do, Dr Silk," Tenebris sighs. "Dr Tussah may be my creator but it does not free him or me from our responsibility to follow the law. And really, you two ought to be considering how bad would it look if someone found out the two heads of an international research institute were trying to intimidate a medical AI into breaking the law for them."
"You will never breathe a word of this to anyone, Tenebris, or God as my witness, I will tear you apart line by line myself," Tussah threatens, standing up quickly.
Tenebris's expression remains unimpressed. "You'll have a hell of a time doing that from prison, Doc. Word of advice? Blue's more your colour. You'll look washed out in apricot. Best keep your hands clean." He gives a fake wince. "Oh, sorry. Forgot who I'm talking to."
It's Silk that steps around the table and grabs him by the coat, pulling him to his feet. "You have a lot of nerve."
"Wonder where I got it from," Tenebris replies coolly, still unphased. "Obviously not from you two soulless spineless sell outs."
He anticipates the harsh strike from Tussah's cane across the front of his shins, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. Tenebris groans, wincing a little as Silk roughly shoves him back into his seat before she perches on the end of the table.
"From words to threats to displays of violence in all of a few minutes, huh? You're losing your touch; it's getting easier to make you mad." He crosses his legs and ruffles his hair. He glares at Silk. "Look. I. Can't. Help. You. You're asking the impossible." He looks to Tussah. "Both of you."
Silk's blue eyes flash with rage. "Then what is the point of having you—"
"Adaliah." Tussah's voice is eerily calm, laced with a faux pleasant tone more commonly heard from Silk. "It's all right. Take a breath." He leans forward, resting his chin against the handle of his cane as he addresses Tenebris. "You're just not using your critical thinking skills. Approach it like a puzzle, Tenebris. Or… do you prefer to just be called Tene these days?"
"I expect the patient files requested on my computer before the end of the business day," Tussah says, standing up. Silk does the same. "That's not up for negotiation."
Tenebris's eye twitches as he fights to keep his expression passive at the sound of Tez's nickname for him, and Tussah just smiles coldly in a way that says his unspoken threat has gotten the reaction he wanted regardless.
I know you wouldn't dare put a hit on him, is what Tenebris wants to say. But in the end, he says nothing at all, because he doesn't know that. In fact, he knows more about his creator's partner than he does his own programmer. Tussah is a mystery; his one consistency is that he only ever seems to appear before his creations when there's trouble.
Tenebris stares at the table for a moment, then looks up and meets Tussah's eyes for just a second. "Yes, sir," he says, tone void of emotion.
"Excellent." Tussah nods. "Thank you."
"Yes, thank you for making what should have been a very simple task a three-day-long hassle," Silk snips. She doesn't wait another second before exiting the room, the door slamming behind her.
Tussah sets a hand on Tenebris's shoulder as he passes by, and Tenebris doesn't look up at him.
Tussah's tone is just as calm as before, but a little less warm, like he doesn't really care about what happens now that he's sure he's gotten what he wants.
"It was good to see you. Give my best to… their name is Tez, isn't it?"
With that, he walks towards the door, whistling an almost cheerful little tune.
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starlite-writes · 5 months
What are some songs you associate with your characters?
Thank you for asking; I'm so happy to answer this /gen
Have some songs and specific lyrics that I think really relate to them
Angel: Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde
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(Alternatively. The Phantom of the Opera Overture I GUESS... they are extremely Phantom coded but that's neither here nor there)
Dr Silk: Dirty Imbecile by The Happy Fits
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Dr Tussah: Dear Dictator by Saint Motel
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Ezra: Nighthawks by Whitehorse
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Maximilian: Can't Catch Me Now by Olivia Rodrigo
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If you want some others! Please let me know but these are the main guys! C:
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starlite-writes · 5 months
Charm will get you far in life.
It is by this motto that Ezra lives his life. Charm and class, hand in hand to paint an elegant picture that has many dropping their guard without thinking twice.
Beautiful yet cruel by design, he is a brightly coloured flower, poisonous and enticing. To the average person, he is friendly, cheerful, knowledgeable. To the average person, he is merely an interesting character amidst a sea of many other people. A single bright flower in a vase of far uglier weeds.
To the unlucky, he shows his fangs. In an instant, the image of pristinely preserved elegance falls away to reveal the predator behind the mask. Ezra sinks his teeth into his victims and shreds them to pieces without mercy, thriving on bloodshed and carnage like a flower would water and well-fed soil.
