superheroabc · 6 years
Little Miss Ella
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9:“ I can’t believe you! ”
17: “ Are you upset with me? ”
Could you do a Steve x reader (who’s an avenger) where they go to the safe house in Age of Ultron and it turns it reader has a child who lives there, and is looked after by Clint and Laura. Maybe include Steves reaction (probably hurt at reader) and also the teams, and maybe them getting to know the child. Love your work (especially turmoil (part one, part two), can’t wait to see where that goes)! 😊
Slight age gap (YN is 2 years younger) between Clint and Reader just because it’s easier for me to write YN when she’s closer to my age :) Also, the gif is from Chris’s movie “Gifted”, but the reader and child are written to be racially ambiguous!
Angst at the beginning, fluff at the end dad!steve
words: 5,704 (jesus, em, chill)
Growing up with Clint had its many advantages— when you were on the playground, your team would always win in any sort of game. Many of your friends would be pissed that you were always on his team, but Clint refused to be separated from you saying you were his good luck charm. When your first boyfriend left you at the age of 20 after he found out you were pregnant with his child, Clint threw an egg at him so hard, and with such accuracy the next time you ran into him, you had to sneak a picture of the goose egg he sported in the middle of his forehead. 
It also had its trials. When his father hit him too hard, Clint would find himself in your room as you patched him up. You would scold him playfully while he bled all over your floral sheets, but he knew you meant nothing by it when you held him as he couldn’t seem to catch his breath and couldn’t seem to stop shaking. You would stand beside him at his parents funeral— you held his hand and drank with him until neither of your could see straight. You would offer for him and his little brother to come and live with you and your family, but somehow, you found yourself alongside his brother and Clint as the three of you ran off at the ripe ages of 16,12, and 18 respectively. You were the one to find him alive after Swordsman left him beaten in an alley, and this is when you and Clint began paying attention the what Nick Fury, head of SHIELD, called the Avengers Initiative. 
When Clint was recruited for the Avengers, he had two requirements before he signed any sort of professional-looking document. First was that Laura (someone who you had grown extremely close to), her unborn baby and your child would be able to live safely and off the grid and out of reach of any government organization. Second, you would also be recruited. Fury was almost immediately overjoyed at the idea of adding someone with mutations (manipulating density), and he agreed to whatever terms both you and Clint had to offer. 
You arrived with Clint at SHIELD headquarters not too long after being recruited and were immediately engulfed in worlds you never even knew existed. You learned of Clint’s past with the Black Widow and the Black Widow’s connection to the Hulk. You learned of Norse Gods and of God-Like Billionaire Playboy Philanthropists. The thing you enjoyed learning most about, however, was the subject of one Captain America. Your grandfather had served in the 107th, and if it weren’t for Cap himself, you wouldn’t have been born. 
You and Steve had hit it off almost immediately and soon, you found yourself to be in an exclusive relationship with America’s Golden Boy Resurrected. The relationship was full of soft touches and flustered cheeks and giggles that reminded you of how you acted during your teen years. His hands became a grounding mechanism, and whenever there was a particularly hard mission you would find yourself reaching for them. His eyes were always hard, and they rarely softened— he was such a determined guy, and his ambition to keep the world safe pushed you to be the best version of yourself that you could be. He asked you to move in with him a few weeks after he had found Bucky— you kept only small amounts of clothing and a toothbrush at his house, for the sole reason of having a responsibility bigger than any romantic relationship you would find yourself in. Little Miss Ella. 
Keep reading
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superheroabc · 6 years
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superheroabc · 6 years
Y’all I’m writing a killmonger imagine and I think it’s turning out great
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superheroabc · 7 years
I’m so proud of everyone involved in the making of black panther.
They have achieved being the top-grossing superhero movie in the United States which is amazing because it’s a great movie, impowers women and has shown black people some major love and as a black woman I couldn’t be happier.
