stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 31, 2013
Last day of August - and I almost blew it.  Today I learned that if I put off writing until later in the day (with the very best of intentions, mind you), I don't get much writing done.  I am reeeeally good at procrastinating.  Like, really, really good at it.  There are things on my "to-do" list from four years ago.  I'm not proud of that.  Feel free to judge me.
But, despite my procrastination today, I finally got some writing done tonight... if for no other reason than to make it through this challenge I inflicted upon myself!  It appears that if this book is going to be finished, it will have to be first thing in the morning.  DISLIKE.  I want to finish the book, though, so I'm gonna keep going for a while.  I don't know that I'll bore you all to death with daily updates (if I start slacking I may have to, to keep myself accountable), but I will keep getting up early and working on the book.
And maybe, just maybe, one day in the fairly near future I will actually publish a book.  Fingers crossed. 
Thank you for joining me on this wacky little challenge.  Here's to September!
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 30, 2013
27,000+ words in the bag.  I can't believe I've been working on the book for thirty days straight, honestly.  Or that I'm at the halfway point.  I didn't want to work on the book the last few days, but I'm finding that just sitting down, opening the laptop, and doing something helps me get the ball rolling.  Some days words just flow.  Other days it's like pulling teeth - without novocaine.  But just sitting down and starting helps me get stuff done.  
Who'd a thunk?
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 29, 2013
Walked.  Wrote.  So.  Tired.  Going.  Back.  To. Bed. (for a minute, anyway)
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 28, 2013
August is almost over.  How did that happen so fast???  I'm still in the middle of research (information gathering is probably the more accurate term) and the middle of the book.  But, since I was at the beginning of the book 28 days ago, that's probably not a terrible thing.  Perspective.  Or something.
I might have to, I mean, get to extend this little project/challenge through September.  If I want to finish it, anyway.  And I do want to finish it.  Sigh.  I also want a nap.  This waking up early thing absolutely stinks.
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 27, 2013
Setting up interviews, writing some and further organizing content counts as working on the book, right?!  Cuz I did all of those things.  And I ran.  And juiced.  I'd call that productive.  
Side note about running: runners are the kindest, most welcoming group of people I have ever met.  I am usually the slowest runner out there, and I have only ever experienced support and encouragement from other runners.  That's a beautiful thing.  That kind of generosity makes so many things possible, and I'm so grateful for it today.  
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 26, 2013
Started off editing/re-reading today, and ended up finding multiple places to add material.  Woot woot.  26,000+ words down... probably that many still to go... but that puts me at the half way point (for initial draft writing, anyway!)  There's no way I'll have the whole first draft done in the next five days, but being halfway through the first draft of my first book ain't bad at all.  It's the most I've ever written, that's for sure!
Side note: the puppies have become veeeery accustomed to walking/running in the early morning.  They're getting a wee bit demanding about it, honestly.  If we're not out the door before 7am, all sorts of nervous energy and whining starts happening.  Waking up early and exercising every morning for 26 straight days?!  What have I done?!
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 25, 2013
This morning was interesting.  I decided to sleep in and walk the puppies and write way later than usual.  Today I re-learned that walking the dogs in the middle of the day is still a bad idea in Las Vegas in August.  Holy Toledo.  A few hours still makes a major difference.  Back to the early mornings tomorrow.  
25,000+ words in the bag.  Let's do this.
