supremenerd42 · 5 months
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Here are two OCs of mine, I love making OCs lol
Benjamin is a cat gremlin, Enzo is a human, they work together in a Delivery Service so they see each other a lot. However, Enzo isn't a great person, but Benjamin is very apathetic. They end up in an unofficial relationship and are boyfriends co-workers.
Benjamin is one of my most favourite characters to draw, he's very silly. He cares only about his work, less about the others he works with. He also knows how to drive. Benji has diabetes, which he deals with by avoiding sugary foods and using insulin, and he is very thankful that he moved to Italy where being able to live is easier. He also hates talking about himself and why he's missing a tooth.
Enzo is a flirty playboy who, despite being born in Mexico, didn't actually grow up there as his parents moved away very early on in his life. He doesn't know Spanish because of this. He moved to Italy himself, got his job, and originally flirted with every man he saw (including The Noise). People don't like him. He eventually met Benjamin and is now learning to be a better person in order to become his official boyfriend.
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supremenerd42 · 5 months
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Character lore time, here is Thomas.
Thomas is Theodore Noise's older brother, by two years, being the golden child who received all of the love and care from their parents. However, despite the unfair treatment, he cared a lot about Theo and tried helping him feel somewhat happy. He was, of course, upset when his brother left without saying anything, and 20 years later he moved to Italy to search for Theo. A lot of his character revolves around his brother, how the two of them got along even in tough times, and how in the current day they have to get used to being around each other as adults.
Thomas currently works at a bakery in Italy, thanks to his own learned life skills he got himself a job, he lives very modestly and isn't rich like his younger brother is. He's very normal.
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supremenerd42 · 5 months
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The girl!
She is smart and brave and confident and very outspoken and everything that Pizzelle loves. Rosette prefers wearing her hat, so she's usually seen with it on. She also does a lot of the baking at the sweet store and is very naturally talented. She is excellent with technology as well, and tends to do any repairs that are needed. She drags Pizzelle around and makes them be social occasionally, just so they see their friends every so often.
Her hairstyle and hat and rollerskate shoes are from her original design, and colour scheme is from her current design. And I don't care what the Sugary Spire devs say, Rosette and Pizzelle are Gremlins like the two characters they're based on.
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supremenerd42 · 5 months
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Suzette 'Pizzelle' Theodore moment
Everyone knows her as Pizzelle, even her wife. She uses all pronouns and doesn't seem to have a preference. Also, only Rosette is allowed to call her 'Pizzy', nobody else is. They are super duper anxious, usually, but manage it by thinking about their wife or their job. She loves both a lot. She also has this thing where making her upset (usually by making Rosette cry) will get her into a gremlin anger state where she will fight the person responsible.
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supremenerd42 · 5 months
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Sugary Spire Moment
A little bit different, I finally drew Rosette. I took parts of her beta design for this, it makes her more interesting I think. As with her counterpart, Noisette, she's a rabbit gremlin. Unlike her counterpart, she's a good chef. She's Scottish, and somewhat aggressively so. I might draw her more
Plus some bonus Pizzelle/Rosette art
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
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I had to draw something, here are the two rabbits!
Easter Sunday and Transgender Visibility Day being on the same day this year is neat, because Noisette is Trans and she is also the main rabbit character in Pizza Tower.
Happy Easter and stuff If you are Trans, I see you
Okay bye
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
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This meme is passed its time by now but it's still funny.
It's also a vague reference to the old old Demos where The Noise is the one who activates 'Pizza Time' and the text is like "Oh no, it is The Noise"
Peppino is used to the gremlin's goofy antics by now though so he does not care if The Noise is living in his walls and trying to steal the pizza or whatever it is he does.
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
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Some solo Doise, as well. He's very easy to draw, haha.
The silly guy has had heterochromia in nearly all of his different appearances, but it's been super inconsistent what his actual eye colour is, so I went with magenta and blue to match his outfit colour. I think I'll stick with this until something else becomes canon
Plus a bonus drawing of Theodore and Doise without their costumes below. I don't know if Doise has a canon real name so uh he's just Doise.
