stellasaeculum · 1 year
I can never not reblog Money Cat
Yeah, I'm a bit superstitious, I know. But Money Cat has been good to me in the past, lol.
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stellasaeculum · 1 year
Alien Adventures
I know this whole post will sound absolutely batshit, but I assure you that I'm very sane. The tl;dr is that I'm a friggen alien stuck in a meat mecha. Stick with me on this.
I was born with the ability to read & manipulate energy, and have known since I was a small child that I'm a starseed. Back then, we didn't have words like "starseed," so I just told people I was an alien stuck on Earth in a human body. I quickly learned to quit telling people that as a kid once I got dubbed "the weird alien girl," haha. I switched to saying "child of the universe" or "star child" until the term "starseed" came about.
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Technically I'm an incarnated interdimensional, granted most people don't understand what interdimensionals actually are and just call us aliens. I'm not really sure where I originated besides somewhere in Andromeda. Nowhere I've been to has really felt like "home" to me and I've had this sense of homesickness my entire life that I can't properly articulate, although the Portuguese word "saudade" seems apt.
I've been down here plenty of times to help out and experience life as a human. When a big "all hands on deck" went out in the Galactic Neighborhood back around World War II, I volunteered to come down here again to help raise the vibration to hopefully help Earth avoid a nuclear catastrophe.
For all intents and purposes, while I'm down here, I am human. Although I'm one with some unique capabilities and a few pieces of weird DNA that still can't be identified, lol. Strong intuition runs on both sides of my human family this time around, but the things I can do are definitely because I'm an interdimensional.
So what can I do?
I’m not necessarily a healer, although all of us that work with energy are healers in one way or another. I'm more of a steward if I have to be lumped into one of the stereotypical starseed groups. I keep an eye on stuff, pass insights to people, and neutralize/balance energy.
I can dive into the energetic currents to pull out information, read vibrational energy from people/places/animals/things, and get intuitive messages that pop through typically as songs, smells, or tastes. Occasionally I'll end up in a trance and start channeling stuff from the 5D or things I have innately encoded, but that almost exclusively happens when I'm hopping planes.
The biggest thing I do, however, is keep an eye on other interdimensionals (both incarnated and not) and try to keep them from interfering with free will or spreading misinformation.
I like to take "side quests" as I like to call them. Some of those include passing messages from the energy for people, focusing on activism, and just living the human experience. My tarot readings are one of my side quests, which is why although I like to do it, it isn't my passion in life. It's just something I do to help people.
I can do quite a few other things that involve manipulating energy (what others usually call magick or alchemy), but I typically don't. After all, you never know when you could be interrupting someone's karma and everything comes with a price.
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stellasaeculum · 1 year
Everything Is Energy
Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. -Albert Einstein
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Everything is made of energy. This laptop I’m typing on is energy, and not just because it’s an electronic device. It seems solid because the molecules are vibrating at such a fast rate, it gives the feeling of solidity. It’s kind of like that goo you’d make when you were a kid— when you’d mix cornstarch and water together. If you touched it quickly, it felt solid. If you touched it slowly, it was suddenly a liquid. Energy readers and physicists alike will tell you that everything we see, touch, taste, and smell are just our brain's best guess of how our senses interpret things. This is part of the reason why.
We as humans are energetic beings. Our brains have brain waves, our hearts have electrical pulses, our muscles use electrolytes to function properly, our metabolisms help us convert food into energy… we are energy. As is everything. This is why it’s so important to be aware of the energy you interact with.
What Are Vibes?
I talk about "vibes" a lot, and what I'm referring to are vibrational frequencies of energy. As an energy reader, I can literally pick them up from everyone & everything, on this dimension of existence and others. I could just be running to the gas station for a soda and pick up the energy from everyone there, the energy in the atmosphere, and even the land itself. As far as inanimate objects go, I can get readings off of organic matter like rocks & trees (I once freaked out my good friend in Ireland after she picked up a rock and I was able to tell what it was used for), but I also pick up the vibes off of old objects and/or objects that someone put a lot of energy into.