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superheroabc · 7 years
Play fighting with T’Challa hc
Inspired by pics of Beyoncé and Jay Z play fighting and Bey’s reactions 😂
It would usually start off with you slapping his butt or neck and running away
He was quick so he would pull you in and throw you over his shoulder with ease
He would tickle you until you literally had to beg him to stop
One time you legit pissed on yourself and he knew better not to tickle you for long
He would throw mock jabs at you but you threw real ones
Laughter usually flowed between you two -with the occasional moments of T’Challa making a sound effect-until one day he forgot he literally had super human strength and punched your shoulder
“OW!” You cried out.
Truthfully it didn’t really hurt, it stung a little but you were more surprised than anything that he had actually hit you.
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“What?” He asked again
“I mean damn. Go ahead and knock my whole arm off while your at it.”
“I didn’t think I even made contact-I’m sorry my love.”
You ended up with a whole attitude and tried to walk away but he picked you up bridal style and spun you around.
“Put me down.”
“No.” He pepperd your face with light kisses
“Get off me T’Challa.” You said, trying to pull your face back.
“Not until you forgive me.”
You had your arms crossed while he still had you in his strong arms.
“Can you stop being mad with me? It really was an accident kitten.”
You rolled your eyes and he placed you back on your feet.
“Okay you can hit me back.”
“Fine.” You pulled your fist and punched him in the lower stomach.
He looked down for a minute as if to say “that’s it.” and pretended to be hurt “oh. Owww-“
“You’re so full of shit.” You pouted.
He smiled and bent down to place a tender kiss on your sweet lips
You didn’t kiss him back so he placed his nose on yours and stared at you until you broke.
“Do you forgive me?”
“Yes T’Challa jeez.” You laughed
“Good for a moment I thought you were going to give the ring back.”
“Nah.” You jumped up on him, legs wrapped his torso.
“I love you.” He sighed, touching his forehead with yours
“I love you too.”
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superheroabc · 7 years
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reblog if you support coop
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superheroabc · 7 years
I’m going to hit you with a concept….
a Marvel tv series based on N’jadaka and how he survived on the streets of Oakland as an orphan all the way to going to MIT and becoming an american mercenary nicknamed “Killmonger” and meeting Klaue.
….and last season ending on him entering a museum in London
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superheroabc · 7 years
My Everything [part 9]
Bucky x reader
summary: You’re Bucky’s everything, but what happens when you are taken away from him?
A/N: there’s a black panther end credit scene spoiler, but don’t worry i’ll let you know when it pops up, just incase you have not seen it yet. Also let me know if you want to be tagged because I have no clue when or how I’m ending the story.
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The next morning Sam and Steve walked down the halls to look for you and Bucky. You all decided to start the new rounds of test today and you were both late. Just as Steve and Sam rounded the corner to your hall they were shocked to see Bucky sleeping on the floor in front of your door, surrounded by a bunch of paper.
“What the… Buck come on wake up.” Steve said, crouching down to shake him a bit.
“Mhmmm.” Bucky reluctantly groaned.
“Come on man, what’re you doing on the floor?” Asked Sam while Bucky sat up.
“ must’ve fell asleep. We were talking all night.” Bucky Said, Said gesturing to your door as a smile started to appear.
“Through a door?” Sam and Steve said simultaneously.
“Well not exactly. She’s not really ready for that yet so we wrote to each other. That’s why there’s papers on the floor. She still loves me.” Bucky showed them the first letter you wrote, pointing to the sentence where you said you loved him.
“Yeah we can tell. Now come on lover boy and wake up sleeping beauty.” Steve said patting his shoulder.
Bucky cracked open the door as best he could, considering you also fell asleep in front of it. He put half of his body through the door since that was all he could fit.
“Hey doll, it’s time to wake up.” You started to stir so Bucky decided to softly nudge you with his foot, which was enough to get you up. “Come on Y/N, we’re late for your test.”
“Okay.” You yawned before getting up and leaving your room.
“You don’t need to get ready or anything?” Asked Sam.
“I’m just gonna burn my clothes with electricity, anyway.”
“Alright then. Let’s go.” Steve said as you all followed him. When you got down there the entire team was waiting, including some others.
