stydia-fanfictions · 9 years
Can you guys do me a huge favor and scroll to the bottom of my blog and just click on the ad? (you have to pause ad block) but it would really help me out and every time one person does it it makes a HUGE difference :))
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stydia-fanfictions · 9 years
hey guys! so this is really personal what i shared on here and if you guys could give it a read and reblog to spread the word i would be super thankful :)
as my way of saying thank you, I will continue to make any icon/edit/psd/tutorial/etc for free for my amazing tumblr followers! if you reblog this, i’ll get to your request within a day that you sent it. i’m in a really tough situation right now and i just don’t know what else to do and wow im kinda doomed lol
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stydia-fanfictions · 9 years
my stydia fanfic
This is like my first stydia fanfic … enjoy lovelies. Read on the ao3 here 
*update idk why the read more isn’t working on mobile, so I’m v sorry about that*
Lydia Martin, in the front seat of her mom’s car, leaned against the window with her pale legs crossed on a cool, crisp September evening. She maintained her composure, even if it was just her mother in the car. She wore her despondency like a translucent veil; her misery was apparent, and the rest was tucked away beneath the surface. To anyone who knew her, she’d grown frostier since the death of her best friend Allison and no longer granted herself those spontaneous bursts of laughter or momentary smiles. That was only half the truth.
She was lonelier, much more so than she’d like to admit. She missed Allison, and she missed her other best friend, Stiles.
Stiles Stilinski, the boy who had pined after her from the third grade up until about a few years ago.
Stiles Stilinski, the boy who had finally stopped worshipping the ground she’d walked on and actually taken the time to develop a close relationship with her.
Stiles Stilinski, the boy whom she’d kissed to stop his panic attack.
Stiles Stilinski, the boy who was now happily dating the tall, beautiful, brunette Malia Tate.
Stiles Stilinski, the boy she’d slowly but surely fallen in love with.
Keep reading
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stydia-fanfictions · 9 years
If anyone wants a prompt send me a message and I'll give you one! The askbox is overflowing :D
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
It's not your falt -part 1
author: the-lost-boys-of-nevereverland
" I don’t think you get it Stile. You nearly died. You nearly died freezing and alone and I cant help but feel responsible.”
After the night Lydia is unable to find Stiles almost costing him his life Lydia is unable to forgive herself. She pushes herself to get her abilities under control. But when she pushes herself too hard and it leads her down a dangerous path it doesn’t go unnoticed by stiles.
Lydia’s hands had a slight tremble that she just couldn’t get under control and there were dark circles under her eyes no amount of concealer could hide. She had been up all night, literally,  researching, training and practising her skills. To be honest she hadn’t planned on pulling an all nighter but by the time got around to checking the time it was 5 am and she had to start school in a few hours and she hadn’t even begun that nights homework. Recently Lydia priorities has changed, since that night three weeks ago when Stiles had gone missing and Scott’s parents had found him after Lydia had failed miserably.
She would never be able to forgive herself for that night. Her pathetic inability to navigate her powers had nearly cost Stiles his life. Lydia was sick and tired of the useless one that just found the bodies after it was too late. Yes, she had helped Stiles find some of the answer and solve some of their problems but that wasn’t the point. She had been given this gift, or whatever you want to call it and what good was it if she couldn’t use it to help anyone.
So, she had decided to dedicate herself to figuring out how to get this thing under control, figuring out what the hell was going on with stiles and making sure she was no longer defenceless. She spent her days at school trying to keep up her ever slipping grades, her afternoons training with Allison and her dad and her nights were filled with research and her own self devised banshee training program. between this there was very little time for sleeping eating and any kind of social interactions. Lydia just couldn’t shake that night out of her head and nothing else seemed to matter anymore, other than making sure that her friends were safe and she was going to be able to help protect them. She hadn’t been avoiding everyone exactly, or had she? She knew that they would be concerned about her and seeing her in the.. state that she was in wouldn’t help.
Lydia had taken to sleeping at Stiles’ as often as she could but it had become tricky. On the one hand she felt better being there if he had a nightmare or if god forbid he decided to wander off again in the middle of the night. But on the other hand Lydia was finding it harder to “you didn’t sleep did you?” Stiles asked rolling over on his bed to see Lydia applying her makeup in his mirror.
