sunflowersinthedirt Β· 4 months
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You love sunflowers and George miss you.
Angst (i’m a sad person), mentions of grief, angry issues. May have some sensitive topics to some readers.
English is not my first language and gifs are not mine.
1995: Summer.
Ringo and Paul were playing their ukuleles and conversing in the company of their respective wives. They were almost oblivious to George's presence in that vast garden. Today was a delicate day; they were finalizing the recordings for the Anthology documentary, and talking so much about John left Geo with a bittersweet (or rather, sour) taste in his mouth.
George was one of the few who didn't get to make amends with John before he passed away, and today, despite the sunny atmosphere, George was gloomy and quieter than usual. He was feeling nostalgic. He had remembered things that made him happy but at the same time, saddened him.
It was when he thought of you, looking at the sunflower garden he had planted, that the memories came flooding back. George walked over there, struggling against the feeling of sadness that seemed to take over and fill his chest. He had no idea he was being watched by Olivia and Dhani, who knew about his devotion to those flowers more than anyone. What they didn't know was the reason Geo loved sunflowers so much.
β€” Look, me nails and clothes are full of dirt! β€” Said the girl, laughing and showing her hands. β€” Only you'd be able to see me all dirty like this.
George laughed.
β€” I'm worse than you. β€” He said, getting up from the flowerbed and helping her up. He clapped his legs to get the excess dirt off his hands and clothes, making himself even dirtier. β€” And you're the prettiest girl covered in dirt I've ever seen. β€” He confessed, with a cheeky smile.
The girl shook her head.
β€” Please, love... β€” She laughed. β€” You're bein' too nice to me.
He took her in his arms. Neither of them caring that they were dirty with soil in the middle of that garden.
β€” You know you're gorgeous no matter what. β€” he said, kissin' her lips. β€” Thank you for helpin' me take care of this garden. And thank you for lookin' after it when I'm not around.
She smiled and felt her face warm with all the adoration and courtship from the dark-haired man.
β€” You know I love this garden. Takin' care of it is a way for me to ease the missin' I feel for you when you're gone. β€” She confessed, George's eyes staring into yours like he wanted to capture every detail of you at all once. You were, without a shadow of a doubt, the most beautiful woman George had ever seen.
You were beautiful because you were you. In your simplicity, in your little mannerisms, in the way you walked... George loved everything about you and wished he could keep you like a porcelain doll so nothin' would ever harm you.
β€” And I took the liberty of plantin' some sunflowers here. Don't get me wrong, I love orchids, but sunflowers will always be my favorites. β€” She commented. The warm wind blowing through her long hair made George pull a few strands away from her face.
β€” They're lovely, darling. I loved them. They made the garden more colorful. β€” He said. The girl smiled.
β€” Sunflowers are happy flowers to me. I love them. β€” She confessed, looking at the flowerbed. She was proud of her work. β€” And if I ever die, I want you to bring me sunflowers every year. Wherever I am, I'll be happy...
George's smile faded at his beloved's request. It was sudden, a happy moment turned into a melancholy mess in an instant. She was like that: very honest. Not that George wasn't aware that people could die, after all, he had already lost someone that year: his manager, Brian. He and the rest of the band were still stunned by the untimely death of someone as passionate about life as Brian.
β€” Y/N... β€” He took a deep breath, stepping away from her touch. He was tough enough not to want to cry in front of her. He didn't like thinking about the possibility of losing her one day. He'd rather go first than see the woman he loved leave forever. β€” I-I... I think that's a rather morbid wish, don't you think?
The girl shook her head.
β€” I think it's the sentence we all carry β€” She concluded. β€” I'm sorry if I touched on a sensitive subject for you.
β€” It's alright. β€” It wasn't. β€” We need to take a bath and get all this dirt off us.
He changed the subject and took her by the hands so quickly into the house that she didn't have time to breathe and tell him what had been bothering her. Not that she wanted to tell him, knowing that George would do everything he could to take that away from her and that would cost him a lot.