“Oh my gosh, Shuri. What are you doing here?” Asked Bucky as they have each other a hug.
“Hello white wolf. Tony called and asked me to help considering I healed you.” She said. 
“Hello Y/N, I’m Shuri, T’challa’s sister and I will be helping Tony today. But I am smarer so he’s technically helping me.” She said before shaking your hand. You only let it be a short hand shake since you were still cautious about touching people.
“Alright before we get started does anyone have any questions?” Tony asked.
“I do actually.” Shuri Said. “So i know that hydra gave her lightning powers and you want to find a way to take it away but what have you done to do so and do you know how hydra gave these powers to her?”
“Well all we know is what she remembers. They gave her these shots, and electrified her dozens of times. As for test, we haven’t involved her in the experiments. We’ve only taken blood samples and she’s been traing with the god of thunder over here. She also sparks up when she’s angry.” Tony explained.
“So you’re telling me this is your first real test and that she’s been training with someone who is born with his powers?”
“I know. Sounds stupid right?” Said Natasha.
“Yes very. You should have called me sooner.”
“Do you think this is a bad idea?” Asked Bucky.
“Yes but giving her these powers was also a bad idea. They must have studied her for years otherwise she could’ve died the first time they electrocuted her. So at the moment I think we have few test options and this is the best one.”
“Okay then. Let’s get this over with.” You said. Tony walked you to a glass room. One that’s meant to keep the green guy in.
Before leaving he made sure you were okay with this and went back to the other team. You saw him press a button, causing holographic simulators to slowly fly around the room.
“Alright Y/N, try shooting one of the holograms.” You heard Tony’s voice through the speaker.
It took about fifteen minutes for you to even get a spark, it was frustrating. Once you felt the buzz consistently running through your hands you were able to shoot a wave of electricity out of you, you missed the target though.
“You’re doing good doll.” Bucky Said into the intercom.
“Yeah but I missed. And I can’t get another shot out me.” You said trying your hardest to get it out. After an hour you still couldn’t get another shot, even with Thor’s coaching.
“She’s not gonna get it .” Thor Said to the team.
“Then what do you plan to do next?” Shuri Asked.
“Piss her off.” Tony said about to go to the intercom.
“Tony wait.” Wanda said, worried “Do you really think this is a good idea?”
“She is obviously very exhausted.” Vision also a bit concerned.
“Yeah I’m sure.”
“We should at least ask her.” Sam suggested.
“She’ll know we’re trying to make her mad, it’ll be harder that way.” Natasha said, still watching you try to hit the targets.
“What do you think Sargent Barnes? After all you’re in love with her.” Said shuri. 
“She’s always so determined. She’s sure she wants to do this. No matter how many times we asked her she said she was sure. So let’s do it.”
“Alright then. Just a warning though… none of you are going to like what I’m about to say.” Everyone nodded as Tony turned the com back on. “Hey Y/N/N, stop for a sec.”
“No. You need me to do this so you can make it go away. Just let me do this.”
“I’m not taking your powers away.” This made everyone’s eyes widen. How far is he going with this?
“Y/N, you are one of the strongest people on this team. You could do some real damage, which is a good thing because after the accords Bucky told us some information that’s made us want to partner with hydra.”
“No you’re lying. This is apart of the test. You’re just-“
“No Y/N. I’m serious. We were gonna choose Nat but we decided to give you up as the test dummy first and considering that your new powers work, we can use them and you to get what we want.” Tony said, completely blank faced, as if he meant it.
“No! Y-you’re lying!” You said banging on the glass a little bit. Bucky grabbed the microphone and walked closer to the glass so you could be closer and face to face.
“He’s telling the truth Y/N. We needed a new weapon and that just so happened to be you.”
Angry tears started to form in your eyes as you clenched your fist. Although Bucky’s face showed nothing he was dying on the inside, seeing you this way. But he had to keep going.
“I mean just look at you, doll. Give it a little more time and your powers will be perfect. We could rule the world. You, me, the team and hydra.” And that’s what set you off.