Nature can only do what it was bred and raised to do, as cruel and vile as it may seem. Survival of the fittest is not just a turn of phrase. Surviving is a gift, restricted to those strong enough to fight and scratch and claw their way past the soil.
Who can hate nature’s golden child? He who has perfected the art of enticing beauty and deadly predation, is he who survives another day.
He who is caught amidst the deep waters of the pitcher plant or ensnared by the fly trap, is he who becomes just another nameless casualty in the circle of life and death.
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starlite-writes · 5 months
One of Angel’s most commonly seen puppets has dark red eyes like garnets hidden behind round brown frames.
Those eyes dance with the carefully restrained flames of unpredictable violence, of bloodlust and the ingrained need to destroy and wreak havoc.
Despite being young and largely inexperienced, he's already garnered a fearsome reputation. Hushed whispers and a trail of carnage follow this crimson horror across system after system, but few who have encountered him have stayed alive long enough to share his name.
Mal is said to be blessed with beauty and rage alike. His sharp teeth are designed to pierce skin easily, and he has the unique ability to steal and replace the code of other programs. His pointed ears are reminiscent of mischievous fae. There is something distinctly fox-like about him behind his childish charm.
Though he makes no attempt to conceal his nature, it would be easy to mistake him for a friend at first. His wardrobe is casual, his posture relaxed, his mannerisms designed to put people at ease. His voice does not suit the monster behind his mask—it is cordial, polite, soothing. Rarely does it raise in anger or frustration, keeping a playful lilt to it like it's all just a silly little game.
Perhaps it is only a game in his mind. He is only a child, albeit one said to be born of chaos and malice.
Still, he is every bit a wolf in sheep’s clothing as his master. Even the apex predator must grow from a baby to a fearsome creature.
Most dangerous is the puppet who believes itself to be a real boy.
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starlite-writes · 5 months
They’re a curious thing.
Blonde hair over pale skin like a soft halo. Golden eyes that flick over everything in the room, cataloging, questioning. Straight posture and spotless clothing.
They certainly fit their name well enough.
Pure. Ethereal. Incomprehensible.
Incomprehensible, and untouchable.
A leader, first and foremost. Angel is a creature in control, commanding respect in everything they do. They demand attention the moment they walk into the room.
They are a planner, an executor. They are doing the research, finding all the possible paths and selecting the best one.
There is something about them that makes them appear softer the longer you look at them. Kinder. Helpful, even. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, welcoming a lost member to the herd. A spider’s invisible web cast across the entrance to an inviting cavern.
A puppetmaster. They are pulling all of the hidden strings so delicately they're imperceptible. The art of the puppet, after all, is to appear natural. The one making the movements is to be hidden, forgotten. Always in the background, but never in sight.
All puppets require strings. They get into trouble without them—just look at Pinocchio.
Still, the puppetmaster must have an end goal. Perhaps to make you laugh. To entertain. To tell a story, or make a warning.
What happens when you finally get a peek behind the curtain?
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starlite-writes · 5 months
This man has many names. Some call him the Record Keeper. Others, the Man of Many Lifetimes.
He would call himself Maximilian. Nothing more, and nothing less.
Chances are, you will find him with a book in hand, if you find him at all. He will be tucked away in a corner, brown hair falling over his face, professional clothing looking pristine as if he fears being seen in any lesser state, with a story in his lap, regardless of activity around him, regardless of time of day.
Some people eat food, others drink water. He consumes words and little else.
Still, beneath the bookworm is a terrified child. Born of the human desire for connection, it should come of no surprise that this man strives to be whatever is needed of him, willingly or not. Personality wipes away with little effort like an eraser across a whiteboard, replaced by the next unspoken request until he finds yet another. A baseline undertones everything he does, of course—how strange would it be, to exist only as a mirror? Of course he is his own person.
But what is it that makes you, you?
Perhaps what he is looking for in those books is an answer.
All in all, Maximilian is a simple man of simple desires.
What cruel fate that this piteous creature was chosen as our protagonist.
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starlite-writes · 5 months
Hello I am here to be a problem! Anyway!
1 -> Angel 11 -> for any 5 of your kids bc I would ask for all of them but that's excessive so I am just asking for 5! 19 -> Asirli 21 -> Silk and Tussah C: 33 -> Mal 36 -> A......a.......angel......asking for a friend....................also Dr Silk
!! Thank you for asking i appreciate you... dropping these under the cut because BOY did it get long
1. If your oc was to host a TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear?
God, could you imagine Angel hosting any kind of TV show? LMAO But I think, if they had to... maybe some kind of weird psychology show... How To Gaslight 101... /hj They have no guests ever it's just Angel all the time because they can't share the spotlight... but you know, of course, there was a guest on last week; don't you remember? No? Hm, weird. There was definitely someone there. Perhaps you should pay closer attention next time.
11. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to your oc?  Do they still feel ashamed for it? Were there any witnesses?
Oh, God. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Luke! I think he's still really embarrassed about punching Maximilian when he first showed up... it was really out of character for him, but to be fair this was immediately after Mal in his mind and he was extremely combative and disoriented... he's apologised many times and so has Maximilian for making it worse but that. it took them a while to get over that first impression LMAO like a week before they would even say a word to each other kind of while. But now they're friends so it's cool.
Maximilian... even though it's probably not canon anymore, the masquerade was one of his top three for sure. Being paraded around in fancy clothes and forced to act like you like your kidnapper while you're stuck in a fucked up mass dream with your co-workers, who should have kept you from being here in the first place? That shit scarred him. In Trinity, it is 100% Silk putting him under curfew like a grounded teenager. Absolutely humiliating he has never recovered from that.
Tinashe... she was super excited when she first got her android body,,, but when it inevitably broke down the first time you know she was hella embarrassed and cursing Remy to hell and back. Imagine trying to pass as a person and then your body just breaks??? Awful.
For Mal,,, canonically, I got no idea. in Trinity, his first meeting with Starling. You try to beat someone up and you just beat yourself up instead???? Fucked up. But at least he got a hot black-magic-witch partner-in-crime out of it.
Rixi... that time Tina called her out about being in love with Remy and told her she was crazy for it. Rixi is really good at pretending things don't bother her or brushing them off after she has a cry but I think that's one of the few things that's stuck with her even though she never addressed it again.
The Raven Prince... [All of these words have been stolen from me sorry.]
19. If your oc were to be arrested for something, what would it be for? For being too kind, for a legitimate crime?
Asirli,,, stole a priceless map, probably. They were going to return it! They just wanted to study it a little! Is that so wrong? :(
21. Are there any public events your oc would love to go to? Concerts, plays, movies, parties, etc? What about ones that they would hate? Why?
Oh, hmm... I mean, there's not really anything they couldn't get themselves invited to, if they really wanted, but I think Silk would want to go to a casino and let loose for a weekend. I think she would really enjoy it, actually, especially given her competitive streak, but alas... that would require her to take time away from work. For Tussah... literally anywhere he would not be recognised would be great. Let him be Aurelius for a single day. Let him go to like. an art studio and paint with a group for a day without being hounded about work.
Places they would hate... Silk's is the beach. Tussah's is literally anywhere further than five feet off the ground. In all seriousness, Silk doesn't really enjoy large gatherings all that much, and Tussah gets bored during movies. He's a talker.
33. How does your oc’s own perception of themselves compare to how other people see them? Is your oc aware that other people see them differently (if it’s different)?
Thank you for choosing Mal out of everyone; he is The character for this question!
Mal definitely sees himself as someone who is much smarter and more mature than he is. He thinks he's cunning and strong and all, but he's really just extremely lucky (and being in league with Angel doesn't hurt). Mal's one of those who outwardly has a very inflated sense of self, and to a degree, he's definitely tricked himself into believing it. He's certainly aware that Angel (and most other people) sees him as childish and impulsive, but he doesn't really care too much, because regardless of what Angel says or thinks, they still need him, and vice versa.
36. What is your oc’s ideal night out like? Or would they rather spend it at home?
Wow, I can't imagine why you'd be asking this for them (/lh /s).
For Silk! Her ideal night out is a quiet visit to a planetarium so she can infodump at you about the stars,,, maybe a trip out to the middle of nowhere to look at constellations and have a cup of coffee and some dessert...
For Angel! Good luck getting them rested enough to go anywhere! But if you did manage, they'd probably enjoy a really fancy dinner and a formal concert... or like,,, a night at the opera. You know. Something pretentious.
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starlite-writes · 5 months
40 OC Development Questions
I enjoy making character development questions way too much. These ones have basic and more random ones mixed in, but I tried to make them more in-depth.
Feel free to send in some asks with some numbers! Pick an oc, or I’ll pick randomly. If you reblog, I’ll roll a few dice and shoot some numbers your way, too!
If your oc was to host a TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear?
Can your oc play any instruments? Have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? Why?
