stuliving · 7 years
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still getting the hang of this studyblr thing
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stuliving · 7 years
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it’s your worst nightmare: you have tons of work to do and yet, you can’t seem to get it done. you’re tired and you’re sick of working so hard. don’t let a burnout stop you! here are some tips for avoiding and getting over a burnout. you can do this! (:
** first things first.. what is a burnout? **
burnout |ˈbərnˌout| noun
physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress: high levels of professionalism that may result in burnout | you’ll suffer a burnout.
burnouts happen to everyone now and then and the most important thing for you to know is that it’s okay!! *gasp* yes, it’s actually okay to feel like you need to stop once in a while. you’re only human. basically, it’s when you just can’t seem to focus on your work anymore or you really really need a break.
however, note that there’s a difference between procrastination and burnouts. procrastination is when you keep doing other stuff instead of your work. burnouts are when you keep doing your work and never do other stuff. (i suppose burnouts can lead to procrastination, but there is a difference!)
** preventing them **
NUMBER ONE TIP FOR PREVENTING BURN OUTS is to not overwork yourself!! this is so important!! you should not be pulling all nighters every other day to study!! you should not be cancelling doctors appointments or meetings with friends to study! go out there and have some fun, care about your health, do your thing! even if you don’t have anything else to do, instead of just doing more work, find something else that’s fun and requires little effort. in fact, do that fun stuff while you study! make studying and work not a task or chore, but something you enjoy and doesn’t stress you out.
fun games to play during study breaks
drift : you’re a cat and you’re jumping over balloons. super simple to learn and really fun to play!!
tea : by the same person who created drift, there are two mice and you’re collecting sugar cubes for tea! so cute ohmygoodnesss
2048 : i’m sure you know what this is but use your keys to slide the tiles around and try to get the 2048 tile!
tetris : classic game of tetris. i like this one because it keeps your brain moving fast, but you’re still taking a (much-needed) break, which is great!
flower reaction : you’re a flower and when you click, your flower (and the flowers around your flower) grow bigger, and your goal is to time your first flower so that you’ll have the largest chain reaction. watching the flowers get bigger is really calming for me!
flow : interesting little game where you’re basically a mouth and a body, and you eat other teeny organisms.
if you play some cute little games every now and then while you study, your grade will be fine. don’t worry <3
another thing you can do instead of playing a game is to go to a relaxing website or look at motivational quotes. my absolute favorite is the 90 second relaxation exercise because it’s so quick but it definitely helps!! it’s super calming and *be sure to turn your sound on because the music is lovely*
more stuff to help you relax + get motivated during breaks
the quiet place : go to the quiet place if you need to take a step back and just relax for a little bit.
easewave : pretty background and a motivational quote every day! you can also go to the navigation and click “browse quotes” if you want to see more. you can also get it as a chrome extension in case you don’t want to go to the website.
tonematrix : click on the squares to make different sounds! plus you can make really cute patterns and such.
webchemy : basically makes symmetrical art, it’s really neat if you just need to frantically click at the screen and make something that looks cool!
relax.li : pick an option and look at a video + listen to some nice audio to relax! my favorite is the cat (;
sometimes instead of staying at your computer screen, maybe it’s better to step away for a little bit. go for a quick run, or walk, or even just a stretch. go outside (unless it’s raining. you still can, of course, but bring an umbrella, silly!) and take a breath of fresh air!
stuff to do outside!
99 free things to do outside : exactly what it sounds like. 99 things you can do outside of your house for free.
101 things to do outside : also includes a cute little coloring page, though this is probably more for little kids there’s definitely still stuff you can do!
go for a walk with your friends/family and have a big discussion on something you can all talk about!
take a camera and just snap photos of things you find beautiful. it could be a mother and her child, some flowers, the sky, someone crying… i don’t know, whatever floats your boat~
bring a journal and just sit under a tree and write for a little bit. a diary entry, a song, a story you’ve been working on (that rhymes omg), it doesn’t matter!! but.. do not write your essay under that tree, okay? write something else!
relive your childhood and play tag. seriously just play something you used to play and haven’t played in a while because you will feel wonderfully nostalgic + exercise is great and makes you happy!
window shopping can be really fun if you need to get your mind off things. or just go to a shop and try half the store on and don’t get anything. y’know 0:-)
go to an arts store or something and buy things for diys or your bullet journal (washi tape yessss) or some art project you want to start and spend some time working on artsy fartsy stuff!!
lie in the grass with a book and read. or sleep.