Your fist unclenched as you screamed. Beams of lightning started to leave your entire body. So much that all you could see through the glass was the electricity bouncing off the walls. They couldn’t even see you.
“It worked.” Clint said in surprise.
“Yes. I wired the room to absorb some of her powers so that I can study it. I think this should be enough.” Shuri Said.
“Thank you Shuri.” Steve said shaking her hand. “She’s good Bucky. Try to calm her down.”
“Y/N… we just needed d to activate your powers so Shuri could collect data. We aren’t partnering with hydra. Them taking you was an accident.” The screaming stopped but the electricity didn’t calm down at all. “Doll? Can you answer me? Please.”
You were silent. Tony pulled up the security cameras inside to try and get a clearer view of you but you couldn’t be seen.
“Where is she?” Sam asked.
“She’s in there but here vitals are low.” Bruce said passing around the tablet.
“I’m getting her out of there.” Bucky said going to the glass door but it wouldn’t budge.
“You can’t open that door. If you do everyone in this room dies.” Tony said.
“If we don’t open it she might die.”
“And if we open that door we don’t get the chance to see if she lives. If we open that door we die and either she doesn’t get the help she needs or she walks out that room and is haunted by what she’s done and will blame herself for the rest of her life. I know how much she means to you. We all love her but you need to start using your head.” Tony said sternly.
“I am using my head.” Bucky says through gritted teeth.
“No you’re not. Look, she’s like a daughter to me. I’ve known her for a very very long time and to see her like this is heartbreaking,so I’m trying everything in my power to help her. So trust me when I say, running in and saving her isn’t always going to be the best plan. She’s strong, you know that.”
Bucky had nothing to say after that because Tony was right. He wasn’t using his head. You’re strong. You can do it. They waited a little while longer for the lightning to clear and saw you lying on the ground.
Once it was safe to get you out, a few nurses put you on a gurney and took you to med bay.
It took you a while to wake up and when you did Bucky and Tony were right there next to you.
“Hey kid.” Tony said
“How you feeling doll?” Bucky Said while pushing your head out your face.
“You should be. The amount of power you exerted shouldn’t even be possible.” Tony said showing you some of the footage
“Did I hurt anyone?”
“Is what you guys said true?”
“Of course not. We would never, not in a million years would we partner with hydra or purposefully put you in danger.” Bucky’s words calmed your nerves and restored your faith in the team.
You hesitantly right reached your hand out for his and he took it right away. Although you already knew he wasn’t afraid something about that moment made you pull him into a hug. Bucky was surprised but he could never be happier especially since neither of you were letting go.
Thought ya’ll deserved a happy chapter ending
taglist    @mavelfanatic  @captain-maaarvel​ @buckybear5@smollyssa@trencher333@elaacreditava@singingthroughthedarkness   @sergeant-jbuckybarnes @dumpsterofsin @rashinyx2002               @capsofwinchesters @zuni-zone
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superheroabc · 7 years
My Everything part 9 is all done. Now I just have to edit!
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superheroabc · 7 years
Guess who’s half way through writing the next chapter of my everything and has no excuse for why she hasn’t been writing
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superheroabc · 7 years
Everyone needs to see this movie. Not only did it have some really funny moments but it was also really empowering. The cast was a great selection and they all did an amazing job.
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superheroabc · 7 years
Reblog if you have read fan fiction better than some published books
Help me prove a point
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superheroabc · 7 years
Surprises at the Panel
Tom Holland x Mackie! Reader
Warnings: few cuss words and a not so well written ending
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Tom was falling and he was falling hard. I mean how could he not. You were so smart, had the same humor he did and so you were so beautiful. He saw you as perfect… except there was one problem. You are Anthony Mackie’s little sister.
It all started about five months ago when Mackie took you to the avengers set. Not only did you want to meet the cast (besides Sebastian and Chris because you’ve met them before), but you also wanted to see how everything works behind the scenes sense you’re interested in directing.
As soon as you walked onto the set Mackie had everyone gather around and made a huge scene about your presence.