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
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The Doise Jumpscare
Up until he dies, Doise is a chaotic rival to Noise who likes to try and out-silly him. He isn't rich or anything, or famous really, he's just a gremlin who tries to copy everyone's favourite cat gremlin. And then he dies.
The Doise is just... Dog Noise. I'm keeping the spirit of him originally being a recolour of the Noise by making the only difference be their animal parts, since they are different animals.
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
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Here is the next character! Since he was in the last one, here is Sebastian. he was formerly a human but became a Demon when he did some sussy deals.
He ends up in the Pizza City and meets the gang, and is originally a bit mean, but over time he warms up to them (Noisette especially) and now he is part of the group. Occasionally. His nickname is Mr Cookie because he loves baking cookies! He CAN change how he looks, however he seems to prefer his current appearance because he has the ears to match Noisette
A fun fact about his original creation is that he used to be interested romantically in a different character, but over time his personality developed and he ended up with Noisette instead. I prefer it that way.
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
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Exactly what the art says.
The Noise likes eating random stuff, many of these are canon from the game but others are funny jokes. He has 0 survival instincts. He has also probably eaten other inedible objects for fun. The lily is there because that is a flower that is toxic to cats, and I portray him as a cat gremlin. Don't worry though he's immortal and will come back to life.
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
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Back to the bio grind here's Noisette the other main character
Yes, her real name is Hazel, because Noisette is Hazelnut in French. She loves Noise but he isn't interested in her, and eventually she gets a new boyfriend who will have a Bio drawn soon, he's a newer OC.
I love the idea of a super happy and sweet character who's secretly really strong so uh yeah, that's Hazel, if you annoy her she destroys you. Cliché trope but it's one of my favourites. Also, in the vents of her Café lives a funny guy named Fake Peppino. She is friends with him. I might draw him as well.
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
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The Noise thinks that calling his boyfriend's pizzeria constantly is funny. He did it even when they weren't together, just to hear Peppino's voice.
This is part of a "past doodles" thing where I draw stuff that happened in the past in my headcanon version of Pizza Tower, I guess.
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
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This gremlin likes music. Apparently he sings his CToP theme so I guess he sits in his TV Studio making music as well as film things haha.
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
I started creating Gremlin Refs for the rare chance that someone wants to draw one of the many gremlins from a different angle lol. I haven't finished all of them yet but here are the important ones! Both canon guys and my OCs
The Noise / Theodore / Athena (technically all one person, cat)
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Noisette (with + without hat, rabbit)
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Doriano Pomodoro (OC, Noise's Biggest Fan, raccoon)
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Paprika (OC, desert dweller, chihuahua)
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I have more gremlins to write about (most important being Pizzelle) and a bunch more OCs but I'd rather keep to primarily the canon characters first (+ Sugary Spire characters) before getting in more OCs or AUs or whatever
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
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Here is my first and main OC, Nickolas! The employee at the Pizzeria who's also Noise's boyfriend <3
Nick moved to Italy a year ago and got involved in the antics of the others, much to his displeasure. He prefers the quiet over the chaos, but doesn't really get a choice because of who his boyfriend is. His parents and brother live back in England, and he occasionally flies back to visit them. He developed OCD years ago, when a traumatic event as a child lead to him wanting everything to be perfectly clean and tidy. He hasn't had any therapy or medication for it, not realising that it's an issue. His gloves are to keep his hands clean. He's also good at both cooking and cleaning, and if it weren't for his OCD he'd have a pet cat.
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supremenerd42 · 6 months
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The second post for the new/updated bio stuff is Peppino, the main character of Pizza Tower! The silly Italian war vet whose boyfriend is the complete opposite of him.
I headcanon that he transitioned before he joined the Army, was drafted because he was listed as male officially, and received PTSD and some nice medals from it. He needed a few years after he got back to readjust to the normal world, met Noise, and eventually set up his Pizzeria. That was 13 years before current time, and the events of the game was 5 years before current time in my portrayal of their world.
Peppino and Noise have big enemies-to-lovers energy, they fight a lot in an enemy-type way but actually they do love each other. Noise just insists that they act as rivals while the cameras are on. He puts up with the antics of the gremlin because they met 20 years ago so he knows this is just what Noise is like.
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