I’ve become the head of a Warhammer playing group through sheer happenstance and I feel so weird. Cause I’m a 23 yo trans queer person leading a group of straight cis men all in their 30s.
I feel so powerful.
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people keep going on about the good old days when trans people were treated normally on the basis of some newspaper headline like "barman becomes barwoman" or something and i need y'all to tememver that was class privilege in action. trans healthcare used to be the kind of incredibly niche thing only a few people could access. the pushback we're facing now is in no small part because being trans started to become accessible to more people, the kind of people who would have had to stay in the closet their whole lives a few decades ago. The kind of people who would've neen killed for being openly trans a few decades ago. As horrifying as things are right now, this is part of making progress.
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I can’t handle having free time with no pending tasks in the same way I can’t handle creative modes in video games. Someone give me a goddamn main quest so I can focus. ;-;
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I say bollocks to proposing with a diamond ring. Offer your significant other the most otherworldly rock that reminded you of them. The more cryptic knowledge the rock projects into your mind telepathically the better.
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Another show about straight guys trying on make up and beauty routines, but they keep escalating it. Eventually they’re being forced into corsets and fitted with hoop skirts as they prepare to make their courting season debut.
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