sundcred-and-undone · 4 years
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character.
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sundcred-and-undone · 4 years
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During her cheek-gnawed thinking, urSu appeared to be wandering off into his mind, head drooping and eyelids even more so. His focus was still on her, and when her words came, he heard them, but his energy...
He had so little of it, and all of it reserved for the task at hand. Carrying, holding, speaking, teaching, all of these things he’d have to do with more push and more accuracy than he’d done in centuries.
Raising the Gelfling child would take what was left of his life, and he wondered if Snow would feel hurt by that. It was not his inclination to replace her. A parental figure has more than one child.
SoSu weeps, he knows, somewhere above this nightmare he’s having. 
“You may stay with us. And I hope...that in time...you may find happiness in...the new beings.”
The past is easy to preoccupy yourself with. He wants her to be happy..
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sundcred-and-undone · 4 years
skekSept: uses a spoon to play tunes on the vials in the lab.
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sundcred-and-undone · 4 years
urSkeks can change their ‘clothes’ on a whim. Most don’t because conformity, but SeptOnze routinely does on Thra once he realizes there’s no elder to come out of the woodwork to scold him.
(And the alchemist diagrams on his clothing tend to rotate, too.)
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sundcred-and-undone · 4 years
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An hint of exasperation is always present when skekSept mentions skekHdax, despite being the one to bring her up, “Though I’d advice against you speaking to her again. Or being near her at all.” skekHdax had grown too - far less subtly, and was now a head taller than him, stronger, and far less willing to listen. 
A kind way of saying she would probably try to kill her.
skekSept wiped at his beak absently, and let some of the tension leave his shoulders. “...How long have you been gone from the castle? I’m glad someone is in brighter spirits.”
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sundcred-and-undone · 4 years
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Perhaps a little of both. “Butter is a fitting analogy, and makes...light of a bleak situation.” Someone with a little less foresight would’ve wept, but an urRu knows the fates of others like an occurrence that already happened...
The trouble and uncertainty with that came was the multiple ways things could go.
“You would be missed. Your role is not yet over.” He murmurs. 
He eyes the chasm. Of course he cannot stop her.
“Understanding, a tad more difficult. Perhaps the Wanderer, and Heretic.” For they wanted to transcend in a way, but even there it’s not the same.
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sundcred-and-undone · 5 years
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He huffs, and it definitely comes across as moody. His eyes find the ring and he eyes it with a frown, eyes flecked even more amazingly with yellow blinking as he processes the strange style. 
“Young, yes, fine, not so much. Youth’s caused me nothing but trouble.” He says. “And...yes.” He sits down, with a slump. He seems convinced she’s not out to hurt him, a far cry from his tentative sitting before.
Already, he’s changed.
And Snow has changed, he can’t help but wonder why, and envy sparks in his soul, leashed back. Now is not the time.
“I heard you met skekHdax, in passing.”
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sundcred-and-undone · 5 years
His frown comes slowly. But the feathery, ruffled sprouts on his back settle down. He slips from his cover (with a slight stumble) and quickly circles around her, keeping a slow but ever-moving pace. Like a cat staring at a toy at the end of the stick, unsure, and not willing to be close.
“Always? Does everyone come to Thra by mistake? This planet’s a death trap,” He says more to himself than her, “And what do you want from it?”
And why all the red?
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sundcred-and-undone · 5 years
回 for skekSept
The wound up his arm will probably mar his skin for life, among his odd tangle of scale, skin and feather that skeksis seem to have. skekSept was very unsure of the Ornamentalist tending to a wound, but,
flesh and cloth aren’t that different when being stitched, hm?
Wariness seems to be his permanent expression. The last time he was near skekEkt and their needle, he was a head smaller. Still not tall enough to look any of the Skeksis in the eye, but sharper-looking.
“Have you...stitched up scars before?”
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sundcred-and-undone · 5 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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sundcred-and-undone · 5 years
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Obligatory 'holy moly prototype Jen looked much better' shock.
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sundcred-and-undone · 5 years
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skekSept is strangely withdrawn, for a creature usually so alert (maybe too much so.) He follows Snow inside the looming cave without question. His attire is odd, like he was wearing some underclothes with a shawl hastily thrown over them: All the fabric torn so that it hangs in layers like bark.
He is thinner, but already taller, hair already longer. When her chin sits upon his head, he doesn’t flinch despite the pain aching in the back of his head, hidden by that hair.
“You aren’ dead.” He says, high voice crackling, for he had heard she’d been stabbed and yet here she is.
(The court gossips.)
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sundcred-and-undone · 5 years
I love how in the Age of Resistance Trailer skekTek and skekSil are in the Chamber of Life, with the Chamberlain hovering and the Scientist is like
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bitch let me
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sundcred-and-undone · 5 years
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She can smell the apprehension, hear the hackles raise, and the vicious part of her births a smirk that she doesn’t try to hide.
“I want to know if you’ll be more useful than otherwise.” (It’s strange how her speech changes, momentarily.)
So it’s pragmatism, then, a concept SaatHdax had once excelled in.
“A very long time. You’ll be blinder than I. Watch your step.”
It’s not a friendly warning, but skekHdax needs skekYag.
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sundcred-and-undone · 5 years
‘Sundered and Undone’ and ‘One Made Two (the latter the name of the blog) were the names of pivotal chapter in skekSept’s original 2016 story, ‘Minor Conjunction’ which was written as a series of one-shots and drabbles, all out of chronological order. It’s the moment in his life where the Skeksis and himself truly solidify their stances: skekSil betrays him, and the Emperor rejects him. Any chance of him integrating into the Court is lost here.
And it is where he and skekHdax finally become a combined duo.
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sundcred-and-undone · 5 years
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sundcred-and-undone · 5 years
I use session box to keep an eye on my blogs, and before, the Beta disrupted it but deleting cookies fixed it. This time round...that doesn’t work in the long term.
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