Hi guys so this morning at 6 am, my elder sister found my out younger sister had vomited and was shaking but limp but also in a way jerky in her movements, i took out money from my paypal to try and help with hospital funds but my dad just messaged us saying that we’ve exceeded the amount we had on hand (currently running on minimal sleep while also trying to run the house)
I’m opening commissions right now to try and help with the excess costs because apparently trying to make sure my family is healthy would mean paying an arm and a leg at the hospital
If you guys can’t afford to commission me, please reblog this!
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You’ve been sentenced to 400 years for multiple murders. It’s been 399 years and your jailers are starting to get nervous.
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Fire Nation Soldiers vs Toph
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A playlist for Novel Concept.
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Novel Concept
A Remus x OFC fanfiction
Chapter 1
I had always dreamed of a wedding like this. A small church filled to the brim with the people I love, flowers tastefully placed along the outside of the pews that lined the aisle, and at the end stood the man who loved me wholeheartedly. People beaming at us as we joined ourselves together “till death do us part”, and a kiss filled with such ravishing adoration it left my knees feeling weak. 
Only, this wasn’t my wedding.
Lily and James parted to the thunderous applause of their friends. I smiled from where I stood beside them as Lily’s maid-of-honor. Happiness working hard to overshadow the slight guilt weighing down my stomach. Jealousy could do that to a girl. 
Not jealousy over the groom. Sure, I had a small crush on James Potter in my fourth year at Hogwarts, but it was short lived due to an unfortunate prank gone awry. Luckily Madam Pomphrey had been able to return my hair back to its natural state of brown and I had been miraculously cured of any romantic notions of James. No, the jealousy stemmed from the simple fact that I was alone, and they were not. 
Sirius Black whooped loudly as the newlyweds made their retreat down the aisle, with us in their party following faithfully behind them and out into the garden for photos before we left for the reception. I gave Lily back her bouquet and waited to be called for my turn with the bride in front of the camera. Sirius stood next to me looking as handsome as ever with his black hair neatly styled, strong jaw, and mischievous gray. He rested an arm on my shoulder and looked down at me with a devilish grin.
“You know, Dani, the best man and the maid-of-honor have a time honored tradition.”
I raised a dark eyebrow at him as the photographer instructed Lily and James to look at each other in what was no doubt going to be a lovely portrait. “I’m not interested in a pity shag.”
Sirius feigned offense. “You wouldn’t be a pity shag!”
“You’re right.” The photographer gestured at me to join Lily. “I wasn’t talking about me.”
A quiet snort came from over my shoulder. Remus Lupin clapped an offended Sirius on the arm as I joined a glowing Lily.
   “She’s got you there, mate.”
The reception was a smashing. Everyone danced and drank under the soft glow of the fairy lights. I sat alone at a table near the dance floor, nursing a glass of wine. Drinking had never really been a favorite pastime of mine. Neither was dancing, to be honest. I was too afraid of looking like a total prat. No doubt that was partly why I hadn’t been sorted into Gryffindor like most of my friends. Still, I enjoyed watching the merrymaking from a safe distance. It was especially nice, and rare, in these dark times. 
If you had told me five years ago that I would be sitting here watching Lily and James dance at their wedding, I would have run a diagnostic spell to check for illness of the brain. James had the strangest way of showing affection, and Lily certainly did not share his love language. It wasn’t until Seventh Year that James matured, not a lot mind you, but enough that Lily began to allow herself to develop feelings for him. It was sweet and had all the characteristics of a romance novel.
One in which I was painfully aware of my status as a supporting character. While Lily held all the characteristics of a captivating herone (beauty, brains, and wit), I just didn’t make the cut. I wasn’t an ageless beauty and I always seemed to think of the best zingers two moments too late. The only reason I had been able to supply a retort to Sirius earlier was because I knew what he was going to say. He had hinted at it for weeks, giving me optimal time to plan the perfect response. 
Loud laughter erupted from the dance floor where Sirius and Peter were in the middle of a rather scandalous tango. James, arm wrapped around his new wife, threw his head back with laughter when a rose found its way into Peter’s mouth. I snorted to myself and rolled my eyes. 
“Never a dull moment with this lot.”
Remus Lupin sat down next to me, a mirthful smile tugging at the corner of his scared lips. I had often wondered how exactly Remus had gotten in this state, hoping that it wasn’t due to an unsafe home life. Lily had assured me this wasn’t the case when I had brought my concerns to her in our Seventh year at Hogwarts. When I had pushed to try and get some answers out of her, she had patted my hand and told me it wasn’t her story to tell. 