“Everyone, this is my baby sister, Y/N! Oh and none of you are aloud to date her!” He yelled making everyone chuckle while you groan.
“I’m a grown woman, Anthony. If you keep chasing guys off I’m gonna be single for the rest of my life.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do.”
You didn’t spend much time with your brother because he had a lot of scenes to do that day but Tom only had a few, so he kept you company.
“You know, I don’t understand why Anthony teases you so much. I think your pretty great.”
“Really?” Tom said with an evident smirk on his face. “You here that, Mackie! Y/N thinks I’m great!”
And sense then you’ve two started to get closer, Tom asked you out and you said yes but you both agreed to keep it a secret from not only the media but from your crazy brother.
Now you guys have been dating for three months and it was going great. The only people that knew was you two, Harrison and Chris (because he caught you guys kissing in between the trailers). Tom (the blabber mouth) was doing a great job keeping it a secret until today during an infinity war panel.
You came along with the cast, acting like a supportive sister but in reality you were just there to see Tom. Anthony reserved you a seat in the crowd so you could watch and take pictures for him. You took pictures of the cast walking out and ironically enough Tom was seated right in between Anthony and Seb.
The panel was going smoothly until about five minutes in the host popped the big question.
“So how many of you are in relationships?” He asked. Everyone who was seeing someone or married raised their hand, including Tom. He put it down as soon as he realized it was up and it did not go unmissed.
“Hold up, Holland! You can’t just act like you didn’t raise your hand, who’s the girl?” Asked Sebastian, making Tom’s face turn red.
“Unless the girl, Haz.” Teased Anthony.
“It’s not Haz. It’s a real girl.”
“Well who is she?” Robert asked, walking over to help get the secret out of him.
“And how long have you been together?”
“Three months.” Tom said, making eye contact with you.
“And who is she?!” Yelled Sebastian in excitement. Tom just nervously bit his lip and kept looking at you. Sebastian and Anthony followed his line of eyesight and saw that you had that same nervous look on your face, realizing who the girl was.
“You little…! Y/F/N Y/M/N Mackie, get your butt up this stage, right now!”
You slowly got up from your seat hearing the ooooooo’s from behind you not at all helping with the situation.
“I specially told all of you that none of you are allowed to date my sister.”
“And I specifically told you that I’m a grown woman.”
“And specifically told you that you’re staying single forever.”
“Come on Mackie, don’t embarrass the kids like this. They just didn’t tell you because they were scared how you would react.” Said Chris.
“Did you know?!” Anthony yelled
“Yeah, But it was an accident. That’s not the point though.”
“Come on Y/N, out of all people on set you had to date him?”
“Anthony Dwane Mackie, stop being so rude! Also don’t even front right now, you know you love Tom. You said it yourself.”
“Did not!”
“Did too! Remember when you told me how even though you always call him an asshole you and Seb see him as a little brother.”
“Aww I knew you guys like me.” Tom said with a huge smile on his face.
“Seriously Mackie? Now we can’t make Tom jokes because you blabbed your freaking mouth.” Said Sebastian, conforming how they feel about him.
“Look man I’m sorry. I really love Y/N And- shit” Tom cut himself off, realizing he’s never said it before.
“Wait, you love me?” You said with the biggest grin on your face.
“Yeah.” He Said shyly.
“I love you too.” You said while wrapping your arms around him. The crowed was awing and hollering.
“I don’t know about you, Mackie but I approve.” Said Sebastian.
“Me too.” Said Chris.
“Me three!” Said everyone else in the room. After that it was real silent, as everyone waited for his answer.
“He makes you happy?” He asked. You nodded, still hugging Tom. “Then I approve… on one condition though.”
“That is?” Tom asked, getting nervous.
“That if you ever propose you have to ask for my blessing and when you’re doing the whole one knee thing you have to say ‘if it wasn’t for your brother we would have never been as happy as we are now’. Deal?”
“Deal.” You And Tom said in unison.
“Well I guess the whole world knows we’re dating now.” You said.