11 fun things to do on a rainy day : if it’s raining, that doesn’t always mean “hit the books”. here’s stuff you can do (not outside, i guess) when it’s rainy.
if you really have to study for something and you don’t have time to spare but you’re worried about a burn out, there are still some things you can do to help!
set a schedule : make a solid, never-changing-regardless-of-circumstance, study schedule. leave plenty of room for breaks. studying non-stop WON’T help you, but if you have a set schedule that you’re used to and you know works for you, use it.
study in new places : this may not work for everyone but sometimes the best way to prevent a burn out is to make sure you feel like you’re not always doing the same thing! switch it up with study spaces – study outside, go to the library, stay at your desk, etc. – but try to make sure you’re not getting distracted!
break it down : break everything down into smaller tasks that are easier to accomplish! instead of “finish final project”, make it “finish outline” “finish design” “type it up” etc. so that you don’t feel too daunted. also, if you’re like me and you feel a great sense of accomplishment + motivation when you check things off a to-do list, making more manageable tasks will be like many bursts of motivation!
experiment : like with the new study spaces, maybe try new techniques! have you never ever used flashcards before? try those out (especially for vocab!) studying for history and you think you should make a timeline, even if you’ve never made one before? go for it!
talk to other people : it might help to teach what you’re learning to someone else. it’ll help you remember it better and that way, you actually understand the material. i would recommend “teaching” to someone who has already learnt everything so that if you make a mistake they can correct you!
make it right for you : lots of great studyblrs post gorgeous pictures of their studying. but that’s not how everyone needs to study, and we know that! if you don’t study well by taking pretty notes, and instead you like hearing recordings of your lectures, that’s great too! get yourself in your own study zone, not anyone else’s.
** bonus – some other posts that talk about studying tips and self care that you should take a peek at!! **
6 things people don’t always tell you about studying : great if you need help getting over procrastination
all the self care : some nice self care stuff like what to do on a bad day or beating stress and anxiety!
10 rules of good and bad studying : this is so immensely helpful!!
how to get motivated / stop procrastinating : short but sweet
motivation : best post for motivation i’ve found!! like honestly if you are unmotivated click here and i assure you waves of motivation will pour over you!
** getting over a burnout **
first of all, stop comparing yourself to other people. this might not help you, but for me, when i get burned out it’s because i’m trying hard to prove everyone wrong and my competitiveness is just messing everything up. focus on yourself instead of other people. so what if they got a better grade than you on that test, what matters is that you got a better grade than what you got last time!! it’s so stereotypical but you really just need to ignore what everyone else is doing and just go for it.
if you’re having a huge burnout i would suggest to sleep a lot. go to sleep thinking about things you’re grateful for, things that make you happy, things that relax you, etc. and take lots of nice, long, hot showers. wear comfy clothes. drink lots of tea/coffee/hot chocolate/your preference. just get yourself in a more comfortable zone, you feel?
sometimes you might be burned out for one subject but not the other. your mindset should not be “oh, i can’t do this anymore, guess i’ll devote my energy and soul to that subject instead!” learn from your mistakes! you can still study that other subject but remember to balance your time out. maybe by studying your other subject you’ll regain motivation to study the original one, and that’s great! but if you’re just burning out more and more, take. a. break.
talk to someone about it!! other people may have experienced the same and have super valuable + great advice for you, especially if they know you well. i’m a person on the internet who you’ve probably never met, i don’t know what works best for you! if you talk to people who are close to you about it, maybe they can spark an idea in your head.
woohoo, that’s it for now ^^ this is my second masterpost (ohmygoodness that sounds so cool hearing it now) and i really hope it helps you!! also, i’d like to thank you for all the nice comments and support i got on my first masterpost ♥ i honestly never expected you guys to like the idea so much! thanks again and have a looovely day (also coming up : more on online schools, study playlists!)