I recommend watching this video from Steve's Love Tarot regarding surface energy and how everyone can typically read at least a couple of layers. Sounds, body language, colors, and smells are usually the easiest energy for most people to pick up.
How Does Energy Affect People?
The old adage “your vibe attracts your tribe” really is true. The higher your energetic vibration, the more you’ll attract higher vibration people, situations, and experiences. The same is true for lower vibrations, as well. Like Einstein said, it’s not philosophy. It’s physics.
In addition to attracting things towards you, energy can be felt pretty clearly by your body. Have you ever felt a certain way when you've just met someone or got really creeped out somewhere for no apparent reason? That's energy talking. I could go really into auric fields and stuff like that, but I'm sure there are more cohesive sources out there to explain the scientific aspects of it all.
We also have a lot of different energetic centers that are kinda like batteries, I guess. I reckon the best known ones are the chakras, but those are more like generators and have batteries running to them. I don’t know where all of the points are, but I do know we have a lot of energetic points and they’re often used for acupressure & acupuncture. When one of those energetic centers gets blocked, closed, or unbalanced, it can affect us mentally, physically, and energetically. The effects of a blockage vary from person to person and from center to center, but they can be reopened & rebalanced if someone is serious about doing so and pursue the proper channels.
I always stress the importance of understanding physics, astronomy, and psychology when people ask me about energy reading, and this is why. You have to understand how the Universe works and how people work to begin to grasp energetic currents & how we interact with them. In addition, you also have to know there are many, many things that science still hasn’t discovered.
Sometimes the reality of things can seriously conflict with religious teachings, scientific documentation, and even our own rationality, but in order to jump down this rabbit hole, you gotta learn to let go and explore. Most importantly, always listen to your own intuition. If something doesn't feel right to you, then it's not right for you. Simple as that. Otherwise, try to keep an open mind about everything.
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stellasaeculum · 1 year
Placements that can indicate jealousy in the natal chart
SCORPIO Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars
8th house placements (especially Sun, Moon, Venus & Mars placements)
Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars - Pluto aspects (especially squares and oppositions)
FIXED signs in general; although they do display jealousy differently -> Leos are too proud to vocalize it, but they will be petty & very dramatic in the presense of the person they're jealous of. Aquarius will most likely just suffer inside whilst Taurus will directly tell you they don't like the person they're jealous of. We all know by now how Scorpios are when another person is interested in their beloved ones. ALSO you should look if the Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars is in any fixed sign if you would like to see if the person is jealous.
Aries Sun
Cancer/Pisces Venus
Cancer/Pisces Mars
Venus at 8/21 degrees
Venus square Moon
Moon square/opposite Sun/Neptune/Uranus
Moon at 2/8/14/21 degrees
Pisces Sun
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stellasaeculum · 1 year
Twin Flames Vs. Karmics
It’s important to know the difference between a twin flame/deep soul connection and a karmic connection.
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A true twin flame/deep soul journey will absolutely be a pain in the ass; it hurts sometimes and it sucks, *BUT* your counterpart WILL NEVER deliberately abuse you. That shit is karmic. They might be annoying and frustrating, but never deliberately malicious.
We have all kinds of soulmates. Not all of them are romantic and not all of them are good. The term “soulmate” just means you have an energetic tie to somebody for one reason or another. Some are friends, some are romantic partners, some are twin flames/deep soul connections, and some are karmic connections.
It’s easy for people to mistake a karmic relationship with a twin flame relationship. They both feel kind of similar in different ways, but if your person has abused you in any form then that is a karmic connection, sis (or bro or sibling of choice). A twin flame/deep soul connection will never deliberately hurt you out of malice.
Karmic connections show up for one reason: to balance energetic debt, one way or another. Being somebody who was in an extremely abusive karmic relationship, I will absolutely tell you they are a fucking nightmare and a half. Every button you have will be pushed, everything you’ve ever dreaded will probably happen, and you damn well may end up in therapy. I know I sure did. I didn’t know it at the time, and didn’t realize it for years, but that entire experience was to balance my karma so something better could come my way.
