subject-meta · 7 years
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The FNDM wouldn’t stop talking about how this was going to be the Bumbelbey episode, but it turns out, it‘s the the Black Sun episode.
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subject-meta · 7 years
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Stay with us.
just messing around with the idea of what happens after their fight with Doomfist. (Please don’t tag as ship)
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subject-meta · 7 years
Don’t get me wrong, I want new lore just as much as the next person. But for me, seeing lore we already know brought to life is wonderful in itself.
Like, I had no real concept of just how tragic and inspiring Mei’s background story is. Watching her mourn the loss of her friends, then be filled with hope under the Aurora and set off across the Antarctic to help save the world, it gave her character so much more depth, and I love that.
Give me Angela Ziegler losing her parents in the face of war and deciding there is still good in humanity by training to become a doctor.
Give me a young Hanzo Shimada being told by the clan elders that he must kill his own brother, and the heartbreak as he stands over Genji’s lifeless body.
Give me Genji Shimada’s thirst for revenge as he wipes out the entire clan that rejected him, all while he is struggling to accept his new body.
Give me Zenyatta taking Genji under his wing and teaching him to love himself again.
Give me Gabriel Reyes leading humanity to victory, fighting side by side with his best friend in the Omnic Crisis, only for him to be cast aside when Jack is given the role of Strike Commander.
Give me seventeen year old Jesse McCree giving up all hope in a small jail cell on Route 66 when a stranger walks in and gives him another chance.
Give me Hana Song being thrown into stardom, then put on the frontline to fight for her country - all when she is nineteen.
Give me a young Satya Vaswani being plucked from the slums to become one of the best Architechs Vishkar has ever seen.
Give me Lúcio Correia dos Santos, international star, using his fame to rally together his fans and fight for the freedom of this world.
Give me Fareeha Amari learning of her mother’s death and the grief that fills her as she beats herself up for drifting apart from the woman who raised her.
Give me Aleksandra Zaryanova choosing to give up all prospects of becoming a world champion to fight for her country and protect her family.
Give me a brainwashed Amélie Lacroix killing the love of her life in his sleep.
Give me the usually bright and bubbly Lena Oxton on the brink of losing all hope as she flits in and out of existence.
There is so much potential within this wonderful cast of characters, and I for one can’t wait to see who we learn about next.
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subject-meta · 7 years
I know Genji is kinda a joke in the OW community, but he’s still the coolest looking hero in OW
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subject-meta · 7 years
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Doomfist Origin Animated Short
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subject-meta · 7 years
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Doomfist Origin Animated Short
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subject-meta · 7 years
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subject-meta · 7 years
Free autism test
Hey guys I have a quick and easy way to determine autism in people on this site 1) are you offended/annoyed/needlessly childish and upset about D.va’s new police skin Is the answer yes? Then you have autism
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subject-meta · 7 years
Okay since my tags were getting attention, might as well make it into a separate post.
“Saw a really nice D.Va with a BLM t-shirt drawing and I was like ’!!! nice’, but then I saw the caption ‘the REAL canon D.Va.’
And it’s a great photo and the artist had good intentions, but something about didn’t set right.
Okay this was when the new D.va police skin was announced, and I just want to say that police does not equal bad. Yes there are police officers who DESERVE to be fired and thrown off a cliff, but turning a character into a police officer does not make them a horrible person.
If anything Hana would 100% beat the SHIT out of all racist police officers immediately and with out guilt.
As soon as there was an officer trying some shit and threatening black kids, she would suit up and drop kick them into the next dimension.
So no. Officer Hana would not be a racist pig.
Just because a character has a police skin, does not mean they are like what we see on the news.
please don’t ruin Hana running around and ticketing everyone for literally everything.
thank you.“
Disclaimer: I do not support Blue lives matter, but fully support Black Lives Matter. But this is a game. Meant for entertainment. Nothing was meant to do harm.
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subject-meta · 7 years
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subject-meta · 7 years
Old Genji
So, if anyone wanted to do art of a Future AU in which Genji has outlived all of his friends because of his augmentations, but has begun to malfunction and get old and decrepit, that would be great.