"of Corse I did I just woke up like an hour ago," Lydia Martin was a terrible liar. Stiles had accidentally fallen asleep to the sound of Lydia typing away late last night and when he woke at some hour of the early morning she was still clicking away. He’d muttered something about her going to sleep and pulled her into his chest. Lydia had smiled made herself comfortable in his arms and continued typing "Lydia’" Stiles tried but was interrupted. "Stiles, I know what you’re going to say and I’m fine okay? There’s breakfast downstairs for you down stairs, your bags packed and we have exactly.. eleven minutes to be in that jeep before were going to be late so get your ass out of bed Stilinski." And she flitted out the room.
Stiles jumped out of bed and began changing for school. There was defiantly something up with Lydia. He knew that she had been pushing her self pretty had for the last couple weeks trying to get these banshee powers under control and obviously she wasn’t sleeping well. stiles had repeatedly tried to express his concern to her only to be brushed off or completely ignored. Stiles really was concerned he just didn’t want to push it and have her push him away. She was still staying at his place and whilst she was doing that he could at least keep an eye on her even if he could barely stay awake these days.
She’d had a particularly rough night last night. She had made a break through with a lead that she had thought would be the key to controlling her screams which had turned out to be a flop and not to mention Stiles fitfully tossing and turning all night from the nightmares that plagued him. It broke her heart to see him that way and she was just glad that she was there to keep and eye on him. She had drank more than her fair share of coffee this morning but it just wasn’t doing it for her. She needed to stay awake. there was so much that she had to do and sleeping just wasn’t an option for her right now, neither was being unfocused. Unfocused.. that’s when an idea struck her. God, no it was ridiculous Lydia would not resort to being a tragic pill popping Harvard applicant who didn’t have enough self discipline to acquire the grades without shoving a pill down their throats. But Lydia wasn’t just applying to a school, there were lives on the line, literally. And she really had tried everything. Really it was just like an energy drink or an espresso, just a little more kick. A few boosts just to help her get through the next few days, just until she could figure out what was going on with Stiles, it wouldn’t hurt. 
She knew exactly where to get them, everyone did and for Lydia money was never an issue. She went straight to the bathroom and washed one down with some water. No big deal. Within minutes she could feel the effects. She began feeling more energised and focus. This was brilliant, the idea seemed to get better and better as she went through with it. She went through the rest of the day with more energy than she had had in weeks, was more productive and positive which did not go unnoticed by her friends.
"You’re much perkier today " Allison commented with a smile to Lydia "good sleep last night?"
"Yep, it’ll do wonders," Lydia replied with as much sincerity she could muster but she felt Stiles eyes on her and was met with an extremely interrogatory expression that she knew meant she would be bombarded with questions when the others left. So, she decided to excuse herself from the group with some excuse about a paper she had to talk to one of the teachers about and made a beeline for the exit to the cafeteria. She however had not planned on Stiles following her out. She heard him call out her name and she hoped that she was far away enough that he would believe that she couldn’t hear him and maybe he would just go back with the others. But then she remembered, this was stiles. He jogged to catch up with her and linked his fingers through hers and pulled her around to face her. He was faced with a still extreamly beautiful but ragged looking Lydia martin. She had defiantly lost weight in the last few weeks making her face thinner and his beloved dimples deeper and the dark circles that seemed to plague her eyes were more prominent.
"Lydia, what’s going on?" He asked a crease forming between his brows.
"what do you mean?" Stiles hands flew in the air.
"What I mean is I know that you haven’t been sleeping well at all these last few weeks and I know that you had literally no sleep last night and you were all perky this morning because you didn’t want me to worry about you but now you have all of this energy like you had the best night sleep ever and I just don’t get it."
"First of all you have no idea how much sleep I had last night as you yourself were asleep all night," as Stiles right eyebrow flew up his face she changed tactics " so I didn’t sleep last night but I took one of the espresso sachets from your kitchen this morning and made it just before lunch plus I may have had a quick powernap during my study this morning okay?" Stiles still didn’t seem convinced but he was dropping it for the moment.
"Well, next time you swipe my coffee and make it at school make sure you make me one," he said giving her a swift kiss on her smiling lips. He pulled back taking in her face concern filling his expression
"Promise you’re okay?" he asked.
