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Movies to Watch: Brother Bear
Plot Description: “An Inuit boy named Kenai pursues a bear in revenge for a fight that he provoked in which his oldest brother Sitka is killed. He tracks down the bear and kills it, but the Spirits, incensed by this unnecessary death, change Kenai into a bear himself as punishment.”
While this movie didn’t catch the attention of many critics, it sure got mine as a kid. Unfortunately it was being compared to other kids movies at the time like The Lion King and Finding Nemo so it had a hard time standing out. I’ve actually always preferred Brother Bear to both and here’s why.
Beautiful Scenes
While it admittedly doesn’t have animation quality anywhere near that of today’s movies, it does well with what it has. One thing that always drew me in as a kid was all of the nature scenery (which is pretty much all of it); there are many scenes in this movie that honestly make me want to just get up and go chill in the forest. There are sooo many scenes where even though it’s just the main characters walking down a path it looks so so pretty.
I genuinely feel as if this movie helped set a foundation for my relationship with nature. The movie conveys a message of respect for nature very clearly and honestly very well. When I was younger, this movie genuinely motivated me to go outside and appreciate how much nature had to offer and as I got older and watched it again, it inspired me to help protect the earth and all its beauty as best I can.
It is a bit different from other child oriented movies that came out around that time. It has more of a relaxed and sweet tone than the ordinary, adventurous ones. It’s written in a way that honestly allows you to feel more connected to the characters than the story itself in a way that hard to explain, but enjoyable nonetheless.
Suggested Audience
I would suggest this movie to kids and parents. Brother Bear is rated G, so there are very few things that could be seen as problematic. The only concern would be with very young children who may find a fight scene (not by any means a graphic one) too intense. It is originally intended for children, but I find it enjoyable even as an adult., so don’t let your age make you miss out on a cool movie.
Hope you enjoy!
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A good book I found a while back. Honestly haven’t heard of many people reading it, but I think it’s a really cool concept and I had a lot of fun with it.
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This song straight up exudes good vibes. It just feels so nice and picturesque.
(it always helps me with writers block too, but that honestly might just be me being weird)
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This song is nostalgic and calming. I end up listening to on repeat so often, it’s really good background music for reading and writing too.
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Love this song and I’m not sure why
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1:04 AM and this is my vibe for some reason
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