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
‘Fat’ is usually the first insult a girl throws at another girl when she wants to hurt her. I mean, is ‘fat’ really the worst thing a human being can be? Is ‘fat’ worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’ or ‘cruel’? Not to me; but then, you might retort, what do I know about the pressure to be skinny? I’m not in the business of being judged on my looks, what with being a writer and earning my living by using my brain… I went to the British Book Awards that evening. After the award ceremony I bumped into a woman I hadn’t seen for nearly three years. The first thing she said to me? ‘You’ve lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw you!’ ‘Well,’ I said, slightly nonplussed, ‘the last time you saw me I’d just had a baby.’ What I felt like saying was, ‘I’ve produced my third child and my sixth novel since I last saw you. Aren’t either of those things more important, more interesting, than my size?’ But no – my waist looked smaller! Forget the kid and the book: finally, something to celebrate! I’ve got two daughters who will have to make their way in this skinny-obsessed world, and it worries me, because I don’t want them to be empty-headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones; I’d rather they were independent, interesting, idealistic, kind, opinionated, original, funny – a thousand things, before ‘thin’. And frankly, I’d rather they didn’t give a gust of stinking chihuahua flatulence whether the woman standing next to them has fleshier knees than they do. Let my girls be Hermiones, rather than Pansy Parkinsons.
J.K. Rowling  
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(via likejameslovedlily)
this is personally in my list of things you must reblog when you see it
(via potternyc)
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 24, 2013
Almost 24,000 words down.  I was advised to start looking for an editor, so that's on the to-do list now, too.  I kind of can't believe I'm actually needing an editor... cuz I'm actually writing a book.  This is very surreal.  I'm the chick who procrastinates everything and has huge lists of all the things she wants to do, but never really gets around to.  Until now.  Whoa.  Getting werk done.  
I still hate mornings, though.  Ha!
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 23, 2013
23,000+ words in the bag.  I've just gotta keep plugging along, adding to the book and working on it every day.  Doing things a little bit at at time (and regularly/daily) is very new for me.  This "keeping a schedule when I don't have to" stuff is not my forte... but I guess I'll just keep chugging along.
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 22, 2013
I've been waking up early, running and writing for over three weeks now.  Mornings still suck.  21 days to make a habit, my foot.  What I've learned is that I wake up with a headache when I don't get enough sleep (and that's been happening a lot lately), but my puppies love walking and running every day, and the morning light and air are fantastic.  I do tend to get more done during the day, as well.  
But I still hate mornings.  
Okay.  I'm done whining now.  22,000+ words written.  Progress.
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 21, 2013
The writing train keeps on rolling.  21,000+ words and a lot still left to write.  And research.  And organize.  I highly doubt I'll be done with a draft by the end of August... but I'll keep working on it.  
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 20, 2013
DUDE.  20,000 words in the bag...  And that's without the research I've been doing for days (and will be doing for many more days).  This might actually turn into a book, after all.  Holy mind-blower, Batman.  
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 19, 2013
More research and organization.  So very, very exciting.  (holds up sarcasm sign)  While it's not very thrilling to report, it is turning out to be crucial for the book.  So... yeah.  I walked the dogs, juiced and worked on the book.  Now on to my regularly scheduled life!
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 18, 2013
Oh the lists!  Editing and compiling the lists I need for the book is time intensive.  Worth it, but time intensive.  So, I didn't write a single word for the book today... but I did a LOT of organizing/compiling.  I guess it's just a different kind of progress.  
And I slept in.  Cuz I needed to.  Back to the early morning routine tomorrow.  It is far too hot to run with the dogs at 9 am!  
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 17, 2013
Totally forgot to post yesterday.  Oops.  Word count is still just over 19,000 because compiling and editing the various lists of information is time intensive.  The information will add thousands of words to the book eventually, but it's going to take many hours before it's ready.  This is the part of writing that feels like work, for me.  
Oh, well.  Better do work, son!
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stephanie-bare-blog · 11 years
August 15, 2013
19,000 words in the bag!  I went back and re-read some of what I've written... I'm not sure how much of my personality and verbal mannerisms to include.  It could be taken the wroooong way.  As in, people will either laugh or be offended.  Hmm.  This is probably what editors are for.  That, and eliminating my sentence fragments and punctuational assaults.  The book is non-fiction, but it's turning out to be half entertainment, half education.  Spell check says edutainment is an actual word, so let's go with that.  
Maybe I should focus on just writing (and finishing!) it, instead of worrying about what the twelve people who read it will think.  Yup, that's what I'll do.  Done.  
How is your August going?
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