♥ hannah
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stuliving · 7 years
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new sem, better me.
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stuliving · 7 years
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60/100 days of productivity ⋅ saturday december 9 2017 black pen ⋅ brush pen ⋅ highlighters ⋅ paper ⋅ binder
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stuliving · 7 years
*please, reblog if u’re a studyblr*
i’m new here and need a lot of blogs to follow (・w・)also if you talk to me i’ll be really happy (i’m a shy kid)
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stuliving · 7 years
Studyblr Post: Back to School Essentials.
Hey Hey Hey! A lot of us will be starting school/college pretty soon so I thought I would do a (kinda) big post on back to school essentials. I will try to include as much as I can, like daily routine tips, Classroom tips etc, but if I miss something out or you have suggestions or tips to add, please feel free to inbox me to be included in the post, or simply reblog with your tips.
Your Back-Pack
I have tried to include as many things as possible. Some of thee things you might not agree with particularly and so you don’t need to bother if you don’t think it’s needed for you.
Textbooks or your tablet with the PDF format. I personally take the PDF format with me to school because the textbooks themselves are really heavy!
Exercise books/Notepads. I think @studyign uses her iPad to make notes in class which I think is  FABULOUS idea because the iPad is lightweight and you can quickly scribble stuff down without feeling like you’re wasting paper.
Pencilcase. NOW WITH YOUR PENCILCASE REMEMBER TO PACK ONLY THE ESSENTIALS. I’m a stickynote, highlighter, fineliner kind of girl, but I limit myself as much as possible because I personally get distracted in class if I’m focusing too much on HOW my notes look in class rather than absorbing the information. So keep it simple. Pretty up your notes at home.
Your Planner (if you use one)
Miniature comb with hair-clips and hairbands
Lip balm of any kind
SNACKS are very important! Make sure that you always have something in your bag that you can munch on. (something that can stay in your bag that won’t spoil) like biscuits, crackers, cereal minus the milk, dried fruit and a box of juice!
Handsanitizer or some wipes. Always keep your hands clean!
Battery Pack or charging cable for your devices
An extra scratch book for messy notes, doodles etc etc. Always good to have an extra notebook in case you leave one of your subject notebooks.
Bandages are always a great thing to carry on you for scrapes and bruises!
Tampons or Pads or Cups. Always! If ever you or a friend have an emergency.
Having a routine to lean on is an essential part of productivity and organisation. You may be like me and not like a rigid, hour by hour routine, so having a list of things you HAVE to do each morning or evening etc is good too. Following guidelines like that allows you to set up time for hard work and time for rest and relaxation.
In the morning, I suggest:
Drink a glass of warm water first thing in the morning.
Take a shower to rid yourself of yesterday and begin a new day smelling clean, like your favorite bodywash and perfumes.
You should ALWAYS have breakfast in the morning. It’s the most important meal of the day so please please make sure you eat something, even if you don’t want too. Some toast, rusks, porridge or scrambled eggs. It’s difficult to think on an empty stomach.
Fill up your water bottle either now or the night before and stick it in the fridge if you like it cold.
Having some fruits would be good too!
Have a cup of tea (or coffee) in the morning. Just one cup of coffee!
Read through some of your notes! If you’ve got a lot of time either on the bus or train to school, some extra time before the drive to school, just reading through your notes (especially from the earlier part of the year) is a great way to keep up to date with your work and revise with a fresh mind.
Double check that you have ALL your stuff for the day.
If you can, do a little exercise  in the morning. 10 minutes of yoga, a few jumping jacks, some squats. Anything to get your heart pumping!
In the evening/before bed, I suggest:
Pack your bag for the next day so you’re not rushed in the morning.
AVOID ALL NIGHTERS PLEASE. Sleep is so important and I know how hard it is to stop working at 10pm-11pm without feeling guilty but you can’t function adequately on a few hours of sleep in the long run. Your health is more important that the grades,
Nightly routines should END with some down time. You should avoid working until you drop and jumping into bed. If you have to sleep by 11pm, stop by 10 30 so you can let your mind ease into that sleep ready state.