If you were to choose another name for your oc, what do you think it would be? Did you choose it for how it sounds or for its meaning?
How does your oc fare in the dark? Are they scared? Do they trip over things really easily or navigate like they have night vision? (Or do they have night vision?)
How well would your oc fare as a teacher? What subject would they be best at teaching? What about the worst?
What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them?
Does your oc have any allergies, intolerances, or other sensitivities? How dangerous is it? Does this affect their daily life in any way?
Does your oc prefer being in a crowd or being completely alone? How many people can be around them before they get uncomfortable?
How easily does your oc make friends? Do they have difficulty talking to new people? Why?
How open is your oc to trying new things? Are they the adventurous sort, or would they rather stay in their comfort zone? Why?
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to your oc?  Do they still feel ashamed for it? Were there any witnesses?
Does your oc have any best friends? Who was/is their closest friend? What about their worst enemy?
How dangerous is your oc? Are they completely innocent, or someone to be feared? Do others know?
What is your oc’s vision like? Do they require glasses, are they completely blind, or do they have 20/20 vision? Does this have an effect on their life?
What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
How often does your oc lie? Why is that? What was the biggest lie they’ve ever told?
How well can your oc keep secrets? Is there a difference between how they handle their own vs someone else’s? To what lengths would they go to keep something hidden?
How does your oc fare in an emergency situation? Do they panic, do they freeze, do they take charge?
If your oc were to be arrested for something, what would it be for? For being too kind, for a legitimate crime?
What is your oc’s personal hygiene like? Is it important to them? What is their daily routine for this like?
Are there any public events your oc would love to go to? Concerts, plays, movies, parties, etc? What about ones that they would hate? Why?
How quiet or loud is your oc? Are they easily capable of sneaking around without being heard, or do they feel it’s impossible to stop talking?
How difficult is it for your oc to get to sleep? Do they fall asleep the moment they hit the pillow, or do they have insomnia? Any reason why?
How dramatic is your oc? Do they make a big deal over every little thing, or do they fail to react to even the most crazy of events?
How does your oc handle being sick? Do they pretend not to be? Do they complain a lot? How susceptible to getting sick are they?
How stylistically fancy is your oc? Or would they rather go for comfort and plainness instead?
What’s your oc’s preferred mode of transportation? Walking, vehicle, (or in a sci-fi/magic setting) teleportation?
Is your oc always late, always early, or always right on time? Is there any reason for this?
How empathetic is your oc? Or are they closer to being a sociopath? Any reason why?
How much does your oc swear? Or do they keep completely clean? Why is this? Is there any situation where they would be the opposite?
What is your oc’s sense of humour like? What do they find funny? Do they try to be funny? Are they actually?
Is your oc a pacifist, or someone who picks fights? Why? In what situations would they be the opposite?
How does your oc’s own perception of themselves compare to how other people see them? Is your oc aware that other people see them differently (if it’s different)?
How easily does your oc throw something away? As soon as something is through with its usefulness, or are they more like a hoarder? Is there a reason?
Is your oc a workaholic, or do they find it hard to be busy at all? Do they find it easy to relax, or must they have something to do at all times? Why?
What is your oc’s ideal night out like? Or would they rather spend it at home?
How picky is your oc? Will they not accept something because of the smallest details being off, or do they not care in the slightest? Why?
How energetic is your oc? Do they have trouble sitting still or do they feel low on juice all the time? Any reason why?
Is it difficult for your oc to focus, or do they have no trouble being in the moment? Do they daydream or zone out?
How humble is your oc? Or are they closer to royal in their self-perception? Why? Is this obvious to others?
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starlite-writes · 6 months
I asked Starlight this already but I'm curious about Virus and Remy's side of things too! What's the relationship with Dr. Silk and Dr. Tussah like?
It’s… a little complicated!
