succulem · 4 years
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Herbal Hair Rinse for healthy shiny hair and protection using an infused vinegar.
When I was a little girl, my grand mother use to rince my hair with a table spoon of pale cider vinegar diluted in a pitch of water. It made my hair so shiny and strong, I kept this tradition in my adulthood.
Now I have more knowledge in herbalism and witchcraft and I adapted the recipe to be even more effective.
This is a remedy to treat small ailments. Always consult with your GP before. This doesn’t replace any medication!
Herbal Hair Rinse for soothing the scalp, strengthen the hair and protection.
1L raw organic apple cider vinegar.
½ cup dried chamomile.
½ cup dried lavender.
4 to 5 fresh rosemary sprigs (or ½ cup dried rosemary).
1l Mason jar
Plastic lid for the mason jar (you can find some here https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=mason+jar+plastic+lid&crid=1JCPADG0E2V6O&sprefix=mason+jar+plastic%2Caps%2C157&ref=nb_sb_ss_organic-diversity_1_17
Muslin cloth to filter the vinegar
Apple cider vinegar for the hair: help remove buildup of hair products, help balance hair’s pH, clean the scalp, boost circulation, condition hair, soothe dry itchy scalp.
Chamomile: Soothes the scalp
Lavender: Increases circulation, promotes hair growth, calms inflammation, soothes scalp irritation
Rosemary: Increase scalp circulation, promotes hair growth, strengthen hairs, fights dandruff
Magical intent
Apple cider vinegar: Purification, protection
Chamomile: Purification
Lavender: Protection, purification
Rosemary: Protection, purification
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Add all the dry ingredients in the mason jar
Fill up to the top with raw organic apple cider
Don’t use metal lid as it will be corroded by the vinegar!
Store in a dark cool cupboard for 6 to 8 weeks. You can be tempted to wait less, but the result will be a weaker vinegar.
Shake every couple of days
When ready, strain and compost the herbs.
The concentrated vinegar will store indefinitely but you’ll need to prepare the rinse before each wash.
Don’t use it more than twice a week.
Always label your jar with the date of creation and what’s inside!
Use a 500mL mason jar.
Add 2 table spoons of vinegar, fill up with water to the top.
Take your shower, wash your hair, then use the rince on your wet hair. Don’t rince your hair with water after!
Be careful to your eyes!
Rinse your shower after you’re done to remove any vinegar residue.
The rinse is really diluted, it doesn’t smell really strong. The smell will disappear when the hair will dry.
Also, it requires a long time of infusion so be mindful of the time frame when you are doing your next batch!
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succulem · 4 years
Before Casting a Circle
The function of a circle is to provide a sacred space for you to work. It is protective, keeping unwanted energies out during a ritual. It also concentrates the energy within, helping you focus your attention and put as much power into the spell as possible. 
A circle doesn’t need to be cast for every spell or ritual, but you are more than welcome to. Especially if you’re just starting out, circle casting may help you find your energy. 
If an emergency occurs, just leave. The circle can be closed when you get back. (However, make sure all candles or items using fire are extinguished.) 
Children and animals can enter and exit a circle without breaking it or diminishing it’s power. In some cases, it can even add to the power. 
If you need to leave the circle for a short period of time, use and athame to cut a doorway through the circle. When you are ready, retrace the door the opposite way with your wand to seal it again. 
Before Casting:
Find the four directions in your space. 
Gather all tools you’ll need inside the circle.
Place items at all four directions to represent the elements. Can be candles or the actual element. (This is not necessary, but it can help beginner witches visualize the elemental energy.)
I always like to shower to remove stagnant energy. At the very least you can wash your hands and brush your teeth. Do this with intention to cleanse. 
Casting a Circle
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succulem · 4 years
Casting a Circle
This specific circle is for solitary witches. I’m not in a coven right now, so I don’t know how to do group casting. 
This is just a general circle. You can change or add anything you like. I won’t tell you what specifically I do because that’s very personal.
Step 1: Stand in the center facing north. You should have already grounded and centered yourself. 
Step 2: Hold your wand (or use your finger) in your dominant hand. Point to the perimeter of the circle. Say:
“I call upon the Guardian of the North and the element of Earth to watch over this sacred circle.”
Take a second to respect the guardian.
Step 3: Keep your wand up and turn to the east. Repeat the previous phrase with the correct quarter and element. (Guardian of the East, element of Air) Respect the guardian’s presence. 
Step 4: Turn south. Repeat the phrase. (Guardian of the South, element of Fire) Respect the guardian’s presence. 
