strykingfear · 2 years
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“i like the concept of soulmates—not a ‘you’re destined to meet me, and love me’ kind of soulmate, but a ‘i’d pick you, every time.’ kind of soulmate. a ‘no matter what happens, and what has happened, i want to go through it with you.’ kind of soulmate
 a ‘in every possible outcome, i want you there, to share it with me.’ kind of soulmate.” - @spectralsuggestions
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strykingfear · 3 years
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You really do remember me this time? I’m so flattered! But you’re too late!
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strykingfear · 3 years
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Ocarina of Time Artwork by Tom Garden
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strykingfear · 3 years
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These FF7R au plotlines definitely slipped out of control 
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strykingfear · 3 years
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Tokyo State of mind
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strykingfear · 3 years
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follow me on instagram!
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strykingfear · 3 years
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strykingfear · 3 years
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Café Society (Woody Allen, 2016)
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strykingfear · 3 years
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People love what other people are passionate about.
La La Land (2016), dir. Damien Chazelle
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strykingfear · 4 years
The RNC kicked off earlier this week and it’s been an absolutely hypocritical circus. Kenosha Wisconsin has been protesting/ resisting for a few days since Jacob Blake was shot in the back 7 times while he walked to his car after he broke up a fight. Last night, a 17 year old boy shot 4 people at the protests - he killed two. It looks like he’s a blue lives matter guy He shot one person and a mob tried to chase him down to disarm him and he shot three more. You can imagine the right’s response. 
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strykingfear · 4 years
Steve Bannon and others indicted for defrauding  the “We Build the Wall” campaign in which they received millions from donors for the wall, but then siphoned some of those funds off for their personal use. In a rally in PA, Trump delivered a dark, divisive speech claiming that the left is trying to cancel people, take their jobs and pit their kids and grandkids against them through indoctrination. 
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strykingfear · 4 years
Trump admitted today that he was trying to withhold funds from USPS because he didnt want to see it used for mail in voting...Everyone had already known this because he chose one of his donors who owns shares in USPS competitors to be postmaster general. They’ve taken away OT so all workers must stop as soon as their shift ends, which leads to a pile up in volume. Theyve also stopped using sorting machines and must sort by hand contributing further to a backlog. It’s wild that he would just outright say it though. Of course, there will be no consequences. 
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strykingfear · 4 years
Herman Cain passed away from COVID complications today. Yesterday, another lawmaker, Ghomert (R-TX), tested positive for coronavirus. He was at a House Judiciary Committee  and refused to wear a mask. Today, Trump floated the idea of postponing elections because he believes that mail-in / absentee voting would make the election fraudulent. 
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strykingfear · 4 years
Some other things of note:  Ghislaine Maxwell, the woman who would procure girls for Epstein was arrested a week or two ago. Her trial was set for next year which is dangerous considering that Epstein died in his cell. Trump wished her well yesterday. Epstein’s private banker found dead via hanging a few days ago. A judge who got a case four- five days ago relating to Deutsche bank and Epstein had her husband and son shot by a gunman disguised in a fed ex uniform. The son didnt make it. The gunman was found dead. 
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strykingfear · 4 years
Ive been super shit at keeping up. There’s been a pretty intense surge of COVID cases. California got shut down again. Portland is on day 55 of protesting. A few days ago, unidentified federal officers  started taking people off the street,  putting them in unmarked vans, and taking  them to undisclosed locations. It was acknowledged  by the admin. Apparently, they are DHS and CBP. We had been warning people for  YEARS that CBP was going to be used in this way given they have no accountability but no one listened. Today, it was announced that more federal law enforcement- namely, FBI , ATF, and DEA- will be sent to other cities to quell any “radical” movement.  DOJ announced the would provide $61 million dollars in grants to hire hundreds of police officers across the country, which is in direct contrast for recent calls to defund the police. 2
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strykingfear · 4 years
Unrest still spreading. More cities imposing stricter curfews. the president said he would use the insurrection act to deploy military in US cities. Immediately after, the police in DC began to tear gas and flash bang an otherwise peaceful protest so that the president could walk over to a church and take a photo in front of it with a bible in his hand. More politicians calling for violence to quell protests
A protest occurred in escondido but it seemed to end peacefully.
Earlier in the day, the Justice Department asked the Supreme Court to block Democrats from accessing mueller material.
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strykingfear · 4 years
Uprisings have spread to more cities and have continued in already affected cities. More cities issuing a curfew, some more strict than others. People are getting hurt- protestors keep getting rammed with cars, rubber bullets shot at them. DC is going pretty hard. the area around the white house is completely engulfed in flames. The president had to be escorted to an underground bunker and supposedly  more than 50 secret service agents were injured during the protests. The president has stated he is looking to label Antifa  a terrorist organiztion. 
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