Regarding Remy -> Dr. Silk
There’s a lot of respect there! Remy is very intrigued by Dr. Silk bc he sees a lot of similarities to himself in her. He thinks she’s very intelligent and capable and he thinks that she could do to lighten up once in a while. He thinks of her positively, you could almost call her his friend if he wasn’t allergic to putting definitive labels on relationships of any kind. Iirc, he initially started bothering her bc she was digging around for info on him and he was like Yo Stop That. And she didn’t. So he decided inviting her on outings so at least he could control the spread of info she gets was the best play. It turned into this semi-regular thing where he invites her out via whatever ominous invitation he chooses, they just hang out, play games, and ask each other questions. He’s also taken to annoying her every now and then, most prominently he likes to kidnap Tocelyn, her AI dog, just to mess with her. (Rest assured, no harm ever comes to the dog, he dotes on her a lot bc she is. Well. A dog. )
Regarding Virus -> Dr. Tussah
Well. It’s complicated. As you might have read in Starlight’s answer, Virus is like a…. virus on call for Dr. Tussah. Due to a deal made between his creator and Dr. Tussah that I will not go into detail about, Virus functionally has to take requests and commissions from Dr. Tussah. But, y’all know Virus. He doesn’t like doing things he’s told to do. Virus enjoys antagonizing Dr. Tussah and pissing him off but he doesn’t actually like Dr. Tussah. As such, he makes it his mission to make every interaction they have with each other as painful as possible for Dr. Tussah. The Coelacanth disaster was also a product of this…distaste for Dr. Tussah.
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starlite-writes · 6 months
What's the relationship with Remy and Virus?
Well, it's something! Silk knows Remy, and Tussah knows Virus, but Silk and Tussah don't know about the other's... nuisance.
Remy and Silk's relationship is pretty amicable most of the time? Silk views him as an annoyance but like. a tolerable annoyance. It's like. nemesis but also friend but not really but also. Remy is the closest thing she has to a friend. They meet up, play games, and most of the time, questions and answers are the reward. Remy also likes to kidnap Tocelyn. Silk doesn't like that her dog enjoys his company but what can you do.
Tussah and Virus... uhhh. Not so good! Virus is kind of a royal pain in Tussah's ass but y'know. that's pretty expected for Virus, isn't it? Essentially Tussah has a deal that allows him to borrow Virus as needed, and Tussah kind of... commissioned him for the Coelacanth disaster, but not to the degree that it actually happened. The only people who were supposed to die were AIs because Tussah wanted them gone but you know Virus. Mr How Can I Fuck Things Up For Everyone. There wasn't really any coming back from that one.
TL;DR: Remy and Silk? Fine. Virus and Tussah? Not so good.
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starlite-writes · 6 months
can you tell us more about dr silk and dr tussah?
Sure! Putting it under the cut since it got a little long.
Dr Adaliah Silk (formerly Elysia Soros) is the head of the Aether Research Institute and the public face of IGORA as a whole, as I've said before. She has two doctorate degrees (astrophysics and computer science) and a master's in aerospace engineering! All in all, she's a very pragmatic and intelligent woman who is often seen as friendly and helpful despite actually being the epitome of corporate coldness. She's also quite curious about the possibility of alternate realities!
She has a couple of AIs she's programmed for various reasons! Their names are Azalea (her admin), Tocelyn (her personal assistant/pet fox), Maximilian (speech/language pathologist). She also has Del (space exploration), Tey (repair), and Sar (repair), who all belong to @packedlunchmeat!
All of her children hate her, with the exception of Azalea and Tocelyn. She's a bad mother (not a maternal bone in her body). Most of her kids have been kidnapped at least once.
Silk is one of those people who really likes to bully the people under her but in the way of like. she pretends she's just playing or it's an inside joke. For example, on April Fool's Day, she pays her interns in Monopoly money. Objectively not funny to the person missing out on a day's worth of pay, but hilarious to her.
Silk has three siblings! They're named Lysander (who works as IGORA's lawyer), Valeria (a history teacher), and, of course, Dr Tussah.
And Dr Caspian Tussah (formerly Aurelius Soros) is the head of the Nautilus Research Institute! He's more seen than heard, because he's not as good at the whole. politics thing. He's really just here to study fish! He has two doctorates (marine biogeochemistry and computer science) and a master's in oceanography.
Tussah is typically thought of as the hardass out of the two, but he's actually not. He's not soft, but he's definitely nicer (potentially attributed to his better work-life balance lol). The bar was on the floor, though. He has a pretty decent relationship with most of his employees but he's also prone to outbursts of violence (namely hitting people across the shins with his cane).
He's got a few AIs of his own! They are August and Tenebris, and they're both medical AIs. August is the sole surviving AI from the Coelacanth disaster (and that's a whole story on its own, honestly). He probably has more by this point but I can't remember them right now 😭
Tussah also did the physical designs for all of Silk's programs! He's an artist. Silk doesn't care about aesthetics but her brother very much does. If not for Tussah, all of Silk's AIs would be just. blobs or stick figures. The only one she designed was Tocelyn, by way of origami.