Of course you would feel a very deep connection to a karmic… y’all got karma to work out! But it is nothing and I do mean NOTHING like a twin flame or deep soul connection. It’s hard to explain, but you really do have unconditional love for a twin flame or deep soul. Whether they’re with you or not, you really do hope for the best for them. You want them to be happy & healthy and to succeed at whatever they’re doing, even if that means not being with you.
With a karmic connection, that love is certainly not unconditional.
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stellasaeculum · 1 year
The Story of the Splinter
One time, I got a really bad splinter. It left me with a life lesson.
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About 7 years ago, I got this massive splinter in the pad of my thumb. It was about 3 inches long and went deeeeep. I thought I pulled it all out and I went about my life as usual, but as time went on, it still always hurt when something hit that part of my thumb.
Work really sucked since I spend the majority of my time typing, so I had to be careful whenever I touched anything. Lest it be said, it slowed down my work a lot. I let it go like that for weeks just figuring that eventually, the little sliver left in my thumb would come out on its own. Boy oh boy was I wrong.
The little spot got bigger, redder, harder, and hotter. It felt like electricity whenever anything hit my thumb. Finally, a good 2 months after the splinter, I couldn’t put up with it anymore and went to the doctor. Lo and behold, there was a sliver of wood still in my thumb about a quarter of an inch long. It turned into an abscess, and I had to get it extracted.
It took a freakish amount of anesthetic to numb it enough for the doc to cut into my hand. My thumb got cleaned, stitched, bandaged, and I got a round of antibiotics. It hurt like hell, but after two months of bullshit, it was finally healing.
What are you getting at, Lise?
The moral of the story is this: things in life can be like a splinter. You may think you got it out, but there’s still a small part festering deep within. Sometimes letting nature take its course is fine, but other times, you need to take action to properly heal.
I’ve used this allegory to explain everything from toxic behaviors to bad relationships. Healing is painful. It sucks. It hurts. But it is way worse if you’re aware of a problem and choose to ignore it. Becoming aware of an issue is the first step to correcting it and the path to healing isn’t always fun, but it is always, always worth it.
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stellasaeculum · 1 year
A Tip On Forgiveness
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We can be clouded by a sense of bitterness, of almost wanting the world to hurt like we do, so it can be hard to be thankful and forgive not only others but ourselves. The thing is, doing so short-circuits that anger and bitterness. So here’s something that might help.
Write letters (that you don’t have to send if you don’t want) and vent it all. Then, list all of the things you’ve learned, all of the things that made you happy, and all of the things that have made you a better person. Finally, forgive and release.
Do this for your divine counterpart if you’re in a twin flame/deep soul journey, or your parents, or that asshole teacher you had in 5th grade, or that coworker that stole your Mountain Dew, or whoever. But most importantly, for yourself. You’re not the same person you were six months ago, two years ago, 20 years ago. You’ve grown and learned, and it’s okay if you feel mad or confused or sad sometimes. We’re not robots.
Remember to write a letter to yourself. Write one like you were talking to a child, even. Show yourself compassion and kindness. Show yourself gratitude. You deserve to forgive yourself for past mistakes!! You didn’t know any better!
Burn the letters after or whatever you feel compelled to do, but getting your thoughts and feelings out in tangible form will help quite a bit with processing them.
#insight #forgiveness #advice #gratitude #healing
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stellasaeculum · 1 year
On Collective Tarot Readings
When watching collective tarot readings, not everything will vibe with you, and that’s cool. It’s not supposed to.
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When reading for a collective, it’s kinda like reaching your hand into a bowl of M&Ms. Every single one of those M&Ms has had a different adventure in being created, even if they’re from the same factory and in the same package dumped into the same bowl. Different cocoa beans, different cows for the milk, different sugarcane plants, etc.
Even though they’re collectively together and have gone through a lot of the same things, they’re all a little different. Now, reaching into that bowl, you only grab a handful at a time. You can get a broad idea of the entire bowl itself, but can only look closer at the handful you have. If you really wanna inspect an M&M under a microscope, you have to pick it up by itself (which is what a personal reading is).
Collective readings are like examining your handful of M&Ms. The stuff true for the ones in your hand may not be true for the ones still in the bowl. This is what readers mean when they talk about stuff “resonating.” You may not be in that particular handful the reader has at the moment, but you’re still in that bowl and will be in another handful. That’s why you gotta listen to your intuition about whether or not things jive with your situation.