“They certainly know how to enjoy themselves.” I agreed, taking a small sip of my wine. “You’re not going to join them?”
He shook his head, looking at me. “Best to leave it to them.”
“You say that like you’re not just as much of a trouble maker as they are.”
Remus grinned. “On the contrary, Dani. I simply hold to the belief that the best kind of trouble is the well planned kind. What about you? Not going to dance?”
I scrunched up my face, making him laugh. “Trust me, Remus. It’s for the safety of others that I remain exactly where I am.”
The song playing came to an end with applause and laughter as Sirius and Peter took deep bows. A new slower song began. Couples flooded the floor and began to move to the romantic tune. James kissed Lily’s hand before gathering her into his arms. The world seemed to disappear for the two of them. 
“I’m happy for them.” I said, shifting in my seat to shake off the pang of jealousy tickling my spine. “Do you think you’ll ever get married?”
Rumus looked down at the white table cloth in front of him, his expression clouded. “No, I don’t.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “Not one to tie yourself down, then?”
Out of his group of friends, I had always thought it most likely that Remus would be the first to settle down. He was kind, considerate, and handsome. Never would i Have pegged him for the bachelor type. Sirius, on the other hand, was definitely the type to enjoy shagging his way through the entire population of single witches in magical London. 
“Not like that.” Remus said quickly, correctly guessing my assumption that he preferred no string attached. He seemed to be searching for the right words. “I just don’t have anything to offer.”
I surveyed him over the rim of my glass. Nothing to offer? Remus had been immensely popular among the girls of our year. You could often find them gushing about their interactions with him. How he was ‘such a gentleman!’ or ‘so good looking! The scars make him so mysterious!’. 
“I dunno, Remus. Some girls are into the whole tortured yet gentle kinda thing.”
“Tortured yet gentle?” He asked, amusement coloring his tone. 
I gestured to him. “You know, the whole ‘You could never love me’ thing.” I snapped my fingers and pointed to him. “Wuthering Heights or Beauty and The Beast.”
He let out a soft laugh. “Beauty and The Beast?”
I shrugged with a grin. “It was all I could come up with.”
“Moony!” A clearly drunk Sirius stumbled towards them. “What are ya doing sittin’ over here by yourself?”
Remus sighed in an affectionate way. “I’m not by myself.”
Sirius seemed to notice me sitting there for the first time. “Dani! My-” he hiccuped. “Date.”
“I’m not your date, Sirius.” I pursed my lips in amusement.
“But it’s tradshin- er- tradition!” 
Remus stood. “I should help him get home.”
Sirius grinned widely. “Why- Moony. I dinnit realize you wanted to take me home.” He leaned against Remus, hugging himself to his friend's chest. “I feel so safe in your arms. Sorry Dani, but I’ve decided Imma shag this beast of a man.”
“Right, well, use protection?” I suggested half amused and half bewildered. 
Sirius smirked wickedly. “No condoms for us, luv. I want to be able to feel every inch of his massive-”
“All right, I think that’s enough.” Remus said firmly, dragging his friend towards the apparating stations. 
I could just make out Sirius replying “That’s not what you said last night.” as they disappeared from sight. Shaking my head, I drained the last of my drink and stood to find Lily. She and James stood to the side of the dance floor, accepting well wishes. Lily smiled when she saw me and reached for my hands. 
“I’m so happy for you, Lil.” I told her honestly, squeezing her hands.
Her eyes brimmed with happy tears. “Thank you for everything, Dani. Today has been an absolute dream.”
I turned towards James. “Take care of her, will you?”
James gazed lovingly down at Lily. “For the rest of my life.”
The week that followed blurred together. My residency at St. Mungos began, and there was so much to do and learn that I barely had time to sleep. The Maternity ward was a rewarding position. It was overflowing with happy parents welcoming their bundles of joy into the world. I had been lucky enough to be a part of twelve successful deliveries. While it was certainly much safer to have children in the magical world, it wasn’t without its risks. Not even magic could save everyone. 
Stepping out of the floo, I looked around my small flat. An old pale green sofa sat in front of the fireplace, looking extremely inviting, surrounded by potted plants and piles of books begging for my attention. I dropped my bag on the side table before going to check if any mail was waiting for me. Owls tended to be tempermentle when they had to wait for a while, and I was expecting a letter from my brother.