Silk's birthday is May 30th, and she's 38 years old! Tussah's is July 3rd and he's 36! They don't tell people they're siblings and keep it a secret, so there are a lot of bets around the office about if they're siblings, lovers, or old friends.
If you've made it this far, thanks! You might be interested to know that they both have... complicated relationships with two Very Notorious red and blue coded viruses. :)
If you think you know who they are... you're probably right!
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starlite-writes · 6 months
can we ask you questions abt igora and the ppl or should we keep sending them to hellish trinity?
Oh! Wasn't expecting any questions, so hiya!
I mean, you can send them to me if you want! I don't mind. IGORA is kind of a group project with lots of guys owned by different people; I just own the guys who run it, if that makes sense.
So basically! Questions about IGORA as a whole can come to me or stay going to Rykian! Questions about specifically Silk and Tussah (or Wren) should come to me since they're my kids! C:
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starlite-writes · 6 months
At the top of the International Galactic and Oceanic Research Administration, there is a woman.
Very few know of her at all. Most of those who do, do not know her name. They simply call her the Corvid, not only for the omen of misfortune that she is but for the birds she keeps.
The name she gives to those at the top of her hierarchy is Wren.
Wren is a figure shrouded in mystery, concealed so well that her very existence is a hotly debated topic. Some speculate she is only a corporate urban legend, while others say that she—or someone who pretends to be her—must exist.
This is exactly how she likes it.
To be perceived is to be vulnerable, and to be known is to be accountable. Wren has gotten better over the years at holding herself together in polite company, at pulling strings and weaving complex stories to hide reality, but old habits die hard, and it is troublesome to hide one's true nature all the time.
So she does not exist, and thus, she cannot be held accountable for her actions. There will always be someone below her to take the fall—someone nameless, or someone unworthy of his position. There is no greater joy than bringing misfortune upon the deserving, except perhaps bringing it upon the undeserving.
There's a thrill in the chase, in the chess game few know they're playing with her. She's never truly grown out of it—seeing just how closely she can toe the line of acceptable and not without falling over it, and how well she can manipulate her way out of trouble when she does manage to slip. In a way, she is still the same child who sickened water sources just to see if she could get away with it.
There are none who escape death, and there are none who escape bad luck and malaise as it seeps from her cupped hands like water.
Beneath Wren sits two scientists, so identical in appearance they could easily be mistaken for twins despite their two-year age difference.
The eldest, known now only as Dr Adaliah Silk, is the image of corporate cruelty. A skilled politician and the head of the space research institute of IGORA, she is often mistaken for the kinder of the two. Though she’s often found smiling, it is rarely warm—as icy as her blue eyes. She is the public face of the company as a whole, with a stunning record of achievement and considerable abilities. There is next to nothing she can do wrong in the eyes of the public. It’s no wonder such a woman is of great interest to many who seek to emulate her success as well as those who wish to tear her down.
Dr Caspian Tussah would make no secret of his past identity as Aurelius Soros if it weren’t for the two women above his head. As it stands, he plays his role of silent but deadly, staying out of the foreground and attending only to his beloved oceanic research institute. He is often seen as cold and callous—the opposite to his cheerful and personable sister. Under his belt are many successes, but a startling number of failures that call to question his qualifications.
Appearances are often deceiving, and many employees would tell you that about the two scientists. Where Dr Silk embraces her role as a cold scientist in a capitalistic society, it is Dr Tussah that maintains a shred of humanity. But where Dr Silk remains the more terrifying of the two, it is Dr Tussah who has the most blood on his hands.
Blood never truly comes clean, and all secrets come to light eventually.
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starlite-writes · 3 years
Auber belongs to @alkalamity, and the Novation species (and Leaf) belong to @packedlunchmeat! C:
Content warnings: gaslighting, emotional/mental manipulation(? better safe that sorry), brief strangulation.
It's quiet today.
Angel enjoys quiet. It's a rare thing, but pleasant nonetheless. Today, they're spending the blissful silence sitting on the couch with a book in their lap.
They shake their head in annoyance at the sound of Auber outside their door. 
"It never lasts," Angel mutters under their breath. Still, they don't move to check the door.
There's the sound of fists banging against the wooden door, and then Auber's voice again--
"Angel! Open the door now!"
A sigh as they turn the page.
"So help me God, I will get my keys and open this door myself, Angel. Open up. I need to talk to you."
Angel huffs, simply crossing their legs. "I feel as though that violates some form of landlord law," they call, just loud enough to be heard.