Step 5: Turn west. Repeat the phrase. (Guardian of the West, element of Water) Respect the guardian’s presence. 
Step 6: Turn back to the north to complete the circle. 
Step 7: At this point, you may call upon your deities to join you if you want. Do so respectfully.
Step 8: Visualize a white light beginning in your chest and expanding to the edges of your circle. 
This is the point where you will perform your spell, divination, ritual or whatever else you planned. When you’re finished, you must dissolve the circle. Here is how. 
Step 1: Face north. Say:
“Thank you, Guardian. Go with peace and love.” 
Step 2: Do the same for all other directions. 
Step 3: Thank your deities and say your goodbyes.
Step 4: Once you’re back at north, circle counterclockwise to dissolve the energy. 
Step 5: Ground and center yourself
Before Casting a Circle
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succulem · 4 years
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succulem · 4 years
Myths, Creatures, and Folklore
Want to create a religion for your fictional world? Here are some references and resources!
General Folklore
Various Folktales
Weather Folklore
Trees in Mythology
Animals in Mythology
Birds in Mythology
Flowers in Mythology
Fruit in Mythology
Plants in Mythology
Folktales from Around the World
Egyptian Mythology
African Mythology
More African Mythology
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
The Gods of Africa
Even More African Mythology
West African Mythology
All About African Mythology
African Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
The Americas:
Aztec Mythology
Haitian Mythology
Inca Mythology
Maya Mythology
Native American Mythology
More Inca Mythology
More Native American Mythology
South American Mythical Creatures
North American Mythical Creatures
Aztec Gods and Goddesses
Chinese Mythology
Hindu Mythology
Japanese Mythology
Korean Mythology
More Japanese Mythology
Chinese and Japanese Mythical Creatures
Indian Mythical Creatures
Chinese Gods and Goddesses
Hindu Gods and Goddesses
Korean Gods and Goddesses
Basque Mythology
Celtic Mythology
Etruscan Mythology
Greek Mythology
Latvian Mythology
Norse Mythology
Roman Mythology
Arthurian Legends
Celtic Gods and Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses of the Celtic Lands
Finnish Mythology
Celtic Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
Middle East:
Islamic Mythology
Judaic Mythology
Mesopotamian Mythology
Persian Mythology
Middle Eastern Mythical Creatures
Aboriginal Mythology
Polynesian Mythology
More Polynesian Mythology
Mythology of the Polynesian Islands
Melanesian Mythology
Massive Polynesian Mythology Post
Maori Mythical Creatures
Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses
Hawaiian Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses
Creating a Fantasy Religion:
Creating Part 1
Creating Part 2
Creating Part 3
Creating Part 4
Fantasy Religion Design Guide
Using Religion in Fantasy
Religion in Fantasy
Creating Fantasy Worlds
Beliefs in Fantasy
Some superstitions:
Read More
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succulem · 4 years
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Today’s mood: live in a forest cottage, make magic potions and grow herbs in the garden
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succulem · 4 years
biggest betrayal is when it’s supposed to thunderstorm and it doesn’t
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succulem · 4 years
Like to charge reblog to cast some love, protection, and health for the moon, sun, and fae
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succulem · 4 years
Its such a rip off that flowers don’t taste good
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succulem · 4 years
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My first ever spell jar!
A Basic Home Protection jar
In order from top to bottom:
Crushed Egg Shells- to protect and allow growth within
Salt- to absorb negative energy
Black Pepper- to protect and banish negativity
Garlic Powder- to protect and strengthen
Basil- to protect and keep peace
Crushed Egg Shells- to protect and allow growth within
Each ingredient is given intent before added to the jar, and then sealed off with a white candle to exorcise negativity, and to promote peace and protection. I did the wax sealing by lighting a long candle, and letting it drip wax onto the lid (I had the jar sitting on a paper plate to avoid a mess), and then I let it sit until the wax cooled. 
I wanted my first spell jar to be something to protect my home and those that I love within, and after researching I found that the basic protection based ingredients could be found within my kitchen cabinet! 
*Side note: The crushed egg shells can be added to a garden or potted plant as a natural fertilizer to help promote growth!
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succulem · 4 years
Who else loves making spell bottles but can’t find easy items for what I want it to do?