"Promise." "And promise that if you weren’t you’d tell me?" "Promise" and she felt a slight twinge of guilt as he kissed her again and went back to their friends.
The next few days went by as the previous had. Her routine with Stiles was a lot more planned out though. She made sure to go to bed with him and rest for a few minutes until she heard his breaths become steady then she would pull her books back out careful to only use pen and paper these days, a much less noisy option. Then when she heard him begin to wake she would quickly slip them away. Stiles had been so exhausted he hadn’t noticed the lack of sleep, he had however noticed a change in Lydia. She had become more erratic, she was constantly going like she was on fast forward, a vast change from the normally composed Lydia. Maybe she had been spending too much time with Stiles? No there was defiantly something more here. He decided to confide in Scott that day at school.
Lydia had gotten herself into a bit of a situation. She had taken her second to last pill just as Stiles had gone to sleep last night and was planning on picking up a few more that day at school. She had not however, planned on the guy that sold them to her being MIA that day. Sure she could have asked around for someone else but Lydia had more dignity than that. She wasn’t going to go around begging people for some pills. No, she’d be fine until the next day. One thing that she also didn’t count on was how dependant she had become to them. She had felt the come down of the drug before and it was not fun. She felt physically and mentally exhausted like her body was filled with sand and her mind with fog. But every time she had just taken another pill and they feeling was completely gone within the hour. But this time with out the drug to subside the feeling they hit her like a ton of bricks. She could barely stand her legs shook along with every other part of her, her mind was clouded and she couldn’t distinguish one voice from another. There was only one more class until lunch time she could make it til then she obviously needed to make this last one last and she didn’t like how much she needed this pill. She was Lydia Martin, she was stronger than this. She made her way to her locker when a wave of nausea hit her. Her skin broke out into a sweat the shaking was now uncontrollable and her vision was beginning to blur. She gripped the side of her locker and reached into her bag. Nope, she definitely needed this pill, now.She rifled through her bag until she found the bottle but her hands were shaking so hard now she couldn’t get the cap of. She shook and struggled as she felt the world fade away.
"Hey Scott!" Stiles called out to his best friend as he jogged to catch up with him " Where have you been I’ve been looking for you all morning."
"Sorry buddy I’ve been swamped and I’ve been catching up with teachers trying to figure out some extra credit and stuff. Is everything okay? Stiles felt suddenly guilty offloading another problem to his already struggling friend but then he remembered this was Lydia. Scott would want to know.
"No its okay its just, Lydia. I’m a bit concerned about her. She hasn’t been sleeping well for weeks now and when I say not well I mean like not at all," once he began with his concerns they just kept tumbling out "and she is like obsessed with getting her abilities under control. And she hasn’t been eating and she’s lost weight haven’t you noticed she’s lost weight? well of course you have but I’ve tried confronting her but I can’t  get anything out of her and lately that tiredness has completely gone and been replaced by a version of Lydia that disturbingly reminds me of myself and I just don’t know what to do and I was kinda hoping you’d know what to do." Styles finally finished
"First of all you need to calm down, second of all yes, I have noticed this and I think it was past the time we do something about it."
"Okay, what do you propose we.. oh there she is now" Stiles said as he spotted Lydia making her way to her locker. Scott looked over his shoulder at Lydia and then back at Styles.
"She doesn’t look good at all I think that we need…" But stiles had stopped paying attention to Scott as he watched  Lydia by her locker she was paler than usual and visibly shaking even from this distance. He watched as she steadied herself on her locker then begin looking through her bag. That was when his heart stopped. He watched as her legs crumpled beneath her and she crumpled to the ground.
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
Stydia studying, but Stiles keeps getting bored and begging her to take a break and ends up winning because he brings out the notebook and her favorite food or smthn
They had gone over the same things over and over again, and Stiles was going insane.
"Okay, one more time. Lydia says reading from a huge textbook. "A covalent bond is when…"
Stiles groans and buries his head into a pillow. “Atoms share electrons.” He whines, his voice muffled by the pillow.
"Right, okay, moving on." Stiles quickly sits up and takes the book from her. "Hey! Give that back!"
"No! Lyds we have been at this for hours! Can’t we just take a quick break!"
"Stiles this test is tomorrow do you want to pass or not?" Lydia looks at him sternly.