You REALLY shouldn’t make a shoe fit by chopping off your toes when there’s a perfectly good shoe for you in the same aisle. Part of the lesson of Temperance is discernment, and it’s an important lesson to embrace.
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stellasaeculum · 2 years
Not Everything Is Sunshine & Rainbows
A lot of things piss me off. I mean, I'm a steward, a protector... Jovial if you wanna use astro terms. I tend to get pissed off when I feel like someone is taking advantage of the vulnerable.
I've been awake for maybe 20 minutes and I've already seen several tweets talking about the charlatans in the spiritual and astrological communities, and ya know what? They're right.
Real spirituality reflects real life. Real tarot reflects real life. Real astrology reflects real life. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows.
While I understand the importance of hope, especially in this day and age, there's a point where hope evolves into delusion. And so many popular astrologers, readers, mediums, etc, are saying shit simply for the clicks and cash. Or as I usually say, for clout and coin. They don't care about the very real harm they can do to people.
I have a formal education in psychology in addition to dealing with my own psych issues; I know all too well the danger this bullshit puts people in. Nevertheless, when I try to call it out, I get drowned out like a grain of sand in the sea.
I could use my marketing background to play algorithms, buy placements, boost my SEO, and do all the other stuff I do in my day job, but I won't because that just feels really gross and unethical to me. I've always had the philosophy that if someone finds me, they find me for a reason. Not to mention I'm out to help people, not rob em blind and give them complexes. But anyway.
I get it. People don't like bad news. They don't like real, actual, useful information. They want sunshine and rainbows, and that's what sells. But it's not real, and more alarmingly, it's not healthy.
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stellasaeculum · 2 years
Stupid Arguments
One of the stupidest arguments I've seen about trans people is "God made you male/female so you're how He wants you to be."
My nephew is trans so this is one of those issues I have a big mouth regarding.
Ok Helen, then quit dying your hair, getting botox, wearing makeup, and slapping filters on your selfies. Better not have any tattoos or nail polish, either. And throw away the girdle & push up bra while you're at it.
Not only does that argument completely dismiss the psychological and physiological aspects of gender dysphoria, but it's hypocritical as shit. Most of the people that spew hatred are flaming hypocrites of the highest degree, and the only thing I can think of is a quote from Y'shua (aka Jesus):
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" -Matthew 7:3
I keep thinking about all those people at Club Q just trying to honor Trans Day of Remembrance to end up being massacred. That could've been me, an openly pansexual cis woman. That could've been my nephew and his partner. That could've been my queer friends. That could've been my aro/ace daughter.
People that aren't queer don't seem to understand what we mean when we say queer clubs and bars are sanctuaries. They don't understand the fear of holding someone's hand in public; of being openly affectionate with your partner. They don't understand that queer people around the world die daily simply for being who they are. Queer spaces are safe spaces, and hatred is quickly trying to strip those away.
In remembrance of:
Raymond Green Vance (he/him) Kelly Loving (she/her) Daniel Aston (he/him) Derrick Rump (he/him) Ashley Paugh (she/ her) & everyone harmed in the Club Q shooting.
Be at peace. You'll never be forgotten.
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stellasaeculum · 2 years
I'm sorry, sweetie. I really am. I didn't know you for very long, but you were such a sweet girl. I wanted to keep you but I'm not allowed to have pets... I was hoping you'd stick around until I moved so I could take you with me.
You deserved so much better, sweetie. You deserved a warm home with lots of food and plenty of toys. You deserved someone to cuddle you and look after you.
My heart hurt so much when I found you by the side of the road yesterday. I pulled over and sobbed, and brought you home so I could give you a proper burial. I wasn't about to let a vulture get you.
I've been crying on and off since I found you. My sweetie cat. If nothing else, I hope you know you were loved.
I'm so, so sorry.
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stellasaeculum · 2 years
Sweetie Kitty
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stellasaeculum · 2 years
Oof (the about me intro)
Been a long time since I was over here on Tumblr, but since the bird app has been taken over by a comic book villain and the ice age app is clunky, here I am. Granted I've kinda missed Tumblr and all the fandoms, lol.
