#Multipart Post
yourplayersaidwhat · 3 months
DM: you’re starting to realize that God sounds a little familiar and you think you should ask Sedvar (Leonin) if that was him you heard
Me: *to Sedvar* Are you God?
DM: roll persuasion
Sedvar: *rolls and hides his face in his hands, trying to hold back laughter* 20.
DM: …Roll intelligence
Me: *rolls* 3
DM: You fully believe you’ve met God and no one can tell you otherwise. You’re a paladin now.
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sneasedtomeetyou · 1 year
{ hello again! I hope you didn’t forget me! it’s Oran the roto-caster! Casi-Papa asked that I tag along to film things! }
[A video begins. Several segments of it are chopped together for length.]
Part 1/??
The rather odd group stands a little ways into an apparent cave system. Casimir and Ingo, looking excited to journey forward, and Grimsley tagging along for… Presumably his own reasons. Perhaps out of curiosity? Few have traveled far into this cave, its layout notably strange. Puddles of water form alien shapes across the uneven stone floors. Every sound, from footsteps to dripping water, seems to bounce off all the walls until it distorts. 
Indigo, Casi’s young Charmander, is using his tail flame to light a short distance ahead of them. He’s rarely seen on camera, though his lighter colorations and purple flame make him stand out from the average Charmander. He also appears to be wearing a little white and light blue striped bandana. It takes an enormous amount of self control for the little pokemon to not dart off into the deeper parts of the cave, being told to stay close. His purple tinted light isn’t particularly bright, but it does the job well enough, with the consequence of making the portions of the cave he lights seem even more foreign. 
The other two trainers brought pokemon better suited for the job, Grimsley with his Absol Snowball and Ingo with Fusee the Chandelure. Snowball's forehead gem glows with radiant light, the move Flash providing much more clarity. Trailing by Ingo’s side is the fare dodger, though the Sneasel is hardly one for self control, running off to explore the wide open chamber and splash in the shallow pools of water.
“It’s odd to think a cave like this connects to Sinnoh…” Casi remarks in a low voice, seemingly unwilling to completely shatter the barrier of silence. Or perhaps she realizes that speaking too loudly has a chance of disturbing any Woobat that may be sleeping nearby. 
From this point onward the footage begins to skip around, fragments of the trio chattering about nothing in particular mixed with shots simply taking in the surrounding walls, the deposits of dripping limestone and concretions creating odd patterns that the Roto-Caster seems to marvel at. As they trek deeper into the Cave of Being the wide open chamber gives way to smaller winding corridors.
{ why are we even going this way? I thought we were celebrating Ōnyūria?! }
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macaron-tea-party · 2 years
Queer Angel’s Tea-sis on Darling in the Franxx
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Part 1: Introductions-We’re doing this in parts because tumblr says I typed way too much
Welcome guys, gals, and enpals to Queer Angel’s Tea-sis. A series where I discuss the good, the bad, and the questionable depictions of queer characters in anime and apply a queer lens of analysis. As any anime watcher will tell you, there are anime that start so-so but end well or turn out awful. However, few anime has the distinction of starting near-universally applauded (albeit I saw red flags a mile away) and then slowly take a downturn before nose-diving into a flaming hunk of garbage and exiting through the gift shop. Of course, some queer fans saw the death flags of this show’s narrative in the first three episodes of the show with its positing of a post-apocalyptic world where humans achieve immortality at the cost of reproduction and where they rely on quite literally the naïveté and uneducated horniness of teenagers to defend themselves from a subterranean existential threat. By discussing issues in production, story, and representation/messaging I hereby present the case for the designation of the title of “dumpster fire” to the show: Darling in the Franxx (DITF). (franks? Fran-X-X? who cares?)
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Taking us back to July of 2017, Studio Trigger announced DITF at Anime Expo 2017 revealing that it would be a co-production with A-1 pictures. A-1 is most known for creating the Black Butler adaptation and Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day, but in recent years they’ve gained a reputation for making some … lackluster features like the Sword Art Online franchise and Eromanga Sensei (a production that is gross on many levels). However, during the show’s broadcast (January-July 2018), the team working on the project from A-1 changed labels to CloverWorks on April 1st of the same year. This change may or may not have led to issues toward the end of the series. Another issue with the production was a poor choice of director and head writer for the series. While Atsushi Nishigori has some serious animation chops such as being the Chief Animation Director for Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 and key animation credits to multiple A-tier anime, he had almost no writing experience before DITF. Besides, his sole directing credit for a show was…an adaption of the Idolmaster franchise. Now while I will admit to enjoying some very cheap “cute people doing cute things” musical anime, they’re typically not the most intensive story-wise and Idolmaster is in my personal opinion, one of the most brainless and junk-foody of idol anime. This is coming from someone who watched an anime that was basically a recruitment tool made by the corporate monsters behind AKB48 and still enjoys it while trying to pretend it was made in a vacuum universe where creepy entitled male fans and producers don’t exist.
