stubborn-beast · 5 years
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From my private meme collection. Since I also work as an editor I often have to remind myself there aren’t actually any rules in writing. I’m happiest when I let myself follow my obsessions, my interests, my fancies and caprices–even if that means it doesn’t “make sense,” or the results are weird, or I never finish it, or no one ever wants to read it or publish it, or it’s 5 words long, or it’s written on toilet paper, or whatever. Sharing for whoever needs to hear this today <3
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
Tony: [drunk, pointing at Steve] That’s my boyfriend, suckers!
Natasha: Your husband, Tony.
Tony: My husband! Even better!
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
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Will I ever stop drawing Steve and Tony with tattoo themes?
No, no I will not.
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
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@amberad I dunno how to reply to submissions ;;
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
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Lucky bird
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
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I Did A Newborn Photo Shoot With My Baby Bunny
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
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a really good dream.
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
Hagrid: Now that you have money for the first time in your life, what would you like to buy in Diagon Alley? Food? A pet?
Harry: I want a solid gold cauldron.
Draco *passing by*: Mother I think I’m in love. 
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
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If you’ve watched and like any of these films (or better yet, all of them), consider us friends.
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
Good Hands | 3
The next time Tony saw the Alpha Steve Rogers was a surprise.
Well… a surprise to him, but not everyone else in the office.
Too distracted by the paperwork in his hand and the coffee in his other, Tony hadn’t been paying attention when he walked into the lobby of the clinic and began rapidly speaking to Pepper.
“Pep, can you please ask Clint to stop putting dirty jokes in the comments section when he books a spay or neuter? And can we push up the ACL tear check-up on Thursday, I’d rather make that a priority… and Pep, are you getting all of this? I don’t hear fingers on a keyboard-“ It was just then that Tony looked up from his stack of papers and froze mid-sip, realizing that he was talking to an empty desk with a familiar body standing in front of it, holding a carrier.
“Where’s Pepper?” was the only thing his mind could make his mouth produce before it went dry at the sight of Mr. Rogers standing there, grey t-shirt hugging his muscles in a way that was so unfair Tony could’ve filed a complaint against the manufacturer.
“’m not sure, Doc. Wasn’ ‘ere when I walked in-“
“Mr. Rogers – I’m so sorry! I just had to step out for a second,” came the familiar voice of the receptionist, looking as put-together as ever even in a pair of pale pink scrubs. She flashed Tony a smile that clearly told him to close his gaping mouth as she sat down and began to click away at the computer to bring up Steve’s files.
“It’s no problem, Ms. Potts.”
“I’ll have you know-“ Tony scoffed, tapping his papers into order on the countertop himself. “- that I was talking to no one while you were wherever you were. You’re going to make the town think I’m crazy.” Pepper shot him a look that had him grumbling into his fourth cup of coffee while his fingers tapped along the edge of his papers. He looked towards Steve and down to the carrier settled in front of him, allowing the distraction of his job and duty to keep him from eyeing the ridiculous arm muscles within touching distance.
“I’m not going to have a hand in that. If they come to that conclusion, it’s all because of you,” Pepper quipped easily, shooting Steve an award-winning smile that could’ve had any Alpha melting. Tony missed the way it passed right over the larger man because his gaze was far too busy looking at the messy mop of curls on top of Tony’s head as he approached.
“Who do we have here?” Tony was asking, his voice already softening as he crouched to peer into the front of the carrier. The cat inside was a large calico, her hair long and her brown eyes narrowed in Tony’s direction. He cooed softly towards her and was rewarded with an ear flick and glare of indifference that only cats were capable of.
“Missy. She got’n a scrap with somethin’ tha otha nigh’. Got ‘er real good.”
“Well, we can get her right back, we’ve been rather slow today. Pepper, you’ve got the paper stuff, right?”
“As always,” she chirped back at him, waving him off as he smiled her way and indicated for Steve to follow him. They headed into the first available room and Tony was already preparing his supplies on a small counter in the corner. Steve put the carrier on the metal table, hearing the low warning growl from inside and grimacing.
“Sorry, Doc. Missy ain’ the friendliest, but she’s a good mouser,” he apologized, to which Tony immediately tsked and shook his head, turning around with a handful of treats and his stethoscope around his neck.
“Most cats aren’t friendly, I’ve found. But not many can resist Pepper’s treats. You want to come join us, sweetheart? I just want to take a look at you; I promise I’ll be gentle, okay? If I’m not, you can scratch and bite me all you want.”
The Alpha watched Tony crouch at the edge of the table, opening the front of the carrier and leaving a little trail of treats from the edge of it out. He spoke all the while, his tone soothing and calm. Even Steve felt some of the tension easing from his shoulders and he desperately hoped that Tony wasn’t going to notice. As he watched Missy begin to slowly creep out from the back of the crate, he realized that he was the last thing on Tony’s mind. The Omega’s sharp eyes were solely on Missy as she made her way out, already flicking over her body and assessing her injuries.