"Lydia, I’m bored out of my mind. Just a few minutes, please!" Stiles says giving her the biggest puppy dog he can manage.
Lydia rolls her eyes. “Fine, but 15 minutes, tops. You hear me Stilinski?”
Stiles smiles and gives her a kiss on the cheek. They walk down stairs to the kitchen and Lydia immediately locates the Oreos in the pantry. She then grabs a jar of peanut butter.
Stiles stares at her as she begins to dip the Oreo into the jar. “What are you doing?”
"What? I’m eating."
"Okay I know that, but, Oreos? Peanut butter?"
Lydia giggles “Have you never tried this? Oh my god Stiles its amazing!” She hands him a cookie perfectly covered with peanut butter. He hesitantly takes a bite.
He nods and takes another bite. “Not bad. Where did you come up with this?”
Lydia rolls her eyes. “The Parent Trap, duh.”
"The parent what?"
Lydia’s eyes go wide. “You’re kidding me! You’ve never seen The Parent Trap? Stiles its one of the greatest movies ever!”
 Stiles shrugs. “You know I was a Star Wars kid. Now what’s the movie about.” 
Lydia stands and takes Stiles by the hand. “No, I cant just tell you. We are watching this right now.” She takes him into her living room and sits him on the couch. She begins searching through her movie colection.
“Hey Lydia what about the-” He stops himself before he can go on. He had just gotten out of having to study all because he asked about a movie. He smiles and sits back on the couch, snickering to himself. 
Lydia finds the movie and puts it into the DVD player before going back to the couch and sitting next to Stiles, laying her head on his chest. 
"Thank god for The Parent Trap" Stiles thinks to himself as the opening credits to the movie begin to play.
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
Hi Livy! I have a fluffy prompt for you... Stiles and Lydia almost kissing again. And then they finally do. :)
(Okay this is a little different than the prompt but I hope you like it!)
She laid on her stomach on top of his bed and watched him as he explained why Star Wars Episode V was by far the greatest movie he had ever seen. To be honest, Lydia didn’t really care about Star Wars, at all. But she liked watching Stiles talk. She loved how he used his whole body to tell the story. She stares adoringly as he waves his hands all over the place and acts out the fight scenes by memory. 
"…and then, as Luke is about to fall to his death, Vader totally just blows your mind and tells him, "No, I am your father." Stiles goes on to act out Luke, screaming at the top of his lungs, and Lydia laughs. 
Stiles sighs as he sits down on the edge of his bed. “So yeah, It’s an amazing movie.”
Lydia giggles. “Yeah, seems like it. Maybe we could watch it together sometime?” She sits up and puts a hand on his chest. 
"Well we could go do it now. I have all the movies down stairs." He starts to get up but Lydia pulls him back down.
"Actually, I was thinking we could do something else." She says getting closer to him.
"L-Like what?" Stiles stutters. He knew exactly what was going to happen, but he had not clue it would be Star Wars that would put her in the mood. Lydia smirks and kisses his neck, making her way up to his lips. 
Stiles pulls away for a split second. “Are you sure you don’t want to go watch Star Wars?” 
Lydia narrows her eyes at him. “Shut up and kiss me Stilinski.” 
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
"…Sometimes I would just walk past your locker to see if you would be there, but its like you know where I am, and I - I just can’t find you…" This story explores the complex relationship between Stiles and Lydia when faced with the painful decision they can only make together. It’s not love in the conventional way - but its love. Better than it sounds, enjoy!
(Set during season four, slightly AU, contains pregnancy)
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
Can you make one where Lydia is so jealous of maila and stiles
Here is a fic that I found that pretty much fills that prompt! It’s set after the first episode of season 4. Enjoy
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
Let Us Finish: A Mini-Series #4
“Lydia Martin you’re going to be the death of me, I swear’’. Stiles opened his front door that rainy night to find the strawberry blonde peeking up at him through eyelashes that had raindrops clinging to them. She smiled coyly, her eyebrows raised in question. “Are you going to invite me in?’���
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
Can you do a fanfic where Lydia is about to die and Stiles tries to save her but is too late? Im sorry if this is morbid but I'd love it if you can do it?
Check out this one! It's pretty similar to your prompt. I'm working on something similar to that one too at the moment so check back soon.