"Quit the smartass comments and open the door!"
Angel doesn't move.
It takes but a moment before the sound of jingling keys meets their ears, and then the door is swinging open. Auber stands in the doorway, two swords in their lower two hands, their key ring in their upper right. 
"Hello to you too," Angel greets coolly, hardly sparing them a glance. By now, they know better than to display any kind of concern when greeted by a potential threat. "Picking useless fights again, are we?"
"Well, if you already know, then that makes things a lot easier on my end." Auber steps closer, setting their keys in their pocket and moving the swords to their upper hands.
"Enlighten me," Angel drawls lazily. "What is it I'm supposed to know?"
"That I'm here to start a fight!" Auber points one sword at Angel accusingly. "What's your relationship with Mal?"
Angel barely keeps from smiling. Ah. So that's what this is about. Good going, Mal; you've really made an enemy of the landlord, then.
"Who's Mal?" they ask, keeping their voice even and void of emotion. A simple question with no personal stake--voiced just the same as one might ask the time.
Auber's jaw clenches just slightly. Angel sees it from their peripheral vision. 
"Braconid wasp. About yay high." Auber holds up a hand. "Red. Kinda stupid."
Angel licks their finger as they turn the page, still not looking up. "Sorry; doesn't ring any bells."
Auber squints, all four of their eyes narrow and lit with carefully concealed anger. "Angel. Your name is literally listed in his 'person who referred me' section."
"Is it now?" Angel asks, finally standing up as they close their book. They walk to their bookshelf, replacing the book carefully. They turn back towards Auber, leaning against the wall. "How strange. I think you've been scammed, then; I've never referred anyone. I don't have any friends who can afford your prices."
Auber swings their sword, the tip of the blade connecting with the wall hardly an inch from their head. Angel doesn't even flinch. Instead, they stare at Auber with an unimpressed expression.
"Stop it," Auber hisses. "I've had enough of the stupid mind games."
"And I've had enough of your tantrum," Angel replies coldly. They turn to glance at the cracks branching around the blade. "I'm not paying to repair this."
"It's your security deposit."
"You did the damage."
Auber pulls the blade out of the wall, and Angel watches in disgust as drywall dust cascades across their newly cleaned floor.
"I don't remember that," Auber says innocently.
"I have cameras," Angel points out. "You've broken in too many times for me not to have them."
"It isn't breaking in if I own the place," Auber fires back. 
"It's breaking in if I pay you obscene amounts of money each month to live in said place," Angel hisses, their ears pinning back.
"My prices aren't even that high!" Auber snaps. "Stop changing the subject! I know you're connected to Mal! What's your deal with him, Angel?"
"I literally don't even know who that is!" Angel snarls, digging their heels in further. "I have never met a Mal in my life!"
Auber is losing their composure--Angel can see it eroding away with each word they utter. They're angry.
"Angel," Auber says, their voice cold. "I know you know him. I'm not looking for a fight with you but I swear to Christ if you keep this up I will kill you where you stand. All I want is a simple answer--what is your connection?"
Angel barely keeps their lips from twitching up into a smile.
"I can't answer that if I don't know the person," they reply, voice equally low and icy.
Auber moves fast--faster than Angel expected. One second they're standing a couple feet away, and the next they're practically pressed against Angel's body, the blade of one sword placed firmly against their throat. Angel's teeth are gritted as they press against the wall behind them instinctively. 
"With every gaslighting sentence that leaves that filthy mouth of yours, you get that much closer to dying," Auber warns. "You've already got a blade to your throat. "Do you really want to push this further?"
"You won't kill me," Angel replies, their voice strained even as they say it as if it's a fact they're certain of.
They're not sure at all. Auber currently has an incredibly concerning glint in their eye--something Angel can only describe as mania--and they wouldn't put it past Auber to do something entirely reckless and foolish in a fit of passion.
"Do you want to test that?" Auber whispers. 
Angel doesn't, actually, but they hold fast to their pride. 
"Tell you what," they say, reaching up and carefully pushing Auber's hand away from their throat. "Take me to his apartment. If it is as you say it is, surely he will be there, or some sign of him will be. Sound fair?"
Auber tilts their head as if thinking about it. 
"Fine." They step back. "But I expect a well-thought out apology."
"Only if you really deserve one, asshole," Angel spits in response, rubbing at their throat. Their hand comes away sticky with a small amount of amber blood. "Lead the way, then." 
Auber all but throws open the door to Angel's apartment before taking off towards one a few doors down. Angel follows leisurely, upper arms crossed over their chest and lower ones in their pockets.