“And how I’m gonna propose.” Tom said, making the whole room laugh.
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superheroabc · 7 years
"My Everything" is wonderful! Could i be added to the taglist please? Keep up the amazing work!
AH thank you! You will definitely be added to the taglist
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superheroabc · 7 years
I absolutely LOVE ‘My Everything’ ! Can I be tagged in the next parts??💗
Of course I will. SO happy you’re loving it!❤️
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superheroabc · 7 years
My Everything [part 8]
Bucky x reader
summary: You’re Bucky’s everything, but what happens when you are taken away from him?
A/N: I know the last few chapters haven’t been all that fluffy so I decided to give y’all a little bit of lovey dovey Bucky. also let me know if you’d liked to be tagged.
“Did Thor tell you?” You nodded. “Well I’m still trying. It just doesn’t look promising, so I asked him to help you not only control them but get comfortable with them and to be able to except them. So that if we fail you won’t be crushed. Although I wish Thor didn’t tell you, I’m glad he did.”
“Why’s that?” Bucky asked.
“Now we know what triggers it…Anger”
“Yup. Friday call the rest of the team up hear.” Said Tony.
Once everyone else was upstairs Tony caught the rest of them up to speed. It wasn’t something everyone understood but Tony clearly felt that he did.
“So your telling me that Y/N is basically Bruce and Thor’s child?” Sam asked
“When you put it that way I guess so.” Said Tony which made Thor very confused as he started to argue that he has no children until you kindly interrupted.
“This makes no sense. I’m an emotional wreck, I don’t think anger is the problem.”
“That’s the thing Y/N. Just like me, your always angry. Weather it’s with them or with yourself.” Said Bruce.
“And how is this supposed to help?” Natasha Asked
“Now we can run proper test. Have her try to activate it on her own a few times, make her angry a few times-“
“How the hell are those proper test. She could get seriously hurt.” Said Bucky, cutting Tony off.
“Relax snowflake, we aren’t gonna push her too far.”
“That’s the thing Tony. We don’t know how far too far is. We could think she’s doing fine until something bad happens.”
“Nothing will happen will happen to her, Buck. We’ll take every precaution we can.” Said Steve.
“Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea? Come on Wanda, she’s your best friend.”
“It might not be the best idea but it’s the only that might help her so far.”
“Y-Y/N. Do you want this?”
“I don’t know. If it gets rid of it then yeah.” This immediately broke Bucky’s heart. It’s like he couldn’t hear anything anyone said after that. He waited for the meeting to be over and went straight to his room.
By the time you were back in your separate room you were greeted with a pile of clothes and a note on your bed. You picked up the note with furrowed brows as you start to read.
The clothes on your bed is not me kicking you out of our room. It’s me saying take as much time you need. I don’t want to rush you, which is exactly why I don’t want you to do the new test plan. It sounds too dangerous, doll. But at the same time I want you to do everything you feel the need to do. I’m not against it because I want you to keep your abilities, I’m against it because I’m afraid of losing you.
I love you. Your my everything and that scares me but it also pushes me forward. I love you so much, doll.
- Bucky
When you were done reading this you had a beaming smile, something you haven’t done in awhile. You put the note down and ran to the desk to find some paper and a pen.
I would say this in person but I’m not really there yet. There’s a lot of things I want to say to you. For starters, I’m sorry. We wouldn’t be in this situation if I didn’t go on the mission or at least believed you when you said it was one of the worst bases you’ve ever been. I’m also sorry that I haven’t told you I love you since I’ve been back. I really really love you and I know you’re only trying to do what’s best for me. You don’t ever have to feel guilty for being concerned for my safety.
Love, Y/N.
Once you were done you went down the hall, slid the note under Bucky’s door and knocked so he would go to it. And he did.
As soon as he saw the note he knew it was from you and read over it at least five times.
When he was done he grabbed an entire stack of paper, a handful of pens and ran back to your room. He sat outside the door and quickly scribbled something down, praying that you’d answer him back and you did, sliding another note outside the door.
