strawberrykiwisouda · 3 years
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strawberrykiwisouda · 3 years
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strawberrykiwisouda · 3 years
oumota headcanons
• they take care of each other in small ways
• kokichi has to take his vitamins every day but he doesn't, kaito makes him take them and rewards him with grape panta
• kaito gets a little overwhelmed when multiple people are talking to him so kokichi often takes the lead in the conversation(s) whenever he notices it
• both cheer each other up in different ways, kokichi distracts kaito by doing things he knows kaito will like (stargazing, dog movies etc.) and kaito gives his inspirational speeches
• they like to hang out on abandoned rail tracks :>
• kaito cooks breakfast in the mornings due to him waking up earlier, with lunch they often go out and eat and then make food together for dinner
• they don't talk when making food together in the kitchen, just silent teamwork
• kaito's cooking has it's own little feel to it, like how mom's cooking does. he learned it from his grandmother, kokichi doesn't show it but he prefers kaito's cooking over everyone else's
• especially since kaito knows what kokichi likes/doesn't like in foods
• they actually have lots of moments when they are quiet together (stargazing being one of them)
• kaito gives lots of piggyback rides to kokichi
• kaito has his own cereal he eats whenever he's feeling down during nights, kokichi has found him in the kitchen sometimes
• kokichi wears kaito's jacket when feeling down
• when they have arguments, they apologise in their own ways. kaito apologises verbally meanwhile kokichi by actions (like hugging)
• kaito picks kokichi up whenever the former gets happy (kokichi secretly loves it)
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strawberrykiwisouda · 3 years
GOD my chihiro kintype is showing lately. realizing i have a lotta anger left over from childhood and i keep invalidating my own feelings about it
id often rather keep the peace than stand up for myself
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strawberrykiwisouda · 3 years
realizing that i probably like mukuro so much because i relate to her
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strawberrykiwisouda · 3 years
OT3 Ask Game!
I couldn’t find any OT3 ask games, so I’m making one myself! PIf used, please rb and if you feel kind tag a mutual!
1) Who fell in love first? Second? Third?
2) Who confessed first and to who? Did they all start dating at once or did one couple happen first?
3) Who picks the movie on movie night? What movie do they pick?
4) Who plans the dates? What are their favorite dates?
5) In your honest opinion, which individual relationship do you think is the weakest? The strongest?
6) What was their first impressions of the other two?
7) Do they sleep in the same bed? If so, who sleeps in the middle?
8) Who proposes? How do they propose? Is it impromptu?
9) Who are the big spoons? The little spoons?
10) What’s one headcanon that you’ve never shared about them?
11) Who wins the pillow fight?
12) Who wins the snowball fight?
13) Who cooks dinner?
14) Who does the chores?
15) Who is the prankster? Who gets angry at the pranks, and who calms everybody down?
16) Who’d die or the other two?
17) Who is the tickler? The ticklee?
18) Whats your favorite trope about them?
19) Who gets to put their music on in the car? What is each person’s music taste and what do the others think of it?
20) Who drives the car? Who sits in the front, and who in the back?
21) Who falls asleep fast? Who stays awake and watches the other two sleep?
22) Who belts out songs in the shower? Who quietly hums or whistles, and who remains silent?
23) What kind of affections do they each show?
24) What are each of their opinions on PDA?
25) Do you prefer fluff or angst for them?
26) Domestic fluff or Hurt/Comfort?
27) What aus do you have for them? Which is your favorite?
28) Who goes gift shopping first? Who gets the best gifts? Who gives gifts more often?
29) If you had to describe your OT3 in 3 words, what would they be?
30) If you had to describe your OT3 in 5 words, what would they be?
31) Who already knew how to skate, and who gets taught by who?
32) Who borrows clothes from who?
33) Who has the best fashions sense?
34) Who is more protective of the other two?
35) Who is more clingy?
36) What song reminds you of your OT3?
37) Who says “I love you” first? Second?
38) Who hugs the other two the most often?
39) How do they announce that they’re home?
40) What are your sexuality and gender headcanons for them?
41) Who gets a 3 am snack? Who do they encounter at the fridge?
42) Who is the most affectionately reserved?
43) Who has the cutest laugh? Who tries to get the other two to laugh the most often?
44) Who cuts the other two’s hair?
45) Who overdresses for the weather? Who underdresses? Who lends the others their scarfs?
46) What are each of their texting styles? What does their groupchat look like on average? Who spams memes?
47) Who wakes the other two up?
48) Who is the worst liar? The best?