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While I don’t want to place blame solely on Nishigori for the faults of DITF, there were other issues that I will discuss in the later sections, his inexperience in writing and directing beyond single anime episodes certainly didn’t do the show any favors. This is especially considering this was a show heavily publicized by both major studios A-1 and Trigger, was heavily promoted in both Japanese and western anime news media, and was guaranteed to have a lot of eyes on it.
Footnote: Japanese idol culture has the expectation that female idols remain single. The penalty for being caught dating can be getting kicked out of their groups and ostracized by their fans for the crime of dating.
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Note: I’ll slowly start adding my sources to the review as I post the rest of this apparently too long for tumblr review.
Also, the rest of the review is added via reblogs~
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simply-icarus · 2 years
I don't know why I started getting so popular. Man all these minimally clothed women must really love Splatoon 3 weapon tips.
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mysteriouspresence · 4 months
Madoka Magica and Evangelion: An Introduction
part 1/3
hey everyone! i’m back with another set of analysis posts, but this one isn’t about classic literature and manga that they inspired. it’s an examination of two acclaimed anime series that ran their original course 15 years apart, with the latter finishing in 2011. why now, all of a sudden? well, i wanted to do something to connect these two other stories that I enjoyed : Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Madoka Magica)
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(logo of Madoka Magica anime, sourced from Wikimedia)
and Neon Genesis Evangelion (Evangelion)
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(title card from Evangelion anime, sourced from Wikimedia)
even though these anime are fairly old based on the standard of how quickly media is released and consumed after the rise of the internet, they are codifiers for entire subgenres and inspiration for many later works. they have left not only a great impression on the animation industry, but a lasting effect on the viewers as well — both works feature rebellious defiance of the parent genres they branched off on that reveals the darkness of the human psyche and the painful reality of handling humanity’s fate to 14-year-olds. oh, and the next Madoka Magica movie is coming out this year too — so if i get you hooked, there’s fresh, canon content for you to consume soon.
now, let’s get started! Part 2: Review Part 3: Comparison
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stygiananon · 2 years
Destiny Hearts - Prologue
Short Pitch : Magical Girls that have moved on with life suddenly being called back into action, with all the silly trappings played straight.
Background: It's been eighteen years. Eighteen long, normal years since you and the other Destiny Hearts put a stop to the diabolical plans of invaders from beyond a magical rift.
Shifting alliances and dire revelations lead to great sacrifices in the name of peace. Still, with the combined magical might of the Destiny Hearts, the Great Magos A'luric lay defeated.
Following the defeat you, Former Leader Carnelian Red, drifted apart from your companions and mentor, guilt and shame at your decisions driving you to isolation and seeking to forget a past you no longer wished to remember. Triggers for [Breakup][Mentions of injury]
Context: Another night, another call from the Destiny Heart. This time however, your partner confronts you over leaving yet again.
Speaker list
[ ] - Sound Effects -> - Partner
Story Start
A pair of sleeping figures lay in bed, in a small bedroom.
[Cute chime of the Destiny Heart, rustling of the sheets, groggy moan]
-> Seriously? This is like the third time this week... Doesn't your work have anyone else they can call? [Rustling of clothing / sharp click of a tongue]
-> What could possibly be so important that so the need specifically *you* for anyway? Wouldn't the owner or your manager be the better choice? -> And that means it has to be you?
[Exasperated sigh]
-> Sweetheart? Can you please stop for a second and look at me?
-> What's *really* going on with you Red?
-> You get calls to run off at all hours of the night, come home bruised and sweaty, and you honestly expect me to believe that it is from your *office* job?
-> You look like you went three rounds with a heavyweight champion in bare knuckle boxing. Is something happening with you? Is there any way I can help?
-> I just want to be supportive, but you've been shutting me out for weeks.
-> Yes, weeks.
-> The first time was just after you got that job. You had a fractured wrist, I drove you to the hospital after you appeared on the doorstep.
-> Red. We've been living together for months, you're more graceful than a cat. Trying to pawn this off like it is no big deal or that you're just clumsy isn't going to work on me.
-> And the black eye from a few weeks ago? The one that you tried to hide with makeup and when I caught you you said you fell into a door handle? Is... Is someone hurting you?
-> I'm asking questions *because* I care Red.
-> No. I can't just let it go... I should never have let it go on this long, but I thought you would have come to me by now.
-> Because you won't give me a straight answer.
->[scoff] You refuse to tell me where you are actually going for a start.
-> No. No you aren't.
-> [sigh] I know because... because I followed you, or... at least I tried to.
-> Yes, I did. A week ago, you slipped out at night, I tried calling you several times. You didn't pick up, so I drove to your office building.
-> I ended up waiting for at least an hour and a half. A night guard came over and spoke to me, said you never showed up. In fact, he said no one called you at all.
-> Please Red. Please just tell me the truth. Is there... someone else? Are they hurting you?
-> There is no one else... but you can't tell me who is hurting you or where you go?