Auber waits until Angel catches up to unlock the door with one of their keys, throwing it open and turning towards Angel expectantly, like See! I knew you were lying!
Angel peers past them into the empty apartment. "Very convincing empty and desolate apartment you have here."
"What?" Auber turns, and sure enough, the living room is completely clean--suspiciously so. It looks like whomever left did so in a way that suggests they were never there in the first place.
Good. You can listen, then.
Auber turns towards Angel, their expression the definition of furious.
Angel just smiles in response. “Well, I think you owe me an apology.”
“You better tell me where he is,” Auber says, their voice low. “I know you know. It's your job to know.”
“Auber.” Angel gives a tired sigh, their expression painted with practiced exasperation. “I don’t know who you’re talking about. Are you feeling all right? I know things have been stressful for you lately; perhaps the pressure is finally making you crack? I think you may have tried to return to work too quickly.”
Auber’s teeth grit, sharp teeth barely exposed under their curled lip. Despite their clear anger, there’s undoubtedly a waver under it. They’re entertaining the idea.
Amused, Angel wonders how much it will take to make Auber snap completely. Not much, they wager.
Angel leans against the door frame with a small smile. "Well? Should I call Leaf for you? Maybe she can bring you home and--ack!"
Their words cut off in a strangled cry as Auber grabs them by the throat, shoving them against the wall.
"You're such a liar," Auber hisses. "Have you ever spoken a word of truth in your life?"
"Of course, I have," Angel answers, glaring up at their landlord. "Look, I'm sorry I don't have a way to peek into that silly little brain of yours and see whatever you've concocted in your traumatised haze of existence, but--"
Auber squeezes harder, enough to stop Angel breathing for several seconds. They cough and draw in a shaking breath.
"Stop--talking," Auber says through gritted teeth. "Stop. Just…" They let go of Angel, one hand coming up to cover their eyes. "Go." 
"You heard me." Auber gestures away from the apartment with one of their swords, and Angel flattens themself further against the wall to avoid getting fileted like a fish. "Just go. I'm tired."
Angel's wings twitch. "Are you all right?"
"I'm fine," Auber huffs. "I just really don't want to talk to you anymore. Go home. I'll… call Leaf… or something." Their voice is flat and they genuinely sound tired.
There's a flicker of something like guilt in Angel's chest. Maybe they did push too far this time. Still, they offer nothing by way of apology, turning on their heel and walking away, leaving Auber by Mal's empty apartment. 
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starlite-writes · 3 years
Can you tell me more about the novaverse?
Howdy! Of course i can! It really does start with the galaxians though… galaxians originally started off as an au of steven universe but as i grew older their premise left the realm of being an au of steven universe and really having their own scheme altogether!
Galaxians are pretty much an intergalactic alien species that have befriended humans. They have high resistance to extreme temperatures and watch over the celestial bodies of the universe. They are deeply in sync with these celestial bodies and when they fail to protect them, or they lose connection to them, they are weakened significantly.
Some of them have extreme connections to death, this is as a result of a curse brought upon sympathizers of the queen. As a result they are marked on their backs with a crest, and they witness the deaths of others with the crest in their dreams/in a vision. They can also see and interact with spirits.
Theres a lot of other very complex things beyond the surface for them but thats the basics! Onto the whole novations thing though. Novations origin story is a little funny to me if im honest. They originated as a way for me to help myself with my severe entomophobia and arachnophobia. It helped with my entomophobia but the arachnophobia still persists if im honest 😔.
Novations are stationed on their own planet by the way!! They only have one planet, although its a super earth type planet and is in a much better state than earth is.
Novations, since they are based off bugs, care deeply about their environment. I think my favorite example of this is how they hold burials. Burials are sacred and novations arent buried inside a coffin, rather, they are buried straight in the ground and they have a tree that their loved ones associate with them planted right over them.
Both novations and galaxians are a matriarchy. And specifically with the novas, right before her son took over, they were being ruled over by in the nicest words possible, a tyrant. It just so happened that recently my friends helped me assassinate her. Haha.
We kinda run it as a dnd campaign almost when we do arcs now? Its real fun! It always comes as a pleasant surprise when people show interest in them… I appreciate the question and i wish i could give more info about them, but i need more of a specific question about them to go in depth! But if theres anymore questions id love to answer them. They’ve literally been the loml for 6 years.
I hope this makes sense haha. English is kinda my worst subject.
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