Well y’all are in luck cause I got annoyed and so I made a list of commonly found kitchen items that have properties that are often desired for spell bottles! ~please note that other items that you may have also have these properties but I wanted to make something very generic~
Courage- Thyme
Luck- Clove, Clover, Dill, Hazel, Mint, Orange
Protection- Clove, Clover, Basil, Cinnamon, Cumin, Fennel, Garlic, Grass, Lettuce, Lime, Olive, Onion, Parsley, Pepper, Radish, Rosemary, Sage
Love- Clove, Clover, Orange, Basil, Cinnamon, Ginger, Jasmine, Lemon, Lettuce, Lime, Parsley, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Rosemary, Thyme, Vanilla
Success- Clove, Clover, Cinnamon, Ginger
Money/Riches/Wealth- Dill, Mint, Orange, Ginger, Jasmine, Oats, Onion, Pecan, Pineapple, Basil
Health- Thyme
Wishes- Hazel, Peach, Sage
Healing- Mint, Fennel, Garlic, Lime, Olive, Onion, Rosemary, Thyme
Travel- Mint
Anti-theft- Garlic
Power- Ginger
Longevity- Lemon, Peach, Sage
Friendship- Lemon
Purification- Fennel, Lemon, Parsley, Thyme
Sleep- Lettuce, Rosemary, Thyme
Fertility- Olive
Potency- Olive
Lust-  Olive, Pear, Radish, Rosemary, Vanilla
Employment- Pecan
Youth- Rosemary
Immortality- Sage
Wisdom- Sage
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succulem · 4 years
Reblog if you:
Have a blog completely dedicated to witchcraft. Not just aesthetics though.
Post original content relating to witchcraft ESPECIALLY if it is information on your blog. If you have original content it’s okay if there’s other stuff too.
Are a witch of color, especially if you own a business I can boost. I want to support and learn from more of you!! 
It’s okay if only one of these apply!!!
Thank you! I’ll be following. Have a nice day 💖
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succulem · 4 years
Baby Witches... Older witches... It doesn't matter. Hear me out:
Some days you will not believe in your own magic. You may think you aren't doing enough, practicing enough, studying enough... That you're simply not enough. But stop! Being a witch is a journey and we are all at different chapters in our journeys. Just because you go one day, even a year without "properly" practicing doesn't make you any less of a witch.
You're just as witchy as the next witch.
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succulem · 4 years
I believe the Universe calls us to things that we need more often than we think.
Tonight, I decided to make tea. I just put together a few things that sounded yummy but I decided to look up what the different ingredients meant symbolically.
Ginger corresponds with prosperity and good luck, cloves to wealth and prosperity, cinnamon for luck and prosperity, honey for prosperity and “sweet talking”.
All of these sound pretty useful for the job interview I have coming up. As if the Universe was giving me just a little bit of help by inspiring me to make this tea?
I don’t know, maybe I just overthink things but I truly believe that if we just look hard enough we can see what the Universe is saying or giving to us.
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succulem · 4 years
I am feeling incredibly called out lately and I know exactly what I need to do but I’m having a hard time doing it.
I am notorious for giving up quickly if I’m not immediately good at something. I am also incredibly bad at procrastinating for fear of failure.
Essentially I need to do a lot of research and a lot of learning but I am afraid that I won’t keep up with learning and practicing like I should so I’m putting off doing it at all so I don’t fail.
There is a lot that I want to be able to do but I am just not ready or experienced enough. I have seen several posts/videos saying that people want to jump in but need to do more research first and I know that’s meant at me right now. I have so many things saved meant for beginners to read and help find a place to start researching, but I’m collecting them instead of using them.
Is there a way to push myself into it? A way to motivate myself to truly begin?
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succulem · 4 years
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Full Moon Tomorrow! 🌕 🌼✨
[via: InkedGoddessCreations on Pintrest]
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succulem · 4 years
Bee Magick - Save the Bees
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This post is dedicated to the bees, make sure you do your part to save the bees! 
Facts to increase your love for bees:
They have personalities.
They can recognize human faces.
Their honey contains all the substances needed to sustain life.
Eating Honey can make you smarter.
Honeybees can only sting once.
They beat their wings up to 200 times per second.
Honeybees are the only insects that produce food for humans.
Bees don’t sleep.
All worker bees are female.
Ways to attract bees:
Plant flowers that attract bees.
Build a bee houses.
Place bee waterers and bee baths around your garden.
Do not use pesticides or herbicides of any kind.
Plants that attract bees:
Bee balm
Snow Drop
Wildflowers/Any native species
Anise hyssop
Black eyed susan
Sweet peas
Bee folklore:
It is unlucky to kill bees.
Believed to have the knowledge of the future and all secrets. 
If a bee lands on your hand, it suggests money is on it’s way.
