stars-in-bits · 13 days
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obsessed with this baby hippo from thailand's khao khew zoo.. she has been so utterly betrayed by the world
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stars-in-bits · 28 days
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hello beloveds ☺️
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stars-in-bits · 1 month
day 3,698 of wishing i had a Very Cool Sword
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stars-in-bits · 3 months
Vetted Palestinian fundraisers
These are people who have reached out to this blog directly, looking for help evacuating their families and loved ones. I have cross-referenced these fundraisers against the google doc compiled by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi of fundraisers that are confirmed legitimate. Some of these are not on the google doc but have been confirmed by @90-ghost. This is not a comprehensive list. For a larger list of vetted fundraisers, check this post or any of the three blogs I mentioned.
Any amount you can give helps. Whether you can donate $1 or $100, your donation can help someone get to safety, stay fed, or get the medical care they need. If you're unable to donate anything, please consider reblogging fundraisers and encouraging your friends and loved ones to make a donation.
Help little children of Gaza stay safe and alive! – Ayman, his son Fadi, and 6 other family members need to evacuate.
Help us build new hope for me and my family – Safaa and her family need to evacuate.
Help me evacuate my family and rebuild a new start. – Basel's family needs to evacuate, and his daughter needs medical care for her chronic illness.
Help my family to get out of Gaza – Walaa needs insulin and medical care, and she and her siblings need to escape Gaza.
Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive – Mohammed and Enas have 4 children, including a newborn baby, and need to evacuate to safety.
Standing with a Family Escaping the Horrors of War in Gaza. – Tamer's livelihood as a dentist has been destroyed and he, his brother, and their parents need to evacuate.
Please Help Tahani save her children and husband – Tahani's parents, siblings, and children need to escape. Her children are suffering from dehydration and malnutrition and need medical care as well.
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stars-in-bits · 3 months
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stars-in-bits · 4 months
There is still hope. Say it out loud. Palestine will be free. The Palestinian people will celebrate their culture and heritage with each other. We will love and be loved. Do not fall into the trap of despair.
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stars-in-bits · 6 months
If you’re wondering what the whole drama regarding tieflings is in the Dungeons & Dragons fandom: basically, capitalism ruined tieflings, and for once that’s not even slightly a joke.
Tieflings were first introduced as a playable species in Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition, via the Planescape campaign in 1994. At the time, there were no particular rules regarding what a tiefling was supposed to look like. The text explicitly stated that their basic physiology could vary wildly depending on what their fiendish ancestor was, and one of the first major Planescape supplements even included a table for randomly generating your tiefling’s appearance, if you were into that sort of thing.
This continued to be the case up through the game’s Third Edition. However, when the Fourth Edition rolled around in 2008, the game’s text suddenly became very particular about insisting that all tieflings looked pretty much the same. Some campaign settings even provided iin-character explanations for why all tieflings now had a standardised appearance. Understandably, this made a lot of people very annoyed.
There was naturally a great deal of speculation concerning what had motivated this change. It was widely cited as “proof” that Dungeons & Dragons was trying to appeal to the World of Warcraft fanbase – which was nonsense, of course; nearly all of the Fourth Edition’s allegedly MMO-like features were things that popular MMOs had borrowed from Dungeons & Dragons in the first place, and to the extent that tieflings’ new look resembled a particular WoW race, it was in that they were both extraordinarily generic.
In reality, it was a change that had been lurking for some time. Though Dungeons & Dragons is directly published by Wizards of the Coast, Wizards of the Coast is in turn owned by Hasbro, and Hasbro has long regarded the D&D core rulebooks as a vehicle for promoting D&D-branded merch – in particular, licensed miniature figures.
This was a bugbear that had reared its head before. When the Third Edition received major revisions in 2003, Hasbro corporate had ordered the game’s editors to completely remove any discussion of how to improvise minifigs for large battles, and replace it with an advertisement for the then-current Dungeons & Dragons Heroes product line. Implying that purchasing licensed minis wasn’t 100% mandatory simply would not do.
If you’ve gotten this far, you’ve probably already guessed where this is going: tieflings having no standard appearance made it difficult to sell tiefling minifigs, as any given minifig design would only be suitable for a small subset of tiefling characters. In the brutally reductive logic of the corporate mind, Hasbro reasoned: well, if we tell tiefling players that all of their characters now look the same, we can sell them all the same minifigs. So that’s what the game did, going so far as to write justifications into several published settings for magically transforming all existing tiefling characters to fit the new mould!
This worked about as well as anyone who isn’t a corporate drone would naturally anticipate – and that’s the story of how capitalism ruined tieflings.
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stars-in-bits · 6 months
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Alex’s April Fools joke pitch.
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stars-in-bits · 6 months
peak lou wilson committing to the bit this episode. my king saw that he failed and was IMMEDIATELY team baron. he really did the most against the weakest character, my dude was fully ready to straight up kill adaine. no remorse whatsoever. lou wilson i love you forever never change.
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stars-in-bits · 6 months
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Let Me Put Myself In Your Shoes, As A Puppet Loosely Strung-
Baron, Fabian Seacaster, & Adaine Abernant || Fantasy High: Junior Year
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stars-in-bits · 6 months
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stars-in-bits · 9 months
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stars-in-bits · 9 months
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despite popular belief i'm perfactly fine
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stars-in-bits · 9 months
May Palestine be free in 2024...
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stars-in-bits · 11 months
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YOU hate JK Rowling!
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stars-in-bits · 1 year
sir that is my beloved mutual with whom i have not shared a fandom since 2013
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stars-in-bits · 1 year
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there HAS to be a reason for this
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