Never go to sleep on an empty stomach
Some breathing exercises or a few minutes of yoga would be a great way to end the day.
Avoid drinking coffee towards the later hours of the night.
Run through your To-Do list and make sure you’ve done all you wanted to do. If not, allocate time to finish off the work.
Take some time off the phone.
Your Work Ethic
It’s very easy to get carried away at the beginning of a new school year with how much work you take on. While it provides huge motivation in the beginning, keeping up that motivation is a bit more difficult. ( I have 2 posts on this here and here) Make sure you work is consistent. There’s no point staying up all night in the first few weeks and burning yourself out in the very beginning. When planning your approach to the year make sure you take time to rest. I have made the mistake of burning out in the beginning and all my test results and assignments towards the second half of the year were below C’s because i was already worn out.
In the classroom
Always sit in the front of the room.
Avoid sitting next to your friends if you honestly know you can’t focus around them. It’s okay! You both know why you’re there.
Don’t focus on making your notes pretty at that moment. Scribble and make messy notes, learn.
I personally have to keep my hands busy while I’m learning, so I like to draw or write down the key points of what is being taught.
Make notes of what you don’t understand so you can ask the teacher or read over it yourself.
I hope this post has helped you as much as you can! Please follow if you like or add anything you think is necessary.
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stuliving · 7 years
I left the library at 6am and have no memory of making this video and I don’t understand it but this is why you don’t pull all-nighters kids
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stuliving · 7 years
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Hi study buddies it is Saturday night and I’m home alone and one thing I hate about being alone is that I really never get anything done. I’m either cooking or I’m in my bed and I just hate doing that because I’m so unproductive. I know a lot of us just hate studying especially during our “down time” and we also have other priorities we need to do during the daytime. So today I’m going over some tips on how you can make your weekend a little but more productive and studious. 
there are 60 hours between the end of Friday after getting out of school and the end of Sunday, substracting let’s say seven hours of sleep every day you have about 39 hours of free time.
That is plenty of time to relax, do all the activities you need to do and also be productive to work on assignments. The first thing you need to do is plan out your weekend and make a schedule.
if you don’t want to read everything, i made a video explaining the same exact productivity tips on my youtube channel {link}
Weekends are a time for you to relax, but if you can, try to start working early in the morning because you’re going to be more productive and your brain can actually function properly. 
By 12-1 AM at night is the time where the majority of people including me cannot be productive so just try to avoid working during that time period because it’s just not a good time to be trying to memorize math functions and write a week pieced essay. I know that every time I try to study during 1 AM or 2 AM I always end up being so slow at retaining information, it just becomes counter productive. 
Start your assignments on Saturday night or the afternoon and try to finish it during Sunday morning. (recommended)
if you have the motivation to start your homework during Friday obviously do your homework during Friday, that is the best thing to do, but for the majority of us I know we would like to relax for a little bit.
So just try to plan a routine and schedule that matches your weekend
So now that you have created a routine or something or you can follow. I’m going to go over some tips on how you can be more focused and concentrated on doing the stuff that you need to do.
find a study buddy or just a friend that you know can keep you company. 
go to your local coffee shop or someone’s house and work there because if you have someone nearby, they can keep you accountable for actually doing your work  (obviously find a friend that will not distract you).
 If you can’t meet them in person Skype them I know a lot of people go on Skype chats with your friends and do homework. I think that is a really good idea I’ve done it a few times myself and I’ve been pretty productive during them. So try to have someone nearby that can keep you on track so you don’t spiral down into a YouTube and Netflix day.
Another thing you can do is actually download some applications  that can keep you off sites like Netflix, YouTube, and Facebook.
I talked about this in my how to be productive after school video and basically just download this app called “self control” {link}
what it does is that a blocks you from using sites that you would normally get distracted on.
So you can and manually put in sites like Facebook.com and Netflix.com The app will block you from using it for certain amount of time that you put in, so usually when I’m studying I block myself from using YouTube for about 30 minutes to an hour limit.