Seeing nothing waiting for me, I made a beeline for my bed and was about to sprawl out for a much deserved rest when the sound of the floo firing up made me pause. I wasn’t expecting anyone. Fear ran up my spine and stories from the Daily Prophet about attacks that had been escalating over the past few years sprang to mind. A dark wizard people feared so much they refused to speak his name was amassing an army. He and his followers killed anyone and everyone they felt to be unworthy to perform magic. 
I pulled my wand out of my pocket and held it tightly in front of me. My heart pounded loudly in my ears as I strained to hear sound coming from the other room. Heavy boots clunked noisily on the floor sounding hurried as they moved through the small space. Whoever it was moved towards my bedroom. Keeping my hand steady, I leapt out of my hiding spot and fired off the first spell I could think to use. 
James Potter stood in my tiny hallway looking completely bewildered. I quickly lowered my wand, and placed my hand over my thundering heart. “You absolute arse, James!”
“I’m the arse?” He said, a hint of offense in his voice. “You’re the one attacking people for no good reason!”
“Yes, well, sorry about that.” I ran my fingers through my tangled hair. “You still should have announced yourself. For all I knew, you could have been a Death Eater or something.” It was quiet for a moment. “Did you need something?”
“A medi-witch.” 
I froze. “Is Lily okay? Where is she?”
James’ eyebrows shot up and he quickly reassured me his wife was fine. “She’s with Remus. He’s the one who needs help.”
“Why don’t you just take him to St. Mungos?” I asked, confused.
James ruffled his hair. “Well, it’s private.”
“Private?” I echoed. “You do realize that there are laws in place to protect his rights and privacy.”
James' face darkened. “No, there aren’t.”
I scrunched up my face in confusion. Exactly who wouldn’t they protect Remus? He was a wizard, after all. “Are you going to tell me why?”
“No.” James shook his head. “You can ask him. Grab your medical stuff.”
A part of me thought about refusing. I was exhausted after a three day shift, and didn’t understand James’ out right refusal to take his friend to St. Mungos. Could I really just refuse when I knew they needed help I could provide? No, I couldn’t. It was, after all, why I decided to leave the art of healing. 
With a resigned sigh, I asked, “Can you at least tell me what I will be treating?”
“Wounds, although none of us know how extensive they are. That's why we need you.” James seemed to sag in relief at the lack of a fight.
I left him in the hall and went to my bedroom closet. Grabbing the bag sitting at the bottom on the floor, I hefted it onto my bed and checked to make sure it had everything I would need. James shifted impatiently behind me while I checked to make sure I had blood-replenish potions, clean bandages, murtlap essence, and a few other things. Satisfied, I hoisted the bag onto my shoulder and questered for James to lead the way. 
Instead of leading me to the floo, James grabbed my wrist, turned on the spot, and apparated us away. The sensation was one I had never gotten used to. I would much rather travel by floo and deal with the ashes on my clothes and skin than feel like I was being shoved through the eye of a needle. 
“Warn me next time.” I said weakly when my feet were once again on blessedly solid ground. 
“He’s over here.” was the only reply I got before being dragged through Potter Place to a spare bedroom. 
Lily was fussing over the blankets at the foot of the bed, Sirius was leaning against the window, and Peter sat in the single chair in the corner of the small space. My eyes fell onto the sleeping figure in the bed, and I felt a rush of anger. 
“I don’t understand your dislike of hospitals, but this is ridiculous.”
Remus had a bandage pressed haphazardly across his face that was soaked through with blood. I could also spot a gash on his chest peeking out from beneath the quilt covering him. Setting my bag on the foot of the bed, I pulled out my wand and ran a diagnostic spell. I frowned at the result. 
“What happened?”
“He, er, fell.” Peter supplied.
I snorted. “Of course. I should have realized that a fall would give him twelve lacerations across his face, arms, and torso, two cracked ribs, a broken femur, and a dangerously high fever.”
Peter mumbled something in response but I cast a charm on Remus to wake him up. He groaned and pried his blood shot eyes open with great effort. He looked, for a lack of a better word, pathetic with only one eye visible beneath the bandage. I leaned down towards him and attempted a reassuring smile. 
“Hi, Remus. Can you tell me what happened?”
He winced when he tried to sit up. “Dani? What are you doing here?”
“James asked me to come. I’m a medi-witch. Do you remember what happened?”  I kept my voice as calm and soothing as I could. 