Four months later:
She was sick and no one knew except John, her best friend. When George received that phone call at the studio, something inside him knew it wasn't good news. Although the news hit him like a speeding car, he couldn't feel anything about the fact that you had told John and not him that you were in the terminal phase. The electric guitar fell from his hands, making a loud noise that pierced the acoustic walls of the studio. He wanted it all to be just a nightmare.
He blamed himself a lot. It was obvious that her thinness wasn't normal, but he was so busy with the recordings of the White album that he was living on autopilot. He fought with John. He wanted to punch John.
He wanted to hold back his tears, he didn't want to yell at one of his best friends... But John knew George had been holding back his tears since Brian's death. It was George who held down the fort with the media when Brian died because John couldn't speak.
And losing you was unbearable... And when he remembered that you had asked him to bring you sunflowers, he wanted to tear out every single flower from that garden and set it on fire.
For the first time, gardening had become a distaste for him. Geo was immensely devastated. He swallowed his pride, made peace with John, and asked his friend to accompany him on your wake. George wanted to fulfill your last request despite all the anger and sadness bottled up in his chest about those "damned flowers."
And so, every year... He brought you sunflowers. He would plant a flowerbed on your grave if it would bring you back.
Present: 1995, Summer.
George sighed. His chest seemed full of that anguish from the past, and to remember you and John now with a bitter taste in his mouth was devastating. He put on a brave face. Mentally, he made a small prayer that your spirits could find the peace you so sought in life. George had married someone he liked, had a beautiful family, but you never left Geo's heart and Friar Park. There was a part of you there, and it was those vibrant yellow flowers.
β€” Sunflowers are happy flowers to me. I love them.β€” He remembered what you had said. He no longer hated them because they were a sweet reminder of you. It was the color that was missing from his life, and in a way, it was there, almost spiritually cheering him up.
George wiped away the tears with the sleeve of his jacket, which by this point had already flooded his eyes, making his vision blurry.
β€” I will always love you. β€” He said to himself, hoping that you, Brian, and John could hear him wherever you were.
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sunflowersinthedirt Β· 4 months
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fluff and angst, very needy reader! mentions of weed, cigarettes and alcohol. also mentions of beatles get back/let it be period.
1969!paul mcbeardy.
again, sorry for any typos. english is not my first language and gifs are not mine.
- X -
I was freezing when I decided to go to bed. I drank wine, but not as much as when I'm in Paul's company. It's night, and even with alcohol, Martha, and a fireplace, nothing seemed to warm me up. Maybe I missed Paul.
It had been a couple of days since he slept with me. Get Back and Twickenham were taking up a lot of his time. He seemed grumpy when he got home, but always took some time to cuddle with me as if the external problems that working with his band for the past 18 months were causing. Martha had become my biggest companion in this house, following me wherever I went.
When I got into that bathtub, I didn't think I was that sleepy. I dozed off lightly, and when I felt the water getting cold, I decided to get up, dry off, and go to bed. Martha had been sleeping in her bed for ages. There were some beds scattered around the house for her to rest, as she was a very calm dog. I put on one of Paul's shirts to feel like he was there with me... I had no idea what time he'd be back and he hadn't confirmed anything with me. I inhaled his scent embedded there and turned to the empty side of the bed.
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I didn't know if it was the alcohol, the tiredness, the longing... I just know I fell asleep. But it wasn't light sleep, as I woke up every half hour to turn over. Until I felt a chaste kiss on my lips but no weight on the other side of the bed like I wanted. Paul had arrived but hadn't lain down. I could hear his footsteps on the stairs followed by the jingling of Martha's paws. I was alone in that room and it left me feeling colder and longing for their company.
Wrapped in a blanket, I went downstairs feeling small and fragile. I didn't care that the king-size blanket I was wrapped in was dragging on the cold floor.