Experiment with where you’re studying because I know I cannot concentrate for my life In my bedroom.
The majority of the times where I’m the most productive is in my kitchen
experiment with where you’re studying and find out if you were the most productive in your bedroom or if you’re the most productive sitting on a couch or on a dining table.
My fourth tip is to have a to-do list of all the things you need to do.
 having a written down to do list is really important because sometimes you just forget about tasks and you might end up not doing some of them.
having a physical piece of paper saying that you need to do all these things by the end of it this day will help you to keep you on track.
LISTEN TO MUSIC (or not, it depends)
Another thing you can do is actually play some music
music helps a lot of people, including me, study more efficiently because it blocks out all the distractions from the outside world and keeps you focused inside your little bubble so you can work on your assignments
note that music isn’t always the best thing to listen to while studying especially for classes like history or english but I do really recommend it if you’re doing some math problems because it can be quite relaxing
And if you don’t know what to listen to I really recommend checking out my study playlist which is study & chill  {link}
study session playlist - instrumental music, piano solos, soundtracks from movies {link}
Now that you have done all these things, You are for sure ready to be productive and focus on finishing all those assignments you need to do. GOOD LUCK!
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stuliving · 7 years
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Hey, I’m Jay!
I’ve been lurking around the studyblr community for a while now, and with 2018 around the corner here, I felt that now would be a good time to formally join and introduce myself to the community.
about me: 
I’m 19
I’m Asian-Canadian
I’m in my second year of university pursuing a BSc in Psychology
I’m an ambivert
I go by the pronouns she/her
I’m a taurus
My main blog is @tashasromanoff!
my interests: 
... and a lot more that I’m still figuring out!
why did I make this studyblr?
My time management skills and my study skills are terrible
I lack the motivation to study 
I want to reach my goals & I feel documenting the process might help with that. 
I have a full course load + lab volunteering this semester, and I don’t want to get overwhelmed. 
classes i’m taking this sem: 
modern dance
abnormal psychology
developmental psychology
intermediate french
cognitive psychology
my goals:
To become fully bilingual in french, and write the delf b1/b2/c1 exams in the next two years
To attain a 4.0 gpa this semester (and a 3.7 gpa for my entire second year)
To attain a 4.0 gpa for the remaining 60 credits of my degree (next year)
Improve my study skills
Have fun while studying (to stu-live instead of stu-dying)
Learn how to manage my time effectively.
studyblrs that inspire me: 
@emmastudies @studyblr @studydiaryofamedstudent @minimaliststudy @studypeche
Thanks for reading! I can’t wait to study with y’all!
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stuliving · 7 years
types of students
a. coffeshops, highlighters, little post-it notes, wanting to be perfectly organized b. 2 am, eyebags, stacks of papers, the deadline is in half an hour c. messy bullet journal, messy desk, messy life but still trying d. night: telling yourself how productive you’ll be tomorrow, day: let’s binge watch another netflix series e. buying tons of cute stationery, having only one pen left by the end of the school year f. working really hard to achieve your goals only to be asked why you’re so smart g. ancient libraries, the smell of new textbooks, wanting to acquire all the knowledge h. studying to help people, to save the environment, to change the world
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stuliving · 7 years
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icon pack 1 
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stuliving · 7 years
recover from ‘burnout’ in five steps
1. reward yourself for working so hard. take a long bath with your favourite bath bomb, take time to cook your favourite meal, paint your nails. recognise that you worked hard and it was tough and that you deserve time for yourself
2. catch up on sleep. nothing makes studying harder than being exhausted. clear your schedule and have a lie in. even if you don’t sleep late, stay in bed and enjoy a guilt-free lazy morning
3. do something fun. invite your friends over for a movie night, take your dog for a walk. remind yourself that there is more to life than textbooks and notes
4. make a plan. start getting ready to get back into study mode. make a todo list, a study schedule, and a list of your deadlines
5. organise your space. declutter your desk so you have a clean space to be productive in. tidy desk, tidy mind
start again.
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