-> I wouldn't believe you? [Raised voice] I can't possibly understand?! Of course I can't! You won't explain a damn thing.
-> Overreacting?! Are you listening to yourself?! I'm worried sick about you. You've disappeared without a word, not returning for several days, and when you do you're battered and bruised yet you act like nothing happened. You've slipped out of bed no less than six times this past month. Whatever the hell it is you are getting up to has you so exhausted that when you sit for even a few minutes you pass out... How *exactly* am I supposed to be taking this?
[Pause] [Destiny Heart chimes]
-> Trust you... Trust you?! How can I possibly trust you? You aren't saying---
[Destiny Heart chimes]
-> Last chance, I love you Red and I want to trust you but whatever **this** is, whatever it is that's happening right now...
[Destiny Heart chimes]
->[Exasperated sigh] Red... I'm gonna leave. When you are ready to talk, we'll talk.
-> You keep lying to my face, evading my questions, you're hurting and you won't say how or why...
-> I'm going to leave.
-> No. Not forever. I just need time.
[Destiny Heart chimes]
-> Go on. Whatever it is seems important.
[Destiny Heart chimes]
-> No. No, I won't be here when you get back. I'll leave my key.
[Destiny Heart chimes]
-> No tears Red... When you think you can tell me the truth... the entire truth, you know how to find me.
[Destiny Heart chimes]
Happy Valentine's Day! Here's a little something that has been kicking around in my head for quite a while. It's gonna be split into many pieces otherwise we'd be here for ages.
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kyoshi-lesbians · 2 months
i had a dream where there were 2 "missing scene" katara / azula fight scenes in the series and one was set in one of the poles, it was early in the series and katara wasn't a master waterbender yet (dream logic didn't specify which pole, waking logic puts her bending level + setting as when the gaang has gotten to the North pole but not inside the capital city / no training with pakku). and a key theme of the fight was like. katara's ability to Have Fun with her bending even while azula was trying to kill her. azula was like what's wrong with you, how are you managing to enjoy this, I'm going to kill you. and katara was like laughing cus she loved bending so much and the fight was exhilarating! katara was surfing the ice and azula surfing fire melting the ice and it was visually paralleling their final battle. and azula couldn't beat katara surrounded by her own element, azula was retreating, katara had won. but then. katara grabbed aang's hand and the ocean spirit moved thru her to aang (a la moon spirit fish type of conduit) and he pushed a huge wave of water & ice back towards azula. not enough to hurt her. just enough for katara to prove she could. immediately after aang was like. wtf katara please don't do that to me again (turn his body into a conduit for terrifying power that she controlled without aaaaany warning beforehand, for the slightest of reasons). and katara giggled. i think this might be the way katzula could win but like. with a katara thats slightly to the left and an azula that hits her breakdown early.
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
making a bucky edit to 'hot to go!' by chappell roan i feel sooo normal about how much modern au john would ADORE her he would be such a girlypop enjoyer lmfaooooo
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chucktaylorupset · 7 months
to be a helpless giant fucking pedant, "so imagine that ur fucking the cow from a gary larson comic" isnt the set up. you dont find out youre fucking the cow from the gary larson comic until the end, making it part of the punchline. fucking the cow from the gary larson comic is the premise of the joke. its part of the setting as opposed to being part of the prologue, if you will
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bridevarre · 2 years
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yourplayersaidwhat · 9 days
"I am in a glass house with SO many fucking stones"
-Rogue after teasing the DM for misspeaking for the millionth time, despite flubbing his own words constantly as well
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homeless202 · 2 years
part 1 | part 2
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he doesn't know and because of that he's made out to be the bad guy. the one with no empathy. the stupid one.
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he genuinely doesn't understand. he doesn't see the problem because the house he grew up in was a garbage dump:
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his parents never taught him these things. Haejoon had his mom to teach him:
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Eunyung felt bad watching Haejoon clean the entire house because it reminded him of his mom:
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that's why he wanted him to stop cleaning. that and because he couldn't comprehend why you'd want to clean a house that's not yours - just a temporary shelter.
this is why you want to keep the house clean:
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spookcataloger · 1 year
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“Anomaly Continued” by Benefactorx.
See original 14 photos here: https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Anomaly
Original archive has bad image links, but you can see the picture posted on: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/23638293/
27: The Torture of Tilly Jane
28: The Watchers at the Window
29: The Winged Thing
30: What Killed Jane Doe?
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sillycyan · 2 months
okay well don’t let the robot start questions what love is..
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chorus-the-mutate · 2 years
I tried making a tier list of every Casca outfit I could find but the task fell through due to the sheer frustration of tier list websites. 😒
For those with more patience I have compiled every picture of Casca and her unique outfits I could find. I also collected as many sources as possible if you want to improve on this makeshift index of mine.
The Sources
The Pictures: Part One
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myreia · 10 months
I don't know whether to be embarrassed or happy that this fic has passed the 40k mark and it's still going.
Apparently I have a lot to say about Aymeric and Aureia's relationship and it cannot be contained.
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