I heard the sound of piano notes in the living room, something between C Major and a murmuring voice. Paul rarely came home from work and continued working. It wasn't difficult, but Paul didn't like to bring work home. I thought he might be stressed enough not to lie down or not be sleepy.
I approached the piano, saw his figure with downcast eyes, long lashes brushing his cheeks. Paul hummed quietly, noticed my presence, and stopped playing, focusing his attention on me.
"Did I wake you, love?" he asked in an affectionate tone. His tired eyes opened wider.
"No," I replied sleepily, coming closer to him.
"Sit here." He tapped his left leg and made room for me to sit on his lap.
I sat, wrapped in that blanket. Paul adjusted his arms to give him mobility to play the piano keys in front of him, and I hugged him around the waist, snuggling against his larger body.
"S' Much better this way..." he said, his accent strong and drawling, his voice low and husky. I could feel the vibration of his voice and hear his heartbeats. I rested my chin on his shoulder, and he stole a kiss from me. His now-full beard tickled my cupid's bow.
This was what was missing. I felt so relaxed in his company. Paul continued to play the piano.
"Couldn't sleep?" I asked, my eyes were almost closing again.
"No, love. I came home with a melody pounding in my head." He answered, still playing the piano. He smelled of tobacco and herbs. He had been smoking more than usual, and I knew he was stressed. "I'm sorry for bringing work home. I don't have the lyrics yet, but the melody got stuck in my head because I played it at Twickenham before coming here. I was the last to leave the studio today."
"I'd never be upset with you for that. Y’know." I rubbed my face against his beard. "Can you show me the melody?" I asked, sleepy. Martha was already snoring at our feet.
Paul kissed my forehead and continued playing the piano, murmuring some words. I struggled to keep my eyes open.
"Once there was a way..." he sang softly, playing the piano with his leg rocking me to sleep. He was making up these lyrics, or I didn't have such a sharp taste in lullabies like that. "To get back homeward." He repeated the sung sentence, my eyes closing slowly. I felt like a child again. Paul warming the chilly room, the blanket wrapping us like a cloak. "Sleep, pretty darling, do not cry... And I will sing a lullaby."
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep there in his lap, listening to him humming that song. I felt at home and knew I was home.
"Sleep well, princess," he whispered, and suddenly I couldn't hear the musical notes he had played earlier on that piano.
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i’ll take requests soon!
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sunflowersinthedirt Β· 5 months
Dating Paul McCartney headcannons (60/64s).
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First post here! Gifs aren’t mine. I’m sorry if it has any typo, english is not my first language.
β€’ Paul would be the perfect boyfriend in his own way, a true English gentleman.
β€’ He opens the door, pulls out chairs... You never pay for the bill.
β€’ Paul loves to spoil you with gifts.
β€’ Paul used to write songs about you but he was too shy to show them to you.
β€’ He would loooove teach you how to play the guitar and piano, and if you sing, he would ask you to sing for him to hear.
β€’ Paul is an uninhibited man and knows about the reputation he has as the "cute Beatle," but around you, he would become shy at first.
β€’ Still, Paul can't keep his hands off you.
β€’ He likes to walk holding your hand, steal kisses from you to see you blush, Paul likes to touch you all the time.
β€’ Long conversations late at night in the company of his guitar, tea, cigarettes, and Martha.
β€’ You adopted Martha together, and Paul would proudly say that you were Martha's mother.
β€’ Paul loves rainy days and at every opportunity would drag you to bed to sleep with him to the sound of raindrops falling on the roof.
β€’ You would travel the world with Paul if you wanted to go on tour with him.
β€’ Even when you couldn't go with Paul, he would send you letters every day - no matter what country he was in. Letters and postcards, until you had to have more than one box to keep them.
β€’ Paul would give you gifts related to him so that you wouldn't forget him when he was far away.
β€’ Paul wasn't jealous of you with the boys, and you were the first to break the rule that women couldn't be in the studio.
β€’ The boys adored you and would make jokes about how Paul only talked about you and how many songs he had already written and played for them dedicated to you.
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