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
Because she Deserved at least that: A Stydia fic
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, Major Character Death, Angst
A.N.- Okay, if you’re easily triggered please don’t read! It’s angsty and sad, so if you’re looking for fluff, it’s not here. BUT, if you’re in the mood for a sobfest, here it is!
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
There's Always a Rainbow After the Rain
Summary- Lydia and Stiles fight in the rain.
genre- romance, angst
author’s note- I’m not sure I like this but I hope you do!
(requested by void-kitsune)
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
I Could Never Hate You
 Summary- Stiles takes care of a very drunk Lydia.
genre- comfort, fluff
rating- K+
comments- this was so much fun to write, hope you like it! 
(requested by sariminn)
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
Stydia + first child?
"I don’t know, Lydia, I still think we should name him Stiles." 
She laughed. “Yeah, exactly what the world needs; another Stiles Stilinski. And anyway, it’s a girl, and we’re naming her Allison.” She rubbed her stomach gently. She could tell she was only a few days from labor, and they still hadn’t decided on a name. 
"How do you know it’s a girl? It’s a surprise, remember? Nothing’s been given away yet." Stiles pulled up Lydia’s blouse gently to reveal her bare stomach, bulging with his son- daughter- whatever. He placed his hands right on top of hers, looking up in Lydia’s eyes.
"I still like Allison." The look in Lydia’s eyes was very far away, dreamy, almost, even though Lydia was so down-to-earth.
Stiles had to agree. “Allison Stilinski is perfect,” he said, kissing her forehead. “But if it’s a boy…?”
"We’re not naming him Stiles!” she shrieked playfully as Stiles ruffled her hair and went to go make their morning coffee. He took his black, nice and simple, but Lydia liked lattes. He’d learned how to make them just for her.
"Then what will we name him?"
"I don’t know, I kind of like…Atticus. You know, after Atticus Finch? To Kill A Mockingbird?" 
"I didn’t pay attention in math," he said absentmindedly. "And anyway, that’s awful." 
"What about Isaac?"
"I never liked that guy," Stiles replied. "And anyway, we’ve got to stop naming our baby after other people. Shouldn’t the kid have a name of its own?"
Lydia smiled, and Stiles saw how it was filled with light. “You’re the one who wanted to name him after yourself,” she joked, easing herself off the couch and walked toward the kitchen to stand behind him. She loved the smell of coffee- and, even more importantly, she loved the smell of coffee mixed with Stiles’s cologne. “We can go with an S name, if you want. Kind of a tribute to you,” she ammended. Stiles recognized the thinking face she always put on when making difficult decisions. “What about Simon? It means listener, and that’s always a good thing for a person to be.” She paused, leaning her head on his shoulder. “Or maybe Sebastian? That sounds kind of royal.”
"I like Simon," Stiles said after a moment. "I really like it." 
"So, Simon it is," she said, kissing him on the cheek. The only way she could even reach was due to her heels. Stiles gave her enormous credit for wearing heels during the third stage of her pregnancy. A+.
"And Allison if it’s a gir-" Her words cut off midsentence. Stiles backed away from the coffee pot. 
"Lydia? Lydia, is it time?" She nodded, and his hands started moving faster than he would have though possible, grabbing the keys and helping her to the Jeep. Miracle it still ran. 
"He’s beautiful," Lydia said. Even though she looked horrible, Stiles thought she looked more wonderful than he’d ever seen her. She cradeled Simon in her arms, gazing lovingly down at him. It was the softest expression she’d ever had. "Do you want to hold him?" Stiles nodded, completely unable to speak. He bent down and took his son in his arms, marveling at how perfect he was. There would never be a single thing wrong that this kid could ever do. Lydia was gazing up at Stiles, wonderstruck. 
"He has your nose," she said. 
"And he has your beautiful green eyes."
"And my tragically red hair," she whispers, smiling.
"It’s strawberry blonde," Stiles replied immediately. "And it’s my favorite hair color in the whole world and I could not love you more."
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stydia-fanfictions · 10 years
can you do a fic where Lydia is drinking, but hiding, and stiles see she doing it and confronts her. and I love your blog
I can write that! So much sad stuff for my girl Lydia. Stiles will make it better though ;) 
Just a warning, there is alcohol consumption/abuse in this story. Skip over if it’s triggering or not your thing. 
And thanks anon! Here’s your story…
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