When he hesitated I said, “Hey, it’s alright. I won’t be upset. I just need to know so I can treat your wounds properly.”
His eyes scanned my face and he remained silent. After another few moments of silence. I sighed. “We can talk about it later, then. Do you have any allergies?”
“Just acolate.” He said softly.
I put my hand over his. “Thank you for trusting me with that. I’m going to give you a blood-replenishing potion now, okay?” Remus nodded his consent and allowed me to help him drink it. “I ran a diagnostic spell when I got here. Not an extensive one, just one that would give me an idea of what I was dealing with. Do I have your permission to run a full diagnostics on you?”
He drew his eyebrows together. “What would it tell you?”
“Any allergies, medical conditions, abnormalities, and injuries you have.”
Remus closed his eyes. “No.”
I kept my face carefully composed to hide the frustration I was feeling due to the lack of cooperation I was getting from everyone. “Alright. Then I’m going to give you a sedative while I work to mend your injuries. It’ll help you sleep and reduce your fever.”
He agreed and took it without any fuss. Once he was comfortably sleeping once more, I turned to the rest of the room. “You all can wait outside while I work on him.”
“No way.” Sirius said, standing up straight.
I placed my hands on my hips. “Remus deserves to come out of this with his privacy intact.”
“How do we know you won’t run that diagnostic spell on him the minute we leave?” He demanded coldly.
Anger rose in me like waves. “Excuse me, Sirius Black, but you asked for my help. I have asked Remus for permission and he denied it, so I am bound by my word. Now you can either leave this room, or I can.”
We stared at each other for a long moment. “You wouldn’t leave him like this.”
“No. No I wouldn’t.” I looked down at my hands. “I meant what I said when I told you I was bound by my word. As a medi-witch we are made to give an oath. This oath prevents me from violating a patient's rights. That includes the right to refuse. ‘So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate.’”
“Is it magically binding?” Sirius asked, arms crossed as he gazed at me with hard eyes.
I sighed in irritation. “Yes. If I break it then I risk losing my magic, alright? Satisfied now?”
He continued to look at me with steely eyes. “For now.”
Sirius joined the rest of his friends in the hall, leaving me at last alone with my patient. Closing the door, I turned towards the bed and rolled up my sleeves before getting to work. It was exhausting work. I was already near the limit of my magic after the long shift at the hospital, and used nearly the rest of my reserve mending bones, cleaning and closing lacerations, and administering salves and potions to stave off infection and fever. I couldn’t be sure how long I worked, but by the time I allowed the others to return, Lily conjured a comfortable armchair for me to collapse in. I felt strained and nauseous as I sat there. Sirius rushed to his side, inspecting my work with a critical eye. The bandages that had been covering Remus’s face had been removed and the gashes were closed and a bright pink. The salve glistened in the light. No matter what spell I used, the scarring refused to budge. The salve would help it fade over time, but it would always be there. 
James stood at the foot of the bed, his shoulders sagging with relief as he turned to me. “Thank you, Dani.”
I nodded, feeling grim. There had been an abnormal amount of scar tissue I had to work around, sooth, and break up. There was also a glaring amount of evidence for previous breaks in his bones, not to mention hundreds of scars across his body. It made me feel sick. What exactly was happening here to leave his body so damaged? This was a conversation Remus would have no choice in having. If someone was hurting him, he would need to know it was not okay, and that there was help out there if only he would speak out against his abuser. A bitter taste filled my mouth. Whether it was towards his friends for not putting a stop to it, or my body letting me know it was overspent, I couldn’t say. 
I got to my feet and put a hand on the chair to keep me from swaying. “Right. Well, he’s stable. His fever is down and I’ve managed to set the bones. He needs to stay in bed for the time being. Push fluids and only give him broth. Absolutely no solid food for now. He won’t be able to keep it down anyway. I’ll be back tomorrow to reapply the scarring salve.”
“You’re not going to stay until he wakes up?” James asked.
“No. I’m completely spent.”
“You can stay here.” Lily stepped next to me, looking at me with concern. “I doubt you would be able to make it home, anyway.”
After a brief protest on my part, Lily managed to get her way to no one's surprise. After setting me up in another guest room, Lily went to get something for me to eat. I was asleep before she came back.
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Welcome to supporting characters. This is basically just a place for me to dump my fanfiction. There will be everything from Harry Potter, to Dragon Age, to Lord of The Rings and everything in between. 
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