49) Who always gets their way?
50) Who drinks all the coffee? 
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strawberrykiwisouda · 3 years
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she was perfectly fine before you said anything, thank you celes..
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strawberrykiwisouda · 4 years
poggers (romantic)
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strawberrykiwisouda · 4 years
hello!! i was wondering if you could gimme some twobuki (ult. imposter/twogami x ibuki mioda) headcanons? this ship has been living in my head rent free recently,, i'd love to hear any hcs you have !! (if i ever come back to rq again, i'll mark it with this -> ⚒ emoji!!)
⚒ anon, you are extremely valid lol. This is a ship I like but haven't dedicated a lot of thought to, so thank you for the prompt!
- While Ibuki admires Twogami for his commanding presence and ability to take charge, Twogami is drawn to Ibuki because of how openly and unapologetically she is herself
- Because of that, he reveals his true identity to her the fastest out of anyone
- Ibuki easily switches to using "they" pronouns when the two of them are alone (and keeps very good track of whom Imposter has told so she doesn't accidentally out them)
- Imposter doesn't want to admit at first how much they like it, but as Ibuki helps them embrace themself, they start to openly smile in response
- Despite helping Imposter accept themself, Ibuki is sure to never pressure them to shed their Togami disguise. They will when they're ready
- The number one message is that she will love them no matter what they look like or who they're being at the moment
- I personally ascribe to the headcanon that she's bi, so I can definitely see Imposter being nervous to reveal they're impersonating a woman just for Ibuki to react exactly the same as when they impersonate a man
- In return, Imposter is the most loving and supportive partner Ibuki could ever imagine
- They go to every concert, defend her ideas, and uplift her every chance they get
- When they come home and cut-up clothes are strewn across the floor because Ibuki's making herself something new, they go buy new clothes without a single complaint, and even come home with a special snack in case she forgot to eat while caught up in her project
- One April Fool's, Imposter disguises themself as Ibuki and performs a concert. It was Ibuki's idea, and she just laughs to tears backstage at the fans' confusion. If there's a meet-and-greet, she does it herself with absolutely no explanation as to why there's a 100lb difference between herself now and the her that just performed
- The two of them celebrate each other's existence without a hint of wanting the other to change, but as their relationship grows over time Ibuki learns to blend in when it's necessary and Imposter learns who they are as a person, growing and changing together.
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strawberrykiwisouda · 4 years
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✃ anonymous requested;
Hi-onara~! I was hoping to get a playlist for a Chiaki and Chihiro kinnie! Preferably game/computer themes and/or 8/16 bit. But!!! If that's hard, that's okay! Love your blog aesthetic btw <3 ~ 🎮🌸
hello anon! i hope you’re having a wonderful day. here’s the 13-song playlist i was able to compile for you;
コノヨ (Konoyo) Loading... // REOL
TETRIS ★ Remix // MiatriSs
Rain Drop, Drop Pop (Candy) // OHEY
Shelter // Porter Robinson, Madeon
Sad Machine feat. Hatsune Miku // Porter Robinson ( dj-Jo Remix )
Flash Drive (feat. B▲by) // Wave Racer
Pixel Galaxy // Snail’s House
Galaxy Hero // Sabrepulse
Interdimensional Portal Leading to a Cute Place // In Love With A Ghost, Snail’s House
Software Upgrade // Poppy
When Can I See You Again? // Owl City
Perfume! // fusq
Lifetime Achievement Award // Lemon Demon
you can find it on spotify and youtube.
i hope you enjoy, anon! let me know if anything’s not to your liking and i can rework it! (& thank you for the compliment, you’re a sweetheart!)
» mod maki ✧
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strawberrykiwisouda · 4 years
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strawberrykiwisouda · 4 years
um. i’m having trouble writing about post-game (simulation au) korekiyo…. if any kork fans wanna help out, id love to hear your thoughts ,
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strawberrykiwisouda · 4 years
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May I offer you some wholesome Sonsoudam content in these trying times
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strawberrykiwisouda · 4 years
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🤔 anyways………they
(based on this post)
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strawberrykiwisouda · 4 years
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we did our best
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strawberrykiwisouda · 4 years
me: im gonna write about korekiyo
me an hour later: *has four tabs open about the victorian era, memorial practices during that time, the philosophy of “memento mori”, and memorial hair jewelry/art*
korekiyo must be in character... and to do so..... his fun fact monologues must be historically accurate.........
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strawberrykiwisouda · 4 years
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THE comfort ship
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