“That’s a good girl, we’ll go nice and slow, okay?”
It took a little bit of time, but Tony’s coaxing and bribery paid off. Missy was sitting contently on the table, purring as she chewed through another treat and Tony was already telling Steve a plan for recovery.
“A lot of it’s superficial-“ he explained, writing something down on a yellow notepad. “Scrapes, bumps, bruises, you know. There’s a rather nasty gash on her right paw, though, that will need that bandage changed in three days and a wash with antiseptic every other day after for about a week, I’d say – to keep it clear of bacteria and things, while giving it some time to breathe.” He was still marking on the paper, so completely missing how Steve was simply watching the way he wrote, subtly sniffing his sweetness on the air that tinged with an unknown spice that had Steve’s heart pounding.
“I’ve neva gotten ‘er so calm, so quick. Ya work miracles, Doc.” A flash of a smile and Tony’s attention went back to the Alpha, a heat crawling up his cheeks and causing him to tug at the neck of his shirt briefly. He tried to play it off as if he were adjusting his lab coat collar.
“Yes, well, I wouldn’t be in business if I couldn’t handle all creatures great and small, right?”
“I s’pose tha’s true,” Steve drawled with a smile, giving Missy a scratch on her head and earning a quiet growl in response that only had him chuckling. Tony ignored the way his hair stood on end when hearing Steve’s chest rumble.
“Still as sassy as eva. Thank ya, Doc. Think I can get some o’ those treats to go?”
Tony blinked: “They’re for the animals, Steve, but I guess-“
His full laughter caused Tony to pause and blink at him more owlishly than before.
“I know… I mean’ for her, for when I gotta take off tha bandage and wash it.”
“Oh… right, of course,” Tony muttered, cursing himself as he grabbed a wrapped baggie of the treats and held it out for Steve to take. The Alpha was doing his best to quell his laughter, smile bulging, while Tony busied himself with getting Missy back into the carrier.
“You can call the office if anything gets worse,” Tony said briskly, trying not to let his hurt pride get the best of his professionalism. Steve’s smile fell slightly and he stepped back, carrier in his arms.
“Sorry Doc. Wasn’ laughin’ at ya, you know.” The tone of Steve’s voice took the edge off slightly, and that caused Tony to bristle even more. He tried to hide it, but knew he failed when he saw a flash of something in Steve’s gaze.
“Of course not. I just wasn’t understanding, that’s all. Probably need another cup of coffee to make it through the day,” he said, gathering his papers once more and giving Steve the top sheet from his yellow notepad that had the instructions on it. Then, he stepped around the big Alpha and stood in the doorway, pointing towards the front lobby.
“Pepper will get you all signed out. Have a great day, Mr. Rogers,” Tony said before turning down the hallway to disappear into his office. Anyone else would have called it ‘fleeing’, but Tony definitely didn’t flee. And he definitely didn’t peer back out of his office to watch the slumped shoulders of the Alpha as he disappeared into the lobby. He didn’t hold his breath until he heard the chime of the door that indicated the Alpha was gone from the clinic.
The last thing he needed was to get tangled up with anyone – Alpha or not – ever again. 
Tag(s): bloomcat1
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
silence comes from sickness and bad mental health. sorry, all. I’ll get back to writing as soon as I feel able x.
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
fanfic questions themed around time
monday: do you struggle with the ‘boring’ parts of writing?
tuesday: name a fic you have posted which you think is overrated?
wednesday: name a fic which you have posted which you think is underrated?
thursday: have you ever written a high fantasy concept?
friday: most self-indulgent fic you have ever posted?
saturday: what gets you excited whilst writing?
sunday: how frequently do you take requests or prompts, if at all?
fortnight: what wip do you plan on posting next, if at all?
january: what was the first fic you posted this year?
february: have you ever written and/or a holiday-centric fic?
march: do you listen to music whilst writing? 
april: have you ever written and/or posted a crackfic?
may: a fic you have regretted posting?
june: have you ever written and/or posted a marriage fic?
july: what’s the hottest fic you have written and/or posted if you write smut at all?
august: are any of your fics associated with certain genres/artists/songs/etc?
september: share a comment or review which still warms your heart?
october: name the darkest or angstiest fic you have written and/or posted?
november: do you have any rituals or requirements for getting in the mood for writing?
december: have you ever gifted a fic to someone?
recent: the most recent fic you have posted online?
ancient: the first fic you ever posted online?
seconds: shortest completed fic?
minutes: how long does it normally take you to complete a fic?
hours: longest wip or completed fic?
tomorrow: favourite ways to write fluff? yesterday: favourite way to write angst? today: have you made any progress in any wips today?
calendar: do you have a schedule for posting?
forever: do you balance fic writing with original concept stuff?
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
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stubborn-beast · 5 years
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