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subject-meta · 7 years
The stuff of nightmares.
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subject-meta · 8 years
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What do you mean this isn’t how it ended…
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Yeah… this is a little more realistic. 
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subject-meta · 8 years
Okay, so, I have nothing against Bumblebee, I'm just gonna start with that. BUT! When Sun said that he was sure that Yang would do it all again for Blake, he was not referring to them sharing feelings for Blake (At least, that's how I'm interpreting it). He was referring to them both being injured in Blake's defense, that's all, it wasn't a romantic thing.
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subject-meta · 8 years
Oh. My. Shit.
Hold up.
I’ve been confident that Qrow wasn’t going to die from Tyrian’s poison… But now I’ve had a shocking thought…
Qrow and Raven are meant to represent Odin’s pet ravens that acted as his eyes to watch over the world with. Qrow’s emblem even looks like an eye. Throughout the series so far, Qrow has been watching over Team RNJR, taking the role of being a watchful eye over them.
And I can’t help but think, that maybe we misinterpreted a line from Tyrian. A line that we thought was a threat to Ruby. We were all relieved when that threat didn’t come true. But… what if it meant something entirely different. What if, Ruby does lose an eye.
It’s just not the eye we were expecting her to lose…
̵̗̱͕̬̰E̲̭̟ ͚͎̠̼̪̺Y ̴̳͚̜̥E̘̤̬͠ ͉̞̦ ͚ ̹̺͙͖̭F̜̼͓͈ ͍̱̬̰̘O̦ ͔͉Ṟ̹̭ ̦̱̟̗̼̦̙ ̧̜̯̳̱̺̟ ̢̰͍͕A̹̣ ҉͈̳͍̰̰N ̸̘̟̝̪̝̬̮ ̜̹̮͕͉̀ ̴E͓̝͘ͅ Y̤͖̦ ͓͙ͅE͖̻̦
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subject-meta · 8 years
People, Spider-Man Homecoming isn't White Miles
I have read many, many cases of people claiming that the MCU version of Peter Parker is just Miles Morales but white. That’s nuts. I’m assuming that a lot of these posts and accusations are just people piggybacking on some posts they’ve seen and hopping aboard the bandwagon for whatever reason. It’s all just, “It’s all Miles’ origin! It’s all Miles’ story!” without any actual evidence beyond the glaringly obvious Ned-Ganke parallels. In what way is this Miles’ story? Uncle Ben is still dead, as far as we know, Peter’s powers aren’t the result of a family member stealing a genetically enhanced spider, and it doesn’t look likes Peter is living in a place of financial instability. He isn’t going to a charter school where he stays away from home (again, as far as we know), he’s still in Queens, not Brooklyn, he’s still Peter Parker for Christ’s sake. I’m not gonna go into nitpicking territory with this, like bringing up different characters that Miles never interacts with, because then I’m just more of an asshole. The reason they aren’t using MJ or Gwen again is because we’ve seen it (sort of, the Sam Reime movies didn’t at all represent MJ), they’re going with the high school dynamic because we’ve seen an older, angsty Peter, and because all of the cartoons have him living through high school, which is where a lot of the younger film audience will be getting their interest in Spidey. People shout out all these claims without making any kind of argument beyond Ned, which I admit, was an obvious and pretty stupid move on Marvel’s part. I personally have no issue with the dynamic, because I don’t get attached to characters like that, and I get why they chose Peter. He’s a more recognizable character, hell, he is and always will be /the/ Spider-Man. Can you blame them for making a marketing decision like that? Sure, Miles is in the cartoon, but that’s been cancelled, so from the end point of that show on, unless kids read the comics, no one else’ll be learning about him. I love Miles as a character, I’d personally choose him over comic Peter any day, but I greatly prefer Holland’s portrayal of Peter over Miles’ character, so his casting is more of a personal preference. But I don’t like seeing people spew this bullshit because they had to get on the band wagon. Sue me. So I thought I’d educate you, I did my job, and now I’m out, peace. (P.S. This isn’t a white boy defending his race, I’m a full-blood Korean son just stating the facts.)
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