You two spent the rest of the night, writing about anything and everything as you passed notes from under your door.
@mavelfanatic  @captain-maaarvel​ @buckybear5@smollyssa@trencher333@elaacreditava@singingthroughthedarkness   @sergeant-jbuckybarnes @dumpsterofsin @rashinyx2002
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superheroabc · 7 years
summary: Bucky left something really important back at HYDRA and he plan’s on bringing that something home.
A/N: So as other writers may know our minds tend to drift while writing and although I’m working on my everything I just had to get this idea out of my head and to you guys. Hope ya’ll love it.
“Avengers, Mr. Barnes would like to see you in the conference room. He asked for you to be there now please.” Announced Friday through the compound.
Everyone left whatever room they were in to go meet Bucky, very confused. Bucky never called meetings and to be honesty this specific topic was killing him inside.
“Hey Buck what’s up?” Steve asked as everyone poured in behind him.
“Um… a lot actually. So…I-I have a daughter.” He blurted out, a little louder than he meant to.
“What!” The entire room yelled out at once.
“She… She’s the winter soldier’s daughter. It was an experiment, they made me do you know stuff with this woman so that they could have a super soldier baby offspring to train.”
“And you didn’t feel the need to tell us?!” Yelled Tony.
“Look I tried to find her myself but it didn’t work. Plus I was a little busy hiding from HYDRA, staying alive, running from you lunatics and going back into cryo and making sure that your government friends don’t find her themselves.”
“Alright let’s reel this back in and please help us wrap our minds around this.” Suggested Steve.
“I had a daughter. They put me in cryo off and on for about ten years so that she could grow up a little bit. Every time they took me out we spent a little time together so that we would know each other. By the ten year mark she had a metal leg that matched my arm and we trained together. I never got to name her but everyone including myself called her дочерний актив which is Russian for the daughter asset.”
“James, I swear if this is some joke…” Natasha threatened.
“I promise you I’m not. She’s still with HYDRA. That assasin that has yet to be caught on footage yet, is her.”
“You gotta be kidding me.” Mumbled Sam.
“Look I need your guys’ help. Now she’s dangerous. I taught her almost everything I knew. HYDRA has her on a killing spree. We just gotta catch her a save her.”
“I’m in as long as I don’t have to drive. I’m not loosing another steering wheel because of you super soldier freaks”
A few days later the team was in England by the Big Ben, some suited up and some undercover when BANG the first gunshot was heard. Sadly she wasn’t alone but that was no problem for the avengers as they took out the others and detained her easily.
They took her to the jet, being a lot more gentle then she expected. They sat her down and took off the mask that was covering her face.
“She is definitely your daughter, man.” Sam whispered, studying your features.
“Hey. You remember me?” Bucky asked sitting across from her.
“Permission to speak soldier?” She said as she bowed her head.
“You don’t need to ask permission, doll.”
“Yes, I remember you. You are the winter soldier. You are my father. Do you remember me?” She asked,making a large smile appear on Bucky’s face
“Yeah I remember. Are you brainwashed? Have they fried your brain at all?”
“No. As a young girl you told me that the best fatherly advice you could give is to always comply. So I did.”
“You don’t have to anymore. You’re safe now. I mean you can’t roam free just yet, you gotta stay with us for awhile or else they’ll try to catch ya. After everything dials down you can decide if you want to leave or stay.”
“The last time I saw you, you were talking about Captain America and how he called you Bucky. I’ve never seen you more confused in my life but you said it was nice to be called something other than solider. That it felt good to have a name so you named me Miracle because one day you and I would get out of that place.”
“I-I don’t remember that, I’m sorry. It’s a beautiful name though.”
“Yeah well it was right before your brain got turned back into mush so I wouldn’t expect you to remember. That’s not important though. The important part is that you back for me and that you remembered me at all. I-I missed you.”
“I missed you too kid.” Bucky Said, getting up from his seat to hug his daughter for the first time in years.
♡Bucky♡ taglist (let me know if you want to be tagged in all things Bucky related)                                                                                            @rashinyx2002 
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