I reckon I'll make an introduction for anyone that stumbles upon me and didn't find me from the bird app first.
The Mundane Stuff
As far as the mundane goes, I'm the mother of a 16-year-old, live in the rural United States, am 36, am pansexual, and use she/her pronouns. I speak English fluently, conversational Spanish (although I'm out of practice), and bits & pieces of several other languages.
My major in college was Business Admin/Marketing and my minor was Psychology with a focus on Abnormal Psychology. I'm a huge advocate for human & social rights, so I tend to land on the left of the political spectrum although I consider myself an Independent. Fighting for equity, justice, and equality are passions of mine.
I’m on the Autism spectrum & have Bipolar 1 and PTSD. I wasn’t diagnosed with ASD until I was in my 30s, developed PTSD in my 20s, and have been dealing with Bipolar since I was 14. As such, I’m also a huge advocate for mental health awareness, mental wellness, and neurodivergence acceptance. In addition, I also have three autoimmune diseases so my physical health is kind of a train wreck, lol.
I love animals of all kinds, music from many genres, fantasy/horror novels & movies, history (especially the 18th Century), and learning about different cultures. Cultural anthropology is of huge interest to me and what I initially intended to get a degree in, but life has a funny way of throwing curveballs.
I've been studying different belief systems and schools of thought for over 23 years, and I've been blessed to have had the chance to talk with religious leaders, teachers, and mentors of various cultures and beliefs.
Most of what I believe is based on quantum physics and my own intuition, along with many years of studying philosophy, psychology, the sciences, & world religions, both historical and modern. As far as my own theosophical beliefs go, I consider myself an Omnist. I can find truths in any path (or lack thereof), but I don’t think any of them are 100% correct.
Esoteric Stuff
Time for the weird shit.
The tl:dr is that I'm an alien stuck in a defective meat bag. Yeah, I know it sounds absolutely batshit, but I promise I’m very sane. 
I’m an interdimensional, or what the new agers like to call a “starseed.” Basically, my soul doesn’t originate here but I’m old af and incarnate down here on 3D Earth from time to time to help out & learn things. While down here, for all intents and purposes, I’m human. I deal with my crappy health, pay my bills, get stuck in traffic, waddle around looking for toilet paper, etc. Granted I’m one with some unique gifts.
I was born with the ability to read & manipulate energy, and have known since I was a small child that I'm an interdimensional. Back then, we didn't have words like "starseed," so I just told people I was an alien stuck on Earth in a human body. As you can imagine, that went over well, lmao.
I’m not necessarily a healer, although all of us that work with energy are healers in one way or another. I'm more of a steward if I have to be lumped into one of the stereotypical groups. I keep an eye on stuff, pass insights to people, and neutralize/balance energy. I can do quite a few other things that involve manipulating energy (what others usually call magick or alchemy), but I typically don't. After all, you never know when you could be interrupting someone's karma and everything comes with a price.
The biggest thing I do is keep an eye on other interdimensionals both incarnated and not, and try to stop the spread of misinformation from bad sources. Which is a massive pain in my ass when it comes to other “starseeds” that aren’t actually interdimensionals. Nobody is “chosen,” nobody is more “special” than anyone else, and nobody is part of this stupidass 144,000 thing I keep seeing. Those of us down here are here, as I said, to help and to learn, and most importantly, we volunteered for it. A lot of the crap I’ve seen people spewing is rooted in n*zism and eugenics, which is not effin cool.
Tarot Stuff
Tarot and astrology to me are tools that I like having in my arsenal but don’t necessarily need. It’s sorta like, if I was taking a road trip and had a traffic forecast, map, and GPS, then astrology would be the traffic forecast and tarot would be the GPS. I can get where I’m going with my energy reading “map” just fine, but they help speed up the process.
I throw tarot for donations in my downtime and have read for people around the world. With my extra kick of energy reading, it adds a significant “oomph” to what I can do. You can see my suggested donations and book a reading here if you’re interested.
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stellasaeculum · 2 years
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stellasaeculum · 2 years
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