If a bee lands on someones head, they will become successful in life. 
If a bee flies into a home, it means either good luck or a stranger is on their way. If you kill the bee it means the stranger will be bringing bad news.
Seeing a single bee will bring luck.
Bees buzzing around a child’s head foretells a happy, successful life.
Bee mythology:
Ancient Egyptian pharaohs used the bee as their royalty symbol. They believed honey bees were born from the tears of the sun God, Ra. To the Egyptians, bees represented resurrection and protected against evil spirits. 
Druids believed that bees represented the sun, the Goddess, celebration, and community.
The Greeks thought that a babies whose lips where touched by a bee would become a great poet or a great speaker. In ancient Greece it was also thought that they symbolized industry, hard work, messengers of the dead, and obedience. Honey was often used as an offering to their Gods. They also believed bees were the surviving souls of the priestesses who served the Goddess Aphrodite. 
They have been seen as a symbol of sacredness and could be associated with the Great Mother or Divine feminine. The Mother can be symbolized as the queen bee. 
In Celtic mythology honey bees had great wisdom and thought to be messengers between worlds. Honey was sacred and used in rituals.
In some cultures they can be associated with purity, health, and wealth. Some also believed bees were a symbol of the human soul.
The druids believed that bees symbolized the sun, the goddess, celebration, and community.
Deities associated with bees and honey:
Melissa (Melisae)
Bees in Magick:
Bees are closely associated with the fae and their presence in gardens which indicates blessings of fae. Encourage the bees, by putting up bee houses, hives, planting bee-friendly plants and waterers and not using pesticides. Thus, encouraging the blessings from the fae, while harming bees can anger them and cause them to seek revenge. 
The symbol of a bee can be used to seal a spell with sweetness for one who appreciates good will and a sting for one who takes it for granted or doesn’t keep his end of the bargain. 
Honey stirred into your tea can ‘sweeten’ your day. 
Honey is used often in magick to sweeten a situation.
Anointing your lips with honey will make your words sound sweeter. 
Bees in your dreams:
May be a good omen.
Bees in your dreams may be telling you to take a look at your social networks. They may be pointing toward a desire for more harmonious and functional relationships, or celebrating the ones you already have.
A visit from a bee in a dream may also be notifying you that a friend or family member needs to speak with you. You will know as this person will also pop into your mind somehow. It means call them or perhaps, that you will hear from them soon.
Dreaming of a beehive usually relates to the home and family or your business and coworkers. A happy, buzzing hive means a happy, buzzing home. It may foretell incoming abundance, and fruitful times ahead. If the bees are swarming around the hive, rather than working in it, proceed with caution. There is a lack of harmony that is interfering with productivity.
A swarm of bees may indicate that you feel that a group of people upon whose cooperation you rely is becoming chaotic and out of control. Perhaps the need to balance your own interactions with your different business and social groups for your own sanity.
Beehives bring to mind abundance and prosperity: bees seem to work hard and are rewarded by flowing stores of honey. An empty beehive, then, represents the opposite: lost opportunity and financial misfortune.
A beehive can also represent a home. The fullness or emptiness of the beehive may indicate unconscious feelings about family life, marriage, children, or the house itself. Honey may represent your property or belongings.
A beehive on fire or burned bees are often interpreted depending on your emotional and physical condition. Burned bees may mean you are overcoming fear and want to take control of life and anger, are you’re progressing through life with more confidence without any fear of obstacles. Burned beehives can also mean you have lost something precious, like money, a relationship, or some valuable information that you’ve forgotten or ignored.
If a bee or a swarm of bees is chasing you in dream, it may mean there is some unsettled business or a memory that haunts you. Make sure you let it go from your mind or deal with it in order to avoid these bees.
If you dream about getting a bee sting then something may be bothering you, or you have a persistent annoyance in your life. Concerns about your relationship, career, finance, or some unknown issue is bugging your subconscious mind. Find out what it is and sort it out.
Magickal uses for Honey:
Can be used in binding spells to symbolically stick things together.
Used for offerings to fae and deities.
Can sweeten a person or a situation.
 Honey is sacred to Aphrodite.
Can be used in spells corresponding to purification, health, love, happiness, spirituality, wisdom, good fortune, fertility, 
Use certain types of honey that corresponded with your spell.
Bathe in warm water and honey to attract love.
A dish filled with honey can attract angels and beneficial spirits.
Do your part to save the bees they are an important part of our life and in our magick practices. 
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Academy==
Sources: witchipedia.com, kitchenwitchuk.blogspot.ca, exemplore.com
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